
Defines functions getPositionMetadata.seq setPositionMetadata.seq swdWeight gaussWeight expWeight linWeight

Documented in expWeight gaussWeight linWeight swdWeight

#' @rdname positionDependentKernel
#' @title Position Dependent Kernel
#' @aliases
#' positionDependentKernel
#' PositionDependentKernel
#' positionSpecificKernel
#' PositionSpecificKernel
#' distanceWeightedKernel
#' DistanceWeightedKernel
#' @description Assign position related metadata and reate a kernel object
#' with position dependency
#' @details
#' Position Dependent Kernel \cr\cr
#' For the standard spectrum kernel kmers are considered independent of their
#' position in the calculation of the similarity value between two sequences.
#' For position dependent kernels the position of a kmer/pattern is also of
#' importance. Position information for a pair of sequences can be used in
#' a \code{\link{sequenceKernel}} in three different ways representing the
#' full range of position dependency:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Position independent kernel: ignores the position of patterns and
#' just takes the number of their occurances or their presence (see parameter
#' \code{presence} in functions \code{\link{spectrumKernel},
#' \link{gappyPairKernel}, \link{motifKernel}}) in the sequences
#' into account for similarity determination.}
#' \item{Distance weighted kernel: uses the position related distance between
#' the occurance of the same pattern in the two sequences in weighted form as
#' contribution to the similarity value (see below under Distance Weighted
#' kernel)}
#' \item{Position specific kernel: considers patterns only if they occur at
#' the same position in the two sequences (see below under Position Specific
#' Kernel)}
#' }
#' Position dependency is available in all kernels except the mismatch
#' kernel.\cr\cr
#' Distance Weighted Kernel\cr\cr
#' These kernels weight the contribution to the similarity value
#' based on the distance of their start positions in the two sequences. The
#' user can define the distance weights either through passing a distance
#' weighting function or a weight vector to the kernel. Through this weighting
#' the degree of locality in the similarity consideration between two sequences
#' can be adjusted flexibly. Such a position dependent kernel can be used in
#' the same way as the normal position independent kernel variant. Distance
#' weighting can be used for all kernels in this package except the mismatch
#' kernel. The package defines four predefined weighting functions (see also
#' examples):
#' \itemize{
#' \item{linWeigth: a weighting function with linear decrease}
#' \item{expWeight: a weighting function with exponential decrease}
#' \item{gaussWeigth: a bell-shaped weighting function with a decrease similar
#'       to a gaussian distribution}
#' \item{swdWeight: the distance weighting function used in the Shifted Weighted
#'       Degree (SWD) kernel which is similar to an exponential decrease but
#'       it has a smaller peak and larger tails}
#' }
#' Also user-defined functions can be used for distance weighting.
#' (see below)\cr\cr
#' Position Specific Kernel \cr\cr
#' One variant of position dependent kernels is the position specific kernel.
#' This kernel takes patterns into account only if they are located at
#' identical positions in the two sequences. This kernel can be selected
#' through passing a distance weight value of 1 to the kernel indicating that
#' the neighborhood of a pattern in the other sequence is irrelevant for the
#' similarity consideration. This kernel is in fact one end of the
#' spectrum (sic!) where locality is reduced to the exact location and the
#' normal position independent kernel is at the other end - not caring about
#' position at all. Through adjustment of sigma in the predefined functions
#' a continous blending between these two extremes is possible for the degree
#' of locality. Evaluation of position information is controlled through
#' setting the parameter \code{distWeight} to 1 in the functions
#' \code{\link{spectrumKernel}, \link{gappyPairKernel}, \link{motifKernel}}.
#' This parameter value is in fact interpreted as a numeric vector with 1 for
#' zero distance and 0 for all other distances.\cr\cr
#' Positive Definiteness\cr\cr
#' The standard SVMs only support positive definite kernels / kernel matrices.
#' This means that the distance weighting function must must be chosen such
#' that the resulting kernel is positive definite. For positive definiteness
#' also symmetry of the distance weighting function is important. Unlike usual
#' distances the relative distance value here can have positive and negative
#' values dependent on whether the pattern in the second sequence is located
#' at higher or lower positions than the pattern in the first sequence. The
#' predefined distance weighting functions except for swdWeight deliver a
#' positive definite kernel for all parameter settings. According to Sonnenburg
#' et al. 2005 the SWD kernel has empirically shown positive definiteness but
#' it is not proved for this kernel. If a weight vector with predefined weights
#' per distance is passed to the kernel instead of a distance weighting
#' function positive definiteness of the kernel must also be ensured by
#' adequate selection of the weight values.\cr\cr
#' User-Defined Distance Function\cr\cr
#' For user defined distance functions symmetry and positive definitness of
#' the resulting kernel are important. Such a function gets a numeric distance
#' vector 'x' as input (and possibly other parameters controlling the weighting
#' behavior) and returns a weight vector of identical length. When
#' called with a missing parameter x all other parameters must be supplied or
#' have appropriate default values. In this case the function must return a
#' new function with just the single parameter x which calls the original user
#' defined function with x and all the other parameters set to the values passed
#' in the call. \cr\cr
#' This behavior is needed for assignment of the function with missing
#' parameter x to the distWeight parameter in the kernel. At the time of kernel
#' definition the actual distance values are not available.  Later when
#' sequence data is passed to this kernel for generation of a kernel matrix or
#' an explicit representation this single argument function is called to get
#' the distance dependent weights. The code for the predefined \code{expWeight}
#' function in the example section below shows how a user-specific
#' function can be set up.\cr\cr
#' Offset\cr\cr
#' To allow flexible alignment of sequence positions without redefining the
#' XStringSet or BioVector an additional metadata element named offset can be
#' assigned to the sequence set via \code{positionMetadata<-} (see example
#' below). Position metadata is a numeric vector with the same number of
#' elements as the sequence set and gives for each sequence an offset to
#' position 1. When positions metadata is not assigned to a sequence set the
#' position 1 is associated with the first character in each sequence of the
#' sequence set., i.e. in this case the sequences should be aligned such that
#' all have the same starting positions with respect to the learning task
#' (e.g. all sequences start at a transcription start site). Offset information
#' is only evaluated in position dependent kernel variants.
#' @seealso \code{\link{spectrumKernel}}, \code{\link{gappyPairKernel}},
#' \code{\link{motifKernel}}, \code{\link{annotationMetadata}},
#' \code{\link{metadata}}, \code{\link{mcols}}
#' @examples
#' ## plot predefined weighting functions for sigma=10
#' curve(linWeight(x, sigma=10), from=-20, to=20, xlab="pattern distance",
#' ylab="weight", main="Predefined Distance Weighting Functions", col="green")
#' curve(expWeight(x, sigma=10), from=-20, to=20, col="blue", add=TRUE)
#' curve(gaussWeight(x, sigma=10), from=-20, to=20, col="red", add=TRUE)
#' curve(swdWeight(x), from=-20, to=20, col="orange", add=TRUE)
#' legend('topright', inset=0.03, title="Weighting Functions", c("linWeight",
#'        "expWeight", "gaussWeight", "swdWeight"), 
#'        fill=c("green", "blue", "red", "orange"))
#' text(14, 0.70, "sigma = 10")
#' ## instead of user provided sequences in XStringSet format
#' ## for this example a set of DNA sequences is created
#' ## RNA- or AA-sequences can be used as well with the motif kernel
#' names(dnaseqs) <- paste("S", 1:length(dnaseqs), sep="")
#' ## create a distance weighted spectrum kernel with linear decrease of
#' ## weights in a range of 20 bases
#' spec20 <- spectrumKernel(k=3, distWeight=linWeight(sigma=20))
#' ## show details of kernel object
#' kernelParameters(spec20)
#' ## this kernel can be now be used in a classification or regression task
#' ## in the usual way or a kernel matrix can be generated for use with
#' ## another learning method
#' km <- spec20(x=dnaseqs, selx=1:5)
#' km[1:5,1:5]
#' \dontrun{
#' ## instead of a distance weighting function also a weight vector can be
#' ## passed in the distWeight parameter but the values must be chosen such
#' ## that they lead to a positive definite kernel
#' ##
#' ## in this example only patterns within a 5 base range are considered with
#' ## slightly decreasing weights
#' specv <- spectrumKernel(k=3, distWeight=c(1,0.95,0.9,0.85,0.8))
#' km <- specv(dnaseqs)
#' km[1:5,1:5]
#' ## position specific spectrum kernel
#' specps <- spectrumKernel(k=3, distWeight=1)
#' km <- specps(dnaseqs)
#' km[1:5,1:5]
#' ## get position specific kernel matrix
#' km <- specps(dnaseqs)
#' km[1:5,1:5]
#' ## example with offset to align sequence positions (e.g. the
#' ## transcription start site), the value gives the offset to position 1
#' positionOne <- c(9,6,3,1,6)
#' positionMetadata(dnaseqs) <- positionOne
#' ## show position metadata
#' positionMetadata(dnaseqs)
#' ## generate kernel matrix with position-specific spectrum kernel
#' km1 <- specps(dnaseqs)
#' km1[1:5,1:5]
#' ## example for a user defined weighting function
#' ## please stick to the order as described in the comments below and
#' ## make sure that the resulting kernel is positive definite
#' expWeightUserDefined <- function(x, sigma=1)
#' {
#'     ## check presence and validity of all parameters except for x
#'     if (!isSingleNumber(sigma))
#'         stop("'sigma' must be a number")
#'     ## if x is missing the function returns a closure where all parameters
#'     ## except for x have a defined value
#'     if (missing(x))
#'         return(function(x) expWeightUserDefined(x, sigma=sigma))
#'     ## pattern distance vector x must be numeric
#'     if (!is.numeric(x))
#'         stop("'x' must be a numeric vector")
#'     ## create vector of distance weights from the
#'     ## input vector of pattern distances x
#'     exp(-abs(x)/sigma)
#' }
#' ## define kernel object with user defined weighting function
#' specud <- spectrumKernel(k=3, distWeight=expWeightUserDefined(sigma=5),
#'                    normalized=FALSE)
#' }
#' @author Johannes Palme <kebabs@@bioinf.jku.at>
#' @references
#' \url{http://www.bioinf.jku.at/software/kebabs}\cr\cr
#' (Bodenhofer, 2009) -- U. Bodenhofer, K. Schwarzbauer, M. Ionescu and
#' S. Hochreiter. Modelling position specificity in sequence kernels by fuzzy
#' equivalence relations. \cr\cr
#' (Sonnenburg, 2005) -- S. Sonnenburg, G. Raetsch and B. Schoelkopf.
#' Large Scale Genomic Sequence SVM Classifiers. \cr\cr
#' J. Palme, S. Hochreiter, and U. Bodenhofer (2015) KeBABS: an R package
#' for kernel-based analysis of biological sequences.
#' \emph{Bioinformatics}, 31(15):2574-2576, 2015.
#' DOI: \href{http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btv176}{10.1093/bioinformatics/btv176}.
#' @keywords kernel
#' @keywords distance
#' @keywords methods

#' @rdname positionDependentKernel
#' @param d a numeric vector of distance values
#' @param sigma a positive numeric value defining the peak width or in case of
#' gaussWeight the width of the bell function (details see below)
#' @return
#' The distance weighting functions return a numerical vector with distance
#' weights.
#' @export

linWeight <- function(d, sigma=1)
    if (!isSingleNumber(sigma))
        stop("'sigma' must be a number\n")

    if (missing(d))
        return(function(d) linWeight(d, sigma=sigma))

    if (!is.numeric(d))
        stop("'d' must be a numeric vector\n")

    sapply(1-abs(d)/sigma, function(x){max(x,0)})

#' @rdname positionDependentKernel
#' @export

expWeight <- function(d, sigma=1)
    if (!isSingleNumber(sigma))
        stop("'sigma' must be a number\n")

    if (missing(d))
        return(function(d) expWeight(d, sigma=sigma))

    if (!is.numeric(d))
        stop("'d' must be a numeric vector\n")


#' @rdname positionDependentKernel
#' @export

gaussWeight <- function(d, sigma=1)
    if (!isSingleNumber(sigma))
        stop("'sigma' must be a number\n")

    if (missing(d))
        return(function(d) gaussWeight(d, sigma=sigma))

    if (!is.numeric(d))
        stop("'d' must be a numeric vector\n")


#' @rdname positionDependentKernel
#' @export

swdWeight <- function(d)
    if (missing(d))
        return(function(d) swdWeight(d))

    if (!is.numeric(d))
        stop("'d' must be a numeric vector\n")


setPositionMetadata.seq <- function(x, ... , value)
    if (is.null(value))
        ## reset offset element metadata
        emd <- mcols(x)

        if (is(emd, "DataFrame_OR_NULL"))
            posCol <- which(colnames(emd) == "offset")

            if (length(posCol == 1))
                emd <- emd[, -posCol, drop=FALSE]

                if (ncol(emd) == 0)
                    emd <- NULL

                mcols(x) <- emd


    if (!is.integer(value))
        ## try to convert to character vector
        value <- tryCatch(as.integer(value),
                           warning=function(w) {stop(w)},
                           error=function(e) {stop(e)})

    if (length(x) != length(value))
        stop("the length of 'offset' must match the length of 'x'\n")

    emd <- mcols(x)

    if (is.null(emd))
        emd <- DataFrame(offset=value)
        rownames(emd) <- NULL
        if (!is(emd, "DataFrame_OR_NULL"))
            stop("element metadata in 'x' must be a DataFrame\n",
                 "       object or NULL\n")

        emd$offset <- value

    initialize(x, elementMetadata=emd)

#' @rdname positionDependentKernel
#' @name positionMetadata<-
#' @aliases
#' positionMetadata<-
#' positionMetadata<-,XStringSet-method
#' positionMetadata<-,BioVector-method
#' @usage ## S4 method for signature 'XStringSet'
#' ## positionMetadata(x) <- value
#' ## S4 method for signature 'BioVector'
#' ## positionMetadata(x) <- value
#' @param x biological sequences in the form of a
#' \code{\linkS4class{DNAStringSet}}, \code{\linkS4class{RNAStringSet}},
#' \code{\linkS4class{AAStringSet}} (or as \code{\linkS4class{BioVector}})
#' @param value for assignment of position metadata the value is an integer
#' vector with gives the offset to the start position 1 for each sequence.
#' Positive and negative offset values are possible. Without position metadata
#' all sequences must be aligned and start at position 1. For deletion of
#' position metadata set value to NULL.
#' @export

setReplaceMethod("positionMetadata", "XStringSet", setPositionMetadata.seq)
setReplaceMethod("positionMetadata", "BioVector", setPositionMetadata.seq)

getPositionMetadata.seq <- function(x)

#' @rdname positionDependentKernel
#' @name positionMetadata
#' @aliases
#' positionMetadata
#' positionMetadata,XStringSet-method
#' @export

setMethod("positionMetadata", "XStringSet", getPositionMetadata.seq)

#' @rdname positionDependentKernel
#' @name positionMetadata
#' @aliases
#' positionMetadata,BioVector-method
#' @export

setMethod("positionMetadata", "BioVector", getPositionMetadata.seq)

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