#' ncdfFlow: A package that provides CDF storage based flow cytometry data analysis.
#' Define important flow cytometry data classes:
#' \code{\link[ncdfFlow:ncdfFlowSet-class]{ncdfFlowSet}}( a subclass of \code{\link[flowCore:flowSet-class]{flowSet}})
#' and \code{\link[ncdfFlow:ncdfFlowList-class]{ncdfFlowList}}(a list of ncdfFlowSet object) and their accessors.
#' Provide important compensation,transformation,filter,gating,subsetting,splitting functions for data analysis of large volumns of flow cytometry data that is too big to be held in memory.
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' Package: \tab ncdfFlow\cr
#' Version: \tab 2.9.24\cr
#' Date:\tab 2014-04-16\cr
#' Depends: \tab R (>= 2.8.1), flowCore\cr
#' License: \tab Artistic-2.0\cr
#' }
#' @author
#' Mike Jiang \email{},
#' Greg Finak \email{}
#' Maintainer: Mike Jiang \email{}
#' @name ncdfFlow
#' @docType package
#' @title ncdfFlow: A package that provides CDF storage based flow cytometry data analysis.
#' @keywords package
#' @import zlibbioc
#' @useDynLib "ncdfFlow"
#' a class for storing flow cytometry raw data in HDF5 format
#' This class is a subclass of
#' \code{\link{flowSet}}. It stores the raw data in cdf file instead of memory so that the analysis tools
#' provided by flowCore based packages can be used in the study that produces hundreds or thousands FCS files.
#' @section Slots:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{file}:}{A character containing the ncdf file name.}
#' \item{\code{maxEvents}:}{An integer containing the maximum number of events of all samples stored in this ncdfFlowSet object }
#' \item{\code{flowSetId}:}{A character for the id of ncdfFlowSet object }
#' \item{\code{indices}:}{Object of class \code{"environment"} containing events indices of each sample stored as \code{"raw"} vector. Each index value is either TURE or FALSE and the entire indices vector is used to subset the raw data.
#' the indices vector of each sample is NA by default when the ncdfFlowSet first created.It is assigned with actual value when ncdfFlowSet object is subsetted by \code{\link{Subset}}
#' or other subsetting methods.}
#' \item{\code{origSampleVector}:}{A character vector containing the sample names,
#' which indicates the original order of samples physically stored in cdf format}
#' \item{\code{origColnames}:}{A character vector containing the flow channel names,
#' which indicates the original order of columns physically stored in cdf format}
#' \item{\code{frames}:}{Object of class \code{"environment"}, which replicates the "frame" slot in \code{\link{flowSet}},
#' except that \code{\link[=exprs,flowFrame-method]{exprs}} matrix is empty and the actual data is stored in cdf file. }
#' \item{\code{phenoData}:}{see \code{\link[=phenoData,flowSet-method]{phenoData}}}
#' }
#' @section Extends:
#' Class \code{"\linkS4class{flowSet}"}, directly.
#' @exportClass ncdfFlowSet
#' @rdname ncdfFlowSet-class
#' @importClassesFrom Biobase AnnotatedDataFrame
#' @importClassesFrom flowCore flowFrame flowSet
#' @importMethodsFrom Biobase description description<- exprs exprs<- pData pData<- phenoData phenoData<- sampleNames sampleNames<- varLabels varMetadata varMetadata<- AnnotatedDataFrame
#' @importMethodsFrom flowCore colnames colnames<- compensate filter fsApply identifier %in% ncol nrow parameters parameters<- split Subset transform
#' @import methods BiocGenerics
file = "character",
flowSetId = "character",
indices = "environment",
prototype=list(frames=new.env(hash=TRUE, parent=emptyenv()),
file = character(0),
flowSetId = character(0),
indices=new.env(hash=TRUE, parent=emptyenv()),
#' a class that stores multiple ncdfFlowSet objects
#' It is a list of ncdfFlowSet objects
#' @section Objects from the Class:
#' Objects can be created by coercing a list of ncdfFlowSet objects
#' as("ncdfFlowList",nclist = .... #a list of ncdfFlowSet objects)
#' @section Slots:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{data}:}{A list containing the \link{ncdfFlowSet} objects.}
#' \item{\code{samples}:}{A \code{integer} vector containing the index of the \link{ncdfFlowSet} object to which each sample belongs.
#' The name of the vector is the sample names that determine the order of samples exposed to the user, which can
#' be different from the physical storing order.}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{ncdfFlowSet}}
#' @exportClass ncdfFlowList
#' @examples
#' data(GvHD)
#' nc1 <- ncdfFlowSet(GvHD[1])
#' nc2 <- ncdfFlowSet(GvHD[2])
#' nc3 <- ncdfFlowSet(GvHD[3])
#' list1 <- list(nc1, nc2, nc3)
#' #coerce from list to ncdfFlowList
#' nclist <- ncdfFlowList(list1)
#' nclist
#' #coerce(collapse) from ncdfFlowList to a single flowFrame
#' collapsedData <- as(nclist, "flowFrame")
#' collapsedData
#' @rdname ncdfFlowList-class
data = "list"
,samples="integer" # named integer this determine the order of samples exposed to user
#' create the sample index
#' The index is a named integer vector used for fast indexing
#' @param x \code{list} of objects
#' @noRd
.indexingSample <- function(x){
unlist(lapply(seq_along(x), function(i){
sn <- sampleNames(x[[i]])
ind <- rep(i, length(sn))
names(ind) <- sn
#' constuctor for \code{ncdfFlowList}
#' @param samples \code{integer} see \code{samples} slot of \code{ncdfFlowList} class.
#' or \code{character} that specifiy the order to samples.
#' If not given then reconstruct the index.
#' @return \code{ncdfFlowList-class}
#' @rdname ncdfFlowList-class
#' @param x \code{list} of \code{ncdfFlowSet} objects
#' @export
ncdfFlowList <- function(x, samples = NULL){
sampleIndex <- .indexingSample(x)
}else if(is.character(samples))
sampleIndex <- .indexingSample(x)
#reorder by the given samples vector
thisInd <- match(samples, names(sampleIndex))
sampleIndex <- sampleIndex[thisInd]
}else if(is.integer(samples)){
sampleIndex <- samples
stop("invalid sampleIndex!")
new("ncdfFlowList", data = x, samples = sampleIndex)
setAs(from = "ncdfFlowList", to = "flowFrame", def = function(from){
selectMethod("coerce", signature = c("flowSet", "flowFrame"))(from)
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