Man pages for iClusterPlus
Integrative clustering of multi-type genomic data

breast.chr17Breast cancer data set DNA copy number and mRNA expression...
CNregionsA function to remove redundant copy number regions
compute.podA function to compute the proportion of deviation from...
coordgenomic coordinates
gbmGBM data
glpgood lattice points using the uniform design
iClusterIntegrative clustering of multiple genomic data types
iCluster2Integrative clustering of multiple genomic data types
iClusterBayesIntegrative clustering of multiple genomic data types
iClusterPlusIntegrative clustering of multiple genomic data types
plotHeatmapA function to generate heatmap panels sorted by integrated...
plotHMBayesA function to generate heatmap panels sorted by integrated...
plotiClusterA function to generate cluster separability matrix plot.
plotRIA function to generate reproducibility index plot.
simuResultThe results for the analysis of the simulated data.
tune.iCluster2Integrative clustering of multiple genomic data types
tune.iClusterBayesIntegrative clustering of multiple genomic data
tune.iClusterPlusIntegrative clustering of multiple genomic data
utilityUtility functions for iClusterPlus package
variation.hg18.v10.nov.2010Human genome variants of the NCBI 36 (hg18) assembly
iClusterPlus documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:01 p.m.