
Defines functions binMethylome binPositions binCounts

Documented in binCounts binMethylome binPositions

#' Methimpute binning functions
#' This page provides an overview of all \pkg{\link{methimpute}} binning functions.
#' @param data A \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges-class}} object with metadata columns 'context' and 'counts' (which is a matrix with columns 'methylated' and 'total').
#' @param binsize The window size used for binning.
#' @return A \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges-class}} object for \code{binCounts} and \code{binPostions}. A \code{list()} of \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges-class}} objects for \code{binMethylome}.
#' @name binning
#' @examples 
#'## Get some toy data
#'file <- system.file("data","arabidopsis_toydata.RData",
#'                     package="methimpute")
#'data <- get(load(file))
#'## Bin the data in various ways
#'binCounts(data, binsize=1000)
#'binPositions(data, binsize=1000)
#'binMethylome(data, binsize=1000, contexts=c("total", "CG"),
#'             columns.average=NULL)

#' @describeIn binning Get the aggregated number of counts in each bin (no context).
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
#' @export
binCounts <- function(data, binsize) {

    ptm <- startTimedMessage("Making fixed-width bins with ", binsize, "bp ...")
    chrom.lengths.floor <- floor(seqlengths(data) / binsize) * binsize
    tiles <- GenomicRanges::tileGenome(chrom.lengths.floor, tilewidth=binsize)
    bins <- unlist(GenomicRanges::tileGenome(chrom.lengths.floor, tilewidth=binsize), use.names=FALSE)
    seqlengths(bins) <- seqlengths(data)
    if (any(width(bins)!=binsize)) {
        stop("tileGenome failed")
    ptm <- startTimedMessage("Aggregating counts ...")
    ind <- findOverlaps(data, bins, select='first')
    df <- stats::aggregate(as.data.frame(data$counts), by=list(ind), FUN=sum)
    bins$counts <- matrix(0, ncol=2, nrow=length(bins))
    colnames(bins$counts) <- colnames(data$counts)
    bins$counts[df$Group.1,'methylated'] <- df$methylated
    bins$counts[df$Group.1,'total'] <- df$total

#' @describeIn binning Get the number of cytosines in each bin (total and per context).
#' @export
binPositions <- function(data, binsize) {

    ptm <- startTimedMessage("Making fixed-width bins with ", binsize, "bp ...")
    chrom.lengths.floor <- floor(seqlengths(data) / binsize) * binsize
    tiles <- GenomicRanges::tileGenome(chrom.lengths.floor, tilewidth=binsize)
    bins <- unlist(GenomicRanges::tileGenome(chrom.lengths.floor, tilewidth=binsize), use.names=FALSE)
    seqlengths(bins) <- seqlengths(data)
    if (any(width(bins)!=binsize)) {
        stop("tileGenome failed")
    ptm <- startTimedMessage("Counting total overlaps ...")
    bins$total <- countOverlaps(bins, data)
    ptm <- startTimedMessage("Counting context-specific overlaps ...")
    contexts <- levels(factor(data$context))
    bins$context <- matrix(0, ncol=length(contexts), nrow=length(bins), dimnames=list(NULL, context=contexts))
    for (context in contexts) {
        mask <- data$context == context
        bins$context[,context] <- countOverlaps(bins, data[mask])
    ptm <- startTimedMessage("Adding distance ...")
    bins$distance <- c(-1, start(bins)[-1] - end(bins)[-length(bins)] - 1)
    bins$distance[bins$distance < 0] <- Inf 

#' @describeIn binning Get number of cytosines and aggregated counts for the specified contexts.
#' @param contexts A character vector with contexts for which the binning will be done.
#' @param columns.average A character vector with names of columns in \code{data} that should be averaged in bins.
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
#' @export
binMethylome <- function(data, binsize, contexts='total', columns.average=NULL) {

    ptm <- startTimedMessage("Making fixed-width bins with ", binsize, "bp ...")
    chrom.lengths.floor <- floor(seqlengths(data) / binsize) * binsize
    tiles <- GenomicRanges::tileGenome(chrom.lengths.floor, tilewidth=binsize)
    bins.template <- unlist(GenomicRanges::tileGenome(chrom.lengths.floor, tilewidth=binsize), use.names=FALSE)
    seqlengths(bins.template) <- seqlengths(data)
    if (any(width(bins.template)!=binsize)) {
        stop("tileGenome failed")
    bins.list <- list()
    for (context in contexts) {
        messageU("Working on context '", context, "'", underline=NULL, overline='-')
        bins <- bins.template
        if (context == 'total') {
            data.context <- data
        } else {
            mask <- data$context == context
            data.context <- data[mask]

        ptm <- startTimedMessage("Counting cytosine overlaps ...")
        bins$cytosines <- countOverlaps(bins, data.context)
        bins$context <- factor(context)
        ptm <- startTimedMessage("Aggregating counts ...")
        ind <- findOverlaps(data, bins, select='first')
        df <- stats::aggregate(as.data.frame(data$counts), by=list(ind), FUN=sum)
        bins$counts <- matrix(0, ncol=2, nrow=length(bins))
        colnames(bins$counts) <- colnames(data$counts)
        bins$counts[df$Group.1,'methylated'] <- df$methylated
        bins$counts[df$Group.1,'total'] <- df$total
        for (col in columns.average) {
            ptm <- startTimedMessage("Averaging column ", col, " ...")
            if (!is.null(mcols(data)[col])) {
                df <- stats::aggregate(mcols(data)[[col]], by=list(ind), FUN=mean)
                mcols(bins)[col] <- NA
                mcols(bins)[df$Group.1, col] <- df[,2]
        bins.list[[context]] <- bins

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methimpute documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:47 p.m.