
Defines functions print.aictab aictab.AICzeroinfl aictab.AICunmarkedFitDSO aictab.AICunmarkedFitMMO aictab.AICunmarkedFitOccuTTD aictab.AICunmarkedFitOccuMS aictab.AICvglm aictab.AICunmarkedFitGPC aictab.AICunmarkedFitGMM aictab.AICunmarkedFitMPois aictab.AICunmarkedFitOccuMulti aictab.AICunmarkedFitOccuFP aictab.AICunmarkedFitGDS aictab.AICunmarkedFitDS aictab.AICunmarkedFitPCO aictab.AICunmarkedFitPCount aictab.AICunmarkedFitOccuRN aictab.AICunmarkedFitColExt aictab.AICunmarkedFitOccu aictab.AICsurvreg aictab.AICrlm.lm aictab.AICpolr aictab.AICnls aictab.AIClme aictab.AICmultinom.nnet aictab.AICnlmerMod aictab.AICnlme.lme aictab.AICnegbin.glm.lm aictab.AICglmerMod aictab.AIClmerModLmerTest aictab.AIClmerMod aictab.AICmer aictab.AICmaxlikeFit.list aictab.AIClmekin aictab.AIClme aictab.AIClm aictab.AIClavaan aictab.AIChurdle aictab.AICgnls.gls aictab.AICgls aictab.AICglmmTMB aictab.AICglm.lm aictab.AICfitdistr aictab.AICfitdist aictab.AICcoxph aictab.AICcoxme aictab.AICclmm aictab.AICclm aictab.AICsclm.clm aictab.AICbetareg aictab.AICaov.lm aictab.default aictab

Documented in aictab aictab.AICaov.lm aictab.AICbetareg aictab.AICclm aictab.AICclmm aictab.AICcoxme aictab.AICcoxph aictab.AICfitdist aictab.AICfitdistr aictab.AICglmerMod aictab.AICglm.lm aictab.AICglmmTMB aictab.AICgls aictab.AICgnls.gls aictab.AIChurdle aictab.AIClavaan aictab.AIClm aictab.AIClme aictab.AIClmekin aictab.AIClmerMod aictab.AIClmerModLmerTest aictab.AICmaxlikeFit.list aictab.AICmer aictab.AICmultinom.nnet aictab.AICnegbin.glm.lm aictab.AICnlme.lme aictab.AICnlmerMod aictab.AICnls aictab.AICpolr aictab.AICrlm.lm aictab.AICsclm.clm aictab.AICsurvreg aictab.AICunmarkedFitColExt aictab.AICunmarkedFitDS aictab.AICunmarkedFitDSO aictab.AICunmarkedFitGDS aictab.AICunmarkedFitGMM aictab.AICunmarkedFitGPC aictab.AICunmarkedFitMMO aictab.AICunmarkedFitMPois aictab.AICunmarkedFitOccu aictab.AICunmarkedFitOccuFP aictab.AICunmarkedFitOccuMS aictab.AICunmarkedFitOccuMulti aictab.AICunmarkedFitOccuRN aictab.AICunmarkedFitOccuTTD aictab.AICunmarkedFitPCO aictab.AICunmarkedFitPCount aictab.AICvglm aictab.AICzeroinfl aictab.default print.aictab

##create generic aictab
aictab <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...) {
  ##format list according to model class
  cand.set <- formatCands(cand.set)
  UseMethod("aictab", cand.set)

##default to indicate when object class not supported
aictab.default <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...) {
    stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n")

aictab.AICaov.lm <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)

    ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
    check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2])
    if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n")

    Results <- NULL
    Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
    Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = TRUE,
                               second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))     #extract number of parameters
    Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = FALSE, 
                                  second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))  #extract AICc                                      #
    Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
    Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
    Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

    ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")

    ##extract LL
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))

    ##rename correctly to AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")

    if(sort)  {
      Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
      Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}

    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICbetareg <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)

    ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
    check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2])
    if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n")

    Results <- NULL
    Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
    Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = TRUE,
                               second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))     #extract number of parameters
    Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = FALSE, 
                                  second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))  #extract AICc                                      #
    Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
    Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
    Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

    ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")

    ##extract LL
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))

    ##rename correctly to AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")

    if(sort)  {
      Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
      Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}

    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICsclm.clm <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){
    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
    ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
    check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2])
    if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n")
    Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
    Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))     #extract number of parameters
    Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))  #extract AICc                                      #
    Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
    Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
    Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

   ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))      

    ##rename correctly to AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")

    if(sort)  {
      Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
      Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICclm <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){
    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
    ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
    check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2])
    if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n")
    Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
    Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))     #extract number of parameters
    Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))  #extract AICc                                      #
    Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
    Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
    Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

   ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))      

    ##rename correctly to AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")

    if(sort)  {
      Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
      Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICclmm <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){  

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
    ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
    check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2])
    if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n")
    Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
    Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))     #extract number of parameters
    Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))  #extract AICc                                      #
    Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
    Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
    Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

   ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))      

    ##rename correctly to AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")

    if(sort)  {
      Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
      Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICcoxme <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){  

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)

  ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
  check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)$fixed[2])
  if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n")
  ##arrange in table
  Results <- data.frame(Modnames=modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
  Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))     #extract number of parameters
  Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))  #extract AICc                    
  Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
  Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
  Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights
  ##check if some models are redundant
  if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")
  ##add partial log-likelihood column
  Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) extractLL(i)[1]))      

  ##rename correctly to AIC
  if(second.ord==FALSE) {
    colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")

  if(sort)  {
    Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
    Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
  } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
  class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

##coxph and clogit
aictab.AICcoxph <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){  

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)

  ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
  check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2])
  if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n")
  ##arrange in table
  Results <- data.frame(Modnames=modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
  Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))     #extract number of parameters
  Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))  #extract AICc                    
  Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
  Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
  Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights
  ##check if some models are redundant
  if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")
  ##add partial log-likelihood column
  Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i)[1]))      

  ##rename correctly to AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE) {
    colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")

  if(sort)  {
    Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
    Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
  } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
  class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

##fitdist (from fitdistrplus)
aictab.AICfitdist <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)

    ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
    #check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2])
    #if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n")

    Results <- NULL
    Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
    Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = TRUE,
                               second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))     #extract number of parameters
    Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = FALSE, 
                                  second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))  #extract AICc                                      #
    Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
    Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
    Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

    ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")

    ##extract LL
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))

    ##rename correctly to AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")

    if(sort)  {
      Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
      Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}

    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

##fitdistr (from MASS)
aictab.AICfitdistr <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)

    ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
    #check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2])
    #if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n")

    Results <- NULL
    Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
    Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = TRUE,
                               second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))     #extract number of parameters
    Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = FALSE, 
                                  second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))  #extract AICc                                      #
    Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
    Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
    Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

    ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")

    ##extract LL
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))

    ##rename correctly to AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")

    if(sort)  {
      Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
      Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}

    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICglm.lm <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){
    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)

    ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
    check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2])
    if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n")

    Results <- NULL
    Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
    Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord,
                               nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))     #extract number of parameters
    Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord,
                                  nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))  #extract AICc                                      
    Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
    Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
    Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

    ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")
    ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1
    if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) {
      Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) logLik(i)[1]))
    ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat
    if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) {
      colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt")
      LL <- unlist(lapply(X=cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))
      Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat
      Results$c_hat <- c.hat

    ##rename correctly to AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {
      colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")
      Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X=cand.set, FUN=function(i) logLik(i)[1]))      

    ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat
    if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) {
      colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt")
      LL <- unlist(lapply(X=cand.set, FUN=function(i) logLik(i)[1]))
      Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat

    if(sort)  {
      Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
      Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}

    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICglmmTMB <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
      ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
      check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2])
      if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n")

      Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
      Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs,
                                 c.hat = c.hat))     #extract number of parameters
      Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs,
                                    c.hat = c.hat))  #extract AICc                          
      Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
      Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
      Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

    ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") 
    ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1
    if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) {
      Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) logLik(i)[1]))
      ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat
      if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) {
          colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt")
          LL <- unlist(lapply(X=cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))
          Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat
          Results$c_hat <- c.hat

      ##rename correctly to AIC
      if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {
          colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")
          Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X=cand.set, FUN=function(i) logLik(i)[1]))      
      ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat
      if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) {
          colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt")
          LL <- unlist(lapply(X=cand.set, FUN=function(i) logLik(i)[1]))
          Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat
      if(sort)  {
      Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
      Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICgls <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
    ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
    check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2])
    if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n")
    Results <- NULL
    ##check if models were fit with same method (REML or ML)
    check_ML <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$method))
    if (any(check_ML != "ML")) {
      warning("\nModel selection for fixed effects is only appropriate with method='ML':", "\n",
              "REML (default) should only be used to select random effects for a constant set of fixed effects\n")
    check.method <- unique(check_ML)
    if(identical(check.method, c("ML", "REML"))) {
      stop("\nYou should not have models fit with REML and ML in the same candidate model set\n")
    Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
    Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))     #extract number of parameters
    Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))  #extract AICc                                      #
    Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
    Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
    Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

    ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")
    #check if ML or REML used and add column accordingly
    if(identical(check.method, "ML")) {
      Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) logLik(i)[1]))      

    if(identical(check.method, "REML")) {
      Results$Res.LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))      

    #rename correctly to AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")

    if(sort)  {
      Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
      Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICgnls.gls <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
    ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
    check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2])
    if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n")
    Results <- data.frame(Modnames=modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
    Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))     #extract number of parameters
    Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))  #extract AICc                                      #
    Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
    Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
    Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))
    ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")
    ##rename correctly to AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")

    if(sort)  {
      Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
      Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AIChurdle <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
    #if(c.hat != 1) stop("\nThis function does not support overdispersion in \'zeroinfl\' models\n")
    ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
    check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2])                                        
    if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same data set for all models\n")
    Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
    Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))     #extract number of parameters
    Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))  #extract AICc                                      #
    Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
    Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
    Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

   ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)))      

    ##rename correctly to AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")

    if(sort)  {
      Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
      Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AIClavaan <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)

    ##add check to see whether observed variables are the same for all models
    check.obs <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) b@Data@ov.names[[1]]))
    ##frequency of each observed variable
    freq.obs <- table(check.obs)
    if(length(unique(freq.obs)) > 1) stop("\nModels with different sets of observed variables are not directly comparable\n")

    Results <- NULL
    Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
    Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = TRUE,
                               second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))     #extract number of parameters
    Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = FALSE, 
                                  second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))  #extract AICc                                      #
    Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
    Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
    Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

    ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")

    ##extract LL
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))

    ##rename correctly to AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")

    if(sort)  {
      Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
      Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}

    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AIClm <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)

    ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
    check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2])
    if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n")

    Results <- NULL
    Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
    Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = TRUE,
                               second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))     #extract number of parameters
    Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = FALSE, 
                                  second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))  #extract AICc                                      #
    Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
    Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
    Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

    ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")
    ##extract LL
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))

    ##rename correctly to AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")

    if(sort)  {
      Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
      Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}

    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AIClme <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
    ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
    check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2])
    if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n")
    Results <- NULL
#check if models were fit with same method (REML or ML)
    check_ML <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$method))
    if (any(check_ML != "ML")) {
      warning("\nModel selection for fixed effects is only appropriate with method='ML':", "\n",
                    "REML (default) should only be used to select random effects for a constant set of fixed effects\n")
    check.method <- unique(check_ML)
    if(identical(check.method, c("ML", "REML"))) {
      stop("\nYou should not have models fit with REML and ML in the same candidate model set\n")
    Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
    Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))     #extract number of parameters
    Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))  #extract AICc                          
    Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc-min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
    Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
    Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

   ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")
    #check if ML or REML used and add column accordingly
    if(identical(check.method, "ML")) {
      Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))      

    if(identical(check.method, "REML")) {
      Results$Res.LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))      

    #rename correctly to AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")

    if(sort)  {
      Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
      Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AIClmekin <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
    ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
    check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2])
    if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n")
    Results <- NULL
#check if models were fit with same method (REML or ML)
    check_ML <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$method))
    if (any(check_ML != "ML")) {
      warning("\nModel selection for fixed effects is only appropriate with method='ML':", "\n",
                    "REML (default) should only be used to select random effects for a constant set of fixed effects\n")
    check.method <- unique(check_ML)
    if(identical(check.method, c("ML", "REML"))) {
      stop("\nYou should not have models fit with REML and ML in the same candidate model set\n")
    Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
    Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))     #extract number of parameters
    Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))  #extract AICc                                      #
    Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc-min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
    Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
    Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

   ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")
    #check if ML or REML used and add column accordingly
    if(identical(check.method, "ML")) {
      Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i)[1]))      

    if(identical(check.method, "REML")) {
      Results$Res.LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i)[1]))      

    #rename correctly to AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")

    if(sort)  {
      Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
      Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICmaxlikeFit.list <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
    if(c.hat != 1) stop("\nThis function does not support overdispersion in \'maxlikeFit\' models\n")
    ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
    #check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) nrow(b$points.retained))
    #if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same data set for all models\n")
    Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
    Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))     #extract number of parameters
    Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))  #extract AICc                          
    Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
    Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
    Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

   ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)))      

    ##rename correctly to AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")

    if(sort)  {
      Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
      Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

##mer - lme4 version < 1
aictab.AICmer <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc
    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if (is.null(modnames)) {
      if (is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
    ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
    check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2])
    if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n")
    Results <- NULL
#check if models were fit with same method (REML or ML)
    check_bin <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i@dims["REML"]))
    check_ML <- ifelse(check_bin == 1, "REML", "ML")
    if (any(check_ML != "ML")) {
      warning("\nModel selection for fixed effects is only appropriate with ML estimation:", "\n",
                    "REML (default) should only be used to select random effects for a constant set of fixed effects\n")
    check.method <- unique(check_ML)
    if(length(check.method) > 1) {
      stop("\nYou should not have models fit with REML and ML in the same candidate model set\n")
    Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
    Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))     #extract number of parameters
    Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))  #extract AICc                                      #
    Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
    Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
    Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

    ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") 
    #check if ML or REML used and add column accordingly
    if(identical(check.method, "ML")) {
      Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) logLik(i)[1]))      

    if(identical(check.method, "REML")) {
      Results$Res.LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) logLik(i)[1]))      

    #rename correctly to AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")

    if(sort)  {
      Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
      Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AIClmerMod <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
    ##check for subclass of object
    sub.class <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = class)

    ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
    check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2])
    if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n")

    Results <- NULL
    ##check if models were fit with same method (REML or ML)
    check_REML <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) isREML(i)))
    check_ML <- ifelse(check_REML, "REML", "ML")
    if (any(check_REML)) {
      warning("\nModel selection for fixed effects is only appropriate with ML estimation:", "\n",
                    "REML (default) should only be used to select random effects for a constant set of fixed effects\n")

    check.method <- unique(check_ML)
    if(length(check.method) > 1) {
      stop("\nYou should not have models fit with REML and ML in the same candidate model set\n")
    Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
    Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))     #extract number of parameters
    Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))  #extract AICc                          
    Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
    Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
    Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

    ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") 
    #check if ML or REML used and add column accordingly
    if(identical(check.method, "ML")) {
      Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))      

    if(identical(check.method, "REML")) {
      Results$Res.LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))      

    #rename correctly to AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")

    if(sort)  {
      Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
      Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AIClmerModLmerTest <-
    function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
    ##check for subclass of object
    sub.class <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = class)

    ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
    check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2])
    if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n")

    Results <- NULL
    ##check if models were fit with same method (REML or ML)
    check_REML <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) isREML(i)))
    check_ML <- ifelse(check_REML, "REML", "ML")
    if (any(check_REML)) {
      warning("\nModel selection for fixed effects is only appropriate with ML estimation:", "\n",
                    "REML (default) should only be used to select random effects for a constant set of fixed effects\n")

    check.method <- unique(check_ML)
    if(length(check.method) > 1) {
      stop("\nYou should not have models fit with REML and ML in the same candidate model set\n")
    Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
    Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))     #extract number of parameters
    Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))  #extract AICc                          
    Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
    Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
    Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

    ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") 
    #check if ML or REML used and add column accordingly
    if(identical(check.method, "ML")) {
      Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))      

    if(identical(check.method, "REML")) {
      Results$Res.LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))      

    #rename correctly to AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")

    if(sort)  {
      Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
      Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICglmerMod <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
    ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
    check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2])
    if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n")

    Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
    Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))     #extract number of parameters
    Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))  #extract AICc                          
    Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
    Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
    Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

    ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") 
    ##add LL
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))      
    ##rename correctly to AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")

    if(sort)  {
      Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
      Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICnegbin.glm.lm <-
    function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){
        ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
        if(is.null(modnames)) {
            if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
                modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
                warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
            } else {
                modnames <- names(cand.set)

        ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
        check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2])
        if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n")

        Results <- NULL
        Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
        Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord,
                                   nobs = nobs))     #extract number of parameters
        Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord,
                                      nobs = nobs))  #extract AICc                                      
        Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
        Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
        Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

        ##check if some models are redundant
        if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")
        ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1
        if(second.ord == TRUE) {
            Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN=function(i) logLik(i)[1]))
        ##rename correctly to AIC
        if(second.ord == FALSE) {
            colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")
            Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X=cand.set, FUN=function(i) logLik(i)[1]))      
        if(sort)  {
            Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
            Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
        } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
        class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICnlme.lme <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
    ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
    check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2])
    if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n")
    Results <- NULL
#check if models were fit with same method (REML or ML)
    check_ML <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$method))
    if (any(check_ML != "ML")) {
      warning("\nModel selection for fixed effects is only appropriate with method='ML':", "\n",
                    "REML (default) should only be used to select random effects for a constant set of fixed effects\n")
    check.method <- unique(check_ML)
    if(identical(check.method, c("ML", "REML"))) {
      stop("\nYou should not have models fit with REML and ML in the same candidate model set\n")
    Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
    Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))     #extract number of parameters
    Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))  #extract AICc                          
    Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc-min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
    Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
    Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

   ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")
    #check if ML or REML used and add column accordingly
    if(identical(check.method, "ML")) {
      Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))      

    if(identical(check.method, "REML")) {
      Results$Res.LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))      

    #rename correctly to AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")

    if(sort)  {
      Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
      Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICnlmerMod <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
    ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
    check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) unlist(strsplit(x = as.character(formula(b)), split = "~"))[2])
    if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n")

    Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
    Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))     #extract number of parameters
    Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))  #extract AICc                          
    Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
    Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
    Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

    ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n") 

    ##add LL
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))      
    #rename correctly to AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")

    if(sort)  {
      Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
      Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICmultinom.nnet <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
    ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
    check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2])
    if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n")
    Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
    Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = TRUE, 
                               second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))     #extract number of parameters
    Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = FALSE, 
                                  second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))  #extract AICc                                      #
    Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
    Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
    Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

    ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")
    ##check if LL computed
    if(second.ord==TRUE && c.hat == 1) {
      Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))
    ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat
    if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) {
      colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt")
      LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))
      Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat
      Results$c_hat <- c.hat

    ##rename correctly to AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {
      colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")
      Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))      

    ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat
    if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) {
      colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt")
      LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))
      Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat
      Results$c_hat <- c.hat

    if(sort)  {
      Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
      Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}

    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AIClme <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
    ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
    check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2])
    if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n")
    Results <- NULL
    ##check if models were fit with same method (REML or ML)
    check_ML <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, FUN = function(i) i$method))
    if (any(check_ML != "ML")) {
      warning("\nModel selection for fixed effects is only appropriate with method=ML:", "\n",
                    "REML (default) should only be used to select random effects for a constant set of fixed effects\n")
    check.method <- unique(check_ML)
    if(identical(check.method, c("ML", "REML"))) {
      stop("\nYou should not have models fit with REML and ML in the same candidate model set\n")
    Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
    Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE,
                               second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))     #extract number of parameters
    Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE,
                                  second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))  #extract AICc                                      #
    Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
    Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
    Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

    ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")
    #check if ML or REML used and add column accordingly
    if(identical(check.method, "ML")) {
      Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))      

    if(identical(check.method, "REML")) {
      Results$Res.LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))      

    #rename correctly to AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")

    if(sort)  {
      Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
      Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICnls <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
    ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
    check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2])
    if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n")
    Results <- data.frame(Modnames=modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
    Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))     #extract number of parameters
    Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))  #extract AICc                                      #
    Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
    Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
    Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))
    ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")
    ##rename correctly to AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")

    if(sort)  {
      Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
      Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICpolr <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
    ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
    check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2])
    if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n")
    Results <- NULL
    Results <- data.frame(Modnames=modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
    Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = TRUE, 
                               second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))     #extract number of parameters
    Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = FALSE, 
                                  second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))  #extract AICc                                      #
    Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
    Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
    Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))      

    ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")
    #rename correctly to AIC
    if(second.ord==FALSE) {
      colnames(Results)[1:6]<-c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik",

    if(sort)  {
      Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
      Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}

    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICrlm.lm <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
    ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
    check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2])
    if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n")
    Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
    Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE,
                               second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))     #extract number of parameters
    Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE,
                                  second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))  #extract AICc                                      
    Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
    Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
    Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

   ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))      

    ##rename correctly to AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")

    if(sort)  {
      Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
      Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICsurvreg <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)

    ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
    check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2])
    if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n")

    Results <- NULL
    Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
    Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = TRUE,
                               second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))     #extract number of parameters
    Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = FALSE, 
                                  second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))  #extract AICc                                      #
    Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
    Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
    Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

    ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")
    ##extract LL
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)[1]))
    ##rename correctly to AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")

    if(sort)  {
      Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
      Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}

    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICunmarkedFitOccu <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)

  Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
  Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE,
                             second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))     #extract number of parameters
  Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE,
                                second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))  #extract AICc                                      #
  Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc-min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
  Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
  Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

  ##check if some models are redundant
  if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")

  ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) {
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i)))      
  ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) {
    colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt")
    LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
    Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat
    Results$c_hat <- c.hat

  ##rename correctly to AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat==1) {
    colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
  ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) {
    colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt")
    LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
    Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat

  if(sort)  {
    Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
    Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
  } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
  class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICunmarkedFitColExt <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)

  Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
  Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE,
                             second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))     #extract number of parameters
  Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, 
                                second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))  #extract AICc                                      #
  Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc-min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
  Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
  Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

  ##check if some models are redundant
  if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")

  ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) {
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i)))      
  ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) {
    colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt")
    LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
    Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat
    Results$c_hat <- c.hat

  ##rename correctly to AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat==1) {
    colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
  ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) {
    colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt")
    LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
    Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat

  if(sort)  {
    Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
    Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
  } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
  class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICunmarkedFitOccuRN <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)

  ##add check for use of c-hat
  #if(c.hat > 1) stop("\nThe correction for overdispersion is not appropriate with Royle-Nichols heterogeneity models\n")

  Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
  Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE,
                             second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))     #extract number of parameters
  Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE,
                                second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))  #extract AICc                                      
  Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc-min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
  Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
  Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

  ##check if some models are redundant
  if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")

  ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) {
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i)))      
  ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) {
    colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt")
    LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
    Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat
    Results$c_hat <- c.hat

  ##rename correctly to AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat==1) {
    colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
  ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) {
    colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt")
    LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
    Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat

  if(sort)  {
    Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
    Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
  } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
  class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICunmarkedFitPCount <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)

  Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
  Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE,
                             second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))     #extract number of parameters
  Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE,
                                second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))  #extract AICc                                      #
  Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
  Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
  Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

  ##check if some models are redundant
  if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")

  ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) {
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i)))      
  ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) {
    colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt")
    LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
    Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat
    Results$c_hat <- c.hat

  ##rename correctly to AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {
    colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
  ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) {
    colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt")
    LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
    Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat

  if(sort)  {
    Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
    Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
  } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
  class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

##same function as that for objects created by pcount( )
aictab.AICunmarkedFitPCO <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)
  Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
  Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE,
                             second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))     #extract number of parameters
  Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE,
                                second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))  #extract AICc                                      
  Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
  Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
  Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

  ##check if some models are redundant
  if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")

  ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) {
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i)))      
  ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) {
    colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt")
    LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
    Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat
    Results$c_hat <- c.hat

  ##rename correctly to AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {
    colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
  ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) {
    colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt")
    LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
    Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat

  if(sort)  {
    Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
    Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
  } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
  class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICunmarkedFitDS <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)
  Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
  Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE,
                             second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))     #extract number of parameters
  Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE,
                                second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))  #extract AICc                                      #
  Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
  Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
  Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

  ##check if some models are redundant
  if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")

  ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) {
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i)))      
  ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) {
    colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt")
    LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
    Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat
    Results$c_hat <- c.hat

  ##rename correctly to AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {
    colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
  ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) {
    colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt")
    LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
    Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat
  if(sort)  {
    Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
    Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
  } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
  class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICunmarkedFitGDS <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)

  ##add check for use of c-hat
  #if(c.hat > 1) stop("\nThe correction for overdispersion is not appropriate for distance sampling models\n")

  Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
  Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE,
                             second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))     #extract number of parameters
  Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE,
                                second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))  #extract AICc
  Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
  Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
  Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

  ##check if some models are redundant
  if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")

  ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) {
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i)))      
  ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) {
    colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt")
    LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
    Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat
    Results$c_hat <- c.hat

  ##rename correctly to AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {
    colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
  ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) {
    colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt")
    LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
    Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat

  if(sort)  {
    Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
    Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
  } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
  class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICunmarkedFitOccuFP <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)
  ##add check for use of c-hat
  ##if(c.hat > 1) stop("\nThe correction for overdispersion is not yet implemented for false-positive occupancy models\n")

    Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
    Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE,
                               second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))     #extract number of parameters
    Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE,
                                  second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))  #extract AICc                                      #
    Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
    Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
    Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

    ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")

    ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1
    if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) {
        Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i)))      
    ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat
    if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) {
        colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt")
        LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
        Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat
        Results$c_hat <- c.hat

    ##rename correctly to AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {
        colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")
        Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
    ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat
    if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) {
        colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt")
        LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
        Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat

    if(sort)  {
        Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
        Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICunmarkedFitOccuMulti <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)
  ##add check for use of c-hat
  #if(c.hat > 1) stop("\nThe correction for overdispersion is not yet implemented for multispecies occupancy models\n")

  Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
  Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE,
                             second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))     #extract number of parameters
  Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE,
                                second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))  #extract AICc                                      #
  Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
  Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
  Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

  ##check if some models are redundant
  if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")

  ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) {
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i)))      
  ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) {
    colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt")
    LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
    Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat
    Results$c_hat <- c.hat

  ##rename correctly to AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {
    colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
  ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) {
    colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt")
    LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
    Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat

  if(sort)  {
    Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
    Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
  } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
  class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICunmarkedFitMPois <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)
  ##add check for use of c-hat
  #if(c.hat > 1) stop("\nThe correction for overdispersion is not yet implemented for multinomial Poisson models\n")

  Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
  Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE,
                             second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))     #extract number of parameters
  Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE,
                                second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))  #extract AICc                                      #
  Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
  Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
  Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

  ##check if some models are redundant
  if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")

  ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) {
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i)))      
  ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) {
    colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt")
    LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
    Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat
    Results$c_hat <- c.hat

  ##rename correctly to AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {
    colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
  ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) {
    colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt")
    LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
    Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat

  if(sort)  {
    Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
    Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
  } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
  class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICunmarkedFitGMM <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)

  ##add check for use of c-hat
  #if(c.hat > 1) stop("\nThe correction for overdispersion is not yet implemented for generalized multinomial mixture models\n")

  Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
  Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE,
                             second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))     #extract number of parameters
  Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE,
                                second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))  #extract AICc
  Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
  Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
  Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

  ##check if some models are redundant
  if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")

  ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) {
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i)))      
  ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) {
    colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt")
    LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
    Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat
    Results$c_hat <- c.hat

  ##rename correctly to AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {
    colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
  ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) {
    colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt")
    LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
    Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat
    Results$c_hat <- c.hat

  if(sort)  {
    Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
    Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
  } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
  class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICunmarkedFitGPC <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)

  ##add check for use of c-hat
  #if(c.hat > 1) stop("\nThe correction for overdispersion is not yet implemented for generalized binomial mixture models\n")

  Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
  Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE,
                             second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))     #extract number of parameters
  Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE,
                                second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))  #extract AICc
  Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
  Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
  Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

  ##check if some models are redundant
  if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")

  ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) {
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i)))      
  ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) {
    colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt")
    LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
    Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat
    Results$c_hat <- c.hat

  ##rename correctly to AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {
    colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
  ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) {
    colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt")
    LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
    Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat
    Results$c_hat <- c.hat

  if(sort)  {
    Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
    Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
  } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
  class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICvglm <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc
    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)

    ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
    check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2])
    if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same response variable for all models\n")

    ##changed to AICcmodavg:::AICc.vglm to avoid conflicts with VGAM
    Results <- data.frame(Modnames=modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
    Results$K <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = TRUE, 
                               second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))     #extract number of parameters
    Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = AICc, return.K = FALSE, 
                                  second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))  #extract AICc
    Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
    Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
    Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

    ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")
    ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1
    if(second.ord==TRUE && c.hat == 1) {
      Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)))
    ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat
    if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) {
      colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt")
      LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)))
      Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat
      Results$c_hat <- c.hat

    ##rename correctly to AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {
      colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")
      Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)))      

    ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat
    if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) {
      colnames(Results)<-c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt")
      LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)))
      Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat
      Results$c_hat <- c.hat

    if(sort)  {
      Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
      Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}

    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICunmarkedFitOccuMS <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)
  Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
  Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE,
                             second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))     #extract number of parameters
  Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE,
                                second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))  #extract AICc
  Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
  Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
  Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

  ##check if some models are redundant
  if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")

  ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) {
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i)))      
  ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) {
    colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt")
    LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
    Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat
    Results$c_hat <- c.hat

  ##rename correctly to AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {
    colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
  ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) {
    colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt")
    LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
    Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat
    Results$c_hat <- c.hat

  if(sort)  {
    Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
    Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
  } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
  class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICunmarkedFitOccuTTD <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)
  Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
  Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE,
                             second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))     #extract number of parameters
  Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE,
                                second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))  #extract AICc
  Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
  Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
  Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

  ##check if some models are redundant
  if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")

  ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) {
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i)))      
  ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) {
    colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt")
    LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
    Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat
    Results$c_hat <- c.hat

  ##rename correctly to AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {
    colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
  ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) {
    colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt")
    LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
    Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat
    Results$c_hat <- c.hat

  if(sort)  {
    Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
    Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
  } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
  class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICunmarkedFitMMO <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)
  Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
  Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE,
                             second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))     #extract number of parameters
  Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE,
                                second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))  #extract AICc
  Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
  Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
  Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

  ##check if some models are redundant
  if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")

  ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) {
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i)))      
  ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) {
    colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt")
    LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
    Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat
    Results$c_hat <- c.hat

  ##rename correctly to AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {
    colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
  ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) {
    colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt")
    LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
    Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat
    Results$c_hat <- c.hat

  if(sort)  {
    Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
    Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
  } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
  class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICunmarkedFitDSO <- function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, c.hat = 1, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

  ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
  if(is.null(modnames)) {
    if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
      modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
      warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
    } else {
      modnames <- names(cand.set)

  Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
  Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE,
                             second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))     #extract number of parameters
  Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE,
                                second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs, c.hat = c.hat))  #extract AICc
  Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
  Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
  Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

  ##check if some models are redundant
  if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")

  ##check if AICc and c.hat = 1
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat == 1) {
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i)))      
  ##rename correctly to QAICc and add column for c-hat
  if(second.ord == TRUE && c.hat > 1) {
    colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAICc", "Delta_QAICc", "ModelLik", "QAICcWt")
    LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
    Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat
    Results$c_hat <- c.hat

  ##rename correctly to AIC
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat == 1) {
    colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
  ##rename correctly to QAIC and add column for c-hat
  if(second.ord == FALSE && c.hat > 1) {
    colnames(Results) <- c("Modnames", "K", "QAIC", "Delta_QAIC", "ModelLik", "QAICWt")
    LL <- unlist(lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(i) extractLL(i))) 
    Results$Quasi.LL <- LL/c.hat
    Results$c_hat <- c.hat

  if(sort)  {
    Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
    Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
  } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
  class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

aictab.AICzeroinfl <-
  function(cand.set, modnames = NULL, second.ord = TRUE, nobs = NULL, sort = TRUE, ...){  #specify whether table should be sorted or not by delta AICc

    ##check if named list if modnames are not supplied
    if(is.null(modnames)) {
      if(is.null(names(cand.set))) {
        modnames <- paste("Mod", 1:length(cand.set), sep = "")
        warning("\nModel names have been supplied automatically in the table\n")
      } else {
        modnames <- names(cand.set)
    #if(c.hat != 1) stop("\nThis function does not support overdispersion in \'zeroinfl\' models\n")
    ##add check to see whether response variable is the same for all models
    check.resp <- lapply(X = cand.set, FUN = function(b) formula(b)[2])                                        
    if(length(unique(check.resp)) > 1) stop("\nYou must use the same data set for all models\n")
    Results <- data.frame(Modnames = modnames)                    #assign model names to first column
    Results$K <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = TRUE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))     #extract number of parameters
    Results$AICc <- unlist(lapply(cand.set, AICc, return.K = FALSE, second.ord = second.ord, nobs = nobs))  #extract AICc                                      #
    Results$Delta_AICc <- Results$AICc - min(Results$AICc)            #compute delta AICc
    Results$ModelLik <- exp(-0.5*Results$Delta_AICc)                #compute model likelihood required to compute Akaike weights
    Results$AICcWt <- Results$ModelLik/sum(Results$ModelLik)        #compute Akaike weights

   ##check if some models are redundant
    if(length(unique(Results$AICc)) != length(cand.set)) warning("\nCheck model structure carefully as some models may be redundant\n")
    Results$LL <- unlist(lapply(X= cand.set, FUN = function(i) logLik(i)))      

    ##rename correctly to AIC
    if(second.ord == FALSE) {
      colnames(Results)[1:6] <- c("Modnames", "K", "AIC", "Delta_AIC", "ModelLik", "AICWt")

    if(sort)  {
      Results <- Results[order(Results[, 4]),] 	  #if sort=TRUE, models are ranked based on Akaike weights
      Results$Cum.Wt <- cumsum(Results[, 6])                        #display cumulative sum of Akaike weights
    } else {Results$Cum.Wt <- NULL}
    class(Results) <- c("aictab", "data.frame")

print.aictab <-
  function(x, digits = 2, LL = TRUE, ...) {
    cat("\nModel selection based on ", colnames(x)[3], ":\n", sep = "")
    if (any(names(x) == "c_hat")) {cat("(c-hat estimate = ", x$c_hat[1], ")\n", sep = "")}

    #check if Cum.Wt should be printed
    if(any(names(x) == "Cum.Wt")) {
      nice.tab <- cbind(x[, 2], x[, 3], x[, 4], x[, 6], x[, "Cum.Wt"], x[, 7])
      colnames(nice.tab) <- c(colnames(x)[c(2, 3, 4, 6)], "Cum.Wt", colnames(x)[7])
      rownames(nice.tab) <- x[, 1]
    } else {
      nice.tab <- cbind(x[, 2], x[, 3], x[, 4], x[, 6], x[, 7])
      colnames(nice.tab) <- c(colnames(x)[c(2, 3, 4, 6, 7)])
      rownames(nice.tab) <- x[, 1]

    #if LL==FALSE
    if(identical(LL, FALSE)) {
      names.cols <- colnames(nice.tab)
      sel.LL <- which(attr(regexpr(pattern = "LL", text = names.cols), "match.length") > 1)
      nice.tab <- nice.tab[, -sel.LL]
    print(round(nice.tab, digits = digits)) #select rounding off with digits argument

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AICcmodavg documentation built on Nov. 17, 2023, 1:08 a.m.