##approximate F-test in presence of overdispersion
anovaOD <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...){
UseMethod("anovaOD", mod.simple)
anovaOD.default <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...){
stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n")
anovaOD.glm <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...){
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##check for distributions
modFamily1 <- family(mod.simple)$family
modFamily2 <- family(mod.complex)$family
if(!identical(modFamily1, modFamily2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same distribution\n")
if(!identical(modFamily1, "poisson") && !identical(modFamily1, "binomial")) {
if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n")
##for binomial, check that number of trials > 1
if(identical(modFamily1, "binomial")) {
if(!any(mod.simple$prior.weights > 1)) stop("\nOverdispersion correction only appropriate for success/trials syntax\n\n")
##response variable
y1 <- mod.simple$y
y2 <- mod.complex$y
##number of observations
if(is.null(nobs)) {
nobs <- length(y1)
##check that data are the same
if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
##extract log-likelihood
LL1 <- logLik(mod.simple)
LL2 <- logLik(mod.complex)
LL.simple <- LL1[1]
LL.complex <- LL2[1]
##extract number of estimated parameters
K.simple <- attr(LL1, "df")
K.complex <- attr(LL2, "df")
##residual df of complex model
df.complex <- nobs - K.complex
##extract model formula
simpleForm <- formula(mod.simple)
form.simple <- paste(simpleForm[2], "~", simpleForm[3])
complexForm <- formula(mod.complex)
form.complex <- paste(complexForm[2], "~", complexForm[3])
##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
##difference in number of estimated parameters
K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple
##use chi-square if no overdispersion
if(c.hat == 1) {
Chistat <- LR
df <- K.diff
pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Chistat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
} else {
##compute F statistic
Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)
##compute df
df.num <- K.diff
df.denom <- df.complex
##P value
pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Fstat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
form.complex = form.complex,
c.hat = c.hat,
devMat = devMat)
class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")
anovaOD.vglm <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...){
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##check family of vglm to avoid problems
fam.type1 <- mod.simple@family@vfamily[1]
fam.type2 <- mod.complex@family@vfamily[1]
if(!identical(fam.type1, fam.type2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same distribution\n")
if(!(fam.type1 == "poissonff" || fam.type1 == "binomialff" || fam.type1 == "multinomial")) stop("\nDistribution not supported by function\n")
if(fam.type1 == "binomialff") {
if(!any(mod.simple@prior.weights > 1)) stop("\nOverdispersion correction only appropriate for success/trials syntax\n\n")
##number of observations
y1 <- mod.simple@y
y2 <- mod.complex@y
##number of observations
if(is.null(nobs)) {
nobs <- length(y1)
##check that data are the same
if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
##extract log-likelihood
LL1 <- extractLL(mod.simple)
LL2 <- extractLL(mod.complex)
LL.simple <- LL1[1]
LL.complex <- LL2[1]
##extract number of estimated parameters
K.simple <- attr(LL1, "df")
K.complex <- attr(LL2, "df")
##extract model formula
simpleForm <- formula(mod.simple)
form.simple <- paste(simpleForm[2], "~", simpleForm[3])
complexForm <- formula(mod.complex)
form.complex <- paste(complexForm[2], "~", complexForm[3])
##residual df of complex model
df.complex <- nobs - K.complex
##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
##difference in number of estimated parameters
K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple
##use chi-square if no overdispersion
if(c.hat == 1) {
Chistat <- LR
df <- K.diff
pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Chistat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
} else {
##compute F statistic
Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)
##compute df
df.num <- K.diff
df.denom <- df.complex
##P value
pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Fstat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
form.complex = form.complex,
c.hat = c.hat,
devMat = devMat)
class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")
anovaOD.multinom <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...){
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##number of observations
nobs1 <- nrow(mod.simple$fitted.values)
nobs2 <- nrow(mod.complex$fitted.values)
##check that sample size is the same
if(!identical(nobs1, nobs2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
##number of observations
if(is.null(nobs)) {
nobs <- nobs1
##extract log-likelihood
LL1 <- logLik(mod.simple)
LL2 <- logLik(mod.complex)
LL.simple <- LL1[1]
LL.complex <- LL2[1]
##extract number of estimated parameters
K.simple <- attr(LL1, "df")
K.complex <- attr(LL2, "df")
##extract model formula
simpleForm <- formula(mod.simple)
form.simple <- paste(simpleForm[2], "~", simpleForm[3])
complexForm <- formula(mod.complex)
form.complex <- paste(complexForm[2], "~", complexForm[3])
##residual df of complex model
df.complex <- nobs - K.complex
##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
##difference in number of estimated parameters
K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple
##use chi-square if no overdispersion
if(c.hat == 1) {
Chistat <- LR
df <- K.diff
pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Chistat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
} else {
##compute F statistic
Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)
##compute df
df.num <- K.diff
df.denom <- df.complex
##P value
pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Fstat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
form.complex = form.complex,
c.hat = c.hat,
devMat = devMat)
class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")
##residual DF for mixed models is difficult
anovaOD.glmerMod <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...){
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##check for distributions
modFamily1 <- family(mod.simple)$family
modFamily2 <- family(mod.complex)$family
if(!identical(modFamily1, modFamily2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same distribution\n")
if(!identical(modFamily1, "poisson") && !identical(modFamily1, "binomial")) {
if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n")
##number of observations
y1 <- mod.simple@resp$y
y2 <- mod.complex@resp$y
##check that data are the same
if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
##number of observations
if(is.null(nobs)) {
nobs <- length(y1)
##for binomial, check that number of trials > 1
if(identical(modFamily1, "binomial")) {
if(!any(mod.simple@resp$weights > 1)) stop("\nOverdispersion correction only appropriate for success/trials syntax\n\n")
##extract LL
LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)
##extract number of estimated parameters
K.simple <- attr(logLik(mod.simple), "df")
K.complex <- attr(logLik(mod.complex), "df")
##residual df of complex model
df.complex <- nobs - K.complex
##extract model formula
simpleForm <- formula(mod.simple)
form.simple <- paste(simpleForm[2], "~", simpleForm[3])
complexForm <- formula(mod.complex)
form.complex <- paste(complexForm[2], "~", complexForm[3])
##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
##difference in number of estimated parameters
K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple
##use chi-square if no overdispersion
if(c.hat == 1) {
Chistat <- LR
df <- K.diff
pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Chistat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
} else {
##compute F statistic
Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)
##compute df
df.num <- K.diff
df.denom <- df.complex
##P value
pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Fstat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
form.complex = form.complex,
c.hat = c.hat,
devMat = devMat)
class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")
anovaOD.glmmTMB <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##check for distributions
##check for distributions
modFamily1 <- family(mod.simple)$family
modFamily2 <- family(mod.complex)$family
if(!identical(modFamily1, modFamily2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same distribution\n")
if(!identical(modFamily1, "poisson") && !identical(modFamily1, "binomial")) {
if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n")
##extract response
y1Name <- mod.simple$modelInfo$respCol
y2Name <- mod.simple$modelInfo$respCol
y1 <- mod.simple$frame[, y1Name, drop = FALSE]
y2 <- mod.simple$frame[, y2Name, drop = FALSE]
##check that data are the same
if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
##number of observations
if(is.null(nobs)) {
nobs <- nrow(y1)
##if binomial, check if n > 1 for each case
if(modFamily1 == "binomial") {
resp <- mod.simple$frame[, mod.simple$modelInfo$respCol]
if(!is.matrix(resp)) {
if(!any(names(mod.simple$frame) == "(weights)")) {
stop("\nOverdispersion correction only appropriate for success/trials syntax\n\n")
##extract LL
LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)
##extract number of estimated parameters
K.simple <- attr(logLik(mod.simple), "df")
K.complex <- attr(logLik(mod.complex), "df")
##residual df of complex model
df.complex <- nobs - K.complex
##extract model formula
simpleForm <- formula(mod.simple)
form.simple <- paste(simpleForm[2], "~", simpleForm[3])
complexForm <- formula(mod.complex)
form.complex <- paste(complexForm[2], "~", complexForm[3])
##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
##difference in number of estimated parameters
K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple
##use chi-square if no overdispersion
if(c.hat == 1) {
Chistat <- LR
df <- K.diff
pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Chistat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
} else {
##compute F statistic
Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)
##compute df
df.num <- K.diff
df.denom <- df.complex
##P value
pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Fstat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
form.complex = form.complex,
c.hat = c.hat,
devMat = devMat)
class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")
anovaOD.unmarkedFitOccu <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##extract response
y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
y2 <- mod.complex@data@y
##check that data are the same
if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
##number of observations
if(is.null(nobs)) {
nobs <- nrow(y1)
##extract LL
LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)
##extract number of estimated parameters
K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))
##residual df of complex model
df.complex <- nobs - K.complex
##extract model formula
##simple model
form.simplePsi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "state")
form.simplePsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.simplePsi, ")", sep = "")
form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")
form.simple <- paste(form.simplePsi2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "")
##complex model
form.complexPsi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "state")
form.complexPsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.complexPsi, ")", sep = "")
form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")
form.complex <- paste(form.complexPsi2, form.complexDet2, sep = "")
##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
##difference in number of estimated parameters
K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple
##use chi-square if no overdispersion
if(c.hat == 1) {
Chistat <- LR
df <- K.diff
pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Chistat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
} else {
##compute F statistic
Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)
##compute df
df.num <- K.diff
df.denom <- df.complex
##P value
pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Fstat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
form.complex = form.complex,
c.hat = c.hat,
devMat = devMat)
class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")
anovaOD.unmarkedFitColExt <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##extract response
y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
y2 <- mod.complex@data@y
##check that data are the same
if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
##number of observations
if(is.null(nobs)) {
nobs <- nrow(y1)
##extract LL
LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)
##extract number of estimated parameters
K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))
##residual df of complex model
df.complex <- nobs - K.complex
##extract model formula
##simple model
form.simplePsi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "psi")
form.simplePsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.simplePsi, ")", sep = "")
form.simpleGam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "col")
form.simpleGam2 <- paste("gam(", form.simpleGam, ")", sep = "")
form.simpleEps <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "ext")
form.simpleEps2 <- paste("eps(", form.simpleEps, ")", sep = "")
form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")
form.simple <- paste(form.simplePsi2, form.simpleGam2,
form.simpleEps2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "")
##complex model
form.complexPsi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "psi")
form.complexPsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.complexPsi, ")", sep = "")
form.complexGam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "col")
form.complexGam2 <- paste("gam(", form.complexGam, ")", sep = "")
form.complexEps <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "ext")
form.complexEps2 <- paste("eps(", form.complexEps, ")", sep = "")
form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")
form.complex <- paste(form.complexPsi2, form.complexGam2,
form.complexEps2, form.complexDet2, sep = "")
##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
##difference in number of estimated parameters
K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple
##use chi-square if no overdispersion
if(c.hat == 1) {
Chistat <- LR
df <- K.diff
pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Chistat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
} else {
##compute F statistic
Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)
##compute df
df.num <- K.diff
df.denom <- df.complex
##P value
pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Fstat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
form.complex = form.complex,
c.hat = c.hat,
devMat = devMat)
class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")
anovaOD.unmarkedFitOccuRN <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##extract response
y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
y2 <- mod.complex@data@y
##check that data are the same
if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
##number of observations
if(is.null(nobs)) {
nobs <- nrow(y1)
##extract LL
LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)
##extract number of estimated parameters
K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))
##residual df of complex model
df.complex <- nobs - K.complex
##extract model formula
##simple model
form.simpleLam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "state")
form.simpleLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.simpleLam, ")", sep = "")
form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")
form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "")
##complex model
form.complexLam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "state")
form.complexLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.complexLam, ")", sep = "")
form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")
form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexDet2, sep = "")
##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
##difference in number of estimated parameters
K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple
##use chi-square if no overdispersion
if(c.hat == 1) {
Chistat <- LR
df <- K.diff
pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Chistat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
} else {
##compute F statistic
Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)
##compute df
df.num <- K.diff
df.denom <- df.complex
##P value
pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Fstat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
form.complex = form.complex,
c.hat = c.hat,
devMat = devMat)
class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")
anovaOD.unmarkedFitOccuFP <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##extract response
y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
y2 <- mod.complex@data@y
##check that data are the same
if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
##number of observations
if(is.null(nobs)) {
nobs <- nrow(y1)
##extract LL
LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)
##extract number of estimated parameters
K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))
##residual df of complex model
df.complex <- nobs - K.complex
##extract model formula
##simple model
##determine if certain detections (b) occur
form.simplePsi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "state")
form.simplePsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.simplePsi, ")", sep = "")
form.simpleFp <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "fp")
form.simpleFp2 <- paste("fp(", form.simpleFp, ")", sep = "")
form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")
if(exists("b", mod.simple@estimates@estimates)){
form.simpleB <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "b")
form.simpleB2 <- paste("b(", form.simpleB, ")", sep = "")
form.simple <- paste(form.simplePsi2, form.simpleFp2,
form.simpleB2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "")
} else {
form.simple <- paste(form.simplePsi2, form.simpleFp2,
form.simpleDet2, sep = "")
##complex model
##determine if certain detections (b) occur
form.complexPsi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "state")
form.complexPsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.complexPsi, ")", sep = "")
form.complexFp <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "fp")
form.complexFp2 <- paste("fp(", form.complexFp, ")", sep = "")
form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")
if(exists("b", mod.complex@estimates@estimates)){
form.complexB <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "b")
form.complexB2 <- paste("b(", form.complexB, ")", sep = "")
form.complex <- paste(form.complexPsi2, form.complexFp2,
form.complexB2, form.complexDet2, sep = "")
} else {
form.complex <- paste(form.complexPsi2, form.complexFp2,
form.complexDet2, sep = "")
##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
##difference in number of estimated parameters
K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple
##use chi-square if no overdispersion
if(c.hat == 1) {
Chistat <- LR
df <- K.diff
pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Chistat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
} else {
##compute F statistic
Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)
##compute df
df.num <- K.diff
df.denom <- df.complex
##P value
pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Fstat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
form.complex = form.complex,
c.hat = c.hat,
devMat = devMat)
class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")
anovaOD.unmarkedFitPCount <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##check for distributions
modFamily1 <- mod.simple@mixture
modFamily2 <- mod.complex@mixture
if(!identical(modFamily1, modFamily2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same mixture distribution\n")
if(!identical(modFamily1, "P") && !identical(modFamily1, "ZIP")) {
if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n")
##extract response
y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
y2 <- mod.complex@data@y
##check that data are the same
if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
##number of observations
if(is.null(nobs)) {
nobs <- nrow(y1)
##extract LL
LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)
##extract number of estimated parameters
K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))
##residual df of complex model
df.complex <- nobs - K.complex
##extract model formula
##simple model
form.simpleLam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "state")
form.simpleLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.simpleLam, ")", sep = "")
form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")
form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "")
##complex model
form.complexLam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "state")
form.complexLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.complexLam, ")", sep = "")
form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")
form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexDet2, sep = "")
##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
##difference in number of estimated parameters
K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple
##use chi-square if no overdispersion
if(c.hat == 1) {
Chistat <- LR
df <- K.diff
pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Chistat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
} else {
##compute F statistic
Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)
##compute df
df.num <- K.diff
df.denom <- df.complex
##P value
pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Fstat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
form.complex = form.complex,
c.hat = c.hat,
devMat = devMat)
class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")
anovaOD.unmarkedFitPCO <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##check for distributions
modFamily1 <- mod.simple@mixture
modFamily2 <- mod.complex@mixture
if(!identical(modFamily1, modFamily2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same mixture distribution\n")
if(!identical(modFamily1, "P") && !identical(modFamily1, "ZIP")) {
if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n")
##extract response
y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
y2 <- mod.complex@data@y
##check that data are the same
if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
##number of observations
if(is.null(nobs)) {
nobs <- nrow(y1)
##extract LL
LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)
##extract number of estimated parameters
K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))
##residual df of complex model
df.complex <- nobs - K.complex
##extract model formula
##simple model
form.simpleLam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "lambda")
form.simpleLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.simpleLam, ")", sep = "")
form.simpleGam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "gamma")
form.simpleGam2 <- paste("gam(", form.simpleGam, ")", sep = "")
form.simpleOmega <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "omega")
form.simpleOmega2 <- paste("omega(", form.simpleOmega, ")", sep = "")
form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")
if(exists("iota", mod.simple@estimates@estimates)){
form.simpleIota <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "iota")
form.simpleIota2 <- paste("iota(", form.simpleIota, ")", sep = "")
form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simpleGam2,
form.simpleOmega2, form.simpleIota2,
form.simpleDet2, sep = "")
} else {
form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simpleGam2,
form.simpleDet2, sep = "")
##complex model
form.complexLam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "lambda")
form.complexLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.complexLam, ")", sep = "")
form.complexGam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "gamma")
form.complexGam2 <- paste("gam(", form.complexGam, ")", sep = "")
form.complexOmega <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "omega")
form.complexOmega2 <- paste("omega(", form.complexOmega, ")", sep = "")
form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")
if(exists("iota", mod.complex@estimates@estimates)){
form.complexIota <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "iota")
form.complexIota2 <- paste("iota(", form.complexIota, ")", sep = "")
form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexGam2,
form.complexOmega2, form.complexIota2,
form.complexDet2, sep = "")
} else {
form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexGam2,
form.complexDet2, sep = "")
##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
##difference in number of estimated parameters
K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple
##use chi-square if no overdispersion
if(c.hat == 1) {
Chistat <- LR
df <- K.diff
pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Chistat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
} else {
##compute F statistic
Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)
##compute df
df.num <- K.diff
df.denom <- df.complex
##P value
pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Fstat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
form.complex = form.complex,
c.hat = c.hat,
devMat = devMat)
class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")
anovaOD.unmarkedFitDS <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##extract response
y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
y2 <- mod.complex@data@y
##check that data are the same
if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
##number of observations
if(is.null(nobs)) {
nobs <- nrow(y1)
##extract LL
LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)
##extract number of estimated parameters
K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))
##residual df of complex model
df.complex <- nobs - K.complex
##extract model formula
##simple model
form.simpleLam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "state")
form.simpleLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.simpleLam, ")", sep = "")
form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")
key.simple <- mod.simple@keyfun
form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simpleDet2, " (", key.simple, ")", sep = "")
##complex model
form.complexLam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "state")
form.complexLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.complexLam, ")", sep = "")
form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")
key.complex <- mod.complex@keyfun
form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexDet2, " (", key.complex, ")", sep = "")
##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
##difference in number of estimated parameters
K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple
##use chi-square if no overdispersion
if(c.hat == 1) {
Chistat <- LR
df <- K.diff
pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Chistat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
} else {
##compute F statistic
Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)
##compute df
df.num <- K.diff
df.denom <- df.complex
##P value
pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Fstat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
form.complex = form.complex,
c.hat = c.hat,
devMat = devMat)
class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")
anovaOD.unmarkedFitGDS <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##check for distributions
modFamily1 <- mod.simple@mixture
modFamily2 <- mod.complex@mixture
if(!identical(modFamily1, modFamily2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same mixture distribution\n")
if(!identical(modFamily1, "P") && !identical(modFamily1, "ZIP")) {
if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n")
##extract response
y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
y2 <- mod.complex@data@y
##check that data are the same
if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
##number of observations
if(is.null(nobs)) {
nobs <- nrow(y1)
##extract LL
LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)
##extract number of estimated parameters
K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))
##residual df of complex model
df.complex <- nobs - K.complex
##extract model formula
##simple model
form.simpleLam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "lambda")
form.simpleLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.simpleLam, ")", sep = "")
form.simplePhi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "phi")
form.simplePhi2 <- paste("phi(", form.simplePhi, ")", sep = "")
form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")
key.simple <- mod.simple@keyfun
form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simplePhi2,
form.simpleDet2, " (", key.simple, ")",
sep = "")
##complex model
form.complexLam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "lambda")
form.complexLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.complexLam, ")", sep = "")
form.complexPhi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "phi")
form.complexPhi2 <- paste("phi(", form.complexPhi, ")", sep = "")
form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")
key.complex <- mod.complex@keyfun
form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexPhi2,
form.complexDet2, " (", key.complex, ")",
sep = "")
##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
##difference in number of estimated parameters
K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple
##use chi-square if no overdispersion
if(c.hat == 1) {
Chistat <- LR
df <- K.diff
pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Chistat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
} else {
##compute F statistic
Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)
##compute df
df.num <- K.diff
df.denom <- df.complex
##P value
pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Fstat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
form.complex = form.complex,
c.hat = c.hat,
devMat = devMat)
class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")
anovaOD.unmarkedFitMPois <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##extract response
y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
y2 <- mod.complex@data@y
##check that data are the same
if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
##number of observations
if(is.null(nobs)) {
nobs <- nrow(y1)
##extract LL
LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)
##extract number of estimated parameters
K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))
##residual df of complex model
df.complex <- nobs - K.complex
##extract model formula
##simple model
form.simpleLam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "state")
form.simpleLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.simpleLam, ")", sep = "")
form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")
form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "")
##complex model
form.complexLam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "state")
form.complexLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.complexLam, ")", sep = "")
form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")
form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexDet2, sep = "")
##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
##difference in number of estimated parameters
K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple
##use chi-square if no overdispersion
if(c.hat == 1) {
Chistat <- LR
df <- K.diff
pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Chistat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
} else {
##compute F statistic
Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)
##compute df
df.num <- K.diff
df.denom <- df.complex
##P value
pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Fstat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
form.complex = form.complex,
c.hat = c.hat,
devMat = devMat)
class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")
anovaOD.unmarkedFitGMM <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##check for distributions
modFamily1 <- mod.simple@mixture
modFamily2 <- mod.complex@mixture
if(!identical(modFamily1, modFamily2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same mixture distribution\n")
if(!identical(modFamily1, "P") && !identical(modFamily1, "ZIP")) {
if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n")
##extract response
y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
y2 <- mod.complex@data@y
##check that data are the same
if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
##number of observations
if(is.null(nobs)) {
nobs <- nrow(y1)
##extract LL
LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)
##extract number of estimated parameters
K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))
##residual df of complex model
df.complex <- nobs - K.complex
##extract model formula
##simple model
form.simpleLam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "lambda")
form.simpleLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.simpleLam, ")", sep = "")
form.simplePhi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "phi")
form.simplePhi2 <- paste("phi(", form.simplePhi, ")", sep = "")
form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")
form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simplePhi2,
form.simpleDet2, sep = "")
##complex model
form.complexLam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "lambda")
form.complexLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.complexLam, ")", sep = "")
form.complexPhi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "phi")
form.complexPhi2 <- paste("phi(", form.complexPhi, ")", sep = "")
form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")
form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexPhi2,
form.complexDet2, sep = "")
##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
##difference in number of estimated parameters
K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple
##use chi-square if no overdispersion
if(c.hat == 1) {
Chistat <- LR
df <- K.diff
pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Chistat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
} else {
##compute F statistic
Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)
##compute df
df.num <- K.diff
df.denom <- df.complex
##P value
pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Fstat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
form.complex = form.complex,
c.hat = c.hat,
devMat = devMat)
class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")
anovaOD.unmarkedFitGPC <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##check for distributions
modFamily1 <- mod.simple@mixture
modFamily2 <- mod.complex@mixture
if(!identical(modFamily1, modFamily2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same mixture distribution\n")
if(!identical(modFamily1, "P") && !identical(modFamily1, "ZIP")) {
if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n")
##extract response
y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
y2 <- mod.complex@data@y
##check that data are the same
if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
##number of observations
if(is.null(nobs)) {
nobs <- nrow(y1)
##extract LL
LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)
##extract number of estimated parameters
K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))
##residual df of complex model
df.complex <- nobs - K.complex
##extract model formula
##simple model
form.simpleLam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "lambda")
form.simpleLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.simpleLam, ")", sep = "")
form.simplePhi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "phi")
form.simplePhi2 <- paste("phi(", form.simplePhi, ")", sep = "")
form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")
form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simplePhi2,
form.simpleDet2, sep = "")
##complex model
form.complexLam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "lambda")
form.complexLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.complexLam, ")", sep = "")
form.complexPhi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "phi")
form.complexPhi2 <- paste("phi(", form.complexPhi, ")", sep = "")
form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")
form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexPhi2,
form.complexDet2, sep = "")
##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
##difference in number of estimated parameters
K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple
##use chi-square if no overdispersion
if(c.hat == 1) {
Chistat <- LR
df <- K.diff
pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Chistat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
} else {
##compute F statistic
Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)
##compute df
df.num <- K.diff
df.denom <- df.complex
##P value
pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Fstat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
form.complex = form.complex,
c.hat = c.hat,
devMat = devMat)
class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")
anovaOD.unmarkedFitOccuMulti <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##extract response
y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
y2 <- mod.complex@data@y
##check that data are the same
if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
##number of observations
if(is.null(nobs)) {
nobs <- nrow(y1)
##number of species
nspecies <- length(mod.simple@data@ylist)
genericNames <- paste("sp", 1:nspecies, sep = "")
##extract LL
LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)
##extract number of estimated parameters
K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))
##residual df of complex model
df.complex <- nobs - K.complex
##extract model formula
##simple model
##extract labels of fDesign
simple.fDesign <- mod.simple@data@fDesign
simple.colNames <- substr(x = colnames(simple.fDesign),
start = 1, stop = 2)
##extract state formulas
simpleState <- mod.simple@stateformulas
##replace ~ 1 by "."
simplerState <- gsub(pattern = "~1", replacement = ".", x = simpleState)
form.simplePsi <- paste(simple.colNames, "(", simplerState, ")", sep = "")
form.simplePsi2 <- paste(form.simplePsi, collapse = "")
form.simplePsi3 <- paste("psi[", form.simplePsi2, "]", collapse = "")
##extract detection formulas
simpleDet <- mod.simple@detformulas
##replace ~ 1 by "."
simplerDet <- gsub(pattern = "~1", replacement = ".", x = simpleDet)
form.simpleDet <- paste(genericNames, "(", simplerDet, ")", sep = "")
form.simpleDet2 <- paste(form.simpleDet, collapse = "")
form.simpleDet3 <- paste("p[", form.simpleDet2, "]", collapse = "")
form.simple <- paste(form.simplePsi3, form.simpleDet3, sep = "")
##complex model
##extract labels of fDesign
complex.fDesign <- mod.complex@data@fDesign
complex.colNames <- substr(x = colnames(complex.fDesign),
start = 1, stop = 2)
##extract state formulas
complexState <- mod.complex@stateformulas
##replace ~ 1 by "."
complexrState <- gsub(pattern = "~1", replacement = ".", x = complexState)
form.complexPsi <- paste(complex.colNames, "(", complexrState, ")", sep = "")
form.complexPsi2 <- paste(form.complexPsi, collapse = "")
form.complexPsi3 <- paste("psi[", form.complexPsi2, "]", collapse = "")
##extract detection formulas
complexDet <- mod.complex@detformulas
##replace ~ 1 by "."
complexrDet <- gsub(pattern = "~1", replacement = ".", x = complexDet)
form.complexDet <- paste(genericNames, "(", complexrDet, ")", sep = "")
form.complexDet2 <- paste(form.complexDet, collapse = "")
form.complexDet3 <- paste("p[", form.complexDet2, "]", collapse = "")
form.complex <- paste(form.complexPsi3, form.complexDet3, sep = "")
##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
##difference in number of estimated parameters
K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple
##use chi-square if no overdispersion
if(c.hat == 1) {
Chistat <- LR
df <- K.diff
pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Chistat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
} else {
##compute F statistic
Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)
##compute df
df.num <- K.diff
df.denom <- df.complex
##P value
pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Fstat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
form.complex = form.complex,
c.hat = c.hat,
devMat = devMat)
class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")
anovaOD.unmarkedFitOccuMS <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##extract response
y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
y2 <- mod.complex@data@y
##check for each model single season vs dynamic
nseason.simple <- mod.simple@data@numPrimary
nseason.complex <- mod.complex@data@numPrimary
##check that data are the same
if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
##number of observations
if(is.null(nobs)) {
nobs <- nrow(y1)
##extract LL
LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)
##extract number of estimated parameters
K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))
##residual df of complex model
df.complex <- nobs - K.complex
##extract model formula
##simple model
if(nseason.simple == 1) {
form.simplePsi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "state")
form.simplePsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.simplePsi, ")", sep = "")
form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")
form.simple <- paste(form.simplePsi2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "")
} else {
form.simplePsi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "state")
form.simplePsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.simplePsi, ")", sep = "")
form.simplePhi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "transition")
form.simplePhi2 <- paste("phi(", form.simplePhi, ")", sep = "")
form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")
form.simple <- paste(form.simplePsi2, form.simplePhi2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "")
##complex model
if(nseason.complex == 1) {
form.complexPsi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "state")
form.complexPsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.complexPsi, ")", sep = "")
form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")
form.complex <- paste(form.complexPsi2, form.complexDet2, sep = "")
} else {
form.complexPsi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "state")
form.complexPsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.complexPsi, ")", sep = "")
form.complexPhi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "transition")
form.complexPhi2 <- paste("phi(", form.complexPhi, ")", sep = "")
form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")
form.complex <- paste(form.complexPsi2, form.complexPhi2, form.complexDet2, sep = "")
##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
##difference in number of estimated parameters
K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple
##use chi-square if no overdispersion
if(c.hat == 1) {
Chistat <- LR
df <- K.diff
pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Chistat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
} else {
##compute F statistic
Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)
##compute df
df.num <- K.diff
df.denom <- df.complex
##P value
pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Fstat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
form.complex = form.complex,
c.hat = c.hat,
devMat = devMat)
class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")
anovaOD.unmarkedFitOccuTTD <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##extract response
y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
y2 <- mod.complex@data@y
##check for each model single season vs dynamic
nseason.simple <- mod.simple@data@numPrimary
nseason.complex <- mod.complex@data@numPrimary
##check that data are the same
if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
##number of observations
if(is.null(nobs)) {
nobs <- nrow(y1)
##extract LL
LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)
##extract number of estimated parameters
K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))
##residual df of complex model
df.complex <- nobs - K.complex
##extract model formula
##simple model
if(nseason.simple == 1) {
form.simplePsi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "psi")
form.simplePsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.simplePsi, ")", sep = "")
form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")
form.simple <- paste(form.simplePsi2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "")
} else {
form.simplePsi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "psi")
form.simplePsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.simplePsi, ")", sep = "")
form.simpleGam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "col")
form.simpleGam2 <- paste("gam(", form.simpleGam, ")", sep = "")
form.simpleEps <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "ext")
form.simpleEps2 <- paste("eps(", form.simpleEps, ")", sep = "")
form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")
form.simple <- paste(form.simplePsi2, form.simpleGam2,
form.simpleEps2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "")
##complex model
if(nseason.complex == 1) {
form.complexPsi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "psi")
form.complexPsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.complexPsi, ")", sep = "")
form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")
form.complex <- paste(form.complexPsi2, form.complexDet2, sep = "")
} else {
form.complexPsi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "psi")
form.complexPsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.complexPsi, ")", sep = "")
form.complexGam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "col")
form.complexGam2 <- paste("gam(", form.complexGam, ")", sep = "")
form.complexEps <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "ext")
form.complexEps2 <- paste("eps(", form.complexEps, ")", sep = "")
form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")
form.complex <- paste(form.complexPsi2, form.complexGam2,
form.complexEps2, form.complexDet2, sep = "")
##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
##difference in number of estimated parameters
K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple
##use chi-square if no overdispersion
if(c.hat == 1) {
Chistat <- LR
df <- K.diff
pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Chistat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
} else {
##compute F statistic
Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)
##compute df
df.num <- K.diff
df.denom <- df.complex
##P value
pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Fstat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
form.complex = form.complex,
c.hat = c.hat,
devMat = devMat)
class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")
anovaOD.unmarkedFitMMO <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##check for distributions
modFamily1 <- mod.simple@mixture
modFamily2 <- mod.complex@mixture
if(!identical(modFamily1, modFamily2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same mixture distribution\n")
if(!identical(modFamily1, "P") && !identical(modFamily1, "ZIP")) {
if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n")
##extract response
y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
y2 <- mod.complex@data@y
##check that data are the same
if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
##number of observations
if(is.null(nobs)) {
nobs <- nrow(y1)
##extract LL
LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)
##extract number of estimated parameters
K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))
##residual df of complex model
df.complex <- nobs - K.complex
##extract model formula
##simple model
form.simpleLam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "lambda")
form.simpleLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.simpleLam, ")", sep = "")
form.simpleGam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "gamma")
form.simpleGam2 <- paste("gam(", form.simpleGam, ")", sep = "")
form.simpleOmega <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "omega")
form.simpleOmega2 <- paste("omega(", form.simpleOmega, ")", sep = "")
form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")
if(exists("iota", mod.simple@estimates@estimates)){
form.simpleIota <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "iota")
form.simpleIota2 <- paste("iota(", form.simpleIota, ")", sep = "")
form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simpleGam2,
form.simpleOmega2, form.simpleIota2,
form.simpleDet2, sep = "")
} else {
form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simpleGam2,
form.simpleDet2, sep = "")
##complex model
form.complexLam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "lambda")
form.complexLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.complexLam, ")", sep = "")
form.complexGam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "gamma")
form.complexGam2 <- paste("gam(", form.complexGam, ")", sep = "")
form.complexOmega <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "omega")
form.complexOmega2 <- paste("omega(", form.complexOmega, ")", sep = "")
form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")
if(exists("iota", mod.complex@estimates@estimates)){
form.complexIota <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "iota")
form.complexIota2 <- paste("iota(", form.complexIota, ")", sep = "")
form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexGam2,
form.complexOmega2, form.complexIota2,
form.complexDet2, sep = "")
} else {
form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexGam2,
form.complexDet2, sep = "")
##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
##difference in number of estimated parameters
K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple
##use chi-square if no overdispersion
if(c.hat == 1) {
Chistat <- LR
df <- K.diff
pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Chistat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
} else {
##compute F statistic
Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)
##compute df
df.num <- K.diff
df.denom <- df.complex
##P value
pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Fstat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
form.complex = form.complex,
c.hat = c.hat,
devMat = devMat)
class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")
anovaOD.unmarkedFitDSO <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##check for distributions
modFamily1 <- mod.simple@mixture
modFamily2 <- mod.complex@mixture
if(!identical(modFamily1, modFamily2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same mixture distribution\n")
if(!identical(modFamily1, "P") && !identical(modFamily1, "ZIP")) {
if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n")
##extract response
y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
y2 <- mod.complex@data@y
##check that data are the same
if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
##number of observations
if(is.null(nobs)) {
nobs <- nrow(y1)
##extract LL
LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)
##extract number of estimated parameters
K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))
##residual df of complex model
df.complex <- nobs - K.complex
##extract model formula
##simple model
form.simpleLam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "lambda")
form.simpleLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.simpleLam, ")", sep = "")
form.simpleGam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "gamma")
form.simpleGam2 <- paste("gam(", form.simpleGam, ")", sep = "")
form.simpleOmega <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "omega")
form.simpleOmega2 <- paste("omega(", form.simpleOmega, ")", sep = "")
form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")
if(exists("iota", mod.simple@estimates@estimates)){
form.simpleIota <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "iota")
form.simpleIota2 <- paste("iota(", form.simpleIota, ")", sep = "")
form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simpleGam2,
form.simpleOmega2, form.simpleIota2,
form.simpleDet2, sep = "")
} else {
form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simpleGam2,
form.simpleDet2, sep = "")
##complex model
form.complexLam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "lambda")
form.complexLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.complexLam, ")", sep = "")
form.complexGam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "gamma")
form.complexGam2 <- paste("gam(", form.complexGam, ")", sep = "")
form.complexOmega <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "omega")
form.complexOmega2 <- paste("omega(", form.complexOmega, ")", sep = "")
form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")
if(exists("iota", mod.complex@estimates@estimates)){
form.complexIota <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "iota")
form.complexIota2 <- paste("iota(", form.complexIota, ")", sep = "")
form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexGam2,
form.complexOmega2, form.complexIota2,
form.complexDet2, sep = "")
} else {
form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexGam2,
form.complexDet2, sep = "")
##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
##difference in number of estimated parameters
K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple
##use chi-square if no overdispersion
if(c.hat == 1) {
Chistat <- LR
df <- K.diff
pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Chistat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
} else {
##compute F statistic
Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)
##compute df
df.num <- K.diff
df.denom <- df.complex
##P value
pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Fstat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
form.complex = form.complex,
c.hat = c.hat,
devMat = devMat)
class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")
anovaOD.maxlikeFit <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...){
if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion: model fit is questionable\n")
if(c.hat < 1) {
warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
c.hat <- 1
##response variable
y1 <- mod.simple$points.retained
y2 <- mod.complex$points.retained
##number of observations
if(is.null(nobs)) {
nobs <- nrow(y1)
##check that data are the same
if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
##extract log-likelihood
LL1 <- logLik(mod.simple)
LL2 <- logLik(mod.complex)
LL.simple <- LL1[1]
LL.complex <- LL2[1]
##extract number of estimated parameters
K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))
##residual df of complex model
df.complex <- nobs - K.complex
##extract model formula
simpleForm <- formula(mod.simple)
form.simple <- paste("y ~", simpleForm[2])
complexForm <- formula(mod.complex)
form.complex <- paste("y ~", complexForm[2])
##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
##difference in number of estimated parameters
K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple
##use chi-square if no overdispersion
if(c.hat == 1) {
Chistat <- LR
df <- K.diff
pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Chistat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
} else {
##compute F statistic
Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)
##compute df
df.num <- K.diff
df.denom <- df.complex
##P value
pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
LL.simple, LL.complex,
NA, K.diff,
NA, Fstat,
NA, pval),
nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
##assemble in list
outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
form.complex = form.complex,
c.hat = c.hat,
devMat = devMat)
class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")
##residual df of most complex model is required to compute F statistic
##this value is difficult to obtain for models of unmarked classes and glmm's
##potentially give option to user of specifying effective sample size (as in AICc)
print.anovaOD <- function(x, digits = 4, ...) {
##extract information
simple.text <- x$form.simple
complex.text <- x$form.complex
##if text too long, truncate name
if(nchar(simple.text) > 70) {
simple.text <- paste(substr(x = simple.text,
start = 1,
stop = 70),
" ...", sep = "")
##if text too long, truncate name
if(nchar(complex.text) > 70) {
complex.text <- paste(substr(x = complex.text,
start = 1,
stop = 70),
" ...", sep = "")
c.hat <- x$c.hat
outMat <- x$devMat
rownames(outMat) <- c("1", "2")
##check value of P and set to < 0.0001
#pval <- ifelse(outMat[, "pval"] < 0.0001, "< 0.0001", outMat[, "pval"])
##replace NA's with spaces
#outMat[] <- " "
if(c.hat == 1) {
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2logLik", "Chisq", "Pr(>Chisq)")
cat("\nAnalysis of deviance table\n",
sep = "")
} else {
##add names
colnames(outMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
"Kdiff", "-2logLik", "F", "Pr(>F)")
cat("\nAnalysis of deviance table corrected for overdispersion\n",
sep = "")
cat("\nSimple model (1): ", simple.text,
"\nComplex model (2): ", complex.text, "\n\n")
printCoefmat(outMat, digits = digits, signif.stars = FALSE, cs.ind = 1,
na.print = "")
if(c.hat > 1) {
cat("\n(c-hat = ", c.hat, ")", "\n", sep = "")
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