
Defines functions .assayToLongDF computeMedianCV computeFDR computeSCR

Documented in computeFDR computeMedianCV computeSCR

##' Compute the sample over carrier ratio (SCR)
##' The function computes the ratio of the intensities of sample
##' channels over the intentisty of the carrier channel for each
##' feature. The ratios are averaged within the assay.
##' @param obj A `QFeatures` object.
##' @param i A `character()` or `integer()` indicating for which
##'     assay(s) the SCR needs to be computed.
##' @param colDataCol A `character(1)` indicating the variable to take
##'     from `colData(obj)` that gives the sample annotation.
##' @param samplePattern A `character(1)` pattern that matches the
##'     sample encoding in `colDataCol`.
##' @param carrierPattern A `character(1)` pattern that matches the
##'     carrier encoding in `colDataCol`. Only one match per assay is
##'     allowed, otherwise only the first match is taken
##' @return A `QFeatures` object for which the `rowData` of the given
##'     assay(s) is augmented with the mean SCR (`.meanSCR`
##'     variable). 
##' @export
##' @examples
##' data("scp1")
##' scp1 <- computeSCR(scp1, 
##'                    i = 1,
##'                    colDataCol = "SampleType",
##'                    carrierPattern = "Carrier",
##'                    samplePattern = "Blank|Macrophage|Monocyte")
##' ## Check results
##' rowDataToDF(scp1, 1, ".meanSCR")
computeSCR <- function(obj, 
                       carrierPattern) {
    if (!inherits(obj, "QFeatures"))
        stop("'obj' must be a QFeatures object")
    if (is.numeric(samplePattern)) 
        warning("The pattern is numeric. This is only allowed for replicating ",
                "the SCoPE2 analysis and will later get defunct.")
    ## Iterate over the different assay indices
    for (ii in i) {
        annot <- colData(obj)[colnames(obj[[ii]]), ][, colDataCol]
        ## Get the corresponding indices
        if (is.numeric(samplePattern)) {
            sampIdx <- samplePattern[samplePattern <= length(annot)]
        } else {
            sampIdx <- grep(samplePattern, annot)
        carrIdx <- grep(carrierPattern, annot)
        if (length(carrIdx) > 1) {
            warning("Multiple carriers found in assay '", names(obj)[ii], 
                    "'. Only the first match will be used")
            carrIdx <- carrIdx[1]
        if (any(!c(length(carrIdx), length(sampIdx))))
            stop("Pattern did not match a sample or carrier channel.")
        ## Compute ratios
        carrier <- assay(obj[[ii]])[, carrIdx]
        ratio <- assay(obj[[ii]])[, sampIdx, drop = FALSE] / carrier
        ## Compute mean sample to carrier ratios
        rowData(obj@ExperimentList@listData[[ii]])$.meanSCR <- 
            rowMeans(ratio, na.rm = TRUE)
        ## more efficient than rowData(obj[[ii]])$.meanSCR <-  ...

##' Compute FDR from posterior error probabilities PEP
##' The functions takes the posterior error probabilities (PEPs) from 
##' the given assay's `rowData` and adds a new variable to it (called 
##' `.FDR`) that contains the computed false discovery rates (FDRs). 
##' @param object A `QFeatures` object
##' @param i A `numeric()` or `character()` vector indicating from 
##'     which assays the `rowData` should be taken.
##' @param groupCol A `character(1)` indicating the variable names in the 
##'     `rowData` that contains the grouping variable. The FDR are usually 
##'     computed for PSMs grouped by peptide ID.
##' @param pepCol A `character(1)` indicating the variable names in the 
##'     `rowData` that contains the PEPs. Since, PEPs are probabilities, the 
##'     variable must be contained in (0, 1).
##' @return A `QFeatures` object.
##' @export
##' @examples
##' data("scp1")
##' scp1 <- computeFDR(scp1,
##'                    i = 1,
##'                    groupCol = "Sequence",
##'                    pepCol = "dart_PEP")
##' ## Check results
##' rowDataToDF(scp1, 1, c("dart_PEP", ".FDR"))
computeFDR <- function(object, 
                       pepCol) {
    if (!inherits(object, "QFeatures"))
        stop("'object' must be a QFeatures object")
    if (is.numeric(i)) i <- names(object)[i]

    ## Function to compute FDRs from PEPs
    fdrFromPEP <- function(x) ## this is calc_fdr from SCoPE2
        return((cumsum(x[order(x)]) / seq_along(x))[order(order(x))])
    ## Get the PEP from all assays
    peps <- rowDataToDF(object, i, vars = c(groupCol, pepCol))
    ## Check PEP is a probability
    pepRange <- range(peps[, pepCol], na.rm = TRUE)
    if (max(pepRange) > 1 | min(pepRange < 0))
        stop(paste0("'", pepCol, "' is not a probability in (0, 1)"))
    ## Report missing values
    if (anyNA(peps[, pepCol]))
        message("The 'pepCol' contains missing values. No FDR will ",
                "be computed for missing data.")
    ## Compute the FDR for every peptide ID separately
    peps <- group_by(data.frame(peps), .data[[groupCol]])
    peps <- mutate(peps, FDR = fdrFromPEP(.data[[pepCol]]))
    ## Insert the FDR inside every assay
    pepID <- paste0(peps$.assay, peps$.rowname)
    for (ii in i) {
        rdID <- paste0(ii, rownames(object[[ii]]))
        .FDR <- peps[match(rdID, pepID), ]$FDR
        rowData(object@ExperimentList@listData[[ii]])$.FDR <- .FDR

##' Compute the median coefficient of variation (CV) per cell
##' The function computes for each cell the median CV. The expression data is 
##' normalized twice. First, cell median expression is used as normalization 
##' factor, then, the mean for each batch and peptide. The CV is then computed 
##' for each protein in each cell. CV is the standard deviation divided by the 
##' mean expression. The CV is computed only if there are more than 5 
##' observations per protein per cell. 
##' A new columns, `.medianCV`, is added to the `colData` of the assay 
##' `i` and contains the computed median CVs.
##' *Watch out* that `peptideCol` and `proteinCol` are feature 
##' variables and hence taken from the `rowData`. `batchCol` is a 
##' sample variable and is taken from the `colData` of the `QFeatures` 
##' object.
##' @param object A `QFeatures` object
##' @param i  A `numeric()` or `character()` vector indicating from which 
##'     assays the `rowData` should be taken.
##' @param peptideCol  A `character(1)` indicating the variable name in the 
##'     `rowData` that contains the peptide grouping.
##' @param proteinCol A `character(1)` indicating the variable name in the 
##'     `rowData` that contains the protein grouping.
##' @param batchCol A `character(1)` indicating the variable name in the 
##'     `colData` of `object` that contains the batch names.
##' @return A `QFeatures` object. 
##' @export
##' @importFrom stats median sd
##' @importFrom rlang .data
##' @examples
##' data("scp1")
##' scp1 <- computeMedianCV(scp1, 
##'                         i = "peptides", 
##'                         proteinCol = "protein", 
##'                         peptideCol = "peptide", 
##'                         batchCol = "Set")
##' ## Check results
##' hist(scp1[["peptides"]]$.MedianCV)
computeMedianCV <- function(object, 
                            batchCol) {
    ## Extract the expression data and metadata as long format
    object %>%
        .assayToLongDF(i = i, 
                       rowDataCols = c(peptideCol, proteinCol), 
                       colDataCols = c(batchCol)) %>%
        data.frame %>%
        ## Normalize cells with median
        group_by(.data$colname) %>%
        mutate(norm_q1 = .data$value / median(.data$value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
        ## Normalize peptides per Set with mean of cell normalized expression
        group_by(.data[[peptideCol]], .data[[batchCol]]) %>%
        mutate(norm_q = .data$value / mean(.data$norm_q1, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
        ## Compute the protein CV in every cell
        group_by(.data[[proteinCol]], .data$colname) %>%
        mutate(norm_q_sd = sd(.data$norm_q, na.rm = TRUE),
               norm_q_mean = mean(.data$norm_q, na.rm = TRUE),
               cvq = .data$norm_q_sd / .data$norm_q_mean) %>%
        ## Remove CVs that were computed based on few data points
        group_by(.data[[proteinCol]], .data$colname) %>%
        mutate(cvn = sum(!is.na(.data$norm_q))) %>%
        dplyr::filter(.data$cvn > 5) %>%
        ## Compute the median CV per cell
        group_by(.data$colname) %>%
        mutate(.MedianCV = median(.data$cvq, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
        ## Store the cell median CV in the coldata
        select(.data$colname, .data$.MedianCV) %>%
        unique ->
    object@ExperimentList@listData[[i]]$.MedianCV <- NA
    colData(object@ExperimentList@listData[[i]])[CVs$colname, ".MedianCV"] <- 

## Internal function to efficiently extract expression data to long
## format. The efficiency is seen when nNA's are present and `na.rm ==
## TRUE`. Meta
.assayToLongDF <- function(obj, 
                           na.rm = TRUE) {
    if (length(i) > 1) stop("Multiple assays are not supported (yet).")
    dat <- assay(obj[[i]])
    if (na.rm) sel <- which(!is.na(dat), arr.ind = TRUE) else sel <- TRUE
    DataFrame(colname = colnames(dat)[sel[, 2]],
              rowname = rownames(dat)[sel[, 1]],
              colData(obj)[colnames(dat)[sel[, 2]], 
                           drop = FALSE],
              rowData(obj[[i]])[rownames(dat)[sel[, 1]], 
                                drop = FALSE],
              value = dat[sel])

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scp documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:20 p.m.