Man pages for qrqc
Quick Read Quality Control

basePlot-methodsPlot Base Frequency or Proportion by Position
calcKLCalculate the Kullback-Leibler Divergence Between the k-mer...
FASTASummary-class'FASTASummary' class representing the summaries of a FASTA...
FASTQSummary-class'FASTQSummary' class representing the summaries of a FASTQ...
gcPlot-methodsPlot GC Content by Position
geom_qlinerangeUse Line Segments and Points to Plot Quality Statistics by...
getBase-methodsGet a Data Frame of Base Frequency Data from a...
getBaseProp-methodsGet a Data Frame of Base Proportion Data from a...
getGC-methodsGet a Data Frame of GC Content from a 'SequenceSummary'...
getKmer-methodsGet a Data Frame of k-mer Frequency by Position from a...
getMCQual-methodsGet a Data Frame of Simulated Qualitied from a 'FASTQSummary'...
getQual-methodsGet a Data Frame of Quality Data from a 'FASTQSummary' object
getSeqlen-methodsGet a Data Frame of Sequence Lengths from a 'SequenceSummary'...
kmerEntropyPlotPlot Entropy of k-mers by Position
kmerKLPlotPlot K-L Divergence Components for a Subset of k-mers to...
list2dfApply a function to items in list and combine into data frame
makeReportMake an HTML report from a FASTASummary of FASTQSummary...
plotBasesPlot Bases by Position
plotGCPlot per Base GC Content by Position
plotQualsPlot a Base Quality Boxplot by Position
plotSeqLengthsPlot Histogram of Sequence Lengths
qualPlot-methodsPlot a Base Quality Boxplot by Position
readSeqFileRead and Summarize a Sequence (FASTA or FASTQ) File
scale_color_dnaSet the color scheme to 'biovizBase"s for DNA
scale_color_iupacSet the color scheme to 'biovizBase"s for IUPAC codes
seqlenPlot-methodsPlot a Histogram of Sequence Lengths
SequenceSummary-class'SequenceSummary' class representing the summaries of a...
qrqc documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:03 p.m.