
Defines functions print.anovaOD anovaOD.maxlikeFit anovaOD.unmarkedFitDSO anovaOD.unmarkedFitMMO anovaOD.unmarkedFitOccuTTD anovaOD.unmarkedFitOccuMS anovaOD.unmarkedFitOccuMulti anovaOD.unmarkedFitGPC anovaOD.unmarkedFitGMM anovaOD.unmarkedFitMPois anovaOD.unmarkedFitGDS anovaOD.unmarkedFitDS anovaOD.unmarkedFitPCO anovaOD.unmarkedFitPCount anovaOD.unmarkedFitOccuFP anovaOD.unmarkedFitOccuRN anovaOD.unmarkedFitColExt anovaOD.unmarkedFitOccu anovaOD.glmmTMB anovaOD.glmerMod anovaOD.multinom anovaOD.vglm anovaOD.glm anovaOD.default anovaOD

Documented in anovaOD anovaOD.glm anovaOD.glmerMod anovaOD.maxlikeFit anovaOD.multinom anovaOD.unmarkedFitColExt anovaOD.unmarkedFitDS anovaOD.unmarkedFitDSO anovaOD.unmarkedFitGDS anovaOD.unmarkedFitGMM anovaOD.unmarkedFitGPC anovaOD.unmarkedFitMMO anovaOD.unmarkedFitMPois anovaOD.unmarkedFitOccu anovaOD.unmarkedFitOccuFP anovaOD.unmarkedFitOccuMS anovaOD.unmarkedFitOccuMulti anovaOD.unmarkedFitOccuRN anovaOD.unmarkedFitOccuTTD anovaOD.unmarkedFitPCO anovaOD.unmarkedFitPCount anovaOD.vglm print.anovaOD

##approximate F-test in presence of overdispersion
anovaOD <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...){
    UseMethod("anovaOD", mod.simple)

anovaOD.default <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...){
    stop("\nFunction not yet defined for this object class\n")

anovaOD.glm <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...){

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##check for distributions
    modFamily1 <- family(mod.simple)$family
    modFamily2 <- family(mod.complex)$family
    if(!identical(modFamily1, modFamily2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same distribution\n")

    if(!identical(modFamily1, "poisson") && !identical(modFamily1, "binomial")) {
        if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n")

    ##for binomial, check that number of trials > 1
    if(identical(modFamily1, "binomial")) {
        if(!any(mod.simple$prior.weights > 1)) stop("\nOverdispersion correction only appropriate for success/trials syntax\n\n")

    ##response variable
    y1 <- mod.simple$y
    y2 <- mod.complex$y

    ##number of observations
    if(is.null(nobs)) {
        nobs <- length(y1)
    ##check that data are the same
    if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
    ##extract log-likelihood
    LL1 <- logLik(mod.simple)
    LL2 <- logLik(mod.complex)
    LL.simple <- LL1[1]
    LL.complex <- LL2[1]

    ##extract number of estimated parameters
    K.simple <- attr(LL1, "df")
    K.complex <- attr(LL2, "df")
    ##residual df of complex model
    df.complex <- nobs - K.complex

    ##extract model formula
    simpleForm <- formula(mod.simple)
    form.simple <- paste(simpleForm[2], "~", simpleForm[3])
    complexForm <- formula(mod.complex)
    form.complex <- paste(complexForm[2], "~", complexForm[3])
    ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
    LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
    ##difference in number of estimated parameters
    K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple

    ##use chi-square if no overdispersion
    if(c.hat == 1) {
        Chistat <- LR
        df <- K.diff
        pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)

        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Chistat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
    } else {
        ##compute F statistic
        Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)

        ##compute df
        df.num <- K.diff
        df.denom <- df.complex

        ##P value
        pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Fstat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
                    form.complex = form.complex,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    devMat = devMat)
    class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")

anovaOD.vglm <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...){

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##check family of vglm to avoid problems
    fam.type1 <- mod.simple@family@vfamily[1]
    fam.type2 <- mod.complex@family@vfamily[1]
    if(!identical(fam.type1, fam.type2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same distribution\n")
    if(!(fam.type1 == "poissonff" || fam.type1 == "binomialff" || fam.type1 == "multinomial")) stop("\nDistribution not supported by function\n")
    if(fam.type1 == "binomialff") {
        if(!any(mod.simple@prior.weights > 1)) stop("\nOverdispersion correction only appropriate for success/trials syntax\n\n")

    ##number of observations
    y1 <- mod.simple@y
    y2 <- mod.complex@y

    ##number of observations
    if(is.null(nobs)) {
        nobs <- length(y1)
    ##check that data are the same
    if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")

    ##extract log-likelihood
    LL1 <- extractLL(mod.simple)
    LL2 <- extractLL(mod.complex)
    LL.simple <- LL1[1]
    LL.complex <- LL2[1]

    ##extract number of estimated parameters
    K.simple <- attr(LL1, "df")
    K.complex <- attr(LL2, "df")
    ##extract model formula
    simpleForm <- formula(mod.simple)
    form.simple <- paste(simpleForm[2], "~", simpleForm[3])
    complexForm <- formula(mod.complex)
    form.complex <- paste(complexForm[2], "~", complexForm[3])
    ##residual df of complex model
    df.complex <- nobs - K.complex

    ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
    LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
    ##difference in number of estimated parameters
    K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple
    ##use chi-square if no overdispersion
    if(c.hat == 1) {
        Chistat <- LR
        df <- K.diff
        pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)

        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Chistat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
    } else {

        ##compute F statistic
        Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)

        ##compute df
        df.num <- K.diff
        df.denom <- df.complex

        ##P value
        pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Fstat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
                    form.complex = form.complex,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    devMat = devMat)
    class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")

anovaOD.multinom <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...){

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##number of observations
    nobs1 <- nrow(mod.simple$fitted.values)
    nobs2 <- nrow(mod.complex$fitted.values)

    ##check that sample size is the same
    if(!identical(nobs1, nobs2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")

    ##number of observations
    if(is.null(nobs)) {
        nobs <- nobs1
    ##extract log-likelihood
    LL1 <- logLik(mod.simple)
    LL2 <- logLik(mod.complex)
    LL.simple <- LL1[1]
    LL.complex <- LL2[1]

    ##extract number of estimated parameters
    K.simple <- attr(LL1, "df")
    K.complex <- attr(LL2, "df")

    ##extract model formula
    simpleForm <- formula(mod.simple)
    form.simple <- paste(simpleForm[2], "~", simpleForm[3])
    complexForm <- formula(mod.complex)
    form.complex <- paste(complexForm[2], "~", complexForm[3])
    ##residual df of complex model
    df.complex <- nobs - K.complex

    ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
    LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
    ##difference in number of estimated parameters
    K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple

    ##use chi-square if no overdispersion
    if(c.hat == 1) {
        Chistat <- LR
        df <- K.diff
        pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)

        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Chistat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
    } else {

        ##compute F statistic
        Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)

        ##compute df
        df.num <- K.diff
        df.denom <- df.complex

        ##P value
        pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Fstat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
                    form.complex = form.complex,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    devMat = devMat)
    class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")

##residual DF for mixed models is difficult
anovaOD.glmerMod <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...){

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1
    ##check for distributions
    modFamily1 <- family(mod.simple)$family
    modFamily2 <- family(mod.complex)$family
    if(!identical(modFamily1, modFamily2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same distribution\n")

    if(!identical(modFamily1, "poisson") && !identical(modFamily1, "binomial")) {
        if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n")

    ##number of observations
    y1 <- mod.simple@resp$y
    y2 <- mod.complex@resp$y

    ##check that data are the same
    if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")

    ##number of observations
    if(is.null(nobs)) {
        nobs <- length(y1)
    ##for binomial, check that number of trials > 1
    if(identical(modFamily1, "binomial")) {
        if(!any(mod.simple@resp$weights > 1)) stop("\nOverdispersion correction only appropriate for success/trials syntax\n\n")

    ##extract LL
    LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
    LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)

    ##extract number of estimated parameters
    K.simple <- attr(logLik(mod.simple), "df")
    K.complex <- attr(logLik(mod.complex), "df")

    ##residual df of complex model
    df.complex <- nobs - K.complex

    ##extract model formula
    simpleForm <- formula(mod.simple)
    form.simple <- paste(simpleForm[2], "~", simpleForm[3])
    complexForm <- formula(mod.complex)
    form.complex <- paste(complexForm[2], "~", complexForm[3])

    ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
    LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
    ##difference in number of estimated parameters
    K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple

    ##use chi-square if no overdispersion
    if(c.hat == 1) {
        Chistat <- LR
        df <- K.diff
        pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)

        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Chistat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
    } else {
        ##compute F statistic
        Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)

        ##compute df
        df.num <- K.diff
        df.denom <- df.complex

        ##P value
        pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Fstat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
                    form.complex = form.complex,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    devMat = devMat)
    class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")

anovaOD.glmmTMB <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##check for distributions
    ##check for distributions
    modFamily1 <- family(mod.simple)$family
    modFamily2 <- family(mod.complex)$family
    if(!identical(modFamily1, modFamily2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same distribution\n")

    if(!identical(modFamily1, "poisson") && !identical(modFamily1, "binomial")) {
        if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n")
    ##extract response
    y1Name <- mod.simple$modelInfo$respCol
    y2Name <- mod.simple$modelInfo$respCol
    y1 <- mod.simple$frame[, y1Name, drop = FALSE]
    y2 <- mod.simple$frame[, y2Name, drop = FALSE]

    ##check that data are the same
    if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
    ##number of observations
    if(is.null(nobs)) {
        nobs <- nrow(y1)

    ##if binomial, check if n > 1 for each case
    if(modFamily1 == "binomial") {
        resp <- mod.simple$frame[, mod.simple$modelInfo$respCol]
        if(!is.matrix(resp)) {
            if(!any(names(mod.simple$frame) == "(weights)")) {
                stop("\nOverdispersion correction only appropriate for success/trials syntax\n\n")

    ##extract LL
    LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
    LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)

    ##extract number of estimated parameters
    K.simple <- attr(logLik(mod.simple), "df")
    K.complex <- attr(logLik(mod.complex), "df")

    ##residual df of complex model
    df.complex <- nobs - K.complex

    ##extract model formula
    simpleForm <- formula(mod.simple)
    form.simple <- paste(simpleForm[2], "~", simpleForm[3])
    complexForm <- formula(mod.complex)
    form.complex <- paste(complexForm[2], "~", complexForm[3])

    ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
    LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
    ##difference in number of estimated parameters
    K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple

    ##use chi-square if no overdispersion
    if(c.hat == 1) {
        Chistat <- LR
        df <- K.diff
        pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)

        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Chistat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
    } else {
        ##compute F statistic
        Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)

        ##compute df
        df.num <- K.diff
        df.denom <- df.complex

        ##P value
        pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Fstat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
                    form.complex = form.complex,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    devMat = devMat)

    class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")

anovaOD.unmarkedFitOccu <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##extract response
    y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
    y2 <- mod.complex@data@y

    ##check that data are the same
    if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
    ##number of observations
    if(is.null(nobs)) {
        nobs <- nrow(y1)

    ##extract LL
    LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
    LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)

    ##extract number of estimated parameters
    K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
    K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))

    ##residual df of complex model
    df.complex <- nobs - K.complex

    ##extract model formula
    ##simple model
    form.simplePsi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "state")
    form.simplePsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.simplePsi, ")", sep = "")

    form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
    form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")
    form.simple <- paste(form.simplePsi2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "")
    ##complex model
    form.complexPsi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "state")
    form.complexPsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.complexPsi, ")", sep = "")
    form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
    form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")
    form.complex <- paste(form.complexPsi2, form.complexDet2, sep = "")
    ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
    LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
    ##difference in number of estimated parameters
    K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple

    ##use chi-square if no overdispersion
    if(c.hat == 1) {
        Chistat <- LR
        df <- K.diff
        pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)

        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Chistat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
    } else {
        ##compute F statistic
        Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)

        ##compute df
        df.num <- K.diff
        df.denom <- df.complex

        ##P value
        pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Fstat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
                    form.complex = form.complex,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    devMat = devMat)
    class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")

anovaOD.unmarkedFitColExt <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##extract response
    y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
    y2 <- mod.complex@data@y

    ##check that data are the same
    if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
    ##number of observations
    if(is.null(nobs)) {
        nobs <- nrow(y1)

    ##extract LL
    LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
    LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)

    ##extract number of estimated parameters
    K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
    K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))

    ##residual df of complex model
    df.complex <- nobs - K.complex

    ##extract model formula
    ##simple model
    form.simplePsi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "psi")
    form.simplePsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.simplePsi, ")", sep = "")

    form.simpleGam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "col")
    form.simpleGam2 <- paste("gam(", form.simpleGam, ")", sep = "")

    form.simpleEps <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "ext")
    form.simpleEps2 <- paste("eps(", form.simpleEps, ")", sep = "")

    form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
    form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")
    form.simple <- paste(form.simplePsi2, form.simpleGam2,
                         form.simpleEps2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "")

    ##complex model
    form.complexPsi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "psi")
    form.complexPsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.complexPsi, ")", sep = "")

    form.complexGam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "col")
    form.complexGam2 <- paste("gam(", form.complexGam, ")", sep = "")

    form.complexEps <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "ext")
    form.complexEps2 <- paste("eps(", form.complexEps, ")", sep = "")

    form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
    form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")
    form.complex <- paste(form.complexPsi2, form.complexGam2,
                          form.complexEps2, form.complexDet2, sep = "")

    ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
    LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
    ##difference in number of estimated parameters
    K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple

    ##use chi-square if no overdispersion
    if(c.hat == 1) {
        Chistat <- LR
        df <- K.diff
        pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)

        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Chistat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
    } else {
        ##compute F statistic
        Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)

        ##compute df
        df.num <- K.diff
        df.denom <- df.complex

        ##P value
        pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Fstat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
                    form.complex = form.complex,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    devMat = devMat)
    class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")

anovaOD.unmarkedFitOccuRN <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##extract response
    y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
    y2 <- mod.complex@data@y
    ##check that data are the same
    if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
    ##number of observations
    if(is.null(nobs)) {
        nobs <- nrow(y1)

    ##extract LL
    LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
    LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)

    ##extract number of estimated parameters
    K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
    K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))

    ##residual df of complex model
    df.complex <- nobs - K.complex

    ##extract model formula
    ##simple model
    form.simpleLam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "state")
    form.simpleLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.simpleLam, ")", sep = "")

    form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
    form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")
    form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "")
    ##complex model
    form.complexLam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "state")
    form.complexLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.complexLam, ")", sep = "")
    form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
    form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")
    form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexDet2, sep = "")
    ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
    LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
    ##difference in number of estimated parameters
    K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple

    ##use chi-square if no overdispersion
    if(c.hat == 1) {
        Chistat <- LR
        df <- K.diff
        pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)

        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Chistat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
    } else {
        ##compute F statistic
        Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)

        ##compute df
        df.num <- K.diff
        df.denom <- df.complex

        ##P value
        pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Fstat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
                    form.complex = form.complex,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    devMat = devMat)
    class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")

anovaOD.unmarkedFitOccuFP <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##extract response
    y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
    y2 <- mod.complex@data@y

    ##check that data are the same
    if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
    ##number of observations
    if(is.null(nobs)) {
        nobs <- nrow(y1)

    ##extract LL
    LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
    LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)

    ##extract number of estimated parameters
    K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
    K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))

    ##residual df of complex model
    df.complex <- nobs - K.complex

    ##extract model formula
    ##simple model
    ##determine if certain detections (b) occur
    form.simplePsi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "state")
    form.simplePsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.simplePsi, ")", sep = "")

    form.simpleFp <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "fp")
    form.simpleFp2 <- paste("fp(", form.simpleFp, ")", sep = "")

    form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
    form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")

    if(exists("b", mod.simple@estimates@estimates)){
        form.simpleB <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "b")
        form.simpleB2 <- paste("b(", form.simpleB, ")", sep = "")

        form.simple <- paste(form.simplePsi2, form.simpleFp2,
                             form.simpleB2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "")
    } else {
        form.simple <- paste(form.simplePsi2, form.simpleFp2,
                             form.simpleDet2, sep = "")

    ##complex model
    ##determine if certain detections (b) occur
    form.complexPsi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "state")
    form.complexPsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.complexPsi, ")", sep = "")

    form.complexFp <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "fp")
    form.complexFp2 <- paste("fp(", form.complexFp, ")", sep = "")

    form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
    form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")

    if(exists("b", mod.complex@estimates@estimates)){
        form.complexB <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "b")
        form.complexB2 <- paste("b(", form.complexB, ")", sep = "")

        form.complex <- paste(form.complexPsi2, form.complexFp2,
                             form.complexB2, form.complexDet2, sep = "")
    } else {
        form.complex <- paste(form.complexPsi2, form.complexFp2,
                             form.complexDet2, sep = "")
    ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
    LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
    ##difference in number of estimated parameters
    K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple

    ##use chi-square if no overdispersion
    if(c.hat == 1) {
        Chistat <- LR
        df <- K.diff
        pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)

        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Chistat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
    } else {
        ##compute F statistic
        Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)

        ##compute df
        df.num <- K.diff
        df.denom <- df.complex

        ##P value
        pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Fstat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
                    form.complex = form.complex,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    devMat = devMat)
    class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")

anovaOD.unmarkedFitPCount <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##check for distributions
    modFamily1 <- mod.simple@mixture
    modFamily2 <- mod.complex@mixture
    if(!identical(modFamily1, modFamily2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same mixture distribution\n")

    if(!identical(modFamily1, "P") && !identical(modFamily1, "ZIP")) {
        if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n")
    ##extract response
    y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
    y2 <- mod.complex@data@y

    ##check that data are the same
    if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
    ##number of observations
    if(is.null(nobs)) {
        nobs <- nrow(y1)

    ##extract LL
    LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
    LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)

    ##extract number of estimated parameters
    K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
    K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))

    ##residual df of complex model
    df.complex <- nobs - K.complex

    ##extract model formula
    ##simple model
    form.simpleLam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "state")
    form.simpleLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.simpleLam, ")", sep = "")

    form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
    form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")
    form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "")
    ##complex model
    form.complexLam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "state")
    form.complexLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.complexLam, ")", sep = "")
    form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
    form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")
    form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexDet2, sep = "")
    ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
    LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
    ##difference in number of estimated parameters
    K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple

    ##use chi-square if no overdispersion
    if(c.hat == 1) {
        Chistat <- LR
        df <- K.diff
        pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)

        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Chistat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
    } else {
        ##compute F statistic
        Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)

        ##compute df
        df.num <- K.diff
        df.denom <- df.complex

        ##P value
        pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Fstat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
                    form.complex = form.complex,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    devMat = devMat)
    class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")

anovaOD.unmarkedFitPCO <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##check for distributions
    modFamily1 <- mod.simple@mixture
    modFamily2 <- mod.complex@mixture
    if(!identical(modFamily1, modFamily2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same mixture distribution\n")

    if(!identical(modFamily1, "P") && !identical(modFamily1, "ZIP")) {
        if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n")

    ##extract response
    y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
    y2 <- mod.complex@data@y

    ##check that data are the same
    if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
    ##number of observations
    if(is.null(nobs)) {
        nobs <- nrow(y1)

    ##extract LL
    LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
    LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)

    ##extract number of estimated parameters
    K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
    K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))

    ##residual df of complex model
    df.complex <- nobs - K.complex

    ##extract model formula
    ##simple model
    form.simpleLam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "lambda")
    form.simpleLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.simpleLam, ")", sep = "")

    form.simpleGam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "gamma")
    form.simpleGam2 <- paste("gam(", form.simpleGam, ")", sep = "")

    form.simpleOmega <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "omega")
    form.simpleOmega2 <- paste("omega(", form.simpleOmega, ")", sep = "")

    form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
    form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")

    if(exists("iota", mod.simple@estimates@estimates)){
        form.simpleIota <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "iota")
        form.simpleIota2 <- paste("iota(", form.simpleIota, ")", sep = "")

        form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simpleGam2,
                             form.simpleOmega2, form.simpleIota2,
                             form.simpleDet2, sep = "")
    } else {
        form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simpleGam2,
                             form.simpleDet2, sep = "")

    ##complex model
    form.complexLam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "lambda")
    form.complexLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.complexLam, ")", sep = "")

    form.complexGam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "gamma")
    form.complexGam2 <- paste("gam(", form.complexGam, ")", sep = "")

    form.complexOmega <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "omega")
    form.complexOmega2 <- paste("omega(", form.complexOmega, ")", sep = "")

    form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
    form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")

    if(exists("iota", mod.complex@estimates@estimates)){
        form.complexIota <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "iota")
        form.complexIota2 <- paste("iota(", form.complexIota, ")", sep = "")

        form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexGam2,
                             form.complexOmega2, form.complexIota2,
                             form.complexDet2, sep = "")
    } else {
        form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexGam2,
                             form.complexDet2, sep = "")
    ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
    LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
    ##difference in number of estimated parameters
    K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple

    ##use chi-square if no overdispersion
    if(c.hat == 1) {
        Chistat <- LR
        df <- K.diff
        pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)

        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Chistat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
    } else {
        ##compute F statistic
        Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)

        ##compute df
        df.num <- K.diff
        df.denom <- df.complex

        ##P value
        pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Fstat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
                    form.complex = form.complex,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    devMat = devMat)
    class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")

anovaOD.unmarkedFitDS <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##extract response
    y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
    y2 <- mod.complex@data@y

    ##check that data are the same
    if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
    ##number of observations
    if(is.null(nobs)) {
        nobs <- nrow(y1)

    ##extract LL
    LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
    LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)

    ##extract number of estimated parameters
    K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
    K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))

    ##residual df of complex model
    df.complex <- nobs - K.complex

    ##extract model formula
    ##simple model
    form.simpleLam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "state")
    form.simpleLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.simpleLam, ")", sep = "")

    form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
    form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")
    key.simple <- mod.simple@keyfun
    form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simpleDet2, "  (", key.simple, ")", sep = "")
    ##complex model
    form.complexLam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "state")
    form.complexLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.complexLam, ")", sep = "")
    form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
    form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")
    key.complex <- mod.complex@keyfun
    form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexDet2, "  (", key.complex, ")", sep = "")
    ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
    LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
    ##difference in number of estimated parameters
    K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple

    ##use chi-square if no overdispersion
    if(c.hat == 1) {
        Chistat <- LR
        df <- K.diff
        pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)

        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Chistat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
    } else {
        ##compute F statistic
        Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)

        ##compute df
        df.num <- K.diff
        df.denom <- df.complex

        ##P value
        pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Fstat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
                    form.complex = form.complex,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    devMat = devMat)
    class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")

anovaOD.unmarkedFitGDS <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##check for distributions
    modFamily1 <- mod.simple@mixture
    modFamily2 <- mod.complex@mixture
    if(!identical(modFamily1, modFamily2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same mixture distribution\n")

    if(!identical(modFamily1, "P") && !identical(modFamily1, "ZIP")) {
        if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n")

    ##extract response
    y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
    y2 <- mod.complex@data@y

    ##check that data are the same
    if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
    ##number of observations
    if(is.null(nobs)) {
        nobs <- nrow(y1)

    ##extract LL
    LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
    LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)

    ##extract number of estimated parameters
    K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
    K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))

    ##residual df of complex model
    df.complex <- nobs - K.complex

    ##extract model formula
    ##simple model
    form.simpleLam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "lambda")
    form.simpleLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.simpleLam, ")", sep = "")

    form.simplePhi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "phi")
    form.simplePhi2 <- paste("phi(", form.simplePhi, ")", sep = "")

    form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
    form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")
    key.simple <- mod.simple@keyfun
    form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simplePhi2,
                         form.simpleDet2, "  (", key.simple, ")",
                         sep = "")
    ##complex model
    form.complexLam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "lambda")
    form.complexLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.complexLam, ")", sep = "")

    form.complexPhi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "phi")
    form.complexPhi2 <- paste("phi(", form.complexPhi, ")", sep = "")

    form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
    form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")
    key.complex <- mod.complex@keyfun
    form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexPhi2,
                          form.complexDet2, "  (", key.complex, ")",
                          sep = "")
    ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
    LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
    ##difference in number of estimated parameters
    K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple

    ##use chi-square if no overdispersion
    if(c.hat == 1) {
        Chistat <- LR
        df <- K.diff
        pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)

        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Chistat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
    } else {
        ##compute F statistic
        Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)

        ##compute df
        df.num <- K.diff
        df.denom <- df.complex

        ##P value
        pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Fstat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
                    form.complex = form.complex,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    devMat = devMat)
    class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")

anovaOD.unmarkedFitMPois <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##extract response
    y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
    y2 <- mod.complex@data@y

    ##check that data are the same
    if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
    ##number of observations
    if(is.null(nobs)) {
        nobs <- nrow(y1)

    ##extract LL
    LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
    LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)

    ##extract number of estimated parameters
    K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
    K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))

    ##residual df of complex model
    df.complex <- nobs - K.complex

    ##extract model formula
    ##simple model
    form.simpleLam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "state")
    form.simpleLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.simpleLam, ")", sep = "")

    form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
    form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")
    form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "")
    ##complex model
    form.complexLam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "state")
    form.complexLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.complexLam, ")", sep = "")
    form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
    form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")
    form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexDet2, sep = "")
    ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
    LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
    ##difference in number of estimated parameters
    K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple

    ##use chi-square if no overdispersion
    if(c.hat == 1) {
        Chistat <- LR
        df <- K.diff
        pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)

        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Chistat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
    } else {
        ##compute F statistic
        Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)

        ##compute df
        df.num <- K.diff
        df.denom <- df.complex

        ##P value
        pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Fstat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
                    form.complex = form.complex,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    devMat = devMat)
    class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")

anovaOD.unmarkedFitGMM <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##check for distributions
    modFamily1 <- mod.simple@mixture
    modFamily2 <- mod.complex@mixture
    if(!identical(modFamily1, modFamily2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same mixture distribution\n")

    if(!identical(modFamily1, "P") && !identical(modFamily1, "ZIP")) {
        if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n")
    ##extract response
    y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
    y2 <- mod.complex@data@y

    ##check that data are the same
    if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
    ##number of observations
    if(is.null(nobs)) {
        nobs <- nrow(y1)

    ##extract LL
    LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
    LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)

    ##extract number of estimated parameters
    K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
    K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))

    ##residual df of complex model
    df.complex <- nobs - K.complex

    ##extract model formula
    ##simple model
    form.simpleLam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "lambda")
    form.simpleLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.simpleLam, ")", sep = "")

    form.simplePhi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "phi")
    form.simplePhi2 <- paste("phi(", form.simplePhi, ")", sep = "")

    form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
    form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")
    form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simplePhi2,
                         form.simpleDet2, sep = "")
    ##complex model
    form.complexLam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "lambda")
    form.complexLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.complexLam, ")", sep = "")

    form.complexPhi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "phi")
    form.complexPhi2 <- paste("phi(", form.complexPhi, ")", sep = "")

    form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
    form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")
    form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexPhi2,
                          form.complexDet2, sep = "")
    ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
    LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
    ##difference in number of estimated parameters
    K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple

    ##use chi-square if no overdispersion
    if(c.hat == 1) {
        Chistat <- LR
        df <- K.diff
        pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)

        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Chistat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
    } else {
        ##compute F statistic
        Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)

        ##compute df
        df.num <- K.diff
        df.denom <- df.complex

        ##P value
        pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Fstat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
                    form.complex = form.complex,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    devMat = devMat)
    class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")

anovaOD.unmarkedFitGPC <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##check for distributions
    modFamily1 <- mod.simple@mixture
    modFamily2 <- mod.complex@mixture
    if(!identical(modFamily1, modFamily2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same mixture distribution\n")

    if(!identical(modFamily1, "P") && !identical(modFamily1, "ZIP")) {
        if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n\n")
    ##extract response
    y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
    y2 <- mod.complex@data@y

    ##check that data are the same
    if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
    ##number of observations
    if(is.null(nobs)) {
        nobs <- nrow(y1)

    ##extract LL
    LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
    LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)

    ##extract number of estimated parameters
    K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
    K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))

    ##residual df of complex model
    df.complex <- nobs - K.complex

    ##extract model formula
    ##simple model
    form.simpleLam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "lambda")
    form.simpleLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.simpleLam, ")", sep = "")

    form.simplePhi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "phi")
    form.simplePhi2 <- paste("phi(", form.simplePhi, ")", sep = "")

    form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
    form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")
    form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simplePhi2,
                         form.simpleDet2, sep = "")
    ##complex model
    form.complexLam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "lambda")
    form.complexLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.complexLam, ")", sep = "")

    form.complexPhi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "phi")
    form.complexPhi2 <- paste("phi(", form.complexPhi, ")", sep = "")

    form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
    form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")
    form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexPhi2,
                          form.complexDet2, sep = "")
    ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
    LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
    ##difference in number of estimated parameters
    K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple

    ##use chi-square if no overdispersion
    if(c.hat == 1) {
        Chistat <- LR
        df <- K.diff
        pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)

        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Chistat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
    } else {
        ##compute F statistic
        Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)

        ##compute df
        df.num <- K.diff
        df.denom <- df.complex

        ##P value
        pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Fstat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
                    form.complex = form.complex,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    devMat = devMat)
    class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")

anovaOD.unmarkedFitOccuMulti <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##extract response
    y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
    y2 <- mod.complex@data@y

    ##check that data are the same
    if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
    ##number of observations
    if(is.null(nobs)) {
        nobs <- nrow(y1)

    ##number of species
    nspecies <- length(mod.simple@data@ylist)
    genericNames <- paste("sp", 1:nspecies, sep = "")
    ##extract LL
    LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
    LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)

    ##extract number of estimated parameters
    K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
    K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))

    ##residual df of complex model
    df.complex <- nobs - K.complex

    ##extract model formula
    ##simple model
    ##extract labels of fDesign
    simple.fDesign <- mod.simple@data@fDesign
    simple.colNames <- substr(x = colnames(simple.fDesign),
                              start = 1, stop = 2)
    ##extract state formulas
    simpleState <- mod.simple@stateformulas
    ##replace ~ 1 by "."
    simplerState <- gsub(pattern = "~1", replacement = ".", x = simpleState)
    form.simplePsi <- paste(simple.colNames, "(", simplerState, ")", sep = "")
    form.simplePsi2 <- paste(form.simplePsi, collapse = "")
    form.simplePsi3 <- paste("psi[", form.simplePsi2, "]", collapse = "")

    ##extract detection formulas
    simpleDet <- mod.simple@detformulas
    ##replace ~ 1 by "."
    simplerDet <- gsub(pattern = "~1", replacement = ".", x = simpleDet)
    form.simpleDet <- paste(genericNames, "(", simplerDet, ")", sep = "")
    form.simpleDet2 <- paste(form.simpleDet, collapse = "")
    form.simpleDet3 <- paste("p[", form.simpleDet2, "]", collapse = "")

    form.simple <- paste(form.simplePsi3, form.simpleDet3, sep = "")

    ##complex model
    ##extract labels of fDesign
    complex.fDesign <- mod.complex@data@fDesign
    complex.colNames <- substr(x = colnames(complex.fDesign),
                              start = 1, stop = 2)
    ##extract state formulas
    complexState <- mod.complex@stateformulas
    ##replace ~ 1 by "."
    complexrState <- gsub(pattern = "~1", replacement = ".", x = complexState)
    form.complexPsi <- paste(complex.colNames, "(", complexrState, ")", sep = "")
    form.complexPsi2 <- paste(form.complexPsi, collapse = "")
    form.complexPsi3 <- paste("psi[", form.complexPsi2, "]", collapse = "")

    ##extract detection formulas
    complexDet <- mod.complex@detformulas
    ##replace ~ 1 by "."
    complexrDet <- gsub(pattern = "~1", replacement = ".", x = complexDet)
    form.complexDet <- paste(genericNames, "(", complexrDet, ")", sep = "")
    form.complexDet2 <- paste(form.complexDet, collapse = "")
    form.complexDet3 <- paste("p[", form.complexDet2, "]", collapse = "")

    form.complex <- paste(form.complexPsi3, form.complexDet3, sep = "")
    ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
    LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
    ##difference in number of estimated parameters
    K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple

    ##use chi-square if no overdispersion
    if(c.hat == 1) {
        Chistat <- LR
        df <- K.diff
        pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)

        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Chistat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
    } else {
        ##compute F statistic
        Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)

        ##compute df
        df.num <- K.diff
        df.denom <- df.complex

        ##P value
        pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Fstat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
                    form.complex = form.complex,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    devMat = devMat)
    class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")

anovaOD.unmarkedFitOccuMS <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##extract response
    y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
    y2 <- mod.complex@data@y

    ##check for each model single season vs dynamic
    nseason.simple <- mod.simple@data@numPrimary
    nseason.complex <- mod.complex@data@numPrimary
    ##check that data are the same
    if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
    ##number of observations
    if(is.null(nobs)) {
        nobs <- nrow(y1)

    ##extract LL
    LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
    LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)

    ##extract number of estimated parameters
    K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
    K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))

    ##residual df of complex model
    df.complex <- nobs - K.complex

    ##extract model formula
    ##simple model
    if(nseason.simple == 1) {
    form.simplePsi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "state")
    form.simplePsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.simplePsi, ")", sep = "")

    form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
    form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")
    form.simple <- paste(form.simplePsi2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "")
    } else {
        form.simplePsi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "state")
        form.simplePsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.simplePsi, ")", sep = "")

        form.simplePhi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "transition")
        form.simplePhi2 <- paste("phi(", form.simplePhi, ")", sep = "")
        form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
        form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")
        form.simple <- paste(form.simplePsi2, form.simplePhi2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "")

    ##complex model
    if(nseason.complex == 1) {
        form.complexPsi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "state")
        form.complexPsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.complexPsi, ")", sep = "")
        form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
        form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")
        form.complex <- paste(form.complexPsi2, form.complexDet2, sep = "")
    } else {

        form.complexPsi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "state")
        form.complexPsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.complexPsi, ")", sep = "")

        form.complexPhi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "transition")
        form.complexPhi2 <- paste("phi(", form.complexPhi, ")", sep = "")

        form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
        form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")
        form.complex <- paste(form.complexPsi2, form.complexPhi2, form.complexDet2, sep = "")

    ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
    LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
    ##difference in number of estimated parameters
    K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple

    ##use chi-square if no overdispersion
    if(c.hat == 1) {
        Chistat <- LR
        df <- K.diff
        pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)

        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Chistat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
    } else {
        ##compute F statistic
        Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)

        ##compute df
        df.num <- K.diff
        df.denom <- df.complex

        ##P value
        pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Fstat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
                    form.complex = form.complex,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    devMat = devMat)
    class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")

anovaOD.unmarkedFitOccuTTD <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##extract response
    y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
    y2 <- mod.complex@data@y

    ##check for each model single season vs dynamic
    nseason.simple <- mod.simple@data@numPrimary
    nseason.complex <- mod.complex@data@numPrimary
    ##check that data are the same
    if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
    ##number of observations
    if(is.null(nobs)) {
        nobs <- nrow(y1)

    ##extract LL
    LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
    LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)

    ##extract number of estimated parameters
    K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
    K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))

    ##residual df of complex model
    df.complex <- nobs - K.complex

    ##extract model formula
    ##simple model
    if(nseason.simple == 1) { 
        form.simplePsi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "psi")
        form.simplePsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.simplePsi, ")", sep = "")

        form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
        form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")
        form.simple <- paste(form.simplePsi2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "")
    } else {

        form.simplePsi <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "psi")
        form.simplePsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.simplePsi, ")", sep = "")

        form.simpleGam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "col")
        form.simpleGam2 <- paste("gam(", form.simpleGam, ")", sep = "")

        form.simpleEps <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "ext")
        form.simpleEps2 <- paste("eps(", form.simpleEps, ")", sep = "")

        form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
        form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")
        form.simple <- paste(form.simplePsi2, form.simpleGam2,
                             form.simpleEps2, form.simpleDet2, sep = "")

    ##complex model
    if(nseason.complex == 1) {
        form.complexPsi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "psi")
        form.complexPsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.complexPsi, ")", sep = "")
        form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
        form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")
        form.complex <- paste(form.complexPsi2, form.complexDet2, sep = "")
    } else {

        form.complexPsi <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "psi")
        form.complexPsi2 <- paste("psi(", form.complexPsi, ")", sep = "")

        form.complexGam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "col")
        form.complexGam2 <- paste("gam(", form.complexGam, ")", sep = "")

        form.complexEps <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "ext")
        form.complexEps2 <- paste("eps(", form.complexEps, ")", sep = "")

        form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
        form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")
        form.complex <- paste(form.complexPsi2, form.complexGam2,
                              form.complexEps2, form.complexDet2, sep = "")

    ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
    LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
    ##difference in number of estimated parameters
    K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple

    ##use chi-square if no overdispersion
    if(c.hat == 1) {
        Chistat <- LR
        df <- K.diff
        pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)

        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Chistat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
    } else {
        ##compute F statistic
        Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)

        ##compute df
        df.num <- K.diff
        df.denom <- df.complex

        ##P value
        pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Fstat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
                    form.complex = form.complex,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    devMat = devMat)
    class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")

anovaOD.unmarkedFitMMO <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##check for distributions
    modFamily1 <- mod.simple@mixture
    modFamily2 <- mod.complex@mixture
    if(!identical(modFamily1, modFamily2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same mixture distribution\n")

    if(!identical(modFamily1, "P") && !identical(modFamily1, "ZIP")) {
        if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n")

    ##extract response
    y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
    y2 <- mod.complex@data@y

    ##check that data are the same
    if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
    ##number of observations
    if(is.null(nobs)) {
        nobs <- nrow(y1)

    ##extract LL
    LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
    LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)

    ##extract number of estimated parameters
    K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
    K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))

    ##residual df of complex model
    df.complex <- nobs - K.complex

    ##extract model formula
    ##simple model
    form.simpleLam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "lambda")
    form.simpleLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.simpleLam, ")", sep = "")

    form.simpleGam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "gamma")
    form.simpleGam2 <- paste("gam(", form.simpleGam, ")", sep = "")

    form.simpleOmega <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "omega")
    form.simpleOmega2 <- paste("omega(", form.simpleOmega, ")", sep = "")

    form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
    form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")

    if(exists("iota", mod.simple@estimates@estimates)){
        form.simpleIota <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "iota")
        form.simpleIota2 <- paste("iota(", form.simpleIota, ")", sep = "")

        form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simpleGam2,
                             form.simpleOmega2, form.simpleIota2,
                             form.simpleDet2, sep = "")
    } else {
        form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simpleGam2,
                             form.simpleDet2, sep = "")

    ##complex model
    form.complexLam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "lambda")
    form.complexLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.complexLam, ")", sep = "")

    form.complexGam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "gamma")
    form.complexGam2 <- paste("gam(", form.complexGam, ")", sep = "")

    form.complexOmega <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "omega")
    form.complexOmega2 <- paste("omega(", form.complexOmega, ")", sep = "")

    form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
    form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")

    if(exists("iota", mod.complex@estimates@estimates)){
        form.complexIota <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "iota")
        form.complexIota2 <- paste("iota(", form.complexIota, ")", sep = "")

        form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexGam2,
                             form.complexOmega2, form.complexIota2,
                             form.complexDet2, sep = "")
    } else {
        form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexGam2,
                             form.complexDet2, sep = "")
    ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
    LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
    ##difference in number of estimated parameters
    K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple

    ##use chi-square if no overdispersion
    if(c.hat == 1) {
        Chistat <- LR
        df <- K.diff
        pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)

        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Chistat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
    } else {
        ##compute F statistic
        Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)

        ##compute df
        df.num <- K.diff
        df.denom <- df.complex

        ##P value
        pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Fstat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
                    form.complex = form.complex,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    devMat = devMat)
    class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")

anovaOD.unmarkedFitDSO <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...) {

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##check for distributions
    modFamily1 <- mod.simple@mixture
    modFamily2 <- mod.complex@mixture
    if(!identical(modFamily1, modFamily2)) stop("\nComparisons only appropriate for models using the same mixture distribution\n")

    if(!identical(modFamily1, "P") && !identical(modFamily1, "ZIP")) {
        if(c.hat > 1) stop("\ndistribution not appropriate for overdispersion correction\n")

    ##extract response
    y1 <- mod.simple@data@y
    y2 <- mod.complex@data@y

    ##check that data are the same
    if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
    ##number of observations
    if(is.null(nobs)) {
        nobs <- nrow(y1)

    ##extract LL
    LL.simple <- logLik(mod.simple)
    LL.complex <- logLik(mod.complex)

    ##extract number of estimated parameters
    K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
    K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))

    ##residual df of complex model
    df.complex <- nobs - K.complex

    ##extract model formula
    ##simple model
    form.simpleLam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "lambda")
    form.simpleLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.simpleLam, ")", sep = "")

    form.simpleGam <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "gamma")
    form.simpleGam2 <- paste("gam(", form.simpleGam, ")", sep = "")

    form.simpleOmega <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "omega")
    form.simpleOmega2 <- paste("omega(", form.simpleOmega, ")", sep = "")

    form.simpleDet <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "det")
    form.simpleDet2 <- paste("p(", form.simpleDet, ")", sep = "")

    if(exists("iota", mod.simple@estimates@estimates)){
        form.simpleIota <- formulaShort(mod.simple, unmarked.type = "iota")
        form.simpleIota2 <- paste("iota(", form.simpleIota, ")", sep = "")

        form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simpleGam2,
                             form.simpleOmega2, form.simpleIota2,
                             form.simpleDet2, sep = "")
    } else {
        form.simple <- paste(form.simpleLam2, form.simpleGam2,
                             form.simpleDet2, sep = "")

    ##complex model
    form.complexLam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "lambda")
    form.complexLam2 <- paste("lam(", form.complexLam, ")", sep = "")

    form.complexGam <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "gamma")
    form.complexGam2 <- paste("gam(", form.complexGam, ")", sep = "")

    form.complexOmega <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "omega")
    form.complexOmega2 <- paste("omega(", form.complexOmega, ")", sep = "")

    form.complexDet <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "det")
    form.complexDet2 <- paste("p(", form.complexDet, ")", sep = "")

    if(exists("iota", mod.complex@estimates@estimates)){
        form.complexIota <- formulaShort(mod.complex, unmarked.type = "iota")
        form.complexIota2 <- paste("iota(", form.complexIota, ")", sep = "")

        form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexGam2,
                             form.complexOmega2, form.complexIota2,
                             form.complexDet2, sep = "")
    } else {
        form.complex <- paste(form.complexLam2, form.complexGam2,
                             form.complexDet2, sep = "")
    ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
    LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
    ##difference in number of estimated parameters
    K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple

    ##use chi-square if no overdispersion
    if(c.hat == 1) {
        Chistat <- LR
        df <- K.diff
        pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)

        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Chistat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
    } else {
        ##compute F statistic
        Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)

        ##compute df
        df.num <- K.diff
        df.denom <- df.complex

        ##P value
        pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Fstat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
                    form.complex = form.complex,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    devMat = devMat)
    class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")

anovaOD.maxlikeFit <- function(mod.simple, mod.complex, c.hat = 1, nobs = NULL, ...){

    if(c.hat > 4) warning("\nHigh overdispersion:  model fit is questionable\n")
    if(c.hat < 1) {
        warning("\nUnderdispersion: c-hat is fixed to 1\n")
        c.hat <- 1

    ##response variable
    y1 <- mod.simple$points.retained
    y2 <- mod.complex$points.retained

    ##number of observations
    if(is.null(nobs)) {
        nobs <- nrow(y1)
    ##check that data are the same
    if(!identical(y1, y2)) stop("\nData set should be identical to compare models\n")
    ##extract log-likelihood
    LL1 <- logLik(mod.simple)
    LL2 <- logLik(mod.complex)
    LL.simple <- LL1[1]
    LL.complex <- LL2[1]

    ##extract number of estimated parameters
    K.simple <- length(coef(mod.simple))
    K.complex <- length(coef(mod.complex))
    ##residual df of complex model
    df.complex <- nobs - K.complex

    ##extract model formula
    simpleForm <- formula(mod.simple)
    form.simple <- paste("y ~", simpleForm[2])
    complexForm <- formula(mod.complex)
    form.complex <- paste("y ~", complexForm[2])
    ##- 2 * (logLik(simple) - logLik(complex))
    LR <- -2 * (LL.simple - LL.complex)
    ##difference in number of estimated parameters
    K.diff <- K.complex - K.simple

    ##use chi-square if no overdispersion
    if(c.hat == 1) {
        Chistat <- LR
        df <- K.diff
        pval <- 1 - pchisq(Chistat, df = df)

        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Chistat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "Chistat", "pval")
    } else {
        ##compute F statistic
        Fstat <- LR/((K.diff)*c.hat)

        ##compute df
        df.num <- K.diff
        df.denom <- df.complex

        ##P value
        pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, df1 = df.num, df2 = df.denom)
        devMat <- matrix(data = c(K.simple, K.complex,
                                  LL.simple, LL.complex,
                                  NA, K.diff,
                                  NA, LR,
                                  NA, Fstat,
                                  NA, pval),
                         nrow = 2, ncol = 6)
        colnames(devMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2LL", "F", "pval")
    ##assemble in list
    outList <- list(form.simple = form.simple,
                    form.complex = form.complex,
                    c.hat = c.hat,
                    devMat = devMat)
    class(outList) <- c("anovaOD", "list")

##residual df of most complex model is required to compute F statistic
##this value is difficult to obtain for models of unmarked classes and glmm's
##potentially give option to user of specifying effective sample size (as in AICc)

print.anovaOD <- function(x, digits = 4, ...) {

    ##extract information
    simple.text <- x$form.simple
    complex.text <- x$form.complex

    ##if text too long, truncate name
    if(nchar(simple.text) > 70) {
        simple.text <- paste(substr(x = simple.text,
                                    start = 1,
                                    stop = 70),
                             " ...", sep = "")

    ##if text too long, truncate name
    if(nchar(complex.text) > 70) {
        complex.text <- paste(substr(x = complex.text,
                                     start = 1,
                                     stop = 70),
                              " ...", sep = "")
    c.hat <- x$c.hat
    outMat <- x$devMat
    rownames(outMat) <- c("1", "2")

    ##check value of P and set to < 0.0001
    #pval <- ifelse(outMat[, "pval"] < 0.0001, "< 0.0001", outMat[, "pval"]) 
    ##replace NA's with spaces
    #outMat[is.na(outMat)] <- " "

    if(c.hat == 1) {
        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2logLik", "Chisq", "Pr(>Chisq)")

        cat("\nAnalysis of deviance table\n",
            sep = "")

    } else {
        ##add names
        colnames(outMat) <- c("K", "logLik",
                              "Kdiff", "-2logLik", "F", "Pr(>F)")
        cat("\nAnalysis of deviance table corrected for overdispersion\n",
            sep = "")
    cat("\nSimple model  (1): ", simple.text,
        "\nComplex model (2): ", complex.text, "\n\n")
    printCoefmat(outMat, digits = digits, signif.stars = FALSE, cs.ind = 1,
                 na.print = "")
    if(c.hat > 1) { 
        cat("\n(c-hat = ", c.hat, ")", "\n", sep = "")

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