mmnet-package: A metagenomic pipeline for systems biology

Description Details


The mmnet add-on is an implementation of mapping metagenomic data to the KEGG global metabolic pathway and constructing a systems-level network. It is of great help to analysis the various functional properties, including regulation and metabolic functionality of the metagenome.


This package contains functions for mapping metagenomic data to the KEGG global metabolic pathway and constructing systems-level network. First, the information of enzymes, corresponding substrates and products is parsed from the KEGG PATYWAY database with function updateKEGGPathway. Second, sequence functional ontology annotation with KEGG is preprocessing on MGRAST, KO abundance can be obtained by parse the MGRAST ontology annotation files with function estimateAbundance. Finally, global metabolic pathway and systems-level network are made to analyze the metabolic functionality of metagenome with function constructMetabolicNetwork, visualization with function showMetagenomicNet

mmnet documentation built on May 31, 2017, 3:25 p.m.