
Defines functions getWinFromBamFile

Documented in getWinFromBamFile

#' @title get the strand information of all windows from bam files
#' @description get the number of positive/negative reads of all windows from 
#' bam files
#' @param files the input bam files. Your bamfiles should be sorted and have 
#' their index files located at the same path.
#' @param sequences the list of sequences to be read
#' @param mapqFilter every read that has mapping quality below 
#' \code{mapqFilter} will be removed before any analysis
#' @param yieldSize by default is 1e6, i.e. the bam file is read by block of
#' records whose size is defined by this paramter. It is used to pass to same
#' paramter of the scanBam function.
#' @param winWidth the width of the sliding window, 1000 by default.
#' @param winStep the step length to sliding the window, 100 by default.
#' @param readProp A read is considered to be included in a window if at least
#' \code{readProp} of it is in the window. Specified as a proportion.
#' 0.5 by default.
#' @param paired if TRUE then the input bamfile will be considered as paired 
#' end reads. If missing, 100 thousands first reads will be inspected to test 
#' if the input bam file in paired end or single end.
#' @return a DataFrame object containing the number of positive/negative reads 
#' and coverage of each window sliding across the bam file
#' @seealso \code{\link{filterDNA}}, \code{\link{plotHist}}, 
#' \code{\link{plotWin}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom IRanges Views
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqinfo
#' @importFrom Rsamtools bamMapqFilter<-
#' @importFrom Rsamtools bamMapqFilter
#' @importFrom Rsamtools ScanBamParam
#' @importFrom Rsamtools BamFileList
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @examples
#' file <- system.file('extdata','s1.sorted.bam',package = 'strandCheckR')
#' win <- getWinFromBamFile(file,sequences='10')
#' win

getWinFromBamFile <- function(
    files, sequences, mapqFilter = 0, yieldSize = 1e+06, winWidth = 1000, 
    winStep = 100, readProp = 0.5, paired
    # Check the input is a BamFileList. Convert if necessary
    if (!is(files, "BamFileList")) {
        tryCatch(files <- BamFileList(files, yieldSize = yieldSize))
    # Check valid mapqFilter value
    if (mapqFilter < 0 || !is.numeric(mapqFilter)) {
        stop("Invalid value for mapqFilter. Must be positive & numeric.")
    # Check valide readProp
    if (!is.numeric(readProp) || readProp <= 0 || readProp > 1) {
        stop("Invalid value for readProp. Must be numeric and in (0,1].")
    # Create a list to store the windows for each file
    allWin <- vector("list", length(files))
    # Read through each bam file
    for (b in seq_along(files)) {
        file <- files[[b]]
        # Check the paired status
        if (missing(paired)) {
            paired <- checkPairedEnd(file$path)
        # Get the seqinfo object & all genomic information
        sq <- seqinfo(file)
        allRefSequences <- seqnames(sq)
        # Subset sequences if required
        if (!missing(sequences)) {
            sequenceId <- which(allRefSequences %in% sequences)
            stopifnot(length(sequenceId) > 0)
            sq <- sq[allRefSequences[sequenceId]]
            sequences <- seqnames(sq)
        } else {
            sequences <- allRefSequences
        lengthSeq <- seqlengths(sq)
        # Initialise the data frames for window information to be returned
        allWin[[b]] <- list()
        # Initialise the data frames containing the sequence information in
        # each part
        seqInfo <- data.frame(
            Sequence = sequences, Length = lengthSeq, NbReads = 0, 
            FirstBaseInPart = 0, LastBaseInPart = 0, FirstReadInPart = 0, 
            LastReadInPart = 0
        # what to scan from bam file
        scanWhat <- c("pos", "cigar", "strand")
        if (paired) scanWhat <- c(scanWhat, "flag")
        message("Reading file ", file$path)
        # Read the bam file in block defined by the yieldSize
        remainSequences <- sequences
        while (length(remainSequences) > 0) {
            # Get & Summarise the reads Return the reads from the bam file as 
            # a list, with each element containing reads from a single seq
            scanGR <- GRanges(
                seqnames = remainSequences, 
                ranges = IRanges(start = 1,end = lengthSeq[remainSequences])
            sbp <- ScanBamParam(
                what = scanWhat,  which = scanGR, mapqFilter = mapqFilter
            readInfo <- scanBam(file, param = sbp)
            # Get the number of records in each sequence and update seqInfo
            nbReads <- vapply(
                readInfo, function(seq){length(seq$pos)}, integer(1)
            ind <- seqInfo$Sequence %in% remainSequences
            seqInfo$NbReads[ind] <- nbReads
            # Get the sequences that have been read
            idReadSeq <- which(nbReads > 0)
            if (length(idReadSeq)==0){
                remainSequences <- c()
            } else {
                readSeq <- remainSequences[idReadSeq]
                message("Read sequences ", paste(readSeq,collapse = " "))
                idP <- which(sequences %in% readSeq)
                partName <- readSeq[1]
                #Calculate the next remainSequences to read
                idNext <- idReadSeq[length(idReadSeq)] + 1
                if (idNext<=length(remainSequences)){
                    nextRange <- idNext:length(remainSequences)
                    remainSequences <- remainSequences[nextRange]    
                } else {
                    remainSequences <- c()
                # Calculate First/Last Base/Read in each part of the partition
                seqInfo[idP,] <- sequenceInfoInPartition(
                    seqInfo[idP,], winWidth, winStep
                # Concatenate lists of mutiple sequences into one list
                readInfo <- concatenateAlignments(
                    readInfo[idReadSeq], seqInfo[idP,]
                if (paired) {
                    firstReadIndex <- which(floor(readInfo$flag/64)%%2 == 1)
                    secondReadIndex <- which(floor(readInfo$flag/64)%%2 == 0)
                    if (length(firstReadIndex) == 0) {
                        subset <- list(NULL)
                        type <- "R2"
                    } else if (length(secondReadIndex) == 0) {
                        subset <- list(NULL)
                        type <- "R1"
                    } else {
                        subset <- list(R1 = firstReadIndex, 
                            R2 = secondReadIndex)
                        type <- "R1"
                } else {
                    subset <- list(NULL)
                    type <- "SE"
                for (s in seq_along(subset)) {
                    win <- getWinFromReadInfo(
                        readInfo, winWidth, winStep, readProp, subset[[s]]
                    if (!is.null(win)){
                        win <- getWinInSequence(
                            win, seqInfo[idP, ], winWidth, winStep
                        if (s == 1) {
                            win$Type <- Rle(type, nrow(win))
                            allWin[[b]][[partName]] <- win
                        } else {
                            win$Type <- Rle("R2", nrow(win))
                            allWin[[b]][[partName]] <- 
                                rbind(allWin[[b]][[partName]], win)
                    } else{
                        if (s==1) allWin[[b]][[partName]] <- NULL
        # combind the windows of all read parts
        if (length(allWin[[b]])==0){
            allWin[[b]] <- DataFrame(
                Type = Rle("",0), Seq = Rle("",0), Start = Rle(0,0), 
                End = Rle(0,0), NbPos = Rle(0,0), NbNeg = Rle(0,0), 
                CovPos = Rle(0,0), CovNeg = Rle(0,0), MaxCoverage = Rle(0,0)
        } else{
            allWin[[b]] <- do.call(rbind, allWin[[b]])
        allWin[[b]]$File <- Rle(file$path, nrow(allWin[[b]]))    
    allWin <- do.call(rbind, allWin)
    allWin$Start <- (allWin$Start - 1) * winStep + 1
    allWin$End <- allWin$Start + winWidth - 1

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strandCheckR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:02 p.m.