
Defines functions .get_mean_var_given_matrix .get_mean_var_table .apply_dropout .sim_expr_val_mean_var_no_dropout .sim_expr_val_mean_var .get_simulated_cell_matrix_using_meanvar_trend_given_normal_matr .get_simulated_cell_matrix_using_meanvar_trend_helper .get_simulated_cell_matrix_using_meanvar_trend

.get_simulated_cell_matrix_using_meanvar_trend <- function(infercnv_obj, gene_means, num_cells, include.dropout=FALSE) {

    # should be working on the total sum count normalized data.
    # model the mean variance relationship

    mean_var_table = .get_mean_var_table(infercnv_obj)

    dropout_logistic_params <- NULL

    if (include.dropout) {

        mean_p0_table <- .get_mean_vs_p0_table(infercnv_obj)

        dropout_logistic_params <- .get_logistic_params(mean_p0_table)

    return(.get_simulated_cell_matrix_using_meanvar_trend_helper(gene_means, mean_var_table, num_cells, dropout_logistic_params))

.get_simulated_cell_matrix_using_meanvar_trend_helper <- function(gene_means, mean_var_table, num_cells, dropout_logistic_params=NULL) {

    ngenes = length(gene_means)

    logm = log(mean_var_table$m + 1)
    logv = log(mean_var_table$v + 1)

    mean_var_spline = smooth.spline(logv ~ logm)

    spike_cell_names = paste0('sim_cell_', seq_len(num_cells))

    sim_cell_matrix = matrix(rep(0,ngenes*num_cells), nrow=ngenes)
    rownames(sim_cell_matrix) = names(gene_means)
    colnames(sim_cell_matrix) = spike_cell_names

    sim_expr_vals <- function(gene_idx) {
        m = gene_means[gene_idx]
        return(.sim_expr_val_mean_var_no_dropout(m, mean_var_spline))

    for (i in seq_len(num_cells)) {
        newvals = sapply(seq_len(ngenes), FUN=sim_expr_vals)
        sim_cell_matrix[,i] = newvals

    ## apply dropout
    if (!is.null(dropout_logistic_params)) {
        sim_cell_matrix <- .apply_dropout(sim_cell_matrix, dropout_logistic_params)

.get_simulated_cell_matrix_using_meanvar_trend_given_normal_matrix <- function(gene_means, normal_counts_matrix, num_cells, include.dropout=TRUE, cell_groupings=NULL) {

    mean_var_table <- .get_mean_var_given_matrix(normal_counts_matrix, cell_groupings)

    dropout_logistic_params <- NULL
    if (include.dropout) {
        mean_vs_p0_table <- .get_mean_vs_p0_table_from_matrix(normal_counts_matrix, cell_groupings)
        dropout_logistic_params <- .get_logistic_params(mean_vs_p0_table)

    sim_matrix <- .get_simulated_cell_matrix_using_meanvar_trend_helper(gene_means, mean_var_table, num_cells, dropout_logistic_params)


##' @keywords internal
##' @noRd

.sim_expr_val_mean_var <- function(m,  mean_var_spline, dropout_logistic_params) {

    # include drop-out prediction
    val = 0
    if (m > 0) {
        logm = log(m+1)
        pred_log_var = predict(mean_var_spline, logm)$y

        var = max(exp(pred_log_var)-1, 0)

        val = round(max(rnorm(n=1, mean=m, sd=sqrt(var)), 0))

        if ( (! is.null(dropout_logistic_params)) & val > 0) {

            dropout_prob <- predict(dropout_logistic_params$spline, log(val))$y[1]
            if (runif(1) <= dropout_prob) {
                ## a drop-out
                val = 0


.sim_expr_val_mean_var_no_dropout <- function(m,  mean_var_spline) {

    val = 0
    if (m > 0) {
        logm = log(m+1)
        pred_log_var = predict(mean_var_spline, logm)$y

        var = max(exp(pred_log_var)-1, 0)

        val = round(max(rnorm(n=1, mean=m, sd=sqrt(var)), 0))

.apply_dropout <- function(counts.matrix, dropout_logistic_params) {
    counts.matrix <- apply(counts.matrix, 1, function(x) {

        mean.val = mean(x)
        dropout_prob <- predict(dropout_logistic_params$spline, log(mean.val))$y[1]

        nzeros = sum(x==0)
        ntotal = length(x)
        nremaining = ntotal - nzeros

        # padj = ( (pzero*total) - (current_nzero) ) / remaining

        padj = ( (dropout_prob * ntotal) - (nzeros) ) / nremaining
        padj = max(padj, 0)
        flog.debug(sprintf("mean.val: %g, dropout_prob: %g, adj_dropout_prob: %g",

        x.adj = sapply(x, function(y) {
            if(runif(1) <= padj) {
            } else {
        } )





##' .get_mean_var_table()
##' Computes the gene mean/variance table based on all defined cell groupings (reference and observations)
##' @param infercnv_obj An infercnv object populated with raw count data
##' @return data.frame with 3 columns: group_name, mean, variance
##' @keywords internal
##' @noRd

.get_mean_var_table <- function(infercnv_obj) {

    group_indices = c(infercnv_obj@observation_grouped_cell_indices, infercnv_obj@reference_grouped_cell_indices)

    mean_variance_table <- .get_mean_var_given_matrix(infercnv_obj@expr.data, group_indices)



.get_mean_var_given_matrix <- function(expr.matrix, cell_cluster_groupings=NULL) {

    if (is.null(cell_cluster_groupings)) {
        ## use all cells
        cell_cluster_groupings = list(allcells=seq(ncol(expr.matrix)))

    mean_var_table <- NULL

    for (group_name in names(cell_cluster_groupings)) {
        expr.data = expr.matrix[, cell_cluster_groupings[[ group_name ]] ]
        m = rowMeans(expr.data)
        v = apply(expr.data, 1, var)
        if (is.null(mean_var_table)) {
            mean_var_table = data.frame(g=group_name, m=m, v=v)
        } else {
            mean_var_table = rbind(mean_var_table, data.frame(g=group_name, m=m, v=v))


##' .get_spike_in_average_bounds()
##' return mean bounds for expression of all cells in the spike-in
##' @param infercnv_obj An infercnv object populated with raw count data
##' @return c(left_bound, right_bound)
##' @keywords internal
##' @noRd

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infercnv documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 11:10 p.m.