#' A class to manage metagene analysis.
#' This metagene2 class encapsulates all of the steps necessary to perform
#' metagene analyses, which are aggregations of coverages over multiple regions
#' (genes) to reveal patterns that might not be apparent from looking at
#' individual regions. It will allow to load, convert and normalize bam
#' alignments and regions files/data. Once the data is ready, the user can then
#' choose to produce metagene plots on the data or some subset of it.
#' Most metagene analyses are a two-step affair:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Initialize the object using \code{mg = metagene2$new()}, specifying
#' which regions and bam files should be used for the analysis.
#' \item Generate a metagene plot using \code{mg$produce_metagene}, specifying
#' any additional parameter (Number of bins, facetting variables, etc).
#' }
#' The \code{metagene2} object will then internally chain all 6 required
#' processing steps, updating its internal caches along the way:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Coverages are inferred from bam files (\code{metagene2$new}).
#' \item Coverages from multiple bam files are grouped and normalized
#' (\code{mg$group_coverages}).
#' \item Coverages are binned together (\code{mg$bin_coverages})
#' \item Binned coverages are split according to the type of region they belong
#' to (\code{mg$split_coverages_by_regions}).
#' \item Coverage means and confidence intervals are calculated for each
#' region * group combination (\code{mg$calculate_ci}).
#' \item Metadata is added to the calculated coverages (
#' \code{mg$add_metadata}).
#' \item The metagene is plotted (\code{mg$plot}).
#' }
#' Each of these steps has an associated function, which takes as input certain
#' parameters of the metagene analysis and returns an intermediary structure
#' of interest (coverages, binned coverages, long-form data frame of confidence
#' intervals, etc). Those are described below, in the "Processing methods"
#' section.
#' All processing methods automatically call previous processing steps if
#' those have not already been run. For example, there is no need to call
#' \code{mg$group_coverages()} before calling \code{mg$bin_coverages()}: the
#' metagene2 object will automatically detect that certain prerequisite steps
#' have not yet been performed, and run them.
#' Additionally, when calling produce_metagene a second time to change certain
#' analysis parameters after generating an initial metagene plot, only the
#' required caches are reset: all non-impacted aspects of the analysis are left
#' untouched, decreasing processing time.
#' For further examples, see the metagene2 vignette.
#' @section Constructor:
#' \strong{Usage:}
#' \code{mg <- metagene2$new(regions, bam_files, padding_size = 0,
#' cores = SerialParam(), verbose = FALSE,
#' force_seqlevels = FALSE, paired_end = FALSE,
#' assay = 'chipseq', strand_specific=FALSE,
#' paired_end_strand_mode=2,
#' region_mode="auto", region_metadata=NULL,
#' extend_reads=0, invert_strand=FALSE, ...)}
#' \strong{Description:}
#' This method returns a new \code{metagene2} object. Upon initialization, a
#' \code{metagene2} object calculates coverages over all given regions in the
#' provided bam files. Any and all parameter associated with any of the
#' processing steps can be initialized upon object construction. All analysis
#' parameters that are not explicitly specified in the constructor call are
#' initialized to sensible defaults.
#' \strong{Parameters:}
#' \describe{
#' \item{regions}{A description of all regions over which metagenes will be calculated.
#' When \code{region_mode} is "separate", those should be provided using
#' a \code{GRanges} object representing all individual, contiguous regions
#' to be examined.
#' When \code{region_mode} is "stitch", those should be provided using a
#' \code{GRangesList} object where each individual \code{GRanges} element
#' represents a set of regions to be stitched together.
#' As a convenience, in "separate" mode, \code{metagene2} will convert any
#' passed in \code{GRangesList} into an unlisted \code{GRanges} with an
#' additional \code{region_name} metadata column containing
#' the name of the \code{GRangesList} element it was extracted
#' from.
#' Also as a convenience, \code{regions} can also be a \code{character}
#' \code{vector} of filenames, which are then imported into a GRangesList.
#' Supported file formats are BED, narrowPeak, broadPeak, gff and gtf.}
#' \item{bam_files}{A \code{vector} of BAM filenames. The BAM files must be
#' indexed. i.e.: if a file is named file.bam, there must
#' be a file named file.bam.bai or file.bai in the same
#' directory. If \code{bam_files} is a named vector, then the provided names
#' can be used downstream to refer to those bam files. If no
#' names are provided, \code{metagene2} will try to infer appropriate ones.}
#' \item{assay}{\code{'chipseq'}, \code{'rnaseq'} or NULL. If non-NULL, metagene will
#' set other parameters, such as region_mode and strand_specific, to logical
#' values for the given assay. Default: \code{'chipseq'}}
#' \item{region_mode}{Set the way the \code{regions} parameter is interpreted. Can be
#' \code{'separate'}, \code{'stitch'} or \code{'auto'}. In separate mode,
#' \code{regions} is expected to be a GRanges defining individual, contiguous regions. In
#' \code{'stitch'} mode, \code{regions} is expected to be a GRangesList
#' where each \code{GRanges} element represents a set of regions to be
#' stitched together and treated as a single logical region. If \code{'auto'}
#' then a logical value is inferred from the \code{assay} parameter.
#' Default: \code{'auto'}}
#' \item{region_metadata}{A data-frame of metadata to be associated with the elements of \code{regions}.
#' It must contain has many rows as there are elements in \code{regions}. If
#' \code{region_metadata} is NULL but \code{regions} has an mcols element,
#' then it is used.}
#' \item{padding_size}{The provided \code{regions} will be extended on each side by the
#' value of this parameter. The padding_size must be a
#' non-negative integer. Default = 0.}
#' \item{cores}{The number of cores available to parallelize the analysis.
#' Either a positive integer or a \code{BiocParallelParam}.
#' Default: \code{SerialParam()}.}
#' \item{verbose}{Print progression of the analysis. A logical constant.
#' Default: \code{FALSE}.}
#' \item{force_seqlevels}{If \code{TRUE}, remove regions that are not found
#' in bam file header. Default: \code{FALSE}. \code{TRUE} and \code{FALSE}
#' respectively correspond to pruning.mode = "coarse"
#' and "error" in ?seqinfo.}
#' \item{paired_end}{Set this to \code{TRUE} if the provided bam files
#' describe paired-end reads. If \code{FALSE}, single-ended
#' data are expected. Default: \code{FALSE}}
#' \item{strand_specific}{If \code{TRUE}, only reads which align to the same
#' strand as those specified in \code{regions} will
#' count toward coverage for that region. Useful for RNA-seq
#' profiles generated from strand-specific libraries, such
#' as Illumina TruSeq. Default: \code{'FALSE'}}
#' \item{paired_end_strand_mode}{\code{'1'} or \code{'2'}. In paired-end mode,
#' indicates which read in a pair sets the pair's strand.
#' If \code{1}, this is the first read (This should be used
#' with directional protocols such as Directional Illumina
#' (Ligation) or Standard SOLiD).
#' If \code{2}, this is the second read (This should be used
#' with directional protocols such as dUTP, NSR, NNSR,
#' or Illumina stranded TruSeq PE).
#' Ignored if either paired_end or strand_specific is FALSE.
#' Default: \code{'2'}}
#' \item{extend_reads}{Extend individual reads to have a minimum length equal to this parameter.
#' When set to 0, no read extension occurs. This is useful for single-end
#' chip-seq experiments, where the length of the captured fragment is usually
#' longer than the sequenced read.}
#' \item{invert_strand}{If \code{TRUE}, coverages for the given regions will be inferred
#' from the coverage on the strand opposite theirs. Useful
#' for single-end stranded experiments which use cDNA.
#' This parameter is ignored if strand-specific is \code{FALSE}.}
#' \item{...}{Additional parameters for the metagene analysis. See \code{produce_metagene}
#' for a list of possible parameters.}
#' }
#' \code{metagene2$new} returns a \code{metagene2} object that contains the
#' coverages for every BAM files in the regions from the \code{regions}
#' parameter.
#' @return
#' \code{metagene2$new} returns a \code{metagene2} object which contains the
#' normalized coverage values for every regions in all specified BAM files.
#' @section produce_metagene():
#' \strong{Usage:}
#' \code{mg$produce_metagene(...)}
#' \strong{Description:}
#' \code{produce_metagene} is the workhorse method of the metagene2 object.
#' This method performs all of the necessary analysis steps for the production
#' of the metagene plot, and returns that plot. Any and all parameters of the
#' metagene analysis, as documented in the individual processing steps, can be
#' passed to \code{produce_metagene}. The metagene2 object will then determines
#' which intermediate caches would be affected by changes to those parameters,
#' invalidate them, and rerun all steps up to the plotting. This makes
#' \code{produce_metagene} ideal for fast, iterative takes on the data.
#' Below we present those parameters and a brief description of their usage.
#' Please refer to the affected processing step for a more in-depth explanation
#' of each parameter.
#' \strong{Parameters:}
#' \describe{
#' \item{design}{A \code{data.frame} that describes the grouping of the bam files
#' into design groups. By default, each bam file is its own design group.
#' See \code{group_coverages}.}
#' \item{normalization}{The algorithm to use to normalize coverages,
#' \code{NULL} (no normalization) or "RPM". By default,
#' no normalization occurs. See \code{group_coverages}.}
#' \item{design_filter}{Indices indicating which subset of design groups should
#' be included in the analysis. By default, all design
#' groups/bam files are included. See
#' \code{group_coverages}.}
#' \item{bin_count}{The number of bins regions should be split into. Defaults
#' to 100. See \code{bin_coverages}.}
#' \item{region_filter}{The subset of regions to be kept for the analysis.
#' By default, all regions are kept. See \code{bin_coverages}}
#' \item{split_by}{Which metadata columns should we use to split the set of
#' regions into subset of interests? Defaults to "region_name",
#' an automatically added column.
#' See \code{split_coverages_by_regions}.}
#' \item{alpha}{The alpha level of the confidence interval estimates.
#' Defaults to 0.05. See \code{calculate_ci}.}
#' \item{sample_count}{The number of draws to perform in the bootstrap
#' calculations used to calculate the confidence inteval.
#' Defaults to 1000. See \code{calculate_ci}}
#' \item{resampling_strategy}{The resampling strategy to be used when performing the
#' bootstrap analysis, which can be either \code{'profile'}
#' or \code{'bin'}. Defaults to \code{'bin'}. See
#' \code{calculate_ci}.}
#' \item{design_metadata}{A data-frame containing metadata for the design groups.
#' By default, no metadata is associated. See
#' \code{add_metadata}.}
#' \item{title}{A title to add to the graph. See \code{plot}.}
#' \item{x_label}{X-axis label for the metagene plot. See \code{plot}.}
#' \item{facet_by}{A formula to be used for facetting the metagene plot.
#' By default, no facetting occurs. See \code{plot}.}
#' \item{group_by}{The metadata column used to build the color scale. By
#' default, the combination of design and region name is
#' used. See \code{plot}.}
#' }
#' @section Processing methods:
#' Each of the following methods perform one step of metagene processing.
#' Most do not need to be called explicitly. Instead, you can simply call
#' \code{produce_metagene}. However, you can use them to access intermediary
#' results: grouped coverages, binned coverages, split coverages, and long-form
#' data-frame of coverages with confidence intervals.
#' @section group_coverages:
#' \strong{Usage:}
#' \code{mg$group_coverages(design=NA, normalization=NA,
#' design_filter=NA, simplify=FALSE)}
#' \strong{Description:}
#' This method normalizes genome-wide coverages, then groups
#' them according to the specified design groups. It returns
#' a list of possible read orientations (+, -, *), each element
#' of which is either NULL (depending on the value of the
#' strand_specific parameter) or a list of possible design groups.
#' In turn, the lists of design groups contain lists of \code{Rle}
#' objects representing coverage over a specific chromosome or sequence.
#' \strong{Parameters:}
#' \describe{
#' \item{design}{A \code{data.frame} that describes the grouping of the bam files
#' into design groups. The first column of the design should contain the
#' names of bam_files passed on initialization. Each subsequent columns
#' represents a design group, that is to say a combination of bam files
#' whose coverages should be grouped together into a logical unit.
#' These columns should contain integer values indicating whether the
#' bam files on that row should be excluded (0), included as an`
#' "input" (1) or included as a "control" (2) within the specified
#' design group. Control samples are used for "log2_ratio"
#' normalization, but are ignored for no or "RPM" normalization.
#' \code{NA} can be used keep previous design value. Default: \code{NA}.}
#' \item{normalization}{The algorithm to use to normalize coverages. Possible
#' values are \code{NULL} (no normalization), "RPM" and "log2_ratio".
#' "RPM" transforms raw counts into Reads-Per-Million.
#' "log2_ratio" uses the formula log2((input RPM + 1) / (control RPM + 1))
#' to calculate a log-ratio between input and control. \code{NA} can
#' be used keep the previous value. Default: \code{NA}}
#' \item{design_filter}{A logical vector specifying which of the design groups specified
#' within the \code{design} parameter should be included in the metagene.
#' Useful for quickly reprocessing a subset of samples.
#' \code{NA} can be used keep previous design value. Default: \code{NA}}
#' \item{simplify}{In single strand mode, set \code{simplify} to \code{TRUE} to return
#' only the '*' coverage and omit the empty '+' and '-' components.
#' Default: \code{FALSE}}
#' }
#' @section bin_coverages:
#' \strong{Usage:}
#' \code{mg$bin_coverages(bin_count=NA, region_filter=NA)}
#' \strong{Description:}
#' This method summarizes the coverage over regions of interests
#' into a specified number of bins. For each design group, it
#' produces a matrix of binned coverages where each row represents a region,
#' and each column represents a bin. Those are returned in a named list where
#' each element contains the resulting matrix for a specific design group.
#' \strong{Parameters:}
#' \describe{
#' \item{bin_count}{The number of bins regions should be split into. The specified
#' bin_count must always be equal or higher than the minimum size of
#' the specified regions. \code{NA} can be used to keep the previous
#' value. Default: \code{NA}.}
#' \item{region_filter}{This parameter defines the subset of regions within the \code{regions}
#' parameter passed on initialization on which the metagene
#' should be generated. \code{region_filter} can be (1) a quosure, to be evaluated
#' in the context of the \code{region_metadata} data-frame, (2) a character
#' vector containing the names of the regions to be used or (3) a logical or numeric
#' vector to be used for subsetting. \code{NA} can be used to keep the previous
#' value. Default: \code{NA}}
#' }
#' @section split_coverages_by_regions:
#' \strong{Usage:}
#' \code{mg$split_coverages_by_regions(split_by=NA)}
#' \strong{Description:}
#' This methods splits the matrices generated by mg$bin_coverages
#' into groups of regions where the values of the metadata columns
#' specified by \code{split_by} are homogeneous. It returns a list
#' where each element represents a design group: each of those
#' element is in turn a list representing groups of regions for which
#' all metadata values specified by "split_by" are equal. The leaf elements
#' of this list hierarchy are coverage matrices where each row represents a
#' region, and each column represents a bin.
#' \strong{Parameters:}
#' \describe{
#' \item{split_by}{A vector of column names from the region_metadata
#' parameter, as specified on metagene initialization. The
#' selected columns must allow conversion into a factor.
#' By default, this is set to region_name, a metadata column
#' which is automatically generated by metagene. \code{NA} can
#' be used to keep the previous value. Default: \code{NA}}
#' }
#' @section calculate_ci:
#' \strong{Usage:}
#' \code{mg$calculate_ci(alpha = NA, sample_count = NA, resampling_strategy=NA)}
#' \strong{Description:}
#' This method calculates coverage means and confidence intervals for all
#' design_group * region * bin combination. These are returned as a long-form
#' data-frame.
#' \strong{Parameters:}
#' \describe{
#' \item{alpha}{The alpha level of the confidence interval estimate.
#' \code{NA} can be used to keep the previous value.
#' Default: \code{NA}}
#' \item{sample_count}{The number of draws to perform in the bootstrap
#' calculations used to calculate the confidence inteval.
#' \code{NA} can be used to keep the previous value. Default: \code{NA}}
#' \item{resampling_strategy}{The resampling strategy to be used when performing the
#' bootstrap analysis, which can be either \code{'profile'}
#' or \code{'bin'}. In \code{'profile'} mode, whole profiles
#' across all bins are resampled. In \code{'bin'} mode,
#' each bin is resampled individually and independantly from
#' all others. \code{NA} can be used to keep the previous value.
#' Default: \code{NA}}
#' }
#' @section add_metadata:
#' \strong{Usage:}
#' \code{mg$add_metadata(design_metadata=NA)}
#' \strong{Description:}
#' This method adds design group and region metadata to the data-frame
#' produced by \code{mg$calculate_ci} for easier plotting.
#' \strong{Parameters:}
#' \describe{
#' \item{design_metadata}{A data-frame containing metadata for the design groups.
#' It must contain as many rows as there are design groups,
#' and must contain at least one column named 'design'
#' which is used to match the rows to design groups.}
#' }
#' @section plot:
#' \strong{Usage:}
#' \code{mg$plot(region_names = NULL, design_names = NULL,
#' title = NA, x_label = NA, facet_by=NA, group_by=NA)}
#' \strong{Description:}
#' This method produces a ggplot object giving a graphical representation
#' of the metagene analysis.
#' \strong{Parameters:}
#' \describe{
#' \item{region_names}{The names of the regions to be plotted. If \code{NULL},
#' all the regions are plotted. Default: \code{NULL}.}
#' \item{design_names}{The names of the design groups to be plotted. If
#' \code{NULL}, all the design groups are
#' plotted. Default: \code{NULL}.}
#' \item{title}{A title to add to the graph. \code{NA} can be used to keep
#' the previous value. Default: \code{NA}}
#' \item{x_label}{X-axis label for the metagene plot. \code{NA} can be
#' used to keep the previous value. Default: \code{NA}.}
#' \item{facet_by}{A formula to be used for facetting the metagene plot. This
#' formula can include any design metadata, or region_metadata
#. columns that were part of the \code{split_by} argument.
#' \code{NA} can be used to keep the previous value.
#' Default: \code{NA}.}
#' \item{group_by}{A string representing a single column from design_metadata or region_metadata
#' which will be used to group observations together into lines and which will
#' be used to generate the color scale.
#' \code{NA} can be used to keep the previous value.
#' Default: \code{NA}.}
#' }
#' @section Getter methods:
#' The following methods return various informations about the metagene object.
#' \strong{mg$get_params()}
#' \describe{
#' \item{}{Returns a list of all parameters used to perform this metagene analysis.}
#' }
#' \strong{mg$get_design()}
#' \describe{
#' \item{}{Returns the design used to perform this metagene analysis.}
#' }
#' \strong{mg$get_regions()}
#' \describe{
#' \item{}{Returns the regions used for this metagene analysis.}
#' }
#' \strong{mg$get_data_frame(region_names = NULL, design_names = NULL)}
#' \describe{
#' \item{}{Returns full data-frame of results.}
#' \item{region_names}{The names of the regions to extract. If \code{NULL},
#' all the regions are returned. Default: \code{NULL}.}
#' \item{design_names}{The names of the design groups to extract. If \code{NULL},
#' design groups are returned. Default: \code{NULL}.}
#' }
#' \strong{mg$get_plot()}
#' \describe{
#' \item{}{Returns the ggplot object generated by the \code{metagene2$plot} function.}
#' }
#' \strong{mg$get_raw_coverages()}
#' \describe{
#' \item{}{Returns raw coverages over the regions specified on initialization.}
#' \strong{mg$get_normalized_coverages()}
#' \describe{
#' \item{}{Returns normalized coverages over the regions specified on initialization.}
#' @examples
#' mg <- metagene2$new(regions = get_demo_regions(), bam_files = get_demo_bam_files())
#' \dontrun{
#' mg$plot()
#' }
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @import BiocParallel
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom dplyr pull
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom data.table data.table
#' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext
#' @importFrom rtracklayer import
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @export
#' @format A metagene experiment manager
metagene2 <- R6Class("metagene2",
public = list(
# Methods
initialize = function(regions, bam_files, padding_size = 0,
cores = SerialParam(), verbose = FALSE,
force_seqlevels = FALSE, paired_end = FALSE,
assay = 'chipseq', strand_specific=FALSE,
region_mode="auto", region_metadata=NULL,
extend_reads=0, invert_strand=FALSE, ...) {
# Validate the format of bam_files, since it is used to preprocess certain
# parameters before initialization.
if(region_mode=="auto") {
region_mode = ifelse(assay=='rnaseq', "stitch", "separate")
if(assay=='rnaseq') {
# Define default design.
default_design = private$get_complete_design(bam_files)
design_metadata = data.frame(design=as.character(default_design[,1]), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# Initialize parameter handler.
private$ph <- parameter_manager$new(
# Update any other parameter passed as a ... argument.
# Since the parameter manager is locked, any non-existant
# parameter will cause an error.
# Prepare objects for parralel processing.
# Prepare bam files
bm = private$start_bm("Prepare bam files")
private$bam_handler <- Bam_Handler$new(private$ph$get("bam_files") , cores = cores,
paired_end = paired_end,
# Prepare regions
private$print_verbose("Prepare regions...")
private$regions <- private$prepare_regions(regions, private$ph$get("region_mode"), region_metadata)
# Parse bam files
bm = private$start_bm("Producing coverage")
private$coverages <- private$produce_coverages()
get_bam_count = function(filename) {
# Parameters validation are done by Bam_Handler object
get_params = function() {
get_design = function() {
get_design_group_names = function() {
get_regions = function() {
get_regions_metadata = function() {
get_split_regions = function() {
get_data_frame = function(region_names = NULL, design_names = NULL) {
if(!is.null(private$ci_meta_df)) {
results = private$ci_meta_df
} else if(!is.null(private$ci_df)) {
results = private$ci_df
} else {
region_subset = TRUE
if (!is.null(region_names)) {
region_subset = results$region %in% region_names
design_subset = TRUE
if (!is.null(design_names)) {
design_subset = results$design %in% design_names
return(results[region_subset & design_subset,,drop=FALSE])
get_plot = function() {
get_raw_coverages = function() {
if(!private$ph$get('strand_specific')) {
} else {
get_normalized_coverages = function() {
if(!private$ph$get('strand_specific')) {
} else {
set_cores = function(cores) {
if(is.null(private$parallel_job)) {
private$parallel_job <- Parallel_Job$new(cores)
} else {
group_coverages = function(design=NA, normalization=NA, design_filter=NA, simplify=TRUE) {
# Clean up the design so it'll have the expected format.
design = private$clean_design(design, private$ph$get("bam_files"))
if(private$ph$have_params_changed(design)) {
# design has changed.
# Generate a new design metadata.
private$ph$set("design_metadata", data.frame(design=design[,1]))
private$update_params_and_invalidate_caches(design, normalization, design_filter)
if(is.null(private$grouped_coverages)) {
bm <- private$start_bm("Grouping and normalizing coverages")
# Identify design subset.
design_col_to_keep = rep_len(private$ph$get("design_filter"), ncol(private$ph$get("design")) - 1)
design_col_to_keep = 1 + which(design_col_to_keep)
design_subset = private$ph$get("design")[, c(1, design_col_to_keep)]
# Determine how data is to be merged
if(is.null(private$ph$get("normalization"))) {
merge_operation = "+"
} else if(private$ph$get("normalization")=="RPM") {
merge_operation = "mean"
} else if(private$ph$get("normalization")=="log2_ratio") {
merge_operation = "log2_ratio"
} else {
stop("Unsupported normalization value.")
private$grouped_coverages = lapply(private$get_coverages_internal(),
if(!private$ph$get("strand_specific") && simplify) {
} else {
bin_coverages = function(bin_count=NA, region_filter=NA) {
# Make sure the previous step has been performed.
private$update_params_and_invalidate_caches(bin_count, region_filter)
if(is.null(private$binned_coverages)) {
bm = private$start_bm("Binning coverages")
private$binned_coverages = bin_coverages_s(private$grouped_coverages,
split_coverages_by_regions = function(split_by=NA) {
# Make sure the previous step has been performed.
if(is.null(private$split_coverages)) {
bm = private$start_bm("Splitting coverages by region type")
split_res = split_matrices(private$binned_coverages,
private$split_coverages = split_res$Matrices
private$split_metadata_cache = split_res$Metadata
calculate_ci = function(alpha=NA, sample_count=NA, resampling_strategy=NA) {
# Make sure the previous steps have been completed.
private$update_params_and_invalidate_caches(alpha, sample_count, resampling_strategy)
if(is.null(private$ci_df)) {
bm = private$start_bm("Producing data-frame")
private$ci_df = calculate_matrices_ci(private$split_coverages,
add_metadata = function(design_metadata=NA) {
# Make sure the previous steps have been completed.
if(is.null(private$ci_meta_df)) {
filtered_design = private$ph$get("design_metadata")[private$ph$get("design_filter"),, drop=FALSE]
private$ci_meta_df = add_metadata_to_ci(private$ci_df,
plot = function(region_names = NULL, design_names = NULL, title = NA,
x_label = NA, facet_by=NA, group_by=NA) {
# 1. Get the correctly formatted table
private$update_params_and_invalidate_caches(title, x_label, facet_by, group_by)
plot_df <- self$get_data_frame(region_names, design_names)
# 3. Produce the graph
if (is.null(title)) {
title <- paste(unique(plot_df[["group"]]), collapse=" vs ")
private$graph <- private$plot_graphic(df = plot_df,
title = private$ph$get("title"),
x_label = private$ph$get("x_label"),
produce_metagene = function(...) {
plot_single_region = function(region, facet_by=NA, group_by=NA,
no_binning=FALSE) {
# Clone the mg object
single_mg = self$clone(deep=TRUE)
# Select the one region to plot, and make sure it ends up as a single GRange object.
single_region = private$select_regions(region)
if(is(self$get_regions(), "GRangesList")) {
single_region = single_region[[1]]
# If we are skipping binning, make the number of bins equal
# the length in nucleotide.
if(no_binning) {
bin_count = sum(width(single_region))
} else {
bin_count = private$ph$get("bin_count")
# Re-bin with the new bin_count and the new filter.
single_mg$bin_coverages(bin_count=bin_count, region_filter=region)
# With a single region, splitting cannot be applied, so
# we'll pass in a single row-name that we know to be valid.
# Produce the new base single plot.
out_plot = single_mg$plot(facet_by=facet_by, group_by=group_by)
# Adjust the plot if binning was skipped.
if(no_binning) {
# New x label.
out_plot <- out_plot + labs(x="Distance in nucleotides")
# If dealing with a stitched region, display "exon" boundaries as.
# vertical lines.
if(length(single_region) > 1) {
cumulative_width = 0
for(i in width(single_region)) {
cumulative_width = cumulative_width + i
out_plot <- out_plot + geom_vline(xintercept=cumulative_width)
# Return the new plot.
replace_region_metadata = function(region_metadata) {
# Validate that the old and new metadata have the same number of rows.
if(nrow(region_metadata)!=nrow(private$region_metadata)) {
stop("region_metadata must have one row per region.")
# Make sure the region_name column is still present.
if(is.null(region_metadata$region_name)) {
message("region_name is missing from the new metadata. Recreating it.")
region_metadata$region_name = private$region_metadata$region_name
# Make sure that the split_by columns are all present and did not change.
# If they did, invalidate everything after split_by
for(split_column in private$ph$get("split_by")) {
if(is.null(region_metadata[[split_column]]) ||
!all(region_metadata[[split_column]]==private$region_metadata[[split_column]])) {
# The split_by columns were removed or changed. Restore the original parameter value.
message("Replace region_metadata with metadata which would result in a different ",
"region split. All caches at the 'split_regions' step will be invalidated, ",
"and split_by will be reset to its default value.")
# Everything checks out, replace the metadata.
private$region_metadata = region_metadata
private = list(
# Region information. Both are kept separate from the parameter
# handler since both can be very large, and making comparisons
# to see if they've changed would be onerous.
regions = GRangesList(),
region_metadata = NULL,
# Caches of intermediary step results.
coverages = list(),
grouped_coverages = NULL,
binned_coverages = NULL,
split_coverages = NULL,
graph = NULL,
# Internal caches.
split_metadata_cache = NULL,
# Objects for handling bams, parameters and parallel jobs.
bam_handler = "",
parallel_job = NULL,
print_verbose = function(to_print) {
if (private$ph$get("verbose")) {
cat(paste0(to_print, "\n"))
prepare_regions = function(regions, region_mode, region_metadata) {
if (is(regions, "character")) {
# Validation specific to regions as a vector
if (!all(vapply(regions, file.exists, TRUE))) {
stop("regions is a list of files, but some of those files do not exist.")
regions = private$import_regions_from_disk(regions)
if (is(regions, "GRanges")) {
if(region_mode=="stitch") {
if(length(unique(seqnames(regions))) > 1) {
stop(paste0("In stitch region_mode, such as in rnaseq assays, regions should be a ",
"GRangesList of transcripts, or a GRanges ",
" object representing a single transcript. ",
"Here regions spans several seqnames, indicating ",
"it might include many transcripts."))
regions <- GRangesList("regions" = regions)
} else if (is(regions, "list")) {
regions <- GRangesList(regions)
} else if (!is(regions, "GRangesList")) {
stop(paste0("regions must be either a vector of BED ",
"filenames, a GRanges object or a GrangesList object"))
# If regions do not have names, generate generic names for them.
if (is.null(names(regions))) {
names(regions) <- paste0("region_", seq_along(regions))
# In stitch mode, make sure disjoint regions part of the same
# group do not overlap each other.
if (region_mode=="stitch"){
# If some "exons" overlap, then the total size will be smaller than the reduced size.
total_size = sum(width(regions))
reduced_size = sum(width(GenomicRanges::reduce(regions)))
if(!all(total_size==reduced_size)) {
stop("In stitch region_mode, no overlap should exist between the individual ",
"GRanges making up the elements of the GRangesList")
# TODO: Check if there is a id column in the mcols of every ranges.
# If not, add one by merging seqnames, start and end.
# Apply padding and sortSeqLevels
pad_regions = function(x, padding_size) {
start(x) <- pmax(start(x) - padding_size, 1)
end(x) <- end(x) + padding_size
# Clean seqlevels
x <- sortSeqlevels(x)
regions = GRangesList(lapply(regions, pad_regions, padding_size = private$ph$get("padding_size")))
# Add a region column to all GRangesList elements.
regions_with_extra_col = list()
for(region_name in names(regions)) {
regions_with_extra_col[[region_name]] = regions[[region_name]]
mcols(regions_with_extra_col[[region_name]])$region_name = region_name
regions = GRangesList(regions_with_extra_col)
# In separate mode, simplify regions into a single GRanges object.
if(region_mode=="separate") {
regions = unlist(regions, use.names=FALSE)
# Build metadata from the mcols of the given regions.
if(region_mode=="separate") {
mcol_metadata = mcols(regions)
} else {
first_or_null = function(x) {
if(length(x)>0) {
return(mcols(x)[1,, drop=FALSE])
} else {
mcol_metadata =, lapply(regions, first_or_null))
rownames(mcol_metadata) = names(regions)
# Merge the passed metadata object with the mcol metadata.
if(is.null(region_metadata)) {
private$region_metadata = mcol_metadata
} else {
non_duplicate_columns = setdiff(colnames(mcol_metadata), colnames(region_metadata))
if(length(non_duplicate_columns) > 0) {
private$region_metadata = cbind(region_metadata, mcol_metadata[,non_duplicate_columns, drop=FALSE])
if(!is.null(names(regions)) && is.null(rownames(private$region_metadata))) {
rownames(private$region_metadata) = names(regions)
produce_coverages = function() {
if(private$ph$get("region_mode")=="stitch") {
regions = BiocGenerics::unlist(private$regions)
} else {
regions = private$regions
regions <- GenomicRanges::reduce(regions)
bam_files = private$ph$get("bam_files")
res <- private$parallel_job$launch_job(
data = bam_files,
FUN = private$bam_handler$get_coverage,
regions = regions,
force_seqlevels= private$ph$get("force_seqlevels"),
names(res) <- bam_files
# Turn res inside out so that strand is at the top level,
# and bam files on the second.
res = list('+'=purrr::map(res, '+'),
'-'=purrr::map(res, '-'),
'*'=purrr::map(res, '*'))
replace_nulls = function(x) {
if(all(purrr::map_lgl(x, is.null))) {
} else {
res = lapply(res, replace_nulls)
sortseq_or_null <- function(x) {
if(is.null(x)) {
} else {
return(lapply(x, GenomeInfoDb::sortSeqlevels))
lapply(res, sortseq_or_null)
plot_graphic = function(df, title, x_label, facet_by, group_by) {
# Prepare x label
assay = private$ph$get("assay")
if (is.null(x_label)) {
x_label <- "Distance in bins"
# Prepare y label
y_label <- "Mean coverage"
if (is.null(private$ph$get("normalization"))) {
y_label <- paste(y_label, "(raw)")
} else if(private$ph$get("normalization") == "log2_ratio") {
y_label <- "log2((Treatment RPM + 1) / (Control RPM + 1))"
} else {
y_label <- paste(y_label, "(RPM)")
# Produce plot
p <- plot_metagene(df, facet_by=facet_by, group_by=group_by) +
ylab(y_label) +
xlab(x_label) +
get_bam_names = function(filenames) {
if (all(filenames %in% colnames(private$ph$get("design"))[-1])) {
} else {
check_bam_files = function(bam_files) {
function(x) {
get_design_names_internal = function(design) {
if(is.null(design)) {
} else {
get_design_number = function(design) {
if(is.null(design)) {
} else {
return(ncol(design) - 1)
get_bam_in_design = function(design, design_name) {
private$get_x_in_design(design, design_name, 1)
get_control_in_design = function(design, design_name) {
private$get_x_in_design(design, design_name, 2)
get_x_in_design = function(design, design_name, value) {
if(is.null(design)) {
} else {
return(design$Samples[design[[design_name]] == value])
get_bam_by_design = function(design) {
map(private$get_design_names_internal(design), ~private$get_bam_in_design(design, .x))
get_coverage_names = function(coverages) {
stopifnot(length(setdiff(names(coverages), c("+", "-", "*")))==0)
if(!is.null(coverages[['+']])) {
} else if(!is.null(coverages[['-']])) {
} else if(!is.null(coverages[['*']])) {
get_raw_coverages_internal = function() {
get_normalized_coverages_internal = function() {
# Define a function which will normalize coverage for a single
# BAM file.
normalize_coverage <- function(work_item) {
weight <- 1 / (work_item$Count / 1000000)
Coverage=work_item$Coverage * weight))
# Get the raw coverages.
coverages <- private$get_raw_coverages_internal()
# Serialize the workload
work_items = list()
for(strand in c("+", "-", "*")) {
if(!is.null(coverages[[strand]])) {
for(bam_file in names(coverages[[strand]])) {
work_items[[length(work_items) + 1]] = list(Coverage=coverages[[strand]][[bam_file]],
serialized_coverages <- private$parallel_job$launch_job(data = work_items,
FUN = normalize_coverage)
# Deserialize the coverages.
norm_coverages = list("+"=NULL, "-"=NULL, "*"=NULL)
for(i in serialized_coverages) {
if(is.null(norm_coverages[[i$Strand]])) {
norm_coverages[[i$Strand]] = list()
norm_coverages[[i$Strand]][[i$BamFile]] = i$Coverage
get_coverages_internal = function() {
if (!is.null(private$ph$get("normalization"))) {
coverages <- private$get_normalized_coverages_internal()
} else {
coverages <- private$get_raw_coverages_internal()
validate_design = function(design) {
validate_design_values = function(design) {
# At least one file must be used in the design
if (sum(rowSums(design[ , -1, drop=FALSE]) > 0) == 0) {
stop("At least one BAM file must be used in the design.")
# Check if used bam files exist.
non_empty_rows = rowSums(design[, -1, drop=FALSE]) > 0
if (!all(file.exists(as.character(design[non_empty_rows,1])))) {
warning("At least one BAM file does not exist")
get_complete_design = function(bam_files) {
bam_files = private$name_from_path(bam_files)
# Concatenate the bam names and the identity matrix, then
# rename all columns but the first.
design <- cbind(data.frame(bam_files = bam_files, stringsAsFactors=FALSE), diag(length(bam_files)))
colnames(design)[-1] = names(bam_files)
name_from_path = function(file_paths) {
alt_names = tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(file_paths))
if(is.null(names(file_paths))) {
names(file_paths) = alt_names
} else {
names(file_paths) = ifelse(names(file_paths)=="", alt_names, names(file_paths))
import_regions_from_disk = function(file_names) {
file_names = private$name_from_path(file_names)
import_file <- function(region) {
ext <- tolower(tools::file_ext(region))
if (ext == "narrowpeak") {
extraCols <- c(signalValue = "numeric",
pValue = "numeric", qValue = "numeric",
peak = "integer")
rtracklayer::import(region, format = "BED",
extraCols = extraCols)
} else if (ext == "broadpeak") {
extraCols <- c(signalValue = "numeric",
pValue = "numeric", qValue = "numeric")
rtracklayer::import(region, format = "BED",
extraCols = extraCols)
} else if (ext == "gtf" | ext == "gff") {
gxf_regions = rtracklayer::import(region)
if("gene_id" %in% colnames(mcols(gxf_regions))) {
return(split(gxf_regions, gxf_regions$gene_id))
} else {
} else {
regions <- private$parallel_job$launch_job(data = file_names,
FUN = import_file)
names(regions) <- names(file_names)
deep_clone = function(name, value) {
# With x$clone(deep=TRUE) is called, the deep_clone gets invoked once for
# each field, with the name and value.
if (name == "ph") {
# `a` is an environment, so use this quick way of copying
} else {
# For all other fields, just return the value
clean_design = function(design, bam_files) {
# If no design is provided, use the default one.
if(is.null(design)) {
design = private$get_complete_design(bam_files)
# NA will be overwritten with the previous design later on.
if(! && {
# Make sure the design is in the correct format (data-frame
# with at least 2 columns) before we try improving it.
# Standardize names used in first column to match those
# used in bam_files.
if(!all(as.character(design[,1]) %in% bam_files)) {
stop("Design contains samples absent from the list of bam files provided on initialization.")
start_bm = function(msg) {
private$print_verbose(paste0(msg, "..."))
#return(list(Message=msg, Time=Sys.time(), Memory=pryr::mem_used()))
return(list(Message=msg, Time=Sys.time()))
stop_bm = function(bm_obj) {
bm_after_time = Sys.time()
#bm_after_mem = pryr::mem_used()
bm_time = difftime(bm_after_time, bm_obj$Time, unit="secs")
#bm_mem = structure(bm_after_mem - bm_obj$Memory, class="bytes")
private$print_verbose(paste0("BENCHMARK-TIME-", bm_obj$Message, ":", bm_time))
#private$print_verbose(paste0("BENCHMARK-MEMORY-", bm_obj$Message, ":", bm_mem))
update_params_and_invalidate_caches = function(...) {
# This prologue makes it possible to infer parameter names from the
# name of the variable it is passed in. This allows us to avoid
# design=design, bin_count=bin_count repetitive code.
# It cannot be factorized into a function, since in any further call,
# the argument list will deparse as "list(...)".
param_names_alt = unlist(lapply( substitute(list(...)), deparse)[-1])
arg_list = list(...)
if(is.null(names(arg_list))) {
names(arg_list) = param_names_alt
} else {
names(arg_list) = ifelse(names(arg_list)=="", param_names_alt, names(arg_list))
# Associate each parameter witht he step it is used in.
param_step_map = c(design="group_coverages",
# Associate each step with the cache it generates,
# in reverse order, so we can easily determine which
# caches to invalidate when a particular step needs to be re-run.
step_cache_map = c(add_metadata="ci_meta_df",
# Loop over all passed-in parameters.
if(length(arg_list) > 0) {
for(arg_index in seq_along(arg_list)) {
# Determine if the parameter has changed from its last value.
if($ph$have_params_changed, arg_list[arg_index])) {
private$print_verbose(paste0(arg_name, " has changed.\n"))
# Determine which step the parameter belongs to.
invalidated_step = param_step_map[names(arg_list)[arg_index]]
if(! {
# Invalidate all caches for the step the parameter belonged to,
# as well as all caches for downsteam steps.
invalidated_caches = step_cache_map[seq_len(which(names(step_cache_map)==invalidated_step))]
private$print_verbose(paste0(paste0(invalidated_caches, collapse=", "), " will be invalidated.\n"))
for(cache in invalidated_caches) {
private[[cache]] = NULL
cache_invalidated = TRUE
}$ph$update_params, arg_list)
select_region_indices = function(selector) {
if("quosure" %in% class(selector)) {
# Using dplyr for this because I'm not comfortable enough with
# quosures.
selected_indices =$region_metadata) %>%
dplyr::mutate(METAGENE_IDX=seq_len(dplyr::n())) %>%
dplyr::filter(!! selector) %>%
} else if(is(selector, "character")) {
if(!is.null(names(self$get_regions()))) {
selected_indices = selector
} else {
selected_indices = self$get_regions()$region_name %in% selector
} else if(is.numeric(selector) || is.logical(selector) || is.numeric(selector)) {
selected_indices = selector
select_regions = function(selector) {
select_region_metadata = function(selector) {
private$region_metadata[private$select_region_indices(selector),, drop=FALSE]
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