#' Function to import BAM files
#' This function coalesces and annotates a set of BAM files into peak-centered
#' data
#' @param sheetfile path to a csv annotation file containing sample information
#' and BAM location
#' @param intervals size of the peaks. If NULL (default) it is inferred from
#' the average fragment length observed in the dataset
#' @return A list of components:
#' \describe{
#' \item{peakcounts}{A matrix of raw peak counts, peaks as rows, samples as
#' columns}
#' \item{peakrpkms}{A matrix of peak RPKMs, peaks as rows, samples as
#' columns}
#' \item{samples}{A vector of sample names and conditions}
#' }
#' @examples
#' library(vulcandata)
#' # Generate an annotation file from the dummy ChIP-Seq dataset
#' vfile<-tempfile()
#' vulcandata::vulcansheet(vfile)
#' # Import BAM and BED information into a list object
#' # vobj<-vulcan.import(vfile)
#' # This vobj is identical to the object returned by
#' # vulcandata::vulcanexample()
#' unlink(vfile)
#' @export
vulcan.import <- function(sheetfile, intervals = NULL) {
# Check the dataset
sheet <- read.csv(sheetfile, = TRUE)
# Generate a DiffBind object
dbobj <- DiffBind::dba(sampleSheet = sheetfile)
message("Sheet loaded. You have ", nrow(sheet),
" samples and ", length(unique(sheet$Condition)),
" conditions")
# Select the interval size automatically
# (if not provided by the user)
if (is.null(intervals)) {
# List of bam files
bam.files <- sheet[, "bamReads"]
intervals <- average_fragment_length(bam.files, plot = FALSE) * 2
message("Peak size automatically detected as ",
intervals, "nt")
# Count reads in binding sites intervals
dbcounts <- DiffBind::dba.count(dbobj, summits = intervals)
# Extract counts from the dbacount object
listcounts <- dbcounts$peaks
names(listcounts) <- dbcounts$samples[,1]
# Prepare RPKM matrix
first <- listcounts[[1]]
rawmat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(first), ncol = length(listcounts) + 3)
colnames(rawmat) <- c("Chr", "Start", "End", names(listcounts))
rownames(rawmat) <- 1:nrow(rawmat)
rawmat <-
rawmat[, 1] <- as.character(first[, 1])
rawmat[, 2] <- as.integer(first[, 2])
rawmat[, 3] <- as.integer(first[, 3])
for (i in seq_len(length(listcounts))) {
rawmat[, names(listcounts)[i]] <- as.numeric(listcounts[[i]]$RPKM)
peakrpkms <- rawmat
# Prepare Count matrix
first <- listcounts[[1]]
rawmat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(first), ncol = length(listcounts) + 3)
colnames(rawmat) <- c("Chr", "Start", "End", names(listcounts))
rownames(rawmat) <- 1:nrow(rawmat)
rawmat <-
rawmat[, 1] <- as.character(first[, 1])
rawmat[, 2] <- as.integer(first[, 2])
rawmat[, 3] <- as.integer(first[, 3])
for (i in seq_len(length(listcounts))) {
rawmat[, names(listcounts)[i]] <- as.integer(listcounts[[i]]$Reads)
peakcounts <- rawmat
# Create an annotation structure
samples <- list()
conditions <- unique(sheet$Condition)
for (cond in conditions) {
heresamples <- sheet$SampleID[sheet$Condition == cond]
samples[[cond]] <- heresamples
# Return output
vobj <- list(peakcounts = peakcounts, samples = samples,
peakrpkms = peakrpkms)
#' Function to annotate peaks for VULCAN analysis
#' This function coalesces and annotates a set of BAM files into peak-centered
#' data. It implements the ChIPPeakANno methods, with specific choices dealing
#' with defining the genomic area around the promoter and which peaks to
#' include.
#' @param vobj A list of peakcounts, samples and peakrpkms (i.e. the output of
#' the function vulcan.import)
#' @param method Method to deal with multiple peaks found within gene promoter
#' boundaries. One of sum (default), closest, strongest, topvar, farthest or
#' lowvar. This will affect only genes with multiple possible peaks. When a
#' single peak can be mapped to the promoter region of the gene, that peak
#' abundance will be considered as the gene promoter's occupancy.
#' \describe{
#' \item{sum}{when multiple peaks are found, sum their contributions}
#' \item{closest}{when multiple peaks are found, keep only the closest to the
#' TSS as the representative one}
#' \item{strongest}{when multiple peaks are found, keep the strongest as the
#' representative one}
#' \item{farthest}{when multiple peaks are found, keep only the closest to the
#' TSS as the representative one}
#' \item{topvar}{when multiple peaks are found, keep the most varying as the
#' representative one}
#' \item{lowvar}{when multiple peaks are found, keep the least varying as the
#' representative one}
#' }
#' @param lborder Boundary for peak annotation (in nucleotides) upstream of
#' the Transcription starting site (default: -10000)
#' @param rborder Boundary for peak annotation (in nucleotides) downstream of
#' the Transcription starting site (default: 10000)
#' @param TxDb TxDb annotation object containing the knownGene track. If NULL
#' (the default), TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene is loaded
#' @return A list of components:
#' \describe{
#' \item{peakcounts}{A matrix of raw peak counts, peaks as rows, samples as
#' columns}
#' \item{peakrpkms}{A matrix of peak RPKMs, peaks as rows, samples as
#' columns}
#' \item{rawcounts}{A matrix of raw gene counts, genes as rows, samples as
#' columns. The counts are associated to the promoter region of the gene}
#' \item{rpkms}{A matrix of RPKMs, genes as rows, samples as
#' columns. The RPKMs are associated to the promoter region of the gene}
#' \item{samples}{A vector of sample names and conditions}
#' }
#' @examples
#' library(vulcandata)
#' vobj<-vulcandata::vulcanexample()
#' vobj<-vulcan.annotate(vobj,lborder=-10000,rborder=10000,method='sum')
#' @export
vulcan.annotate <- function(vobj, lborder = -10000,
rborder = 10000, method = c("closest",
TxDb=NULL) {
# Annotate (any genome)
annotation <- toGRanges(TxDb,
feature = "gene")
} else {
# Annotate (hg19)
annotation <- toGRanges(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene,
feature = "gene")
gr <- GRanges(vobj$peakcounts)
anno <- annotatePeakInBatch(gr, AnnotationData = annotation,
output = "overlapping",
FeatureLocForDistance = "TSS",
bindingRegion = c(lborder, rborder))
# Convert to a more handy data frame
dfanno <- anno
names(dfanno) <- seq_len(length(dfanno))
dfanno <-
# Prepare the output table
allsamples <- unique(unlist(vobj$samples))
genes <- unique(dfanno$feature)
peakspergene <- table(dfanno$feature)
rawcounts <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(genes),
ncol = length(allsamples))
colnames(rawcounts) <- allsamples
rownames(rawcounts) <- genes
# All methods: if a gene has a single
# peak, you select that
genesone <- names(peakspergene)[peakspergene ==
for (gene in genesone) {
rawcounts[gene, allsamples] <- as.numeric(dfanno[dfanno$feature ==
gene, allsamples])
# Other methods: they deal with cases
# where multiple peaks are found
genesmore <- names(peakspergene)[peakspergene > 1]
gr <- GRanges(vobj$peakrpkms)
anno <- annotatePeakInBatch(gr, AnnotationData = annotation,
output = "overlapping",
FeatureLocForDistance = "TSS",
bindingRegion = c(lborder, rborder))
# Convert to a more handy data frame
dfanno <- anno
names(dfanno) <- seq_len(length(dfanno))
dfanno <-
# Prepare the output table
allsamples <- unique(unlist(vobj$samples))
genes <- unique(dfanno$feature)
peakspergene <- table(dfanno$feature)
rpkms <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(genes),
ncol = length(allsamples))
colnames(rpkms) <- allsamples
rownames(rpkms) <- genes
# All methods: if a gene has a single
# peak, you select that
genesone <- names(peakspergene)[peakspergene == 1]
for (gene in genesone) {
rpkms[gene, allsamples] <- as.numeric(
dfanno[dfanno$feature == gene, allsamples]
# Other methods: they deal with cases
# where multiple peaks are found
genesmore <- names(peakspergene)[peakspergene > 1]
### Fix data types as needed
# Return object
vobj$rawcounts <- rawcounts
vobj$rpkms <- rpkms
# This function structure was strongly suggested
# by the Bioconductor reviewer
stop("unsupported method ", method)
# Method closest: when multiple peaks are
# found, keep only the closest to the TSS
# as the representative one
# Method farthest: when multiple peaks
# are found, keep only the closest to the
# TSS as the representative one
# Method sum: when multiple peaks are
# found, sum their contributions
# Method strongest: when multiple peaks
# are found, keep the strongest as the
# representative one
# Method topvar: when multiple peaks are
# found, keep the most varying as the
# representative one
# Method lowvar: when multiple peaks are
# found, keep the least varying as the
# representative one
for (gene in genesmore) {
subanno <- dfanno[dfanno$feature == gene, ]
if (method == "closest") {
closest <- which.min(subanno$distanceToStart)
genematrix[gene, allsamples] <- as.numeric(subanno[closest,
if (method == "farthest") {
farthest <- which.max(subanno$distanceToStart)
genematrix[gene, allsamples] <- as.numeric(subanno[farthest,
if (method == "sum") {
sums <- apply(subanno[, allsamples], 2, sum)
genematrix[gene, allsamples] <- as.numeric(sums)
if (method == "strongest") {
sums <- apply(subanno[, allsamples], 1, sum)
top <- which.max(sums)
genematrix[gene, allsamples] <- as.numeric(subanno[top,
if (method == "topvar") {
vars <- apply(subanno[, allsamples], 1, var)
top <- which.max(vars)
genematrix[gene, allsamples] <- as.numeric(subanno[top,
if (method == "lowvar") {
vars <- apply(subanno[, allsamples], 1, var)
top <- which.min(vars)
genematrix[gene, allsamples] <- as.numeric(subanno[top,
#' Function to normalize promoter peak data
#' This function normalizes gene-centered ChIP-Seq data using VST
#' @param vobj a list, the output of the \code{'vulcan.annotate'} function
#' @return A list of components:
#' \describe{
#' \item{peakcounts}{A matrix of raw peak counts, peaks as rows, samples as
#' columns}
#' \item{peakrpkms}{A matrix of peak RPKMs, peaks as rows, samples as
#' columns}
#' \item{rawcounts}{A matrix of raw gene counts, genes as rows, samples as
#' columns. The counts are associated to the promoter region of the gene}
#' \item{rpkms}{A matrix of RPKMs, genes as rows, samples as
#' columns. The RPKMs are associated to the promoter region of the gene}
#' \item{normalized}{A matrix of gene abundances normalized by
#' Variance-Stabilizing Transformation (VST), genes as rows, samples as
#' columns. The abundances are associated to the promoter
#' region of the gene}
#' \item{samples}{A vector of sample names and conditions}
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(vulcandata)
#' vobj<-vulcandata::vulcanexample()
#' vobj<-vulcan.annotate(vobj,lborder=-10000,rborder=10000,method='sum')
#' vobj<-vulcan.normalize(vobj)
#' }
#' @export
vulcan.normalize <- function(vobj) {
# Extract raw counts from object
samples <- vobj$samples
rawcounts <- vobj$rawcounts
allsamples <- unique(unlist(samples))
allgenes <- rownames(rawcounts)
# Generate a normalized abundance object
conditions <- c()
for (i in seq_len(length(samples))) {
conditions <- c(conditions, rep(names(samples)[i],
conditions <- factor(conditions)
cds <- DESeq::newCountDataSet(vobj$rawcounts, conditions)
cds <- DESeq::estimateSizeFactors(cds)
cds <- DESeq::estimateDispersions(cds, fitType = "local")
vsd <- DESeq::varianceStabilizingTransformation(cds)
normalized <- Biobase::exprs(vsd)
rownames(normalized) <- rownames(rawcounts)
vobj$normalized <- normalized
#' VULCAN - VirtUaL Chipseq data Analysis using Networks
#' This function calculates the enrichment of a gene regulatory network over a
#' ChIP-Seq derived signature
#' @param vobj a list, the output of the \code{'vulcan.normalize'} function
#' @param network an object of class \code{'viper::regulon'}
#' @param contrast a vector of two fields, containing the condition names
#' to be compared (1 vs 2)
#' @param annotation an optional named vector to convert gene identifiers
#' (e.g. entrez ids to gene symbols)
#' Default (NULL) won't convert gene names.
#' @param minsize integer indicating the minimum regulon size for the analysis
#' to be run. Default: 10
#' @return A list of components:
#' \describe{
#' \item{peakcounts}{A matrix of raw peak counts, peaks as rows, samples as
#' columns}
#' \item{peakrpkms}{A matrix of peak RPKMs, peaks as rows, samples as
#' columns}
#' \item{rawcounts}{A matrix of raw gene counts, genes as rows, samples as
#' columns. The counts are associated to the promoter region of the gene}
#' \item{rpkms}{A matrix of RPKMs, genes as rows, samples as
#' columns. The RPKMs are associated to the promoter region of the gene}
#' \item{normalized}{A matrix of gene abundances normalized by
#' Variance-Stabilizing Transformation (VST), genes as rows, samples as
#' columns. The abundances are associated to the promoter
#' region of the gene}
#' \item{samples}{A vector of sample names and conditions}
#' \item{msviper}{a multisample virtual proteomics object from the
#' viper package}
#' \item{mrs}{A table of master regulators for a specific signature, indicating
#' their Normalized Enrichment Score (NES) and p-value}
#' }
#' @examples
#' library(vulcandata)
#' # Get an example vulcan object (generated with vulcan.import() using the
#' # dummy dataset contained in the \textit{vulcandata} package)
#' vobj<-vulcandata::vulcanexample()
#' # Annotate peaks to gene names
#' vobj<-vulcan.annotate(vobj,lborder=-10000,rborder=10000,method='sum')
#' # Normalize data for VULCAN analysis
#' vobj<-vulcan.normalize(vobj)
#' # Detect which conditions are present
#' names(vobj$samples)
#' # Load an ARACNe network
#' # This is a regulon object as specified in the VIPER package, named 'network'
#' load(system.file('extdata','network.rda',package='vulcandata',mustWork=TRUE))
#' # Run VULCAN
#' # We can reduce the minimum regulon size, since in this example only one
#' # chromosome
#' # was measured, and the networks would otherwise have too few hits
#' vobj_analysis<-vulcan(vobj,network=network,contrast=c('t90','t0'),minsize=5)
#' # Visualize output using the msviper plotting function
#' plot(vobj_analysis$msviper,mrs=7)
#' @export
vulcan <- function(vobj, network, contrast, annotation = NULL,
minsize = 10) {
tfs <- names(network)
samples <- vobj$samples
normalized <- vobj$normalized
# Prepare output objects
msvipers <- matrix(NA, ncol = 3, nrow = length(tfs))
rownames(msvipers) <- tfs
# Define contrast
a <- samples[[contrast[1]]]
b <- samples[[contrast[2]]]
# Vulcan msviper implementation
signature <- viper::rowTtest(normalized[, a], normalized[, b])$statistic
dnull <- viper::ttestNull(normalized[, a], normalized[, b], per = 1000)
msviper <- msviper(signature, network,
dnull, minsize = minsize)
# Annotate
if (!is.null(annotation)) {
msviper <- viper::msviperAnnot(msviper, annotation)
vobj$msviper <- msviper
# Specific Master Regulators
mrs <- cbind(msviper$es$nes, z2p(msviper$es$nes))
colnames(mrs) <- c("NES", "pvalue")
vobj$mrs <- mrs
#' Function to calculate pathway enrichment over a ChIP-Seq profile
#' This function applies Gene Set Enrichment Analysis or Rank Enrichment
#' Analysis over a ChIP-Seq signature contained in a vulcan package object
#' @param vobj a list, the output of the \code{'vulcan.annotate'} function
#' @param contrast a vector with the name of the two conditions to
#' compare. If method=='REA', contrast can be set to 'all', and Rank Enrichment
#' Analysis will be performed for every sample independently, compared to the
#' mean of the dataset.
#' @param pathways a list of vectors, one vector of gene identifiers per
#' pathway
#' @param method either 'REA' for Rank Enrichment Analysis or 'GSEA' for Gene
#' Set Enrichment Analysis
#' @param np numeric, only for GSEA, the number of permutations to build the
#' null distribution. Default is 1000
#' @return if method=='GSEA', a named vector, with pathway names as names,
#' and the normalized enrichment score of either the GSEA as value.
#' If method=='REA', a matrix, with pathway names as rows and specific
#' contrasts as columns (the method 'REA' allows for multiple contrasts to
#' be calculated at the same time)
#' @examples
#' library(vulcandata)
#' vfile<-tempfile()
#' vulcandata::vulcansheet(vfile)
#' #vobj<-vulcan.import(vfile)
#' vobj<-vulcandata::vulcanexample()
#' unlink(vfile)
#' vobj<-vulcan.annotate(vobj,lborder=-10000,rborder=10000,method='sum')
#' vobj<-vulcan.normalize(vobj)
#' # Create a dummy pathway list (in entrez ids)
#' pathways<-list(
#' pathwayA=rownames(vobj$normalized)[1:20],
#' pathwayB=rownames(vobj$normalized)[21:50]
#' )
#' # Which contrast groups can be queried
#' names(vobj$samples)
#' results_gsea<-vulcan.pathways(vobj,pathways,contrast=c('t90','t0'),
#' method='GSEA')
#' results_rea<-vulcan.pathways(vobj,pathways,contrast=c('all'),method='REA')
#' @export
vulcan.pathways <- function(vobj, pathways,
contrast = NULL,
method = c("GSEA", "REA"), np=1000) {
normalized <- vobj$normalized
samples <- vobj$samples
allgenes <- unique(unlist(pathways))
# Specific contrast
if (!setequal(contrast, "all")) {
# Define contrast
a <- samples[[contrast[1]]]
b <- samples[[contrast[2]]]
# Prepare signature
signature <- viper::rowTtest(normalized[, a], normalized[, b])$statistic
if (is.matrix(signature)) {
signature <- signature[, 1]
othergenes <- setdiff(allgenes, names(signature))
gaussiannoise <- setNames(rnorm(length(othergenes),
mean = 0, sd = 0.01),
othergenes) # very small
signature <- c(signature, gaussiannoise)
if (method == "GSEA") {
gsea.pathways <- setNames(rep(0, length(pathways)), names(pathways))
message("Running GSEA for ",
length(pathways), " pathways")
pb <- txtProgressBar(0, length(pathways),
style = 3)
i <- 0
for (pname in names(pathways)) {
p <- pathways[[pname]]
obj <- gsea(reflist = signature,
set = p, method = "pareto",
np = np)
gsea.pathways[pname] <- obj$nes
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i <- i + 1)
if (method == "REA") {
rea.pathways <- setNames(rep(0, length(pathways)), names(pathways))
message("Running REA for ", length(pathways), " pathways")
rea.pathways <- rea(signatures = signature, groups = pathways,
minsize = 1)
} else {
if (method != "REA") {
stop("Multiple signatures supported only with method='REA'")
signatures <- t(scale(t(vobj$normalized)))
rea.pathways <- rea(signatures = signatures,
groups = pathways, minsize = 1)
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