
Defines functions annotateClusters

Documented in annotateClusters

#2015 - Federico Comoglio & Cem Sievers, D-BSSE, ETH Zurich

#' Annotate clusters with respect to transcript features
#' Carries out strand-specific annotation of clusters with respect to distinct
#' transcript features, particularly introns, coding sequences, 3'-UTRs,
#' 5'-UTRs. Mapping to multiple features and to those outside the above
#' mentioned ones are reported. Unmapped clusters are then futher further
#' analyzed and annotated with respect to features localizing on the anti-sense
#' strand. Results can be plotted as dotchart and annotations are returned as
#' clusters metadata.
#' @usage annotateClusters(clusters, txDB = NULL, genome = "hg19", tablename =
#' "ensGene", plot = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
#' @param clusters GRanges object containing individual clusters as identified
#' by the \link{getClusters} function
#' @param txDB TranscriptDb object obtained through a call to the
#' \code{makeTxDbFromUCSC} function in the \code{GenomicFeatures}
#' package. Default is NULL, namely the object will be fetched internally
#' @param genome A character specifying the genome abbreviation used by UCSC.
#' Available abbreviations are returned by a call to \code{ucscGenomes()[ ,
#' "db"]}. Default is "hg19" (human genome)
#' @param tablename A character specifying the name of the UCSC table
#' containing the transcript annotations to retrieve. Available table names are
#' returned by a call to \code{supportedUCSCtables()}. Default is "ensGene",
#' namely ensembl gene annotations
#' @param plot Logical, if TRUE a dotchart with cluster annotations is produced
#' @param verbose Logical, if TRUE processing steps are printed
#' @return Same as the input GRanges object, with an additional metadata column
#' containing the following character encoding of the genomic feature each
#' cluster maps to: \item{"CDS ss"}{Coding Sequence Sense Strand}
#' \item{"Introns ss"}{Intron Sense Strand} \item{"3' UTR ss"}{3' UTR Sense
#' Strand} \item{"5' UTR ss"}{5' UTR Sense Strand} \item{"Multiple"}{More than
#' one of the above} \item{"CDS as"}{Coding Sequence Antisense Strand}
#' \item{"Introns as"}{Intron Antisense Strand} \item{"3' UTR as"}{3' UTR
#' Antisense Strand} \item{"5' UTR as"}{5' UTR Antisense Strand}
#' \item{"Other"}{None of the above} If \code{plot=TRUE}, a dotchart is
#' produced in addition.
#' @author Federico Comoglio
#' @seealso \code{\link{getClusters}}
#' @references M. Carlson and H. Pages and P. Aboyoun and S. Falcon and M.
#' Morgan and D. Sarkar and M. Lawrence, GenomicFeatures: Tools for making and
#' manipulating transcript centric annotations, R package version 1.12.4
#' Comoglio F, Sievers C and Paro R (2015) Sensitive and highly resolved identification
#' of RNA-protein interaction sites in PAR-CLIP data, BMC Bioinformatics 16, 32.
#' @keywords postprocessing graphics
#' @examples
#' require(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19)
#' data( model, package = "wavClusteR" ) 
#' filename <- system.file( "extdata", "example.bam", package = "wavClusteR" )
#' example <- readSortedBam( filename = filename )
#' countTable <- getAllSub( example, minCov = 10, cores = 1 )
#' highConfSub <- getHighConfSub( countTable, supportStart = 0.2, supportEnd = 0.7, substitution = "TC" )
#' coverage <- coverage( example )
#' clusters <- getClusters( highConfSub = highConfSub, 
#'                          coverage = coverage, 
#'                          sortedBam = example, 
#' 	                 cores = 1, 
#' 	                 threshold = 2 ) 
#' fclusters <- filterClusters( clusters = clusters, 
#' 		             highConfSub = highConfSub, 
#'         		     coverage = coverage,
#' 			     model = model, 
#' 			     genome = Hsapiens, 
#' 		             refBase = 'T', 
#' 		             minWidth = 12 )
#' \dontrun{fclusters <- annotateClusters( clusters = fclusters )}
#' @export annotateClusters

annotateClusters <- function( clusters, txDB = NULL, genome = 'hg19', tablename = 'ensGene', plot = TRUE, verbose = TRUE ) {
# Error handling
#   if txDB not provided, check that genome and tablename are within those available from UCSC, otherwise raise an error
	availGenomes <- ucscGenomes()[ , 'db']
	availTables <- rownames( supportedUCSCtables() )
	if( is.null( txDB ) & (!(genome %in% availGenomes) | (!(tablename %in% availTables))) ) {
		stop('transcriptDB object not provided and genome or tablename not within 
		      those available from UCSC. Please use ucscGenomes()[ , \'db\'] and supportedUCSCtables() 
                      for a list of supported ones.')

	#1-if not provided, create the TranscriptDb object
	if( is.null( txDB ) ) {
			message( 'Creating TranscriptDb object...' )
		txDB <- makeTxDbFromUCSC(genome = genome, tablename = tablename)
	#2-obtaining CDS, introns, 3' and 5'-UTRs from the TranscriptDb object, make them unique and compute their length
		message( 'Extracting genomic features from TranscriptDb object...' )

	cds <- cdsBy( txDB )
	ix <- intronsByTranscript( txDB )
	tpUTR <- threeUTRsByTranscript( txDB )
	fpUTR <- fiveUTRsByTranscript( txDB )

	cds <- unique( unlist( cds ) )
	ix <- unique( unlist( ix ) )
	tpUTR <- unique( unlist( tpUTR ) )
	fpUTR <- unique( unlist( fpUTR ) )
	nBasesCompartments <- c( nBasesCds = sum( as.numeric( width( cds ) ) ), 
				 nBasesIx = sum( as.numeric( width( ix ) ) ), 
				 nBasesTp = sum( as.numeric( width( tpUTR ) ) ), 
				 nBasesFp = sum( as.numeric( width( fpUTR ) ) ) )
	totBases <- sum( nBasesCompartments )	
	proportionGenome <- nBasesCompartments / totBases * 100

	#3-find overlaps on the sense strand, return a matrix
		message( 'Computing overlaps with genomic features on the sense strand...' )
	olaps <- cbind( olapsCds   = countOverlaps( clusters, cds ),
      		        olapsIx    = countOverlaps( clusters, ix ),
      		        olapsTpUTR = countOverlaps( clusters, tpUTR ),
     		        olapsFpUTR = countOverlaps( clusters, fpUTR) )
	olaps <- olaps > 0 #transform to logical
	rs <- rowSums( olaps )
	whichNotMapped <- which( rs == 0 ) #vector of cluster indices for which no mapping was found	

	#4-prepare output
	n <- length( clusters )  
	emdAnno <- rep( '', n ) #future elementMetadata containing annotation label for each cluster

	#5-flag ambigous/multiple mappings
	multiple <- which( rs > 1 ) #logical comparison, 1 if ambigous
	emdAnno[ multiple ] <- 'Multiple'
	olaps[ multiple, ] <- FALSE  #multiple mappings are cleared

	categoryIdx <- apply( olaps, 2, which, TRUE ) #list of indices of clusters mapping to same feature
	emdAnno[ categoryIdx$olapsCds ] <- 'CDS ss'
	emdAnno[ categoryIdx$olapsIx ] <- 'Introns ss'
	emdAnno[ categoryIdx$olapsTpUTR ] <- '3\' UTR ss'
	emdAnno[ categoryIdx$olapsFpUTR ] <- '5\' UTR ss'
	#5-count overlaps by feature
	summ <- colSums( olaps )
	nMultiple <- length( multiple )
	summ <- c( summ, nMultiple, n - sum( summ ) - nMultiple )	#n-sum(summ): not mapped
	#6-consider not-mapped ones and map them w.r.t antisense strand
	if( length( whichNotMapped ) > 0 ) {
			message( 'Considering non-mapped clusters and computing overlaps with genomic features on the antisense strand...' )

		notMapped <- clusters[ whichNotMapped ]
		plus <- strand( notMapped ) == '+'
		minus <- strand( notMapped ) == '-'
		strand( notMapped[ plus ] ) <- '-'	
		strand( notMapped[ minus ] ) <- '+'
		olapsAntisense <- cbind(  olapsCds   = countOverlaps( notMapped, cds ),
      		       			  olapsIx    = countOverlaps( notMapped, ix ),
      		        		  olapsTpUTR = countOverlaps( notMapped, tpUTR ),
     		        		  olapsFpUTR = countOverlaps( notMapped, fpUTR) )
		olapsAntisense <- olapsAntisense > 0 #transform to logical

		multiple <- which( rowSums( olapsAntisense ) > 1 ) #logical comparison, > 1 if ambigous
		emdAnno[ whichNotMapped[ multiple ] ] <- 'Multiple'
		olapsAntisense[ multiple, ] <- FALSE

		categoryIdxAntisense <- apply( olapsAntisense, 2, which, TRUE ) #list of indices of clusters mapping to same feature
		emdAnno[ whichNotMapped[ categoryIdxAntisense$olapsCds ] ] <- 'CDS as'
		emdAnno[ whichNotMapped[ categoryIdxAntisense$olapsIx ] ] <- 'Introns as'
		emdAnno[ whichNotMapped[ categoryIdxAntisense$olapsTpUTR ] ] <- '3\' UTR as'
		emdAnno[ whichNotMapped[ categoryIdxAntisense$olapsFpUTR ] ] <- '5\' UTR as'
		emdAnno[ which( emdAnno == '' ) ] <- 'Other' #the remaining unmapped clusters are assigned here
		elementMetadata( clusters )[, 'MapsTo'] <- emdAnno 
		#7-count overlaps on the antisense strand by feature
		nNotMapped <- length( notMapped )
		summAntisense <- colSums( olapsAntisense )
		nMultiple <- length( multiple )
		summAntisense <- c( summAntisense, nMultiple, nNotMapped - sum( summAntisense ) - nMultiple )
	else {
		summAntisense <- c( rep(0, 5 ), summ[ 6 ] )	#if all clusters map, just return zeros along with 'other' from sum

	#8-plot the results as dotchart (ggplot)
	if( plot ) {
		names( summ ) <- c('CDS', 'Introns', '3\'-UTR', '5\'-UTR', 'Multiple', 'Other')
		names( summAntisense ) <- c('CDS', 'Introns', '3\'-UTR', '5\'-UTR', 'Multiple', 'Other')
		nSumm <- sum( summ )
		nSummAntisense <- sum( summAntisense )
		summ <- summ / nSumm * 100 
		summAntisense <- summAntisense / nSummAntisense * 100	
		summNorm <- summ[ 1 : 4 ] / proportionGenome
		summNorm <- summNorm / sum( summNorm ) * 100	

		summaryDf <- data.frame( group = factor(rep( 0 : 3, times = c( 6, 6, 4, 4) ), 
				   	  labels = c( 'Sense', 'Antisense', 'Transcriptome', 'Normalized') ),
				  	  Compartment = c( rep( names( summ ), 2), rep( names( summ )[ 1 : 4], 2) ),
  				  	  Percentage = c( summ, summAntisense, proportionGenome, summNorm ) )

		#to change facet grid labels appearance
		changeLab <- function( var, value ) {
    			value <- as.character( value )
    			if ( var == 'group' ) { 
        			value[ value == 'Sense'] <- paste0( 'Sense (n=', nSumm, ')' )
        			value[ value == 'Antisense'] <- paste0( 'Antisense (n=', nSummAntisense, ')' )
    			return( value )

		p <- ggplot( data = summaryDf,
			aes( x = Percentage, y = Compartment ) ) + 
 			geom_point( colour = 'royalblue', size = 2 ) + 
 			facet_grid( group ~ ., scales = 'free' ) +
			labs( title = 'Cluster annotation' ) +
			theme( plot.title = element_text( size = rel( 1 ) ) )
		print( p ) #need explict print

	#10-return clusters with annotation as additional column in elementMetadata
	return( clusters )

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wavClusteR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:54 p.m.