Man pages for singscore
Rank-based single-sample gene set scoring method

generateNullPermutation test for the derived scores of each sample
generateNull_intlPermutation test for the derived scores of each sample
getPvalsEstimate the empirical p-values
getStableGenesGet a list of stably expressed genes
multiScoresingle-sample gene-set scoring method for multiple signatures
plotDispersionPlot the score v.s. despersion for all samples
plotNullPlot the empirically estimated null distribution and...
plotRankDensityPlot the densities of ranks for one sample
plotRankDensity_intlPlot the densities of ranks for one sample
plotScoreLandscapePlot landscape of two gene signatures scores
projectScoreLandscapeProject data on the landscape plot obtained from...
rankGenesRank genes by the gene expression intensities
scoredf_ccle_epiPre-computed scores of the CCLE dataset against an epithelial...
scoredf_ccle_mesPre-computed scores of the CCLE dataset against a mesenchymal...
scoredf_tcga_epiPre-computed scores of the TCGA breast cancer gene expression...
scoredf_tcga_mesPre-computed scores of the TCGA breast cancer gene expression...
simpleScoresingle-sample gene-set scoring method
singscoresingscore: A package for deriving gene-set scores at a single...
tgfb_expr_10_seAn example gene expression dataset
tgfb_gs_dnGene set of down-regulated genes for the TGFb-induced EMT...
tgfb_gs_upGene set of up-regulated genes for the TGFb-induced EMT gene...
toy_expr_seA toy gene expression dataset of two samples
toy_gs_dnA gene set object of down-regulated genes for the toy dataset
toy_gs_upA gene set object of up-regulated genes for the toy dataset
singscore documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:27 p.m.