
### R code from vignette source 'goProfiles.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: requiredFiles1
options(width=60, warn=0, digits=5)

### code chunk number 2: prostateIds

### code chunk number 3: basicProfilesMF
welsh.MF <- basicProfile (welsh01EntrezIDs[1:100], onto="MF", level=2, orgPackage="") 
singh.MF <- basicProfile (singh01EntrezIDs[1:100], onto="MF", level=2, orgPackage="") 
welsh.singh.MF <-mergeProfilesLists(welsh.MF, singh.MF, profNames=c("Welsh", "Singh"))
printProfiles(welsh.singh.MF, percentage=TRUE)

### code chunk number 4: plotProfileMF
plotProfiles (welsh.MF, aTitle="Welsh (2001). Prostate cancer data")

### code chunk number 5: basicProfilesANY
welsh <- basicProfile (welsh01EntrezIDs[1:100], onto="ANY", level=2, orgPackage="") 

### code chunk number 6: comparevisual
plotProfiles (welsh.singh.MF, percentage=T,aTitle="Welsh vs Singh", legend=T) 

### code chunk number 7: compareDiff1
compared.welsh.singh.01.MF <- compareGeneLists (welsh01EntrezIDs[1:100], singh01EntrezIDs[1:100], onto="MF", level=2, orgPackage="")

### code chunk number 8: fisherGOProf1
list1 <- welsh01EntrezIDs[1:100]
list2 <- singh01EntrezIDs[1:100]
commProf <- basicProfile(intersect(list1, list2), onto="MF", level=2, orgPackage="")$MF
fisherGOProfiles(welsh.MF$MF, singh.MF$MF, commProf, method="holm")

### code chunk number 9: compareEquiv1
expandedWelsh <- expandedProfile(welsh01EntrezIDs[1:100], onto="MF",
                        level=2, orgPackage="")
expandedSingh <- expandedProfile(singh01EntrezIDs[1:100], onto="MF",
                        level=2, orgPackage="")
commonGenes <- intersect(welsh01EntrezIDs[1:100], singh01EntrezIDs[1:100])
commonExpanded <- expandedProfile(commonGenes, onto="MF", level=2, orgPackage="")

equivMF <-equivalentGOProfiles (expandedWelsh[['MF']], 
                          qm  = expandedSingh[['MF']], 
                          pqn0= commonExpanded[['MF']])
print(equivSummary(equivMF, decs=5))

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goProfiles documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:12 p.m.