
Defines functions computePCA_byHVGMarker supervisedReplicate wvReplicate mncReplicate findMNC compute_dist_res compute_dist_mat_med centroidDist identifyCluster findHVG hvg_cases compute_cluster_res scReplicate

Documented in scReplicate

#' @title Create replicate matrix for scMerge algorithm
#' @description Create replicate matrix for scMerge algorithm using un-/semi-/supervised approaches. 
#' @param sce_combine A \code{SingleCellExperiment} object contains the batch-combined matrix with batch info in colData
#' @param batch A vector indicates the batch information for each cell in the batch-combined matrix.
#' @param kmeansK A vector indicates the kmeans's K for each batch, length of kmeansK needs to be the same as the number of batch.
#' @param exprs A string indicates the assay that are used for batch correction, default is logcounts
#' @param hvg_exprs A string indicates the assay that are used for highly variable genes identification, default is counts
#' @param marker A vector of markers, which will be used in calculation of mutual nearest cluster. If no markers input, highly variable genes will be used instead
#' @param marker_list A list of markers for each batch, which will be used in calculation of mutual nearest cluster.
#' @param replicate_prop A number indicating the ratio of cells that are included in pseudo-replicates, ranges from 0 to 1. Default to 1.
#' @param cell_type A vector indicates the cell type information for each cell in the batch-combined matrix. If it is \code{NULL}, pseudo-replicate procedure will be run to identify cell type.
#' @param cell_type_match Whether find mutual nearest cluster using cell type information
#' @param cell_type_inc A vector indicates the indices of the cells that will be used to supervise the pseudo-replicate procedure
#' @param dist The distance metrics that are used in the calculation of the mutual nearest cluster, default is Pearson correlation.
#' @param BSPARAM A \code{BiocSingularParam} class object from the \code{BiocSingular} package is used. Default is ExactParam().
#' @param WV A vector indicates the wanted variation factor other than cell type info, such as cell stages.
#' @param WV_marker A vector indicates the markers of the wanted variation.
#' @param BPPARAM A \code{BiocParallelParam} class object from the \code{BiocParallel} package is used. Default is SerialParam().
#' @param return_all If \code{FALSE}, only return the replicate matrix.
#' @param plot_igraph If \code{TRUE}, then during the un/semi-supervised scMErge, igraph plot will be displayed
#' @param verbose If \code{TRUE}, then all intermediate steps will be shown. Default to \code{FALSE}.
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply
#' @importFrom proxy dist
#' @importFrom DelayedMatrixStats rowMedians
#' @importFrom DelayedMatrixStats rowMeans2
#' @importFrom M3Drop BrenneckeGetVariableGenes
#' @return If \code{return_all} is \code{FALSE}, return a replicate matrix.
#' If \code{return_sce} is \code{TRUE}, return the followings
#' \item{repMat }{replicate matrix}
#' \item{mnc }{mutual nearest cluster}
#' \item{replicate vector }{replicate vector}
#' \item{HVG }{highly variable genes used in scReplicate}
#' @author Yingxin Lin, Kevin Wang
#' @export
#' @return A cell-replicates mapping matrix.
#' Each row correspond to a cell from the input expression matrix, and each column correspond to a cell-cluster/cell-type.
#' An element of the mapping matrix is 1 if the scReplicate algorithm determines that this cell
#' should belong to that cell cluster and 0 otherwise.
#' @examples
#' ## Loading example data
#' set.seed(1)
#' data('example_sce', package = 'scMerge')
#' scRep_result = scReplicate(
#'   sce_combine = example_sce,
#'   batch = example_sce$batch,
#'   kmeansK = c(3,3))

scReplicate <- function(sce_combine, batch = NULL, kmeansK = NULL, 
    exprs = "logcounts", hvg_exprs = "counts", marker = NULL, 
    marker_list = NULL, replicate_prop = 1, cell_type = NULL, 
    cell_type_match = FALSE, cell_type_inc = NULL, dist = "cor", 
    WV = NULL, WV_marker = NULL, BPPARAM = SerialParam(), 
    return_all = FALSE, BSPARAM = ExactParam(), plot_igraph = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) {
    exprs_mat <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(sce_combine, exprs)
    originalCellNames <- colnames(exprs_mat)
    if (!is.null(cell_type) & !is.null(cell_type_inc) & cell_type_match) {
        stop("You supplied cell_type and cell_type_inc and intend to use MNN clustering to find replicates. \n 
         This is not currently supported. \n 
         Please try setting `cell_type_match = FALSE`.")
    ## Based on the input cell_type info, we decide which version
    ## of scReplicate to use.
    if (!is.null(cell_type) & is.null(cell_type_inc) & !cell_type_match) {
        ## Case 1:
        if (verbose) {
            cat("Performing supervised scMerge with: \n")
            cat(" 1. Cell type information \n")
            cat(" 2. No cell type indices \n")
            cat(" 3. No mutual nearest neighbour clustering \n")
        names(cell_type) <- colnames(exprs_mat)
        replicate_vector <- supervisedReplicate(exprs_mat, cell_type, 
        mnc_res <- NULL
    } else if (!is.null(cell_type) & is.null(cell_type_inc) & cell_type_match) {
        ## Case 2:
        if (verbose) {
            cat("Performing semi-supervised scMerge with: \n")
            cat(" 1. Cell type information \n")
            cat(" 2. No cell type indices \n")
            cat(" 3. Mutual nearest neighbour clustering \n")
        names(cell_type) <- colnames(exprs_mat)
        batch <- as.factor(batch)
        batch_list <- as.list(as.character(unique(batch)))
        hvg_cases_output <- hvg_cases(sce_combine = sce_combine, 
            hvg_exprs = hvg_exprs, batch = batch, batch_list = batch_list, 
            marker = marker, marker_list = marker_list, BPPARAM = BPPARAM, 
            verbose = verbose)
        HVG <- hvg_cases_output$HVG
        HVG_list <- hvg_cases_output$HVG_list
        cluster_res <- compute_cluster_res(exprs_mat = exprs_mat, 
            batch = batch, marker = marker, HVG_list = HVG_list, 
            kmeansK = kmeansK, BPPARAM = BPPARAM, 
            BSPARAM = BSPARAM, cell_type = cell_type, batch_list = batch_list, 
            case = "case2", verbose = verbose)
        ## Here, using the cell type information, we go ahead and find
        ## MNC
        if (verbose) {
            cat(" 6. Create Mutual Nearest Clusters. Preview cells-to-cell_type matching graph and matrix:\n")
        mnc_res <- findMNC(exprs_mat = exprs_mat[HVG, ], clustering_list = cluster_res$clustering_list, 
            dist = dist, BPPARAM = BPPARAM, plot_igraph = plot_igraph)
        #### 20190606 YL: print all mnc_res 
        if (verbose) {
        replicate_vector <- mncReplicate(clustering_list = cluster_res$clustering_list, 
            clustering_distProp = cluster_res$clustering_distProp, 
            replicate_prop = replicate_prop, mnc_df = mnc_res)
    } else {
        if (!is.null(cell_type) & !is.null(cell_type_inc) & !cell_type_match) {
            ## Case 3:
            if (verbose) {
                cat("Performing semi-supervised scMerge with: \n")
                cat(" 1. Cell type information \n")
                cat(" 2. Cell type indices \n")
                cat(" 3. No mutual nearest neighbour matching \n")
        } else {
            ## Case 4: This is the case where cell_type is not supplied.
            ## Hence MNN matching will be performed regardless and
            ## cell-type indicies is not relevant because of the lack of
            ## cell_type
            if (verbose) {
                cat("Performing unsupervised scMerge with: \n")
                cat(" 1. No cell type information \n")
                cat(" 2. Cell type indices not relevant here \n")
                cat(" 3. Mutual nearest neighbour matching \n")
        batch <- as.factor(batch)
        batch_list <- as.list(as.character(unique(batch)))
        if (is.null(kmeansK)) {
            stop("kmeansK is NULL", call. = FALSE)
        if (length(batch_list) != length(kmeansK)) {
            stop("length of kmeansK needs to be the same as the number of batch", 
                call. = FALSE)
        ## If there are no marker information what so ever, we find
        ## the HVG adaptively from the data
        hvg_cases_output <- hvg_cases(sce_combine = sce_combine, 
            hvg_exprs = hvg_exprs, batch = batch, batch_list = batch_list, 
            marker = marker, marker_list = marker_list, BPPARAM = BPPARAM, 
            verbose = verbose)
        HVG <- hvg_cases_output$HVG
        HVG_list <- hvg_cases_output$HVG_list
        cluster_res <- compute_cluster_res(exprs_mat = exprs_mat, 
            batch = batch, marker = marker, HVG_list = HVG_list, 
            kmeansK = kmeansK, BPPARAM = BPPARAM, 
            BSPARAM = BSPARAM, verbose = verbose, case = "case3")
        ## Find Mutual Nearest Cluster
        if (verbose) {
            cat(" 6. Create Mutual Nearest Clusters. Preview cells-cell_type matching output matrix: \n")
        mnc_res <- findMNC(exprs_mat = exprs_mat[HVG, ], clustering_list = cluster_res$clustering_list, 
            dist = dist, BPPARAM = BPPARAM, plot_igraph = plot_igraph)
        #### 20190606 YL: print all mnc_res 
        if (verbose) {
        replicate_vector <- mncReplicate(clustering_list = cluster_res$clustering_list, 
            clustering_distProp = cluster_res$clustering_distProp, 
            replicate_prop = replicate_prop, mnc_df = mnc_res)
        if (!is.null(cell_type) & !is.null(cell_type_inc)) {
            ## This is another case with semi-supervised version.
            if (verbose) {
                cat(" 7. Finishing semi-supervised scMerge with subsets of known cell type \n")
            replicate_vector[cell_type_inc] <- cell_type[cell_type_inc]
        if (!is.null(WV)) {
            if (verbose) {
                cat(" 7. Performing semi-supervised scMerge with wanted variation \n")
            replicate_vector <- wvReplicate(exprs_mat, WV, WV_marker, 
            names(replicate_vector) = originalCellNames
    replicate_vector <- replicate_vector[originalCellNames]
    repMat <- ruv::replicate.matrix(replicate_vector)
    if (return_all) {
        return(list(repMat = repMat, mnc = mnc_res, replicate_vector = replicate_vector,
            HVG = HVG))
    } else {
compute_cluster_res <- function(exprs_mat, batch, marker, HVG_list, 
    kmeansK, BPPARAM, BSPARAM, cell_type = NULL, batch_list = NULL, 
    case, verbose) {
    if (case == "case3") {
        # Clustering within each batch
        if (verbose) {
            cat(" 5. PCA and Kmeans clustering will be performed on each batch \n")
        cluster_res <- identifyCluster(exprs_mat = exprs_mat, 
            batch = batch, marker = marker, HVG_list = HVG_list, 
            kmeansK = kmeansK, BPPARAM = BPPARAM, 
            BSPARAM = BSPARAM)
    if (case == "case2") {
        if (verbose) {
            cat(" 5. Calculating supervised clustering list \n")
        ## Now that all markers/HVG are defined, we prepare ourselves
        ## for clustering.  For every unique cell_type, calculate the
        ## centroid.
        clustering_distProp <- lapply(unique(cell_type), function(x) centroidDist(exprs_mat[, 
            cell_type == x]))
        clustering_distProp <- unlist(clustering_distProp)[names(cell_type)]
        ## For each batch in batch_list, we find the corresponding
        ## cell_type_centroid
        clustering_distProp_list_batch <- lapply(batch_list, 
            function(x) {
                tmp <- clustering_distProp[batch == x]
                names(tmp) <- colnames(exprs_mat)[batch == x]
        ## For each batch in batch_list, we find the corresponding
        ## cell_type
        cellType_list_batch <- lapply(batch_list, function(x) {
            tmp <- as.numeric(droplevels(as.factor(cell_type[batch == 
            names(tmp) <- colnames(exprs_mat)[batch == x]
        cluster_res = list(clustering_list = cellType_list_batch, 
            clustering_distProp = clustering_distProp_list_batch)

######### Function to find HVG ##########
hvg_cases <- function(sce_combine, hvg_exprs, batch, batch_list, 
    marker, marker_list, BPPARAM = BPPARAM, verbose) {
    ## Initialise the outputs
    HVG = NULL
    HVG_list = NULL
    if (is.null(marker) & is.null(marker_list)) {
        ## Case x.1
        if (verbose) {
            cat(" 4. No supplied marker and no supplied marker_list for MNN clustering \n")
            cat("    Finding Highly Variable Genes for clustering \n")
        exprs_mat_HVG <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(sce_combine, 
        HVG_res <- findHVG(exprs_mat_HVG, batch, BPPARAM = BPPARAM, 
            verbose = verbose)
        HVG <- HVG_res$HVG
        HVG_list <- HVG_res$HVG_list
    } else if (is.null(marker) & !is.null(marker_list)) {
        ## Case x.2
        if (verbose) {
            cat(" 4. No supplied marker but supplied marker_list for MNN clustering \n")
            cat("    Taking the union of marker_list as the markers \n")
        HVG_list <- marker_list
        names(HVG_list) <- batch_list
        HVG <- Reduce(union, marker_list)
    } else {
        ## Case x.3
        HVG <- marker
    result = list(HVG = HVG, HVG_list = HVG_list)

findHVG <- function(exprs_mat_HVG, batch, intersection = 1, fdr = 0.01, 
    minBiolDisp = 0.5, BPPARAM, verbose) {
    batch_list <- as.list(as.character(unique(batch)))
    # HVG_list <- BiocParallel::bplapply(batch_list, function(x) {
    #     zeros <- DelayedMatrixStats::rowMeans2(exprs_mat_HVG[, batch == x] == 
    #         0)
    #     express_gene <- names(which(zeros <= 0.9))
    #     hvgOutput = M3Drop::BrenneckeGetVariableGenes(expr_mat = exprs_mat_HVG[express_gene, 
    #         batch == x], suppress.plot = TRUE, fdr = 0.01, minBiolDisp = 0.5)
    #     return(rownames(hvgOutput))
    HVG_list <- lapply(batch_list, function(x) {
      zeros <- DelayedMatrixStats::rowMeans2(exprs_mat_HVG[, batch == x] == 
      express_gene <- which(zeros <= 0.9)
      hvgOutput = M3Drop::BrenneckeGetVariableGenes(expr_mat = exprs_mat_HVG[express_gene, 
                                                                             batch == x], suppress.plot = TRUE, fdr = 0.01, minBiolDisp = 0.5)
    names(HVG_list) <- batch_list
    res <- unlist(HVG_list)
    tab <- table(res)
    HVG <- names(tab)[tab >= intersection]
    if (verbose) {
        cat("   ", length(HVG), "HVG were found \n")
    return(list(HVG = HVG, HVG_list = HVG_list))

###################################################################################################### Function to identify clusters from each batch
identifyCluster <- function(exprs_mat, batch, marker = NULL, 
    HVG_list, kmeansK, BPPARAM, BSPARAM) {
    batch_list <- as.list(as.character(unique(batch)))
    batch_oneType <- unlist(batch_list)[which(kmeansK == 1)]
    batch_num <- table(batch)[as.character(unique(batch))]
    # if(ncol(exprs_mat)>=5000){ rpca_q = 0 }else
    # if(ncol(exprs_mat)>=2000){ rpca_q =1 }else{ rpca_q =2 }
    # if (parallel) {
    pca <- lapply(batch_list, function(this_batch_list) {
        computePCA_byHVGMarker(this_batch_list = this_batch_list, 
            batch = batch, batch_oneType = batch_oneType, marker = marker, 
            exprs_mat = exprs_mat, HVG_list = HVG_list, BSPARAM = BSPARAM)
    # } else { pca <- lapply(batch_list,
    # function(this_batch_list) {
    # computePCA_byHVGMarker(this_batch_list = this_batch_list,
    # batch = batch, batch_oneType = batch_oneType, marker =
    # marker, exprs_mat = exprs_mat, HVG_list = HVG_list,
    # BSPARAM = BSPARAM) }) }
    names(pca) <- unlist(batch_list)
    clustering_res <- list()
    clustering_res_pt_dist <- list()
    # if (parallel) {
    res <- BiocParallel::bplapply(seq_len(length(pca)), function(j) {
        pca_current <- pca[[j]]
        if (!is.null(pca_current)) {
            kmeans_res <- stats::kmeans(pca_current[, seq_len(10)], 
                centers = kmeansK[j], nstart = 1000)
            clustering_res_tmp <- kmeans_res$cluster
            # exprs_current <- exprs_mat[HVG_list[[j]], batch ==
            # batch_list[j]]
            if (!is.null(marker)) {
                exprs_current <- exprs_mat[marker, batch == batch_list[j]]
            } else {
                exprs_current <- exprs_mat[HVG_list[[j]], batch == 
            clustering_res_pt_dist_tmp <- lapply(seq_len(kmeansK[j]), 
                function(y) {
                  centroidDist(exprs_current[, kmeans_res$cluster == 
                    y, drop = FALSE])
            clustering_res_pt_dist_tmp <- unlist(clustering_res_pt_dist_tmp)
            clustering_res_pt_dist_tmp <- clustering_res_pt_dist_tmp[names(clustering_res_tmp)]
        } else {
            clustering_res_tmp <- rep(1, batch_num[j])
            names(clustering_res_tmp) <- colnames(exprs_mat[, 
                batch == batch_list[j]])
            if (!is.null(marker)) {
                clustering_res_pt_dist_tmp <- centroidDist(exprs_mat[marker, 
                  batch == batch_list[j]])
            } else {
                clustering_res_pt_dist_tmp <- centroidDist(exprs_mat[HVG_list[[j]], 
                  batch == batch_list[j]])
        list(clustering_res_tmp, clustering_res_pt_dist_tmp)
    clustering_res <- lapply(res, function(x) x[[1]])
    clustering_res_pt_dist <- lapply(res, function(x) x[[2]])
    # } else { for (j in 1:length(pca)) { pca_current <- pca[[j]]
    # if (!is.null(pca_current)) { kmeans_res <-
    # stats::kmeans(pca_current[, 1:10], centers = kmeansK[j],
    # nstart = 1000) clustering_res[[j]] <- kmeans_res$cluster #
    # exprs_current <- exprs_mat[HVG_list[[j]], batch ==
    # batch_list[j]] if (!is.null(marker)) { exprs_current <-
    # exprs_mat[marker, batch == batch_list[j]] } else {
    # exprs_current <- exprs_mat[HVG_list[[j]], batch ==
    # batch_list[j]] } clustering_res_pt_dist[[j]] <-
    # lapply(1:kmeansK[j], function(y) {
    # centroidDist(exprs_current[, kmeans_res$cluster == y, drop
    # = FALSE]) }) clustering_res_pt_dist[[j]] <-
    # unlist(clustering_res_pt_dist[[j]])
    # clustering_res_pt_dist[[j]] <-
    # clustering_res_pt_dist[[j]][names(clustering_res[[j]])] }
    # else { clustering_res[[j]] <- rep(1, batch_num[j])
    # names(clustering_res[[j]]) <- colnames(exprs_mat[, batch ==
    # batch_list[j]]) if (!is.null(marker)) {
    # clustering_res_pt_dist[[j]] <-
    # centroidDist(exprs_mat[marker, batch == batch_list[j]]) }
    # else { clustering_res_pt_dist[[j]] <-
    # centroidDist(exprs_mat[HVG_list[[j]], batch ==
    # batch_list[j]]) } } } }
    return(list(clustering_list = clustering_res, clustering_distProp = clustering_res_pt_dist))
centroidDist <- function(exprs_mat) {
    centroid_batch <- DelayedMatrixStats::rowMedians(DelayedArray::DelayedArray(exprs_mat))  
    point_dist <- DelayedArray::colSums((exprs_mat - centroid_batch)^2)
    point_rank <- rank(point_dist)
    point_rank <- point_rank/length(point_rank)

###################################################################################################### Function to find the mutual nearest clusters
compute_dist_mat_med <- function(k, exprs_mat, clustering_list, 
    combine_pair, dist) {
    ## We go through every pairwise batches print(k) Extract the
    ## cell type information and the expression matrices
    res1 <- clustering_list[[combine_pair[1, k]]]
    res2 <- clustering_list[[combine_pair[2, k]]]
    mat1 <- exprs_mat[, names(which(res1 == 1))]
    mat2 <- exprs_mat[, names(which(res2 == 1))]
    ## The distance between matrices are calculated as such...
    if (dist == "cosine") {
        dist_mat <- proxy::dist(t(mat1), t(mat2), method = "cosine")
    } else if (dist == "cor") {
        dist_mat <- 1 - stats::cor(as.matrix(mat1), as.matrix(mat2))
    } else {
        dist_mat <- pdist::pdist(t(mat1), t(mat2))
    dist_mat <- as.matrix(dist_mat)
    ## The dist_res (distance measure between batches) is then the
    ## median of all pairwise distances

compute_dist_res <- function(i, res1, res2, exprs_mat, dist, 
    dist_res) {
    res_tmp <- c()
    for (j in seq_len(max(res2))) {
        mat1 <- exprs_mat[, names(which(res1 == i))]
        mat2 <- exprs_mat[, names(which(res2 == j))]
        if (dist == "cosine") {
            dist_mat <- stats::dist(t(mat1), t(mat2), method = "cosine")
        } else if (dist == "cor") {
            dist_mat <- 1 - stats::cor(as.matrix(mat1), as.matrix(mat2))
        } else {
            dist_mat <- pdist::pdist(t(mat1), t(mat2))
        dist_mat <- as.matrix(dist_mat)
        res_tmp <- c(res_tmp, stats::median(dist_mat))
    dist_res[[i]] <- res_tmp

findMNC <- function(exprs_mat, clustering_list, dist = "euclidean", 
    BPPARAM, plot_igraph = TRUE) {
    batch_num <- length(clustering_list)
    names(clustering_list) <- paste("Batch", seq_len(batch_num), 
        sep = "")
    ## Check which batch has only one cluster
    batch_oneType <- which(unlist(lapply(clustering_list, function(x) length(levels(as.factor(x))) == 
    ## If there existsome batch_oneType
    if (length(batch_oneType) != 0) {
        ## And if all batch_oneType == num of batches, i.e.  every
        ## batch only contains one cell type
        if (length(batch_oneType) == batch_num) {
            combine_pair <- utils::combn(batch_num, 2)
            batch_oneType <- NULL
            allones <- TRUE
        } else {
            ## if at least some batch contains more than 1 cell type Then
            ## take away the batches with only one cell type and then
            ## iterate through all combn
            ## 20190606 YL: to prevent only one batch left after exclude the batch with one type.
            if (length(c(seq_len(batch_num))[-batch_oneType]) == 1) {
              combine_pair <- NULL
              combine_pair <- utils::combn(c(seq_len(batch_num))[-batch_oneType], 
            ## And then for those batches with only one cell type, we bind
            ## to the previous generated combn
            for (i in batch_oneType) {
                for (j in c(seq_len(batch_num))[-batch_oneType]) {
                  combine_pair <- cbind(combine_pair, c(i, j))
            allones <- FALSE
    } else {
        combine_pair <- utils::combn(batch_num, 2)
        allones <- FALSE
    mnc <- list()
    ## If there are only two batches containing only two cell
    ## types, then finding MNN is trivial. Return NULL
    if (allones & batch_num == 2) {
    } else if (allones) {
        ## If every batch contains only one cell type...
        dist_res <- matrix(NA, nrow = batch_num, ncol = batch_num)
        # if (parallel) {
        dist_mat_med <- BiocParallel::bplapply(seq_len(ncol(combine_pair)), 
            function(k) {
                compute_dist_mat_med(k = k, exprs_mat = exprs_mat, 
                  clustering_list = clustering_list, combine_pair = combine_pair, 
                  dist = dist)
            }, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
        # } else { dist_mat_med <-
        # lapply(seq_len(ncol(combine_pair)), function(k) {
        # compute_dist_mat_med(k = k, exprs_mat = exprs_mat,
        # clustering_list = clustering_list, combine_pair =
        # combine_pair, dist = dist) }) }
        for (k in seq_len(ncol(combine_pair))) {
            dist_res[combine_pair[1, k], combine_pair[2, k]] <- dist_res[combine_pair[2, 
                k], combine_pair[1, k]] <- dist_mat_med[[k]]
        ## The neighbour_res is then which ever two pairs of batches
        ## that are closes to each other
        neighbour_res <- apply(dist_res, 1, which.min)
        mnc_mat <- c()
        for (i in seq_along(neighbour_res)) {
            if (neighbour_res[neighbour_res[i]] == i) {
                mnc_mat <- rbind(mnc_mat, sort(c(i, neighbour_res[i])))
        mnc_mat <- unique(mnc_mat)
        mnc <- list()
        for (i in seq_len(nrow(mnc_mat))) {
            mnc[[i]] <- matrix(1, ncol = 2, nrow = 1)
            colnames(mnc[[i]]) <- c(paste("Batch", mnc_mat[i, 
                1], sep = ""), paste("Batch", mnc_mat[i, 2], 
                sep = ""))
    } else {
        for (k in seq_len(ncol(combine_pair))) {
            dist_res <- list()
            # print(k)
            res1 <- clustering_list[[combine_pair[1, k]]]
            res2 <- clustering_list[[combine_pair[2, k]]]
            # if (parallel) {
            dist_res <- BiocParallel::bplapply(seq_len(max(res1)), 
                function(i) {
                  compute_dist_res(i = i, res1 = res1, res2 = res2, 
                    exprs_mat = exprs_mat, dist = dist, dist_res)
                }, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
            # } else { dist_res <- lapply(seq_len(max(res1)), function(i)
            # { compute_dist_res(i = i, res1 = res1, res2 = res2,
            # exprs_mat = exprs_mat, dist = dist, dist_res) }) }
            dist_res <- do.call(rbind, dist_res)
            neighbour_batch1 <- apply(dist_res, 1, which.min)
            neighbour_batch2 <- apply(dist_res, 2, which.min)
            mnc_tmp <- c()
            for (l in seq_len(length(neighbour_batch1))) {
                if (neighbour_batch2[neighbour_batch1[l]] == 
                  l) {
                  mnc_tmp <- rbind(mnc_tmp, c(l, neighbour_batch1[l]))
            mnc[[k]] <- mnc_tmp
            colnames(mnc[[k]]) <- c(paste("Batch", combine_pair[1, 
                k], sep = ""), paste("Batch", combine_pair[2, 
                k], sep = ""))
    }  ## End else
    ############################################################### Function to perform network analysis
    edge_list <- do.call(rbind, lapply(mnc, function(x) t(apply(x, 
        1, function(y) paste(colnames(x), y, sep = "_")))))
    ### 20190606 YL: creating the node list for each cluster in each batch
    node_list <- list()
    for (b in seq_along(clustering_list)) {
      node_list[[b]] <- paste(names(clustering_list)[b],
                              seq_len(max(clustering_list[[b]])), sep = "_")
    node_list <- unlist(node_list)
    # if (is.null(edge_list)) {
    #     return(NULL)
    # } else {
    #     g <- igraph::graph_from_edgelist(edge_list, directed = FALSE)
    #     igraph::plot.igraph(g)
    #     mnc <- igraph::fastgreedy.community(g)
    #     mnc_df <- data.frame(group = as.numeric(mnc$membership),
    #         batch = as.numeric(gsub("Batch", "", gsub("_.*",
    #             "", mnc$names))), cluster = as.numeric(gsub(".*_",
    #             "", mnc$names)))
    #     if (allones) {
    #         mnc_df_new <- mnc_df
    #         batch_oneType <- c(seq_len(batch_num))[-c(mnc_mat)]
    #         for (i in batch_oneType) {
    #             print(i)
    #             neighbour_order <- rank(dist_res[i, ], na.last = TRUE)
    #             group_order1 <- mnc_df[mnc_df[, "batch"] == which(neighbour_order ==
    #               1), "group"]
    #             group_order2 <- mnc_df[mnc_df[, "batch"] == which(neighbour_order ==
    #               2), "group"]
    #             if (group_order1 == group_order2) {
    #               mnc_df_new <- rbind(mnc_df_new, c(group_order1,
    #                 i, 1))
    #             }
    #         }
    #         mnc_df <- mnc_df_new
    #     }
    #     return(mnc_df)
    # }
    ### 20190606 YL: Use the node list and edge list to build the network
    ### The edge list is null case will not be a special case now

    g <- igraph::make_empty_graph(directed = FALSE) + igraph::vertices(node_list)
    g <- g + igraph::edges(t(edge_list))

    mnc <- igraph::fastgreedy.community(g)
    mnc_df <- data.frame(group = as.numeric(mnc$membership),
                         batch = as.numeric(gsub("Batch", "", gsub("_.*", "", mnc$names))),
                         cluster = as.numeric(gsub(".*_", "", mnc$names)))

    ### 20190606 YL: to test here later  
    # if (allones) {
    #   mnc_df_new <- mnc_df
    #   batch_oneType <- c(seq_len(batch_num))[-c(mnc_mat)]
    #   for (i in batch_oneType) {
    #     print(i)
    #     neighbour_order <- rank(dist_res[i, ], na.last = TRUE)
    #     group_order1 <- mnc_df[mnc_df[, "batch"] == which(neighbour_order == 
    #                                                         1), "group"]
    #     group_order2 <- mnc_df[mnc_df[, "batch"] == which(neighbour_order == 
    #                                                         2), "group"]
    #     if (group_order1 == group_order2) {
    #       mnc_df_new <- rbind(mnc_df_new, c(group_order1, 
    #                                         i, 1))
    #     }
    #   }
    #   mnc_df <- mnc_df_new
    # }

###################################################################################################### Function to create replicate based on the mutual nearest
###################################################################################################### cluster results
#### Note this function mnc_df is the output from findMNC function

mncReplicate <- function(clustering_list, clustering_distProp, 
    replicate_prop, mnc_df) {
    # batch_num <- length(clustering_list) ### 20190606 YL... this line is not used in this function
    ### 20190606 YL: NULL is still necessary for case allones & two batches 
    if (!is.null(mnc_df)) {
      ### 20190606 YL: Following codes can be commented out 
      ### as the mnc_df now contains all the clusters, 
      ### including those without replicate
      # idx_noRep <- list()

      # For each batches, check whether there is any clusters that
      # do not have replicates for(j in 1:length(clustering_list)){
      # idx_noRep[[j]]<-which(!(1:max(clustering_list[[j]]))%in%mnc[,j])
      # }
      # for (j in seq_along(clustering_list)) {
      #     idx_noRep[[j]] <- which(!(seq_len(max(clustering_list[[j]]))) %in%
      #         mnc_df[mnc_df$batch == j, "cluster"])
      # }

      replicate_vector <- rep(NA, length(unlist(clustering_list)))
      names(replicate_vector) <- names(unlist(clustering_list))
      clustering_distProp <- unlist(clustering_distProp)
      replicate_size <- table(mnc_df$group)
      for (i in seq_len(max(mnc_df$group))) {
        tmp_names <- c()
        # For each batch in this replicate
        mnc_df_sub <- mnc_df[mnc_df$group == i, ]
        for (l in seq_len(replicate_size[i])) {
          # tmp_names<-c(tmp_names,names(which(clustering_list[[l]]==mnc[i,l])))
          tmp_names <- c(tmp_names, names(which(clustering_list[[mnc_df_sub[l, 
                                                                            "batch"]]] == mnc_df_sub[l, "cluster"])))
        replicate_vector[tmp_names[clustering_distProp[tmp_names] <= 
                                     replicate_prop]] <- paste("Replicate", i, sep = "_")
      ### 20190606 YL: commented out as change of input of the graph
      # current_idx <- max(mnc_df$group)
      # for (j in seq_along(clustering_list)) {
      #   if (length(idx_noRep[[j]]) != 0) {
      #     for (k in seq_along(idx_noRep[[j]])) {
      #       tmp_names <- names(which(clustering_list[[j]] ==
      #                                  idx_noRep[[j]][k]))
      #       replicate_vector[tmp_names[clustering_distProp[tmp_names] <=
      #                                    replicate_prop]] <- paste("Replicate", current_idx +
      #                                                                k, sep = "_")
      #     }
      #     current_idx <- current_idx + length(idx_noRep[[j]])
      #   }
      # }
      replicate_vector[is.na(replicate_vector)] <- seq_len(sum(is.na(replicate_vector)))
    } else {
      replicate_vector <- rep(NA, length(unlist(clustering_list)))
      names(replicate_vector) <- names(unlist(clustering_list))
      clustering_distProp <- unlist(clustering_distProp)
      current_idx <- 1
      for (j in seq_along(clustering_list)) {
        for (k in seq_len(max(clustering_list[[j]]))) {
          tmp_names <- names(which(clustering_list[[j]] == 
          replicate_vector[tmp_names[clustering_distProp[tmp_names] <= 
                                       replicate_prop]] <- paste("Replicate", current_idx + 
                                                                   k, sep = "_")
        current_idx <- current_idx + max(clustering_list[[j]])
      replicate_vector[is.na(replicate_vector)] <- seq_len(sum(is.na(replicate_vector)))

###################################################################################################### Function to create replicates based on wanted varition
wvReplicate <- function(exprs_mat, WV, WV_marker, replicate_vector) {
    names(WV) <- colnames(exprs_mat)
    if (!is.null(WV_marker)) {
        marker_expr <- lapply(WV_marker, function(x) stats::aggregate(exprs_mat[x, 
            ], by = list(replicate_vector), FUN = mean))
        names(marker_expr) <- WV_marker
        marker_expr <- do.call(cbind, lapply(marker_expr, function(x) x[, 
        rownames(marker_expr) <- names(table(replicate_vector))
        km <- stats::kmeans(marker_expr, centers = 2)
        tab_max <- table(apply(km$centers, 2, which.max))
        marker_cluster <- names(tab_max)[which.max(tab_max)]
        marker_replicate <- names(which(km$cluster == marker_cluster))
        replicate_vector[replicate_vector %in% marker_replicate] <- paste(replicate_vector[replicate_vector %in% 
            marker_replicate], WV[replicate_vector %in% marker_replicate], 
            sep = "_")
        # repMat_new <-
        # ruv::replicate.matrix(as.factor(replicate_vector))
    } else {
        replicate_vector <- paste(replicate_vector, WV, sep = "_")
        # repMat_new <-
        # ruv::replicate.matrix(as.factor(paste(replicate_vector, WV,
        # sep = '_')))

###################################################################################################### Function to create replicates based on known cell types
supervisedReplicate <- function(exprs_mat, cell_type, replicate_prop) {
    ## For each unique value in the cell_type vector, calculate
    ## the centroid distance of those unique cell_types
    clustering_distProp <- lapply(unique(cell_type), function(x) centroidDist(exprs_mat[, 
        cell_type == x]))
    clustering_distProp <- unlist(clustering_distProp)[names(cell_type)]
    ## The replicate_vector matches to the cell_type vector
    replicate_vector <- rep(NA, length(cell_type))
    names(replicate_vector) = names(cell_type)
    ## The value in replicate_vector is controlled by the
    ## proportion of replicates option
    replicate_vector[clustering_distProp <= replicate_prop] <- cell_type[clustering_distProp <= 
    replicate_vector[is.na(replicate_vector)] <- seq_len(sum(is.na(replicate_vector)))

###################################################################################################### Function to create replicates based on known cell types
computePCA_byHVGMarker <- function(this_batch_list, batch, batch_oneType, 
    marker, exprs_mat, HVG_list, BSPARAM) {
    ## If there is kmeansK == 1 in a batch, then we will return
    ## NULL
    if (this_batch_list %in% batch_oneType) {
    } else {
        ## If there is kmeansK > 1 in a batch, then we will return
        ## compute PCAs
        ## If there exist some user-supplied markers, then we will use
        ## them to perform PCA.  Otherwise we use the HVGs computed in
        ## each batch
        if (!is.null(marker)) {
            sub_exprs_mat <- t(exprs_mat[marker, batch == this_batch_list])
        } else {
            sub_exprs_mat <- t(exprs_mat[HVG_list[[this_batch_list]], 
                batch == this_batch_list])
      result <- BiocSingular::runPCA(x = sub_exprs_mat, 
                                     rank = 10, scale = TRUE, center = TRUE,
                                     BSPARAM = BiocSingular::ExactParam())$x
    rownames(result) <- rownames(sub_exprs_mat)

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