ivreg <- function(formula, instruments, data, subset, na.action, weights, offset,
contrasts = NULL, model = TRUE, y = TRUE, x = FALSE, ...)
## set up model.frame() call
cl <-
if(missing(data)) data <- environment(formula)
mf <- = FALSE)
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action", "weights", "offset"), names(mf), 0)
mf <- mf[c(1, m)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
## handle instruments for backward compatibility
if(!missing(instruments)) {
formula <- Formula::as.Formula(formula, instruments)
cl$instruments <- NULL
cl$formula <- formula(formula)
} else {
formula <- Formula::as.Formula(formula)
stopifnot(length(formula)[1] == 1L, length(formula)[2] %in% 1:2)
## try to handle dots in formula
has_dot <- function(formula) inherits(try(terms(formula), silent = TRUE), "try-error")
if(has_dot(formula)) {
f1 <- formula(formula, rhs = 1)
f2 <- formula(formula, lhs = 0, rhs = 2)
if(!has_dot(f1) & has_dot(f2)) formula <- Formula::as.Formula(f1,
update(formula(formula, lhs = 0, rhs = 1), f2))
## call model.frame()
mf$formula <- formula
mf[[1]] <-"model.frame")
mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
## extract response, terms, model matrices
Y <- model.response(mf, "numeric")
mt <- terms(formula, data = data)
mtX <- terms(formula, data = data, rhs = 1)
X <- model.matrix(mtX, mf, contrasts)
if(length(formula)[2] < 2L) {
mtZ <- NULL
} else {
mtZ <- delete.response(terms(formula, data = data, rhs = 2))
Z <- model.matrix(mtZ, mf, contrasts)
## weights and offset
weights <- model.weights(mf)
offset <- model.offset(mf)
if(is.null(offset)) offset <- 0
if(length(offset) == 1) offset <- rep(offset, NROW(Y))
offset <- as.vector(offset)
## call default interface
rval <-, Y, Z, weights, offset, ...)
## enhance information stored in fitted model object
rval$call <- cl
rval$formula <- formula(formula)
rval$terms <- list(regressors = mtX, instruments = mtZ, full = mt)
rval$na.action <- attr(mf, "na.action")
rval$levels <- .getXlevels(mt, mf)
rval$contrasts <- list(regressors = attr(X, "contrasts"), instruments = attr(Z, "contrasts"))
if(model) rval$model <- mf
if(y) rval$y <- Y
if(x) rval$x <- list(regressors = X, instruments = Z, projected = rval$x)
else rval$x <- NULL
class(rval) <- "ivreg"
} <- function(x, y, z, weights, offset, ...)
## model dimensions
n <- NROW(y)
p <- ncol(x)
## defaults
if(missing(z)) z <- NULL
if(missing(weights)) weights <- NULL
if(missing(offset)) offset <- rep(0, n)
## sanity checks
stopifnot(n == nrow(x))
if(!is.null(z)) stopifnot(n == nrow(z))
if(!is.null(weights)) stopifnot(n == NROW(weights))
stopifnot(n == NROW(offset))
## project regressors x on image of instruments z
if(!is.null(z)) {
if(ncol(z) < ncol(x)) warning("more regressors than instruments")
auxreg <- if(is.null(weights)), x, ...) else lm.wfit(z, x, weights, ...)
xz <- as.matrix(auxreg$fitted.values)
# pz <- z %*% chol2inv(auxreg$qr$qr) %*% t(z)
colnames(xz) <- colnames(x)
} else {
xz <- x
# pz <- diag(NROW(x))
# colnames(pz) <- rownames(pz) <- rownames(x)
## main regression
fit <- if(is.null(weights)), y, offset = offset, ...)
else lm.wfit(xz, y, weights, offset = offset, ...)
## model fit information
ok <- which(!$coefficients))
yhat <- drop(x[, ok, drop = FALSE] %*% fit$coefficients[ok])
names(yhat) <- names(y)
res <- y - yhat
ucov <- chol2inv(fit$qr$qr[1:length(ok), 1:length(ok), drop = FALSE])
colnames(ucov) <- rownames(ucov) <- names(fit$coefficients[ok])
rss <- if(is.null(weights)) sum(res^2) else sum(weights * res^2)
## hat <- diag(x %*% ucov %*% t(x) %*% pz)
## names(hat) <- rownames(x)
rval <- list(
coefficients = fit$coefficients,
residuals = res,
fitted.values = yhat,
weights = weights,
offset = if(identical(offset, rep(0, n))) NULL else offset,
n = n,
nobs = if(is.null(weights)) n else sum(weights > 0),
rank = fit$rank,
df.residual = fit$df.residual,
cov.unscaled = ucov,
sigma = sqrt(rss/fit$df.residual), ## NOTE: Stata divides by n here and uses z tests rather than t tests...
# hatvalues = hat,
x = xz
vcov.ivreg <- function(object, ...)
object$sigma^2 * object$cov.unscaled
bread.ivreg <- function (x, ...)
x$cov.unscaled * x$nobs
estfun.ivreg <- function (x, ...)
xmat <- model.matrix(x)
if(any(alias <- xmat <- xmat[, !alias, drop = FALSE]
wts <- weights(x)
if(is.null(wts)) wts <- 1
res <- residuals(x)
rval <- as.vector(res) * wts * xmat
attr(rval, "assign") <- NULL
attr(rval, "contrasts") <- NULL
hatvalues.ivreg <- function(model, ...) {
xz <- model.matrix(model, component = "projected")
x <- model.matrix(model, component = "regressors")
z <- model.matrix(model, component = "instruments")
solve_qr <- function(x) chol2inv(qr.R(qr(x)))
diag(x %*% solve_qr(xz) %*% t(x) %*% z %*% solve_qr(z) %*% t(z))
terms.ivreg <- function(x, component = c("regressors", "instruments"), ...)
model.matrix.ivreg <- function(object, component = c("projected", "regressors", "instruments"), ...) {
component <- match.arg(component, c("projected", "regressors", "instruments"))
if(!is.null(object$x)) rval <- object$x[[component]]
else if(!is.null(object$model)) {
X <- model.matrix(object$terms$regressors, object$model, contrasts = object$contrasts$regressors)
Z <- if(is.null(object$terms$instruments)) NULL
else model.matrix(object$terms$instruments, object$model, contrasts = object$contrasts$instruments)
w <- weights(object)
XZ <- if(is.null(Z)) {
} else if(is.null(w)) {, X)$fitted.values
} else {
lm.wfit(Z, X, w)$fitted.values
if(is.null(dim(XZ))) {
XZ <- matrix(XZ, ncol = 1L, dimnames = list(names(XZ), colnames(X)))
attr(XZ, "assign") <- attr(X, "assign")
rval <- switch(component,
"regressors" = X,
"instruments" = Z,
"projected" = XZ)
} else stop("not enough information in fitted model to return model.matrix")
predict.ivreg <- function(object, newdata, na.action = na.pass, ...)
if(missing(newdata)) fitted(object)
else {
mf <- model.frame(delete.response(object$terms$full), newdata,
na.action = na.action, xlev = object$levels)
X <- model.matrix(delete.response(object$terms$regressors), mf,
contrasts = object$contrasts$regressors)
ok <- !$coefficients)
drop(X[, ok, drop = FALSE] %*% object$coefficients[ok])
print.ivreg <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call), "\n\n", sep = "")
print.default(format(coef(x), digits = digits), = 2, quote = FALSE)
summary.ivreg <- function(object, vcov. = NULL, df = NULL, diagnostics = FALSE, ...)
## weighted residuals
res <- object$residuals
y <- object$fitted.values + res
n <- NROW(res)
w <- object$weights
if(is.null(w)) w <- rep(1, n)
res <- res * sqrt(w)
## R-squared
rss <- sum(res^2)
if(attr(object$terms$regressors, "intercept")) {
tss <- sum(w * (y - weighted.mean(y, w))^2)
dfi <- 1
} else {
tss <- sum(w * y^2)
dfi <- 0
r.squared <- 1 - rss/tss
adj.r.squared <- 1 - (1 - r.squared) * ((n - dfi)/object$df.residual)
## degrees of freedom (for z vs. t test)
if(is.null(df)) df <- object$df.residual
if(!is.finite(df)) df <- 0
if(df > 0 & (df != object$df.residual)) {
df <- object$df.residual
## covariance matrix
vc <- vcov(object)
else {
if(is.function(vcov.)) vc <- vcov.(object)
else vc <- vcov.
## Wald test of each coefficient
cf <- lmtest::coeftest(object, vcov. = vc, df = df, ...)
attr(cf, "method") <- NULL
class(cf) <- "matrix"
## Wald test of all coefficients
Rmat <- if(attr(object$terms$regressors, "intercept"))
cbind(0, diag(length(na.omit(coef(object)))-1)) else diag(length(na.omit(coef(object))))
waldtest <- car::linearHypothesis(object, Rmat, vcov. = vcov., test = ifelse(df > 0, "F", "Chisq"), singular.ok = TRUE)
waldtest <- c(waldtest[2,3], waldtest[2,4], abs(waldtest[2,2]), if(df > 0) waldtest[2,1] else NULL)
## diagnostic tests
diag <- if(diagnostics) ivdiag(object, vcov. = vcov.) else NULL
rval <- list(
call = object$call,
terms = object$terms,
residuals = res,
weights <- object$weights,
coefficients = cf,
sigma = object$sigma,
df = c(object$rank, if(df > 0) df else Inf, object$rank), ## aliasing
r.squared = r.squared,
adj.r.squared = adj.r.squared,
waldtest = waldtest,
vcov = vc,
diagnostics = diag)
class(rval) <- "summary.ivreg"
print.summary.ivreg <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3),
signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"), ...)
cat(paste(deparse(x$call), sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"), "\n\n", sep = "")
cat(if(!is.null(x$weights) && diff(range(x$weights))) "Weighted ", "Residuals:\n", sep = "")
if(NROW(x$residuals) > 5L) {
nam <- c("Min", "1Q", "Median", "3Q", "Max")
rq <- if(length(dim(x$residuals)) == 2)
structure(apply(t(x$residuals), 1, quantile), dimnames = list(nam, dimnames(x$residuals)[[2]]))
else structure(quantile(x$residuals), names = nam)
print(rq, digits = digits, ...)
} else {
print(x$residuals, digits = digits, ...)
printCoefmat(x$coefficients, digits = digits, signif.stars = signif.stars,
signif.legend = signif.stars & is.null(x$diagnostics), na.print = "NA", ...)
if(!is.null(x$diagnostics)) {
cat("\nDiagnostic tests:\n")
printCoefmat(x$diagnostics, cs.ind = 1L:2L, tst.ind = 3L,
has.Pvalue = TRUE, P.values = TRUE, digits = digits,
signif.stars = signif.stars, na.print = "NA", ...)
cat("\nResidual standard error:", format(signif(x$sigma, digits)),
"on", x$df[2L], "degrees of freedom\n")
cat("Multiple R-Squared:", formatC(x$r.squared, digits = digits))
cat(",\tAdjusted R-squared:", formatC(x$adj.r.squared, digits = digits),
"\nWald test:", formatC(x$waldtest[1L], digits = digits),
"on", x$waldtest[3L], if(length(x$waldtest) > 3L) c("and", x$waldtest[4L]) else NULL,
"DF, p-value:", format.pval(x$waldtest[2L], digits = digits), "\n\n")
anova.ivreg <- function(object, object2, test = "F", vcov = NULL, ...)
rval <- waldtest(object, object2, test = test, vcov = vcov)
if(is.null(vcov)) {
head <- attr(rval, "heading")
head[1] <- "Analysis of Variance Table\n"
rss <- sapply(list(object, object2), function(x) sum(residuals(x)^2))
dss <- c(NA, -diff(rss))
rval <- cbind(rval, cbind("RSS" = rss, "Sum of Sq" = dss))[,c(1L, 5L, 2L, 6L, 3L:4L)]
attr(rval, "heading") <- head
class(rval) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
update.ivreg <- function (object, formula., ..., evaluate = TRUE)
if(is.null(call <- getCall(object))) stop("need an object with call component")
extras <- = FALSE)$...
if(!missing(formula.)) call$formula <- formula(update(Formula(formula(object)), formula.))
if(length(extras)) {
existing <- !, names(call)))
for (a in names(extras)[existing]) call[[a]] <- extras[[a]]
if(any(!existing)) {
call <- c(as.list(call), extras[!existing])
call <-
if(evaluate) eval(call, parent.frame())
else call
ivdiag <- function(obj, vcov. = NULL) {
## extract data
y <- model.response(model.frame(obj))
x <- model.matrix(obj, component = "regressors")
z <- model.matrix(obj, component = "instruments")
w <- weights(obj)
## names of "regressors" and "instruments"
xnam <- colnames(x)
znam <- colnames(z)
## relabel "instruments" to match order from "regressors"
fx <- attr(terms(obj, component = "regressors"), "factors")
fz <- attr(terms(obj, component = "instruments"), "factors")
fz <- fz[c(rownames(fx)[rownames(fx) %in% rownames(fz)], rownames(fz)[!(rownames(fz) %in% rownames(fx))]), , drop = FALSE]
nz <- apply(fz > 0, 2, function(x) paste(rownames(fz)[x], collapse = ":"))
nz <- nz[names(nz) != nz]
nz <- nz[nz %in% colnames(fx)]
if(length(nz) > 0L) znam[names(nz)] <- nz
## endogenous/instrument variables
endo <- which(!(xnam %in% znam))
inst <- which(!(znam %in% xnam))
if((length(endo) <= 0L) | (length(inst) <= 0L))
stop("no endogenous/instrument variables")
## return value
rval <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(endo) + 2L, ncol = 4L)
colnames(rval) <- c("df1", "df2", "statistic", "p-value")
rownames(rval) <- c(if(length(endo) > 1L) paste0("Weak instruments (", xnam[endo], ")") else "Weak instruments",
"Wu-Hausman", "Sargan")
## convenience functions
lmfit <- function(x, y, w = NULL) {
rval <- if(is.null(w)), y) else lm.wfit(x, y, w)
rval$x <- x
rval$y <- y
rss <- function(obj, weights = NULL) if(is.null(weights)) sum(obj$residuals^2) else sum(weights * obj$residuals^2)
wald <- function(obj0, obj1, vcov. = NULL, weights = NULL) {
df <- c(obj1$rank - obj0$rank, obj1$df.residual)
if(!is.function(vcov.)) {
w <- ((rss(obj0, w) - rss(obj1, w)) / df[1L]) / (rss(obj1, w)/df[2L])
} else {
if(NCOL(obj0$coefficients) > 1L) {
cf0 <- structure(as.vector(obj0$coefficients),
.Names = c(outer(rownames(obj0$coefficients), colnames(obj0$coefficients), paste, sep = ":")))
cf1 <- structure(as.vector(obj1$coefficients),
.Names = c(outer(rownames(obj1$coefficients), colnames(obj1$coefficients), paste, sep = ":")))
} else {
cf0 <- obj0$coefficients
cf1 <- obj1$coefficients
cf0 <- na.omit(cf0)
cf1 <- na.omit(cf1)
ovar <- which(!(names(cf1) %in% names(cf0)))
vc <- vcov.(lm(obj1$y ~ 0 + obj1$x, weights = w))
w <- t(cf1[ovar]) %*% solve(vc[ovar,ovar]) %*% cf1[ovar]
w <- w / df[1L]
pval <- pf(w, df[1L], df[2L], lower.tail = FALSE)
c(df, w, pval)
# Test for weak instruments
for(i in seq_along(endo)) {
aux0 <- lmfit(z[, -inst, drop = FALSE], x[, endo[i]], w)
aux1 <- lmfit(z, x[, endo[i]], w)
rval[i, ] <- wald(aux0, aux1, vcov. = vcov., weights = w)
## Wu-Hausman test for endogeneity
if(length(endo) > 1L) aux1 <- lmfit(z, x[, endo], w)
xfit <- as.matrix(aux1$fitted.values)
colnames(xfit) <- paste("fit", colnames(xfit), sep = "_")
auxo <- lmfit( x, y, w)
auxe <- lmfit(cbind(x, xfit), y, w)
rval[nrow(rval) - 1L, ] <- wald(auxo, auxe, vcov. = vcov., weights = w)
## Sargan test of overidentifying restrictions
r <- residuals(obj)
auxs <- lmfit(z, r, w)
rssr <- if(is.null(w)) sum((r - mean(r))^2) else sum(w * (r - weighted.mean(r, w))^2)
rval[nrow(rval), 1L] <- length(inst) - length(endo)
if(rval[nrow(rval), 1L] > 0L) {
rval[nrow(rval), 3L] <- length(r) * (1 - rss(auxs, w)/rssr)
rval[nrow(rval), 4L] <- pchisq(rval[nrow(rval), 3L], rval[nrow(rval), 1L], lower.tail = FALSE)
## If #Instruments = #Regressors then
## b = (Z'X)^{-1} Z'y
## and solves the estimating equations
## Z' (y - X beta) = 0
## For
## cov(y) = Omega
## the following holds
## cov(b) = (Z'X)^{-1} Z' Omega Z (X'Z)^{-1}
## Generally:
## b = (X' P_Z X)^{-1} X' P_Z y
## with estimating equations
## X' P_Z (y - X beta) = 0
## where P_Z is the usual projector (hat matrix wrt Z) and
## cov(b) = (X' P_Z X)^{-1} X' P_Z Omega P_Z X (X' P_Z X)^{-1}
## Thus meat is X' P_Z Omega P_Z X and bread i (X' P_Z X)^{-1}
## See
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