readQpcrBatch: Data Input Function for a Batch of qPCR Experiments.

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) See Also Examples


This function reads in data from multiple qPCR experiments from the one batch. Each text file in the batch must meet the structure required by readQpcr.
Note: In order to qualify as a batch, it is assumed that the same set of primers are being analyzed in each experiment.


readQpcrBatch(..., filenames = character(), header = FALSE, qc = FALSE)



Filenames separated by a comma.


Character vector specifying file names.


Logical value, TRUE if the file contains the names of the variables as its first line.


Logical value, TRUE if a QC filter ctQc should be applied to the data.
If qc = F, the replicate Ct values will be averaged. See ctQc.


If the function is called with no arguments readQpcrBatch() all the files in the working directory are read and put into a qpcrBatch object. All files must conform to the following structure:
1st column = names denoting genes or primer pairs
2nd column = plate index of each gene or primer pair
remaining columns = (replicate) Ct values

Note: the majority of arguments to readQpcr are identical to those supplied to read.table. These have been included to give the user greater control over data input, should the data deviate from a standard tab-delimited file structure. For a set of standard tab-delimited text files (without column headers), specifying the filenames should be sufficient.


A qpcrBatch object.


Jess Mar

See Also

ctQc, readQpcr, setwd


	## myBatch <- readQpcrBatch()

qpcrNorm documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 4:54 p.m.