## scoreMotif.R this module will score an arbitrary list of SNPs for motif
## disruption using a buffet of menu options for some sets of transcription
## factors
## optional: produce random SNP sets of equivalent size to the index SNP list to
## simulate background for enrichment calculations.
## define utility functions 'defaultOmega' (and related fxns) and maxPwm and
## minPwm
## reverse complement any string letter DNA
revcom <- function(ltr) {
rclist <- list(A = "T", C = "G", G = "C", T = "A")
#' @importFrom matrixStats colRanges
#' @importFrom matrixStats colMaxs colMins
wScore <- function(snp.seq, ppm, offset, ppm.range = NULL, calcp=TRUE) {
returnScore <- scoreMotif(snp.seq, ppm, ncol(ppm), offset = offset)
} else {
return((sum(returnScore)-ppm.range[1])/(ppm.range[2] - ppm.range[1]))
#' scoreMotif.a <- function(snp.seq, ppm, len, offset = 1) {
#' snp.seq <- snp.seq[offset:(offset + len - 1)]
#' ## diag code
#' position.probs <- c(ppm[snp.seq, ])[1L + 0L:(len - 1L) * (len + 1L)]
#' return(position.probs)
#' }
#' #' @importFrom compiler cmpfun
#' scoreMotif <- cmpfun(scoreMotif.a, options = list(optimize = 3))
# take a sequence and score all its windows for a pwm
scoreAllWindows <- function(snp.seq, snp.seq.rc, pwm,
from = "default", to = "default",
pwm.range = NULL, calcp=TRUE) {
## frequently used variables;
l <- ncol(pwm)
if (from == "default") {
from <- 1
## if ( to=='default') { to <- max(sapply(position.matches, max)) - l }
if (to == "default") {
to <- from + l - 1
m <- to - from + 1 ## number of windows of width l
## define a temporary pair of vectors to store scores
window.scores <- rep(NA, m)
window.scores.rc <- rep(NA, m)
for (i in from:to) {
window.scores[i - from + 1] <- wScore(snp.seq, pwm, offset = i, ppm.range = pwm.range, calcp=calcp)
window.scores.rc[i - from + 1] <- wScore(snp.seq.rc, pwm, offset = i, ppm.range = pwm.range, calcp=calcp)
all.window.scores <- matrix(data = c(window.scores, window.scores.rc), nrow = 2,
ncol = m, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(c("top", "bot"), from:to))
prepareVariants <- function(fsnplist, genome.bsgenome, max.pwm.width, legacy) {
k <- max.pwm.width; rm(max.pwm.width)
ref_len <- nchar(fsnplist$REF)
alt_len <- nchar(fsnplist$ALT)
is.indel <- ref_len > 1L | alt_len > 1L
## check that reference matches ref genome
equals.ref <- getSeq(genome.bsgenome, fsnplist) == fsnplist$REF
if (!all(equals.ref)) {
stop(paste(names(fsnplist[!equals.ref]), "reference allele does not match value in reference genome",
sep = " "))
if (sum(is.indel) < length(is.indel) & sum(is.indel) > 0L) {
if (legacy) {
warning("Indels are included in variant input set, but legacy scoring was enabled.\n",
"Legacy scoring is not availble with indels and they will be dropped from analysis")
fsnplist.indel <- NULL
fsnplist.snv <- fsnplist[!is.indel]
} else {
fsnplist.indel <- fsnplist[is.indel]
fsnplist.snv <- fsnplist[!is.indel]
} else if (sum(is.indel) == length(is.indel)) {
fsnplist.indel <- fsnplist
fsnplist.snv <- NULL
if (legacy) {
warning("The only variants included in the input set are indels, but legacy scoring was selected.\n",
"Legacy scoring is not availble for use with indels and will be disabled.")
legacy <- FALSE
} else if (sum(is.indel) == 0L) {
fsnplist.indel <- NULL
fsnplist.snv <- fsnplist
if (!legacy) {
warning("The only variants included in the input set are SNVs, and legacy scoring was not selected.\n",
"A new scoring algorithm will be used, and may present different scores than previously run.")
legacy <- FALSE
if (!is.null(fsnplist.indel)) {
snp.sequence.ref.indel <- getSeq(genome.bsgenome, promoters(fsnplist.indel, upstream = k - 1,
downstream = k + max(nchar(fsnplist.indel$REF))))
at <- as(IRanges(start = k, width = width(fsnplist.indel)), "IRangesList")
snp.sequence.alt.indel <- DNAStringSet(Map(replaceAt,
x = snp.sequence.ref.indel,
at = at,
need.alignment <- !(lengths(fsnplist.indel$REF) == 1 | lengths(fsnplist.indel$ALT) == 1)
insertion.var <- lengths(fsnplist.indel$REF) < lengths(fsnplist.indel$ALT)
fsnplist.indel$ALT_loc <- 1L
fsnplist.indel[insertion.var]$ALT_loc <- Map(seq,
from = nchar(fsnplist.indel[insertion.var]$REF) + 1L,
to = nchar(fsnplist.indel[insertion.var]$ALT))
fsnplist.indel[!insertion.var]$ALT_loc <- Map(seq,
from = nchar(fsnplist.indel[!insertion.var]$ALT) + 1L,
to = nchar(fsnplist.indel[!insertion.var]$REF))
ref.len <- nchar(fsnplist.indel[nchar(fsnplist.indel$REF) == nchar(fsnplist.indel$ALT)]$REF)
fsnplist.indel[nchar(fsnplist.indel$REF) == nchar(fsnplist.indel$ALT)]$ALT_loc <- lapply(ref.len,
function(x) {
seq(from = 1L,
to = x)
fsnplist.indel$varType <- "Other"
if (sum(insertion.var) > 0) {
fsnplist.indel[insertion.var, ]$varType <- "Insertion"
if (sum(lengths(fsnplist.indel$REF) > lengths(fsnplist.indel$ALT)) > 0) {
fsnplist.indel[lengths(fsnplist.indel$REF) > lengths(fsnplist.indel$ALT)]$varType <- "Deletion"
if (any(need.alignment)) {
need.del <- any(!insertion.var & need.alignment)
need.ins <- any(insertion.var & need.alignment)
if (need.del) {
pattern.del <- Map(matchPattern,
fsnplist.indel[!insertion.var & need.alignment]$ALT,
fsnplist.indel[!insertion.var & need.alignment]$REF,
with.indels = F, max.mismatch = 0)
names(pattern.del) <- names(fsnplist.indel[!insertion.var & need.alignment])
pattern.del <- sapply(pattern.del, function(x) {
slen <- length(subject(x))
x <- x[start(x) == 1 | end(x) == slen]
if (length(x) > 0) {
x <- x[1]
x <- gaps(x)
x <- as(x, "IRanges")
pattern.del.valid <- sapply(pattern.del, function(x) {length(x) > 0})
nr.pattern.del <- lapply(pattern.del[pattern.del.valid], function(x) {start(x):end(x)})
fsnplist.indel[!insertion.var & need.alignment][names(pattern.del[pattern.del.valid])]$ALT_loc <- nr.pattern.del
if (any((!insertion.var & need.alignment)[!pattern.del.valid])) {
alignment.del <- Map(pairwiseAlignment,
fsnplist.indel[!insertion.var & need.alignment][!pattern.del.valid]$ALT,
fsnplist.indel[!insertion.var & need.alignment][!pattern.del.valid]$REF,
type = "global")
names(alignment.del) <- names(fsnplist.indel[!insertion.var & need.alignment][!pattern.del.valid])
alignment.del <- sapply(sapply(alignment.del, deletion), unlist)
alignment.del.valid <- sapply(alignment.del, function(x) {length(x) > 0})
nr.alignment.del <- lapply(alignment.del[alignment.del.valid], function(x) {start(x):end(x)})
fsnplist.indel[!insertion.var & need.alignment][names(alignment.del[alignment.del.valid])]$ALT_loc <- nr.alignment.del
rm(alignment.del, nr.alignment.del)
rm(pattern.del, nr.pattern.del, pattern.del.valid, need.del)
if (need.ins) {
pattern.ins <- Map(matchPattern,
fsnplist.indel[insertion.var & need.alignment]$REF,
fsnplist.indel[insertion.var & need.alignment]$ALT,
with.indels = F, max.mismatch = 0)
names(pattern.ins) <- names(fsnplist.indel[insertion.var & need.alignment])
pattern.ins <- sapply(pattern.ins, function(x) {
slen <- length(subject(x))
x <- x[start(x) == 1 | end(x) == slen]
if (length(x) > 0) {
x <- x[1]
x <- gaps(x)
x <- as(x, "IRanges")
pattern.ins.valid <- sapply(pattern.ins, function(x) {length(x) > 0})
nr.pattern.ins <- lapply(pattern.ins[pattern.ins.valid], function(x) {start(x):end(x)})
fsnplist.indel[insertion.var & need.alignment][names(pattern.ins[pattern.ins.valid])]$ALT_loc <- nr.pattern.ins
if (any((insertion.var & need.alignment)[!pattern.ins.valid])) {
alignment.ins <- Map(pairwiseAlignment,
fsnplist.indel[insertion.var & need.alignment][!pattern.ins.valid]$ALT,
fsnplist.indel[insertion.var & need.alignment][!pattern.ins.valid]$REF,
type = "global")
names(alignment.ins) <- names(fsnplist.indel[insertion.var & need.alignment][!pattern.ins.valid])
alignment.ins <- sapply(sapply(alignment.ins, insertion), unlist)
alignment.ins.valid <- sapply(alignment.ins, function(x) {length(x) > 0})
nr.alignment.ins <- lapply(alignment.ins[alignment.ins.valid], function(x) {start(x):end(x)})
fsnplist.indel[insertion.var & need.alignment][names(alignment.ins[alignment.ins.valid])]$ALT_loc <- nr.alignment.ins
rm(alignment.ins, nr.alignment.ins)
rm(pattern.ins, nr.pattern.ins, pattern.ins.valid, need.ins)
rm(ref.len, insertion.var, need.alignment)
if (!is.null(fsnplist.snv)) {
snp.sequence.ref.snv <- getSeq(genome.bsgenome, promoters(fsnplist.snv, upstream = k - 1,
downstream = k + 1))
at <- matrix(FALSE, nrow = length(snp.sequence.ref.snv), ncol = (k * 2))
at[, k] <- TRUE
snp.sequence.alt.snv <- replaceLetterAt(snp.sequence.ref.snv, at, fsnplist.snv$ALT)
fsnplist.snv$ALT_loc <- 1L
fsnplist.snv$varType <- "SNV"
if (sum(is.indel) < length(is.indel) & sum(is.indel) > 0L) {
fsnplist <- c(fsnplist.indel, fsnplist.snv)
snp.sequence.alt <- strsplit(as.character(c(snp.sequence.alt.indel,
snp.sequence.alt.snv)), "")
snp.sequence.ref <- strsplit(as.character(c(snp.sequence.ref.indel,
snp.sequence.ref.snv)), "")
rm(fsnplist.indel, fsnplist.snv,
snp.sequence.alt.indel, snp.sequence.ref.indel,
snp.sequence.alt.snv, snp.sequence.ref.snv)
} else if (sum(is.indel) == length(is.indel)) {
fsnplist <- fsnplist.indel
snp.sequence.alt <- strsplit(as.character(snp.sequence.alt.indel), "")
snp.sequence.ref <- strsplit(as.character(snp.sequence.ref.indel), "")
rm(fsnplist.indel, snp.sequence.alt.indel, snp.sequence.ref.indel)
} else if (sum(is.indel) == 0L) {
fsnplist <- fsnplist.snv
snp.sequence.alt <- strsplit(as.character(snp.sequence.alt.snv), "")
snp.sequence.ref <- strsplit(as.character(snp.sequence.ref.snv), "")
rm(fsnplist.snv, snp.sequence.alt.snv, snp.sequence.ref.snv)
rm(at); gc()
return(list(fsnplist = fsnplist,
ref.seq = snp.sequence.ref,
alt.seq = snp.sequence.alt))
# filter percent results to a threshold, e.g. 0.8 (%80), report only max value
# accept output of scoreWindows OR pctPwm
# maxThresholdWindows <- function(window.frame, threshold = 0.8) {
# if (max(window.frame) > threshold) {
# arraymax <- which.max(window.frame) ## the array index of max value
# arraycol <- floor(arraymax/2) + arraymax%%2 ## dereference the column (window coord)
# strand <- (2 * (arraymax%%2)) - 1 ## top or bottom strand from odd or even idx
# c(window = arraycol, strand = strand)
# } else {
# c(window = 0L, strand = 0L)
# }
# }
## An evaluator function for SNP effect
varEff <- function(allelR, allelA) {
score <- allelA - allelR
if (abs(score) >= 0.7) {
return(list(score = score, effect = "strong"))
} else if (abs(score) > 0.4) {
return(list(score = score, effect = "weak"))
} else {
return(list(score = score, effect = "neut"))
scoreIndel <- function(pwm,
ref.seq, alt.seq,
hit.ref, hit.alt) { <- scoreSeqWindows(ppm = pwm, seq = ref.seq) <- scoreSeqWindows(ppm = pwm, seq = alt.seq)
score <-[hit.alt$strand, hit.alt$window] -[hit.ref$strand, hit.ref$window]
if (abs(score) >= 0.7) {
return(list(score = score, effect = "strong"))
} else if (abs(score) > 0.4) {
return(list(score = score, effect = "weak"))
} else {
return(list(score = score, effect = "neut"))
reverseComplementMotif <- function(pwm) {
rows <- rownames(pwm)
cols <- colnames(pwm)
Ns <- pwm["N", ]
pwm <- pwm[4:1, length(cols):1]
pwm <- rbind(pwm, Ns)
rownames(pwm) <- rows
colnames(pwm) <- cols
scoreSeqWindows <- function(ppm, seq) {
ppm.width <- ncol(ppm)
seq.len <- length(seq)
diag.ind <-, seq.len - ppm.width)
ranges <- vapply(c(0L, cumsum(diag.ind)),
range = (1L + 0L:(ppm.width - 1L) * (ppm.width + 1L)))
x + range
scores <- t(ppm[seq, ])[ranges]
scores_rc <- t(reverseComplementMotif(ppm)[seq, ])[ranges]
scores <- split(scores, ceiling(seq_along(scores)/ppm.width))
scores_rc <- split(scores_rc, ceiling(seq_along(scores_rc)/ppm.width))
res <- vapply(Map(function(x, y) {matrix(data = c(x, y), nrow = 2,
byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(c(1, 2)))},
scores, scores_rc),
maxThresholdWindows <- function(window.frame) {
start.ind <- as.integer(colnames(window.frame)[1]) - 1L <- arrayInd(which.max(window.frame), dim(window.frame))
return(list(window = as.integer(colnames(window.frame)[[, 2] + start.ind]),
strand = c(1, 2)[[, 1]]))
#' @import methods
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @import BiocGenerics
#' @import IRanges
#' @importFrom Biostrings getSeq replaceLetterAt reverseComplement complement replaceAt pairwiseAlignment insertion deletion matchPattern
#' @importFrom TFMPvalue TFMpv2sc
#' @importFrom stringr str_locate_all str_sub
scoreSnpList <- function(fsnplist, pwmList, method = "default", bkg = NULL,
threshold = 1e-3, show.neutral = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, legacy = FALSE,
genome.bsgenome=NULL, pwmList.pc = NULL, pwmRanges = NULL, filterp=TRUE) {
k <- max(sapply(pwmList, ncol))
# ref_len <- nchar(fsnplist$REF)
# alt_len <- nchar(fsnplist$ALT)
# is.indel <- ref_len > 1L | alt_len > 1L
# ## check that reference matches ref genome
# equals.ref <- getSeq(genome.bsgenome, fsnplist) == fsnplist$REF
# if (!all(equals.ref)) {
# stop(paste(names(fsnplist[!equals.ref]), "reference allele does not match value in reference genome",
# sep = " "))
# }
# if (sum(is.indel) < length(is.indel) & sum(is.indel) > 0L) {
# if (legacy) {
# warning("Indels are included in variant input set, but legacy scoring was enabled.\n",
# "Legacy scoring is not availble with indels and they will be dropped from analysis")
# fsnplist.indel <- NULL
# fsnplist.snv <- fsnplist[!is.indel]
# } else {
# fsnplist.indel <- fsnplist[is.indel]
# fsnplist.snv <- fsnplist[!is.indel]
# }
# } else if (sum(is.indel) == length(is.indel)) {
# fsnplist.indel <- fsnplist
# fsnplist.snv <- NULL
# if (legacy) {
# warning("The only variants included in the input set are indels, but legacy scoring was selected.\n",
# "Legacy scoring is not availble for use with indels and will be disabled.")
# legacy <- FALSE
# }
# } else if (sum(is.indel) == 0L) {
# fsnplist.indel <- NULL
# fsnplist.snv <- fsnplist
# }
# if (!is.null(fsnplist.indel)) {
# snp.sequence.ref.indel <- getSeq(genome.bsgenome, promoters(fsnplist.indel, upstream = k - 1,
# downstream = k + max(nchar(fsnplist.indel$REF))))
# at <- as(IRanges(start = k, width = width(fsnplist.indel)), "IRangesList")
# snp.sequence.alt.indel <- DNAStringSet(Map(replaceAt,
# x = snp.sequence.ref.indel,
# at = at,
# fsnplist.indel$ALT))
# need.alignment <- !(lengths(fsnplist.indel$REF) == 1 | lengths(fsnplist.indel$ALT) == 1)
# insertion.var <- lengths(fsnplist.indel$REF) < lengths(fsnplist.indel$ALT)
# fsnplist.indel$ALT_loc <- 1L
# fsnplist.indel[insertion.var]$ALT_loc <- Map(seq,
# from = nchar(fsnplist.indel[insertion.var]$REF) + 1L,
# to = nchar(fsnplist.indel[insertion.var]$ALT))
# fsnplist.indel[!insertion.var]$ALT_loc <- Map(seq,
# from = nchar(fsnplist.indel[!insertion.var]$ALT) + 1L,
# to = nchar(fsnplist.indel[!insertion.var]$REF))
# ref.len <- nchar(fsnplist.indel[nchar(fsnplist.indel$REF) == nchar(fsnplist.indel$ALT)]$REF)
# fsnplist.indel[nchar(fsnplist.indel$REF) == nchar(fsnplist.indel$ALT)]$ALT_loc <- lapply(ref.len,
# function(x) {
# seq(from = 1L,
# to = x)
# })
# fsnplist.indel$varType <- "Other"
# if (sum(insertion.var) > 0) {
# fsnplist.indel[insertion.var, ]$varType <- "Insertion"
# }
# if (sum(lengths(fsnplist.indel$REF) > lengths(fsnplist.indel$ALT)) > 0) {
# fsnplist.indel[lengths(fsnplist.indel$REF) > lengths(fsnplist.indel$ALT)]$varType <- "Deletion"
# }
# if (any(need.alignment)) {
# need.del <- any(!insertion.var & need.alignment)
# need.ins <- any(insertion.var & need.alignment)
# if (need.del) {
# pattern.del <- Map(matchPattern,
# fsnplist.indel[!insertion.var & need.alignment]$ALT,
# fsnplist.indel[!insertion.var & need.alignment]$REF,
# with.indels = F, max.mismatch = 0)
# names(pattern.del) <- names(fsnplist.indel[!insertion.var & need.alignment])
# pattern.del <- sapply(pattern.del, function(x) {
# slen <- length(subject(x))
# x <- x[start(x) == 1 | end(x) == slen]
# if (length(x) > 0) {
# x <- x[1]
# x <- gaps(x)
# x <- as(x, "IRanges")
# }
# })
# pattern.del.valid <- sapply(pattern.del, function(x) {length(x) > 0})
# nr.pattern.del <- lapply(pattern.del[pattern.del.valid], function(x) {start(x):end(x)})
# fsnplist.indel[!insertion.var & need.alignment][names(pattern.del[pattern.del.valid])]$ALT_loc <- nr.pattern.del
# if (any((!insertion.var & need.alignment)[!pattern.del.valid])) {
# alignment.del <- Map(pairwiseAlignment,
# fsnplist.indel[!insertion.var & need.alignment][!pattern.del.valid]$ALT,
# fsnplist.indel[!insertion.var & need.alignment][!pattern.del.valid]$REF,
# type = "global")
# names(alignment.del) <- names(fsnplist.indel[!insertion.var & need.alignment][!pattern.del.valid])
# alignment.del <- sapply(sapply(alignment.del, deletion), unlist)
# alignment.del.valid <- sapply(alignment.del, function(x) {length(x) > 0})
# nr.alignment.del <- lapply(alignment.del[alignment.del.valid], function(x) {start(x):end(x)})
# fsnplist.indel[!insertion.var & need.alignment][names(alignment.del[alignment.del.valid])]$ALT_loc <- nr.alignment.del
# rm(alignment.del, nr.alignment.del)
# }
# rm(pattern.del, nr.pattern.del, pattern.del.valid, need.del)
# }
# if (need.ins) {
# pattern.ins <- Map(matchPattern,
# fsnplist.indel[insertion.var & need.alignment]$REF,
# fsnplist.indel[insertion.var & need.alignment]$ALT,
# with.indels = F, max.mismatch = 0)
# names(pattern.ins) <- names(fsnplist.indel[insertion.var & need.alignment])
# pattern.ins <- sapply(pattern.ins, function(x) {
# slen <- length(subject(x))
# x <- x[start(x) == 1 | end(x) == slen]
# if (length(x) > 0) {
# x <- x[1]
# x <- gaps(x)
# x <- as(x, "IRanges")
# }
# })
# pattern.ins.valid <- sapply(pattern.ins, function(x) {length(x) > 0})
# nr.pattern.ins <- lapply(pattern.ins[pattern.ins.valid], function(x) {start(x):end(x)})
# fsnplist.indel[insertion.var & need.alignment][names(pattern.ins[pattern.ins.valid])]$ALT_loc <- nr.pattern.ins
# if (any((insertion.var & need.alignment)[!pattern.ins.valid])) {
# alignment.ins <- Map(pairwiseAlignment,
# fsnplist.indel[insertion.var & need.alignment][!pattern.ins.valid]$ALT,
# fsnplist.indel[insertion.var & need.alignment][!pattern.ins.valid]$REF,
# type = "global")
# names(alignment.ins) <- names(fsnplist.indel[insertion.var & need.alignment][!pattern.ins.valid])
# alignment.ins <- sapply(sapply(alignment.ins, insertion), unlist)
# alignment.ins.valid <- sapply(alignment.ins, function(x) {length(x) > 0})
# nr.alignment.ins <- lapply(alignment.ins[alignment.ins.valid], function(x) {start(x):end(x)})
# fsnplist.indel[insertion.var & need.alignment][names(alignment.ins[alignment.ins.valid])]$ALT_loc <- nr.alignment.ins
# rm(alignment.ins, nr.alignment.ins)
# }
# rm(pattern.ins, nr.pattern.ins, pattern.ins.valid, need.ins)
# }
# rm(ref.len, insertion.var, need.alignment)
# }
# }
# if (!is.null(fsnplist.snv)) {
# snp.sequence.ref.snv <- getSeq(genome.bsgenome, promoters(fsnplist.snv, upstream = k - 1,
# downstream = k + 1))
# at <- matrix(FALSE, nrow = length(snp.sequence.ref.snv), ncol = (k * 2))
# at[, k] <- TRUE
# snp.sequence.alt.snv <- replaceLetterAt(snp.sequence.ref.snv, at, fsnplist.snv$ALT)
# fsnplist.snv$ALT_loc <- 1L
# fsnplist.snv$varType <- "SNV"
# }
# if (sum(is.indel) < length(is.indel) & sum(is.indel) > 0L) {
# fsnplist <- c(fsnplist.indel, fsnplist.snv)
# snp.sequence.alt <- strsplit(as.character(c(snp.sequence.alt.indel,
# snp.sequence.alt.snv)), "")
# snp.sequence.ref <- strsplit(as.character(c(snp.sequence.ref.indel,
# snp.sequence.ref.snv)), "")
# rm(fsnplist.indel, fsnplist.snv,
# snp.sequence.alt.indel, snp.sequence.ref.indel,
# snp.sequence.alt.snv, snp.sequence.ref.snv)
# } else if (sum(is.indel) == length(is.indel)) {
# fsnplist <- fsnplist.indel
# snp.sequence.alt <- strsplit(as.character(snp.sequence.alt.indel), "")
# snp.sequence.ref <- strsplit(as.character(snp.sequence.ref.indel), "")
# rm(fsnplist.indel, snp.sequence.alt.indel, snp.sequence.ref.indel)
# } else if (sum(is.indel) == 0L) {
# fsnplist <- fsnplist.snv
# snp.sequence.alt <- strsplit(as.character(snp.sequence.alt.snv), "")
# snp.sequence.ref <- strsplit(as.character(snp.sequence.ref.snv), "")
# rm(fsnplist.snv, snp.sequence.alt.snv, snp.sequence.ref.snv)
# }
# rm(at); gc()
snp.sequence.alt <- fsnplist$alt.seq
snp.sequence.ref <- fsnplist$ref.seq
fsnplist <- fsnplist$fsnplist
res.el.e <- new.env()
for ( in seq_along(snp.sequence.alt)) {
snp.ref <- snp.sequence.ref[[]]
snp.alt <- snp.sequence.alt[[]]
ref.len <- nchar(fsnplist[]$REF)
alt.len <- nchar(fsnplist[]$ALT)
alt.loc <- fsnplist[]$ALT_loc[[1]]
res.el <- rep(fsnplist[], length(pwmList))
res.el$motifPos <- as.integer(NA)
res.el$motifID <- mcols(pwmList)$providerID
res.el$geneSymbol <- mcols(pwmList)$geneSymbol
res.el$dataSource <- mcols(pwmList)$dataSource
res.el$providerName <- mcols(pwmList)$providerName
res.el$providerId <- mcols(pwmList)$providerId
res.el$seqMatch <- as.character(NA)
res.el$pctRef <- as.numeric(NA)
res.el$pctAlt <- as.numeric(NA)
if (filterp) {
res.el$scoreRef <- as.numeric(NA)
res.el$scoreAlt <- as.numeric(NA)
res.el$Refpvalue <- as.numeric(NA)
res.el$Altpvalue <- as.numeric(NA)
if (ref.len > 1 | alt.len > 1 | !legacy) {
res.el$altPos <- as.numeric(NA)
res.el$alleleDiff <- as.numeric(NA)
} else {
res.el$snpPos <- as.integer(NA)
res.el$alleleRef <- as.numeric(NA)
res.el$alleleAlt <- as.numeric(NA)
res.el$effect <- as.character(NA)
for (pwm.i in seq_along(pwmList)) {
pwm.basic <- pwmList[[pwm.i]]
pwm <- pwmList.pc[[pwm.i]]
len <- ncol(pwm)
thresh <- threshold[[pwm.i]]
seq.start <- min(alt.loc)
seq.len <- length(alt.loc)
alt.range <- ref.range <- (k - (ncol(pwm) - seq.start)):(k + ncol(pwm) + seq.start + seq.len - 2)
if (!show.neutral & identical(snp.ref[ref.range], snp.alt[alt.range])) next()
seq.remove <- ref.len - alt.len
if (seq.remove < 0) {
ref.range <- ref.range[1:(length(ref.range) + seq.remove)]
} else {
alt.range <- alt.range[1:(length(alt.range) - seq.remove)]
} <- scoreSeqWindows(ppm = pwm, seq = snp.ref[ref.range]) <- scoreSeqWindows(ppm = pwm, seq = snp.alt[alt.range])
if (!filterp) { <- ( - pwmRanges[[pwm.i]][1]) / (pwmRanges[[pwm.i]][2] - pwmRanges[[pwm.i]][1]) <- ( - pwmRanges[[pwm.i]][1]) / (pwmRanges[[pwm.i]][2] - pwmRanges[[pwm.i]][1])
if (any( > thresh) | any( > thresh)) {
hit.alt <- maxThresholdWindows(
hit.ref <- maxThresholdWindows(
bigger <-[hit.ref$strand, hit.ref$window] >=[hit.alt$strand, hit.alt$window]
if (bigger) {
hit <- hit.ref
} else {
hit <- hit.alt
} else {
hit.alt <- list(window = 0L, strand = 0L)
hit.ref <- list(window = 0L, strand = 0L)
hit <- NULL
if (!show.neutral) {
if (identical([hit.alt$strand, hit.alt$window],[hit.ref$strand, hit.ref$window])) next()
if (!is.null(hit)) {
result <- res.el[pwm.i]
uniquename <- paste(names(result), result$dataSource, result$providerName, result$providerId, sep = "%%")
if (nchar(result$REF) > 1 | nchar(result$ALT) > 1) {
allelR <-[hit.ref$strand, hit.ref$window]
allelA <-[hit.alt$strand, hit.alt$window]
scorediff <- varEff(allelR, allelA)
effect <- scorediff$effect
score <- scorediff$score
#ref.pos <- ref.range[(ncol(pwm) - (seq.start - 1)):((ncol(pwm) + ref.len - seq.start))]
ref.pos <- k:(k + nchar(result$REF) - 1L)
#alt.pos <- alt.range[(ncol(pwm) - (seq.start - 1)):((ncol(pwm) + alt.len - seq.start))]
alt.pos <- k:(k + nchar(result$ALT) - 1L)
if (effect == "neut") {
if (show.neutral) {
res.el.e[[uniquename]] <- updateResultsIndel(result,
snp.ref, snp.alt,
ref.pos, alt.pos,
hit.ref, hit.alt,,,
score, effect, len,
k, pwm, calcp = filterp)
} else {
res.el.e[[uniquename]] <- updateResultsIndel(result,
snp.ref, snp.alt,
ref.pos, alt.pos,
hit.ref, hit.alt,,,
score, effect, len,
k, pwm, calcp = filterp)
} else {
snp.pos <- len - hit$window + 1L
if (legacy) {
if (hit$strand == 1) {
allelR <- pwm.basic[as.character(result$REF), snp.pos]
allelA <- pwm.basic[as.character(result$ALT), snp.pos]
} else {
allelR <- pwm.basic[as.character(complement(result$REF)), snp.pos]
allelA <- pwm.basic[as.character(complement(result$ALT)), snp.pos]
} else {
allelR <-[hit.ref$strand, hit.ref$window]
allelA <-[hit.alt$strand, hit.alt$window]
scorediff <- varEff(allelR, allelA)
effect <- scorediff$effect
score <- scorediff$score
if (effect == "neut") {
if (show.neutral) {
if (legacy) {
res.el.e[[uniquename]] <- updateResultsSnv(result, snp.ref[ref.range], snp.pos,
allelR, allelA, effect, len,
k, pwm, calcp = filterp)
} else {
res.el.e[[uniquename]] <- updateResultsIndel(result,
snp.ref, snp.alt,
21, 21,
hit.ref, hit.alt,,,
score, effect, len,
k, pwm, calcp = filterp)
} else {
if (legacy) {
res.el.e[[uniquename]] <- updateResultsSnv(result, snp.ref[ref.range], snp.pos,
allelR, allelA, effect, len,
k, pwm, calcp = filterp)
} else {
res.el.e[[uniquename]] <- updateResultsIndel(result,
snp.ref, snp.alt,
21, 21,
hit.ref, hit.alt,,,
score, effect, len,
k, pwm, calcp = filterp)
resultSet <- unlist(GRangesList(as.list.environment(res.el.e)), use.names = FALSE)
if (length(resultSet) < 1) {
if (verbose) {
message(paste("reached end of SNPs list length =", length(fsnplist),
"with 0 potentially disruptive matches to", length(unique(resultSet$geneSymbol)),
"of", length(pwmList), "motifs."))
} else {
if ("ALT_loc" %in% names(mcols(resultSet))) mcols(resultSet)$ALT_loc <- NULL
max.match <- max(vapply(str_locate_all(resultSet$seqMatch, "\\w"), max, integer(1)))
min.match <- min(vapply(str_locate_all(resultSet$seqMatch, "\\w"), min, integer(1)))
resultSet$seqMatch <- str_sub(resultSet$seqMatch,
start = min.match + 1,
end = max.match + 1)
if (verbose) {
message(paste("reached end of SNPs list length =", length(fsnplist),
"with", length(resultSet), "potentially disruptive matches to", length(unique(resultSet$geneSymbol)),
"of", length(pwmList), "motifs."))
#' @importFrom stringr str_pad
#' @importFrom TFMPvalue TFMsc2pv
updateResultsSnv <- function(result, snp.seq, snp.pos, hit,,,
allelR, allelA, effect, len, k, pwm, calcp) {
strand.opt <- c("+", "-")
strand(result) <- strand.opt[[hit$strand]]
hit$window <- as.integer(hit$window)
mresult <- mcols(result)
mresult[["snpPos"]] <- start(result)
mresult[["motifPos"]] <- as.integer(snp.pos)
matchs <- snp.seq
seq.pos <- snp.pos + hit$window - 1
matchs[-(seq.pos)] <- tolower(matchs[-(seq.pos)])
matchs <- paste(matchs, collapse = "")
mresult[["seqMatch"]] <- str_pad(matchs, width = k * 2, side = "both")
start(result) <- start(result) - snp.pos + 1
end(result) <- end(result) - snp.pos + len
if (calcp) {
mresult[["scoreRef"]] <-[hit$strand, hit$window]
mresult[["scoreAlt"]] <-[hit$strand, hit$window]
mresult[["Refpvalue"]] <- NA
mresult[["Altpvalue"]] <- NA
pwmrange <- colSums(colRanges(pwm))
mresult[["pctRef"]] <- (mresult[["scoreRef"]] - pwmrange[[1]]) / (pwmrange[[2]] - pwmrange[[1]])
mresult[["pctAlt"]] <- (mresult[["scoreAlt"]] - pwmrange[[1]]) / (pwmrange[[2]] - pwmrange[[1]])
} else {
mresult[["pctRef"]] <-[hit$strand, hit$window]
mresult[["pctAlt"]] <-[hit$strand, hit$window]
mresult[["alleleRef"]] <- allelR
mresult[["alleleAlt"]] <- allelA
mresult[["effect"]] <- effect
mcols(result) <- mresult
updateResultsIndel <- function(result,
ref.seq, alt.seq,
ref.pos, alt.pos,
hit.ref, hit.alt,,,
score, effect, len, k, pwm, calcp) {
strand.opt <- c("+", "-")
if (score > 0L) {
best.hit <- hit.alt
matchs <- alt.seq
snp.pos <- alt.pos
} else {
best.hit <- hit.ref
matchs <- ref.seq
snp.pos <- ref.pos
strand(result) <- strand.opt[[best.hit$strand]]
best.hit$window <- as.integer(best.hit$window)
mresult <- mcols(result)
alt_loc <- range(mresult$ALT_loc)
ref_start <- (1 - alt_loc[[1]])
ref_start <- ifelse(ref_start <= 0, ref_start - 1, ref_start)
motif.start <- (alt_loc[[1]]) + (-len) + (best.hit$window) + ref_start
motif.start <- ifelse(motif.start >= 0, motif.start + 1, motif.start)
if ((mresult$varType == "Insertion" & score < 0) |
(mresult$varType == "Deletion" & score > 0)) {
motif.end <- motif.start + len
} else {
if (motif.start > 0) {
motif.end <- len - length(motif.start:length(alt_loc[1]:alt_loc[2]))
} else {
motif.end <- motif.start + len - length(alt_loc[1]:alt_loc[2])
motif.end <- ifelse(motif.end <= 0, motif.end - 1, motif.end)
mresult$motifPos <- list(c(motif.start, motif.end))
mresult$altPos <- mresult$ALT_loc
seq.range <- (k - (len - alt_loc[[1]])):(k + len + alt_loc[[2]] - 2)
matchs[-(snp.pos)] <- tolower(matchs[-(snp.pos)])
matchs <- paste(matchs[seq.range], collapse = "")
mresult[["seqMatch"]] <- str_pad(matchs, width = (k * 2) + alt_loc[[2]], side = "both")
if (calcp) {
mresult[["scoreRef"]] <-[hit.ref$strand, hit.ref$window]
mresult[["scoreAlt"]] <-[hit.alt$strand, hit.alt$window]
mresult[["Refpvalue"]] <- NA
mresult[["Altpvalue"]] <- NA
pwmrange <- colSums(colRanges(pwm[-5,]))
mresult[["pctRef"]] <- (mresult[["scoreRef"]] - pwmrange[[1]]) / (pwmrange[[2]] - pwmrange[[1]])
mresult[["pctAlt"]] <- (mresult[["scoreAlt"]] - pwmrange[[1]]) / (pwmrange[[2]] - pwmrange[[1]])
} else {
mresult[["pctRef"]] <-[hit.ref$strand, hit.ref$window]
mresult[["pctAlt"]] <-[hit.alt$strand, hit.alt$window]
mresult[["alleleDiff"]] <- score
mresult[["effect"]] <- effect
mcols(result) <- mresult
preparePWM <- function(pwmList = pwmList,
filterp = filterp,
bkg = bkg,
scoreThresh = threshold,
method = "default") {
bkg <- bkg[c('A', 'C', 'G', 'T')]
scounts <- as.integer(mcols(pwmList)$sequenceCount)
scounts[] <- 20L
pwmList.pc <- Map(function(pwm, scount) {
pwm <- (pwm * scount + 0.25)/(scount + 1)
}, pwmList, scounts)
if (method == "ic") {
pwmOmegas <- lapply(pwmList.pc, function(pwm, b=bkg) {
omegaic <- colSums(pwm * log2(pwm/b))
if (method == "default") {
pwmOmegas <- lapply(pwmList.pc, function(pwm) {
omegadefault <- colMaxs(pwm) - colMins(pwm)
if (method == "log") {
pwmList.pc <- lapply(pwmList.pc, function(pwm, b) {
pwm <- log(pwm) - log(b)
}, b = bkg)
pwmOmegas <- 1
if (method == "notrans") {
pwmOmegas <- 1
pwmList.pc <- Map(function(pwm, omega) {
if (length(omega) == 1 && omega == 1) {
} else {
omegamatrix <- matrix(rep(omega, 4), nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE)
pwm <- pwm * omegamatrix
}, pwmList.pc, pwmOmegas)
if (filterp) {
pwmRanges <- Map(function(pwm, omega) {
x <- colSums(colRanges(pwm))
}, pwmList.pc, pwmOmegas)
pwmList.pc2 <- lapply(pwmList.pc, round, digits = 2)
pwmThresh <- lapply(pwmList.pc2, TFMpv2sc, pvalue = scoreThresh, bg = bkg, type = "PWM")
pwmThresh <- Map("+", pwmThresh, -0.02)
} else {
pwmRanges <- Map(function(pwm, omega) {
x <- colSums(colRanges(pwm))
}, pwmList.pc, pwmOmegas)
pwmThresh <-, times = length(pwmRanges))
pwmList@listData <- lapply(pwmList, function(pwm) {
pwm <- rbind(pwm, N = 0)
colnames(pwm) <- as.character(1:ncol(pwm))
return(pwm) })
pwmList.pc <- lapply(pwmList.pc, function(pwm) {
pwm <- rbind(pwm, N = 0)
colnames(pwm) <- as.character(1:ncol(pwm))
return(pwm) })
return(list(pwmList = pwmList,
pwmListPseudoCount = pwmList.pc,
pwmRange = pwmRanges,
pwmThreshold = pwmThresh))
#' Predict The Disruptiveness Of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms On
#' Transcription Factor Binding Sites.
#' @param snpList The output of \code{snps.from.rsid} or \code{snps.from.file}
#' @param pwmList An object of class \code{MotifList} containing the motifs that
#' you wish to interrogate
#' @param threshold Numeric; the maximum p-value for a match to be called or a minimum score threshold
#' @param method Character; one of \code{default}, \code{log}, \code{ic}, or \code{notrans}; see
#' details.
#' @param bkg Numeric Vector; the background probabilites of the nucleotides
#' used with method=\code{log} method=\code{ic}
#' @param filterp Logical; filter by p-value instead of by pct score.
#' @param show.neutral Logical; include neutral changes in the output
#' @param verbose Logical; if running serially, show verbose messages
#' @param BPPARAM a BiocParallel object see \code{\link[BiocParallel]{register}}
#' and see \code{getClass("BiocParallelParam")} for additional parameter
#' classes. Try \code{BiocParallel::registered()} to see what's availible and
#' for example \code{BiocParallel::bpparam("SerialParam")} would allow serial
#' evaluation.
#' @seealso See \code{\link{snps.from.rsid}} and \code{\link{snps.from.file}} for
#' information about how to generate the input to this function and
#' \code{\link{plotMB}} for information on how to visualize it's output
#' @details \pkg{motifbreakR} works with position probability matrices (PPM). PPM
#' are derived as the fractional occurrence of nucleotides A,C,G, and T at
#' each position of a position frequency matrix (PFM). PFM are simply the
#' tally of each nucleotide at each position across a set of aligned
#' sequences. With a PPM, one can generate probabilities based on the
#' genome, or more practically, create any number of position specific
#' scoring matrices (PSSM) based on the principle that the PPM contains
#' information about the likelihood of observing a particular nucleotide at
#' a particular position of a true transcription factor binding site. What
#' follows is a discussion of the three different algorithms that may be
#' employed in calls to the \pkg{motifbreakR} function via the \code{method}
#' argument.
#' Suppose we have a frequency matrix \eqn{M} of width \eqn{n} (\emph{i.e.} a
#' PPM as described above). Furthermore, we have a sequence \eqn{s} also of
#' length \eqn{n}, such that
#' \eqn{s_{i} \in \{ A,T,C,G \}, i = 1,\ldots n}{s_i in {A,T,G,C}, i = 1 \ldots n}.
#' Each column of
#' \eqn{M} contains the frequencies of each letter in each position.
#' Commonly in the literature sequences are scored as the sum of log
#' probabilities:
#' \strong{Equation 1}
#' \deqn{F( s,M ) = \sum_{i = 1}^{n}{\log( \frac{M_{s_{i},i}}{b_{s_{i}}} )}}{
#' F( s,M ) = \sum_(i = 1)^n log ((M_s_i,_i)/b_s_i)}
#' where \eqn{b_{s_{i}}}{b_s_i} is the background frequency of letter \eqn{s_{i}}{s_i} in
#' the genome of interest. This method can be specified by the user as
#' \code{method='log'}.
#' As an alternative to this method, we introduced a scoring method to
#' directly weight the score by the importance of the position within the
#' match sequence. This method of weighting is accessed by specifying
#' \code{method='ic'} (information content). A general representation
#' of this scoring method is given by:
#' \strong{Equation 2}
#' \deqn{F( s,M ) = p_{s} \cdot \omega_{M}}{F( s,M ) = p_s . \omega_M}
#' where \eqn{p_{s}}{p_s} is the scoring vector derived from sequence \eqn{s} and matrix
#' \eqn{M}, and \eqn{w_{M}}{w_M} is a weight vector derived from \eqn{M}. First, we
#' compute the scoring vector of position scores \eqn{p}
#' \strong{Equation 3}
#' \deqn{p_{s} = ( M_{s_{i},i} ) \textrm{\ \ \ where\ \ \ } \frac{i = 1,\ldots n}{s_{i} \in \{ A,C,G,T \}}}{
#' p_s = ( M_s_i,_i ) where (i = 1 \ldots n)/(s_i in {A,C,G,T})}
#' and second, for each \eqn{M} a constant vector of weights
#' \eqn{\omega_{M} = ( \omega_{1},\omega_{2},\ldots,\omega_{n} )}{\omega_M = ( \omega_1, \omega_2, \ldots, \omega_n)}.
#' There are two methods for producing \eqn{\omega_{M}}{\omega_M}. The first, which we
#' call weighted sum, is the difference in the probabilities for the two
#' letters of the polymorphism (or variant), \emph{i.e.}
#' \eqn{\Delta p_{s_{i}}}{\Delta p_s_i}, or the difference of the maximum and minimum
#' values for each column of \eqn{M}:
#' \strong{Equation 4.1}
#' \deqn{\omega_{i} = \max \{ M_{i} \} - \min \{ M_{i} \}\textrm{\ \ \ \ where\ \ \ \ \ \ }i = 1,\ldots n}{
#' \omega_i = max{M_i} - min{M_i} where i = 1 \ldots n}
#' The second variation of this theme is to weight by relative entropy.
#' Thus the relative entropy weight for each column \eqn{i} of the matrix is
#' given by:
#' \strong{Equation 4.2}
#' \deqn{\omega_{i} = \sum_{j \in \{ A,C,G,T \}}^{}{M_{j,i}\log_2( \frac{M_{j,i}}{b_{i}} )}\textrm{\ \ \ \ \ where\ \ \ \ \ }i = 1,\ldots n}{
#' \omega_i = \sum_{j in {A,C,G,T}} {M_(j,i)} log2(M_(j,i)/b_i) where i = 1 \ldots n}
#' where \eqn{b_{i}}{b_i} is again the background frequency of the letter \eqn{i}.
#' Thus, there are 3 possible algorithms to apply via the \code{method}
#' argument. The first is the standard summation of log probabilities
#' (\code{method='log'}). The second and third are the weighted sum and
#' information content methods (\code{method='default'} and \code{method='ic'}) specified by
#' equations 4.1 and 4.2, respectively. \pkg{motifbreakR} assumes a
#' uniform background nucleotide distribution (\eqn{b}) in equations 1 and
#' 4.2 unless otherwise specified by the user. Since we are primarily
#' interested in the difference between alleles, background frequency is
#' not a major factor, although it can change the results. Additionally,
#' inclusion of background frequency introduces potential bias when
#' collections of motifs are employed, since motifs are themselves
#' unbalanced with respect to nucleotide composition. With these cautions
#' in mind, users may override the uniform distribution if so desired. For
#' all three methods, \pkg{motifbreakR} scores and reports the reference
#' and alternate alleles of the sequence
#' (\eqn{F( s_{\textsc{ref}},M )}{F( s_ref,M )} and
#' \eqn{F( s_{\textsc{alt}},M )}{F( s_alt,M )}), and provides the matrix scores
#' \eqn{p_{s_{\textsc{ref}}}}{p_s_ref} and \eqn{p_{s_{\textsc{alt}}}}{p_s_alt} of the SNP (or
#' variant). The scores are scaled as a fraction of scoring range 0-1 of
#' the motif matrix, \eqn{M}. If either of
#' \eqn{F( s_{\textsc{ref}},M )}{F( s_ref,M )} and
#' \eqn{F( s_{\textsc{alt}},M )}{F( s_alt,M )} is greater than a user-specified
#' threshold (default value of 0.85) the SNP is reported. By default
#' \pkg{motifbreakR} does not display neutral effects,
#' (\eqn{\Delta p_{i} < 0.4}{\Delta p_i < 0.4}) but this behaviour can be
#' overridden.
#' Additionally, now, with the use of \code{\link{TFMPvalue-package}}, we may filter by p-value of the match.
#' This is unfortunately a two step process. First, by invoking \code{filterp=TRUE} and setting a threshold at
#' a desired p-value e.g 1e-4, we perform a rough filter on the results by rounding all values in the PWM to two
#' decimal place, and calculating a scoring threshold based upon that. The second step is to use the function \code{\link{calculatePvalue}()}
#' on a selection of results which will change the \code{Refpvalue} and \code{Altpvalue} columns in the output from \code{NA} to the p-value
#' calculated by \code{\link{TFMsc2pv}}. This can be (although not always) a very memory and time intensive process if the algorithm doesn't converge rapidly.
#' @return a GRanges object containing:
#' \item{REF}{the reference allele for the SNP}
#' \item{ALT}{the alternate allele for the SNP}
#' \item{snpPos}{the coordinates of the SNP}
#' \item{motifPos}{the coordinates of the SNP within the TF binding motif}
#' \item{geneSymbol}{the geneSymbol corresponding to the TF of the TF binding motif}
#' \item{dataSource}{the source of the TF binding motif}
#' \item{providerName, providerId}{the name and id provided by the source}
#' \item{seqMatch}{the sequence on the 5' -> 3' direction of the "+" strand
#' that corresponds to DNA at the position that the TF binding motif was found.}
#' \item{pctRef}{The score as determined by the scoring method, when the sequence contains the reference SNP allele, normalized to a scale from 0 - 1. If \code{filterp = FALSE},
#' this is the value that is thresholded.}
#' \item{pctAlt}{The score as determined by the scoring method, when the sequence contains the alternate SNP allele, normalized to a scale from 0 - 1. If \code{filterp = FALSE},
#' this is the value that is thresholded.}
#' \item{scoreRef}{The score as determined by the scoring method, when the sequence contains the reference SNP allele}
#' \item{scoreAlt}{The score as determined by the scoring method, when the sequence contains the alternate SNP allele}
#' \item{Refpvalue}{p-value for the match for the pctRef score, initially set to \code{NA}. see \code{\link{calculatePvalue}} for more information}
#' \item{Altpvalue}{p-value for the match for the pctAlt score, initially set to \code{NA}. see \code{\link{calculatePvalue}} for more information}
#' \item{alleleRef}{The proportional frequency of the reference allele at position \code{motifPos} in the motif}
#' \item{alleleAlt}{The proportional frequency of the alternate allele at position \code{motifPos} in the motif}
#' \item{effect}{one of weak, strong, or neutral indicating the strength of the effect.}
#' each SNP in this object may be plotted with \code{\link{plotMB}}
#' @examples
#' library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19)
#' # prepare variants
#' load(system.file("extdata",
#' "pca.enhancer.snps.rda",
#' package = "motifbreakR")) # loads snps.mb
#' pca.enhancer.snps <- sample(snps.mb, 20)
#' # Get motifs to interrogate
#' data(hocomoco)
#' motifs <- sample(hocomoco, 50)
#' # run motifbreakR
#' results <- motifbreakR(pca.enhancer.snps,
#' motifs, threshold = 0.85,
#' method = "ic",
#' BPPARAM=BiocParallel::SerialParam())
#' @import BiocParallel
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply
#' @importFrom stringr str_length str_trim
#' @export
motifbreakR <- function(snpList, pwmList, threshold = 0.85, filterp = FALSE,
method = "default", show.neutral = FALSE, verbose = FALSE,
bkg = c(A = 0.25, C = 0.25, G = 0.25, T = 0.25), legacy.score = TRUE,
BPPARAM = bpparam()) {
## Cluster / MC setup
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows" && inherits(BPPARAM, "MulticoreParam")) {
warning(paste0("Serial evaluation under effect, to achive parallel evaluation under\n",
"Windows, please supply an alternative BPPARAM"))
cores <- bpnworkers(BPPARAM)
num.snps <- length(snpList)
if (num.snps < cores) {
cores <- num.snps
if (is(BPPARAM, "SnowParam")) {
cl <- bpbackend(BPPARAM)
clusterEvalQ(cl, library("MotifDb"))
## Genome Setup
genome.package <- attributes(snpList)$genome.package
if (requireNamespace(eval(genome.package), quietly = TRUE, character.only = TRUE)) {
genome.bsgenome <- eval(parse(text = paste(genome.package, genome.package, sep = "::")))
} else {
stop(paste0(eval(genome.package), " is the genome selected for this snp list and \n",
"is not present on your environment. Please load it and try again."))
pwms <- preparePWM(pwmList = pwmList, filterp = filterp,
scoreThresh = threshold, bkg = bkg,
method = method)
k <- max(sapply(pwms$pwmList, ncol))
snpList <- prepareVariants(fsnplist = snpList,
genome.bsgenome = genome.bsgenome,
max.pwm.width = k,
legacy = legacy.score)
snpList_cores <- split(as.list(rep(names(snpList), times = cores)), 1:cores)
for (splitr in seq_along(snpList)) {
splitcores <- sapply(suppressWarnings(split(snpList[[splitr]], 1:cores)), list)
for (splitcore in seq_along(snpList_cores)) {
snpList_cores[[splitcore]][[splitr]] <- splitcores[[splitcore]]
names(snpList_cores[[splitcore]])[splitr] <- names(snpList)[splitr]
snpList <- snpList_cores; rm(snpList_cores)
x <- lapply(snpList, scoreSnpList,
pwmList = pwms$pwmList, threshold = pwms$pwmThreshold,
pwmList.pc = pwms$pwmListPseudoCount, pwmRanges = pwms$pwmRange,
method = method, bkg = bkg, show.neutral = show.neutral,
verbose = ifelse(cores == 1, verbose, FALSE), genome.bsgenome = genome.bsgenome,
filterp = filterp)
# x <- bplapply(snpList, scoreSnpList,
# pwmList = pwms$pwmList, threshold = pwms$pwmThreshold,
# pwmList.pc = pwms$pwmListPseudoCount, pwmRanges = pwms$pwmRange,
# method = method, bkg = bkg, show.neutral = show.neutral,
# verbose = ifelse(cores == 1, verbose, FALSE), genome.bsgenome = genome.bsgenome,
# filterp = filterp, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
## Cluster / MC cleanup
if (inherits(x, "try-error")) {
if (is(BPPARAM, "SnowParam")) {
if (is(BPPARAM, "SnowParam")) {
drops <- sapply(x, is.null)
x <- x[!drops]
pwmList <- pwms$pwmList
pwmList@listData <- lapply(pwms$pwmList, function(pwm) { pwm <- pwm[c("A", "C", "G", "T"), ]; return(pwm) })
pwmList.pc <- lapply(pwms$pwmListPseudoCount, function(pwm) { pwm <- pwm[c("A", "C", "G", "T"), ]; return(pwm) })
if (length(x) > 1) {
x <- unlist(GRangesList(unname(x)))
snpList <- unlist(GRangesList(lapply(snpList, `[[`, "fsnplist")), use.names = F)
x <- x[order(match(names(x), names(snpList)), x$geneSymbol), ]
attributes(x)$genome.package <- genome.package
attributes(x)$motifs <- pwmList[mcols(pwmList)$providerId %in% unique(x$providerId) &
mcols(pwmList)$providerName %in% unique(x$providerName), ]
attributes(x)$scoremotifs <- pwmList.pc[names(attributes(x)$motifs)]
} else {
if (length(x) == 1L) {
x <- x[[1]]
attributes(x)$genome.package <- genome.package
attributes(x)$motifs <- pwmList[mcols(pwmList)$providerId %in% unique(x$providerId) &
mcols(pwmList)$providerName %in% unique(x$providerName), ]
attributes(x)$scoremotifs <- pwmList.pc[names(attributes(x)$motifs)]
} else {
warning("No SNP/Motif Interactions reached threshold")
x <- NULL
if (verbose && cores > 1) {
if (is.null(x)) {
message(paste("reached end of SNPs list length =", num.snps, "with 0 potentially disruptive matches to",
length(unique(x$geneSymbol)), "of", length(pwmList), "motifs."))
} else {
message(paste("reached end of SNPs list length =", num.snps, "with",
length(x), "potentially disruptive matches to", length(unique(x$geneSymbol)),
"of", length(pwmList), "motifs."))
#' Calculate the significance of the matches for the reference and alternate alleles for the for their PWM
#' @param results The output of \code{motifbreakR} that was run with \code{filterp=TRUE}
#' @param background Numeric Vector; the background probabilites of the nucleotides
#' @return a GRanges object. The same Granges object that was input as \code{results}, but with
#' \code{Refpvalue} and \code{Altpvalue} columns in the output modified from \code{NA} to the p-value
#' calculated by \code{\link{TFMsc2pv}}.
#' @seealso See \code{\link{TFMsc2pv}} from the \pkg{TFMPvalue} package for
#' information about how the p-values are calculated.
#' @details This function is intended to be used on a selection of results produced by \code{\link{motifbreakR}}, and
#' this can be (although not always) a very memory and time intensive process if the algorithm doesn't converge rapidly.
#' @source H{\'e}l{\`e}ne Touzet and Jean-St{\'e}phane Varr{\'e} (2007) Efficient and accurate P-value computation for Position Weight Matrices.
#' Algorithms for Molecular Biology, \bold{2: 15}.
#' @examples
#' data(example.results)
#' rs2661839 <- example.results[names(example.results) %in% "rs2661839"]
#' rs2661839 <- calculatePvalue(rs2661839)
# #' @importFrom qvalue qvalue
#' @export
calculatePvalue <- function(results,
background = c(A = 0.25, C = 0.25, G = 0.25, T = 0.25)) {
if(!("scoreRef" %in% names(mcols(results)))) {
stop('incorrect results format; please rerun analysis with filterp=TRUE')
} else {
pwmListmeta <- mcols(attributes(results)$motifs, use.names=TRUE)
pwmList <- attributes(results)$scoremotifs
pvalues <- lapply(seq_along(results), function(i, pwmList, pwmListmeta, bkg) {
result <- results[i] <- result$providerId <- result$providerName
pwmmeta <- pwmListmeta[pwmListmeta$providerId == & pwmListmeta$providerName ==, ]
pwm <- pwmList[[rownames(pwmmeta)[1]]]
ref <- TFMsc2pv(pwm, mcols(result)[["scoreRef"]], bg = bkg, type="PWM")
alt <- TFMsc2pv(pwm, mcols(result)[["scoreAlt"]], bg = bkg, type="PWM")
return(data.frame(ref=ref, alt=alt))
}, pwmList=pwmList, pwmListmeta=pwmListmeta, bkg = background)
pvalues.df <-"rbind", c(pvalues, make.row.names = FALSE))
results$Refpvalue <- pvalues.df[, "ref"]
results$Altpvalue <- pvalues.df[, "alt"]
# pvalue_effect <- unlist(Map(function(x, y) {x - y},
# results$Refpvalue,
# results$Altpvalue))
# results$pvalue_effect <- dplyr::case_when(abs(pvalue_effect) < 1e-4 ~ "neutral",
# abs(pvalue_effect) < 0.05 ~ "weak",
# TRUE ~ "strong")
addPWM.stack <- function(identifier, index, GdObject, pwm_stack, ...) {
selcor <- function(identifier, index, GdObject, ... ) {
if (identical(index, 1L)) {
} else {
selall <- function(identifier, GdObject, ... ) {
plotMotifLogoStack.2 <- function(pfms, ...) {
pfms <- rev(pfms)
n <- length(pfms)
lapply(pfms, function(.ele) {
if (!is(.ele, "pfm"))
stop("pfms must be a list of class pfm")
opar <- par(mfrow = c(n, 1), mar = c(3.5, 3.5, 1.5, 0.5))
assign("tmp_motifStack_symbolsCache", list(), pos = ".GlobalEnv")
motifStack::plotMotifLogo(pfms[[1]], motifName = pfms[[1]]@name, p = rep(0.25, 4))
for (i in[-1]) {
motifStack::plotMotifLogo(pfms[[n]], motifName = pfms[[n]]@name,
p=rep(0.25, 4), xlab = NA, newpage = FALSE)
rm(list = "tmp_motifStack_symbolsCache", pos = ".GlobalEnv")
#' @importFrom grid grid.newpage pushViewport viewport popViewport
plotMotifLogoStack.3 <- function(pfms, ...) {
n <- length(pfms)
lapply(pfms, function(.ele) {
if (class(.ele) != "pfm")
stop("pfms must be a list of class pfm")
assign("tmp_motifStack_symbolsCache", list(), pos = ".GlobalEnv")
# grid.newpage()
ht <- 1/n
y0 <- 0.5 * ht
for (i in rev( {
pushViewport(viewport(y = y0, height = ht))
plotMotifLogo(pfms[[i]], motifName = pfms[[i]]@name, ncex = 1,
p = pfms[[i]]@background, colset = pfms[[i]]@color,
xlab = NA, newpage = FALSE, margins = c(1.5, 4.1,
1.1, 0.1), ...)
y0 <- y0 + ht
rm(list = "tmp_motifStack_symbolsCache", pos = ".GlobalEnv")
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace
#' @importFrom motifStack addBlank
DNAmotifAlignment.2snp <- function(pwms, result) {
from <- min(sapply(result$motifPos, `[`, 1))
to <- max(sapply(result$motifPos, `[`, 2))
# pos <- mcols(result)$motifPos
# pos <- pos[as.logical(strand(result) == "+")][1]
for (pwm.i in seq_along(pwms)) {
#pwm <- pwms[[pwm.i]]@mat
## get pwm info from result data <- pwms[[pwm.i]]@name <- str_replace(, pattern = "-:rc$", replacement = "") <- str_replace(, pattern = "-:r$", replacement = "") <- attributes(result)$motifs <- mcols([, ])$providerId <- mcols([, ])$providerName
mresult <- result[result$providerId == & result$providerName ==, ]
mstart <- mresult$motifPos[[1]][1]
mend <- mresult$motifPos[[1]][2]
# browser()
if ((mcols(mresult)$varType == "Insertion" & mcols(mresult)$alleleDiff < 0) |
(mcols(mresult)$varType == "Deletion" & mcols(mresult)$alleleDiff > 0)) {
new.mat <- cbind(pwms[[pwm.i]]@mat[, 1:abs(mresult$motifPos[[1]][1])],
matrix(c(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25), ncol = length(mcols(mresult)$altPos[[1]]), nrow = 4),
pwms[[pwm.i]]@mat[, (abs(mresult$motifPos[[1]][1]) + 1):ncol(pwms[[pwm.i]]@mat)])
pwms[[pwm.i]]@mat <- new.mat
start.offset <- mstart - from
end.offset <- to - mend
} else {
if (mstart < 0 | from > 0) {
start.offset <- mstart - from
} else {
start.offset <- (mstart - 1) - from
if (mend > 0 | to < 0) {
end.offset <- to - mend
} else {
end.offset <- to - (mend + 1)
if (start.offset > 0) {
pwms[[pwm.i]] <- addBlank(x = pwms[[pwm.i]], n = start.offset, b = FALSE)
if (end.offset > 0) {
pwms[[pwm.i]] <- addBlank(x = pwms[[pwm.i]], n = end.offset, b = TRUE)
#' Plot a genomic region surrounding a genomic variant, and potentially disrupted
#' motifs
#' @param results The output of \code{motifbreakR}
#' @param rsid Character; the identifier of the variant to be visualized
#' @param reverseMotif Logical; if the motif is on the "-" strand show the
#' the motifs as reversed \code{FALSE} or reverse complement \code{TRUE}
#' @param effect Character; show motifs that are strongly effected \code{c("strong")},
#' weakly effected \code{c("weak")}, or both \code{c("strong", "weak")}
#' @seealso See \code{\link{motifbreakR}} for the function that produces output to be
#' visualized here, also \code{\link{snps.from.rsid}} and \code{\link{snps.from.file}}
#' for information about how to generate the input to \code{\link{motifbreakR}}
#' function.
#' @details \code{plotMB} produces output showing the location of the SNP on the
#' chromosome, the surrounding sequence of the + strand, the footprint of any
#' motif that is disrupted by the SNP or SNV, and the DNA sequence motif(s)
#' @return plots a figure representing the results of \code{motifbreakR} at the
#' location of a single SNP, returns invisible \code{NULL}.
#' @examples
#' data(example.results)
#' example.results
#' \dontrun{
#' plotMB(example.results, "rs2661839", effect = "strong")
#' }
#' @import motifStack
#' @import grDevices
#' @importFrom grid gpar
#' @importFrom Gviz IdeogramTrack SequenceTrack GenomeAxisTrack HighlightTrack
#' AnnotationTrack plotTracks
#' @export
plotMB <- function(results, rsid, reverseMotif = TRUE, effect = c("strong", "weak")) {
motif.starts <- sapply(results$motifPos, `[`, 1)
motif.starts <- start(results) + motif.starts
motif.starts <- order(motif.starts)
results <- results[motif.starts]
g <- genome(results)[[1]]
result <- results[names(results) %in% rsid]
result <- result[order(sapply(result$motifPos, min), sapply(result$motifPos, max)), ]
result <- result[result$effect %in% effect]
chromosome <- as.character(seqnames(result))[[1]]
genome.package <- attributes(result)$genome.package
genome.bsgenome <- eval(parse(text = genome.package))
seq.len <- max(length(result$REF[[1]]), length(result$ALT[[1]])) <- max(abs(c(sapply(result$motifPos, min),
sapply(result$motifPos, max)))) + 4
from <- start(result)[[1]] - + 1
to <- end(result)[[1]] +
pwmList <- attributes(result)$motifs
pwm.names <- result$providerId
results_motifs <- paste0(result$providerId, result$providerName)
list_motifs <- paste0(mcols(pwmList)$providerId, mcols(pwmList)$providerName)
pwms <- pwmList <- pwmList[match(results_motifs, list_motifs)]
if (reverseMotif) {
for (pwm.i in seq_along(pwms)) { <- names(pwms[pwm.i]) <- mcols(pwms[, ])$providerId <- mcols(pwms[, ])$providerName
doRev <- as.logical(strand(result[result$providerId == & result$providerName ==, ]) == "-")
if (doRev) {
pwm <- pwms[[pwm.i]]
pwm <- pwm[, rev(1:ncol(pwm))]
rownames(pwm) <- c("T", "G", "C", "A")
pwm <- pwm[c("A", "C", "G", "T"), ]
pwms[[pwm.i]] <- pwm
names(pwms)[pwm.i] <- paste0(names(pwms)[pwm.i], "-:rc")
} else {
for (pwm.i in seq_along(pwms)) { <- names(pwms[pwm.i]) <- mcols(pwms[, ])$providerId <- mcols(pwms[, ])$providerName
doRev <- as.logical(strand(result[result$providerId == & result$providerName ==, ]) == "-")
if (doRev) {
pwm <- pwms[[pwm.i]]
pwm <- pwm[, rev(1:ncol(pwm))]
pwms[[pwm.i]] <- pwm
names(pwms)[pwm.i] <- paste0(names(pwms)[pwm.i], "-:r")
pwms <- lapply(names(pwms), function(x, pwms=pwms) {new("pfm", mat = pwms[[x]],
name = x)}, pwms)
pwms <- DNAmotifAlignment.2snp(pwms, result)
pwmwide <- max(sapply(pwms, function(x) { ncol(x@mat)}))
markerStart <- result$motifPos[[1]][1]
if (markerStart > 0) {
markerEnd <- length(result$altPos[[1]]) + 1
markerEnd <- markerEnd - markerStart
markerStart <- 1
} else {
markerStart <- -1 * markerStart
markerEnd <- markerStart + length(result$altPos[[1]])
if (result$varType[[1]] %in% c("Other", "SNV")) {
markerStart <- markerStart + 1
varType <- result$varType[[1]]
varType <- switch(varType,
Deletion = "firebrick",
Insertion = "springgreen4",
Other = "gray13")
markerRect <- new("marker", type = "rect",
start = markerStart,
stop = markerEnd,
gp = gpar(lty = 2,
fill = NA,
lwd = 3,
col = varType))
for (pwm.i in seq_along(pwms)) {
pwms[[pwm.i]]@markers <- list(markerRect)
ideoT <- try(IdeogramTrack(genome = g, chromosome = chromosome), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(ideoT, "try-error")) { <- data.frame(chrom = chromosome, chromStart = 0,
chromEnd = length(genome.bsgenome[[chromosome]]),
name = chromosome, gieStain = "gneg")
ideoT <- IdeogramTrack(genome = g, chromosome = chromosome, bands =
### blank alt sequence
altseq <- genome.bsgenome[[chromosome]]
### Replace longer sections
at <- IRanges(start = start(result[1]), width = width(result[1]))
if (result$varType[[1]] == "Deletion") {
reflen <- length(result$REF[[1]])
addedN <- DNAString(paste0(".", reflen), collapse = ""))
addedN <- replaceLetterAt(addedN, at = (1:reflen)[-result$altPos[[1]]], result$ALT[[1]])
axisT <- GenomeAxisTrack(exponent = 0)
seqT <- SequenceTrack(genome.bsgenome, fontcolor = colorset("DNA", "auto"))
altseq <- replaceAt(x = altseq, at = at, addedN)
} else if (result$varType[[1]] == "Insertion") {
altlen <- length(result$ALT[[1]])
addedN <- DNAString(paste0(".", altlen), collapse = ""))
addedN <- replaceLetterAt(addedN, at = (1:altlen)[-result$altPos[[1]]], result$REF[[1]])
refseq <- genome.bsgenome[[chromosome]]
refseq <- DNAStringSet(replaceAt(x = refseq, at = at, addedN))
altseq <- replaceAt(x = altseq, at = at, result$ALT[[1]])
names(refseq) <- chromosome
seqT <- SequenceTrack(refseq,
fontcolor = c(colorset("DNA", "auto"), N = "#FFFFFF", . = "#FFE3E6"),
chromosome = chromosome)
} else {
axisT <- GenomeAxisTrack(exponent = 0)
altseq <- replaceAt(x = altseq, at = at, result$ALT[[1]])
seqT <- SequenceTrack(genome.bsgenome, fontcolor = colorset("DNA", "auto"))
altseq <- DNAStringSet(altseq)
names(altseq) <- chromosome
seqAltT <- SequenceTrack(altseq,
fontcolor = c(colorset("DNA", "auto"), N = "#FFFFFF", . = "#FFE3E6"),
chromosome = chromosome)
#altseq <- replaceLetterAt(altseq, at = wherereplace, letter ="N", sum(wherereplace)))
#altseq <- replaceLetterAt(altseq, at = !wherereplace, letter = result$ALT[[1]])
histart <- start(result[1]) + min(result[1]$altPos[[1]]) - 2
histart <- ifelse(result[1]$varType %in% c("Other", "SNV"), histart + 1, histart)
hiend <- start(result[1]) + min(result[1]$altPos[[1]]) - 2 + length(result[1]$altPos[[1]])
hiT <- HighlightTrack(trackList = list(seqT, seqAltT),
start = histart,
end = hiend,
chromosome = chromosome)
selectingfun <- selcor
detailfun <- addPWM.stack
motif_ids <- names(pwmList)
names(motif_ids) <- mcols(pwmList)$providerName
for (mymotif_i in seq_along(result)) {
mymotif <- result[mymotif_i]
start(mymotif) <- start(mymotif) + min(mymotif$altPos[[1]]) - 1
width(mymotif) <- length(mymotif$altPos[[1]])
variant.start <- start(mymotif)
variant.end <- end(mymotif)
if (mymotif$motifPos[[1]][1] < 0) {
start(mymotif) <- start(mymotif) + (mymotif$motifPos[[1]][1])
} else {
start(mymotif) <- start(mymotif) + (mymotif$motifPos[[1]][1] - 1)
if (mymotif$motifPos[[1]][2] < 0) {
end(mymotif) <- end(mymotif) + (mymotif$motifPos[[1]][2] + 1)
} else {
end(mymotif) <- end(mymotif) + (mymotif$motifPos[[1]][2])
if ((result[mymotif_i]$varType == "Deletion" & result[mymotif_i]$alleleDiff > 0) |
(result[mymotif_i]$varType == "Insertion" & result[mymotif_i]$alleleDiff < 0)) {
mymotif <- c(mymotif, mymotif)
end(mymotif)[1] <- variant.start - 1
start(mymotif)[2] <- variant.end + 1
mymotif[which.min(width(mymotif))]$motifPos <- NA
if (exists("mres")) {
mres <- c(mres, mymotif)
} else {
mres <- mymotif
result <- mres; rm(mres)
motif_ids <- motif_ids[result$providerName]
presult <- result
strand(presult) <- "*"
pres_cols <- DataFrame(feature = ifelse(!$motifPos),
paste(result$geneSymbol, "motif", sep = "_"), ""),
group = result$providerName,
id = motif_ids)
presult <- GRanges(seqnames = seqnames(result[1]),
ranges = ranges(result))
mcols(presult) <- pres_cols
motifT <- AnnotationTrack(presult,
fun = detailfun,
detailsFunArgs = list(pwm_stack = pwms),
name = names(result)[[1]],
selectFun = selectingfun,
reverseStacking = FALSE,
stacking = "squish")
if (exists("axisT")) {
track_list <- list(ideoT, motifT, hiT, axisT)
} else {
track_list <- list(ideoT, motifT, hiT)
plotTracks(track_list, from = from, to = to, showBandId = TRUE,
cex.main = 0.8, col.main = "darkgrey",
add53 = TRUE, labelpos = "below", chromosome = chromosome, #groupAnnotation = "id",
collapse = FALSE, min.width = 1, featureAnnotation = "feature", cex.feature = 0.8,
details.size = 0.85, detailsConnector.pch = NA, detailsConnector.lty = 0,
shape = "box", = 0.8, fonts = c("sans", "Helvetica"))
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