
Defines functions run_scones evo

Documented in evo run_scones

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#' Run evo.
#' @description Run evo.
#' @param X A matrix with the genotypes.
#' @param Y A vector with the phenptypes.
#' @param W A sparse matrix containing the adjacency matrix of the network.
#' @param opts A named list with the settings.
#' @return An object with the evo results.
evo <- function(X, Y, W, opts) {
    .Call('_martini_evo', PACKAGE = 'martini', X, Y, W, opts)

#' Run shake.
#' @description Run scones.
#' @param c A vector with the association of each SNP with the phenotype.
#' @param eta A numeric with the value of the eta parameter.
#' @param lambda A numeric with the value of the eta parameter.
#' @param W A sparse matrix with the connectivity.
#' @return A list with vector indicating if the feature was selected and the 
#' objective score.
run_scones <- function(c, eta, lambda, W) {
    .Call('_martini_run_scones', PACKAGE = 'martini', c, eta, lambda, W)

# Register entry points for exported C++ functions
methods::setLoadAction(function(ns) {
    .Call('_martini_RcppExport_registerCCallable', PACKAGE = 'martini')

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martini documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:39 p.m.