Defines functions vizAPOTC

Documented in vizAPOTC

#' @title
#' Directly visualize clonal expansion of a combined seurat object
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This function combines the functionality of both [RunAPOTC()] and
#' [APOTCPlot()]. Given a Seurat object, it first runs the APackOfTheClones
#' method ([RunAPOTC()]) to compute clonal expansion information, and then
#' generates a ggplot2 object of the clonal expansion plot with
#' a circle size legend. ([APOTCPlot()])
#' @inheritParams RunAPOTC
#' @inheritParams APOTCPlot
#' @param seurat_obj A seurat object that has been integrated with clonotype
#' data with `scRepertoire::combineExpression`.
#' @details
#' Note that the subsetting arguments `...` and `extra_filter` are only a
#' quick convenience to subset based on metadata, and the `subset` S3 method
#' defined in `Seurat` is much more mature are has more features. Additionally,
#' users need to work with data subsets are recommended to and likely already
#' are working with seurat objects subsetted/split with `Seurat::SplitObject`.
#' @inheritSection RunAPOTC Cluster labelling
#' @inherit APOTCPlot return
#' @export
#' @seealso [AdjustAPOTC]
#' @examples
#' data("combined_pbmc")
#' # plot with default parameters
#' vizAPOTC(combined_pbmc, verbose = FALSE)
#' # use arguments from RunAPOTC and APOTCPlot
#' vizAPOTC(
#'     combined_pbmc, try_place = TRUE, show_labels = TRUE, verbose = FALSE
#' )
vizAPOTC <- function(
    reduction_base = "umap",
    clonecall = "strict",
    extra_filter = NULL,
    alt_ident = NULL,

    clone_scale_factor = "auto",
    rad_scale_factor = 0.95,
    order_clones = TRUE,
    try_place = FALSE,
    repulse = TRUE,
    repulsion_threshold = 1,
    repulsion_strength = 1,
    max_repulsion_iter = 20L,

    show_shared = NULL,
    only_link = NULL,
    clone_link_width = "auto",
    clone_link_color = "black",
    clone_link_alpha = 0.5,

    res = 360L,
    linetype = "blank",
    use_default_theme = TRUE,
    retain_axis_scales = FALSE,
    alpha = 1,

    show_labels = FALSE,
    label_size = 5,

    add_size_legend = TRUE,
    legend_sizes = "auto",
    legend_position = "auto",
    legend_buffer = 0.2,
    legend_color = "#808080",
    legend_spacing = "auto",
    legend_label = "Clone sizes",
    legend_text_size = 5,
    add_legend_background = TRUE,
    add_legend_centerspace = 0,

    detail = TRUE,

    verbose = TRUE
) {
    seurat_obj <- RunAPOTC(
        reduction_base = reduction_base,
        clonecall = clonecall,
        extra_filter = extra_filter,
        alt_ident = alt_ident,
        run_id = "vizAPOTC",
        clone_scale_factor = clone_scale_factor,
        rad_scale_factor = rad_scale_factor,
        order_clones = order_clones,
        try_place = try_place,
        repulse = repulse,
        repulsion_threshold = repulsion_threshold,
        repulsion_strength = repulsion_strength,
        max_repulsion_iter = max_repulsion_iter,
        override = TRUE,
        verbose = verbose

    if (verbose) message("Plotting...")

        run_id = "vizAPOTC",
        show_shared = show_shared,
        only_link = only_link,
        clone_link_width = clone_link_width,
        clone_link_color = clone_link_color,
        clone_link_alpha = clone_link_alpha,
        res = res,
        linetype = linetype,
        use_default_theme = use_default_theme,
        retain_axis_scales = retain_axis_scales,
        alpha = alpha,
        show_labels = show_labels,
        label_size = label_size,
        add_size_legend = add_size_legend,
        legend_sizes = legend_sizes,
        legend_position = legend_position,
        legend_buffer = legend_buffer,
        legend_color = legend_color,
        legend_spacing = legend_spacing,
        legend_label = legend_label,
        legend_text_size = legend_text_size,
        add_legend_background = add_legend_background,
        add_legend_centerspace = add_legend_centerspace,
        detail = detail,
        verbose = verbose

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APackOfTheClones documentation built on Oct. 11, 2024, 1:08 a.m.