## continuous duration recording ####
CDR_single <- function(b_stream, stream_length) {
start_state <- b_stream$start_state
switches <- length(b_stream$b_stream)
if (switches > 1) {
duration <- ((if (!start_state==(switches %% 2)) stream_length else 0) +
sum(b_stream$b_stream[seq(2 - start_state, switches, 2)]) -
sum(b_stream$b_stream[seq(1 - start_state, switches, 2)])) / stream_length
} else if (switches == 1) {
duration <- ((2 * start_state - 1) * b_stream$b_stream +
(1 - start_state) * stream_length) / stream_length
} else {
duration <- start_state
#' @title Applies continuous duration recording to a behavior stream
#' @description
#' Calculates the proportion of session time during which behavior occurs.
#' @param BS object of class \code{behavior_stream}
#' @export
#' @return Vector of proportions.
#' @examples
#' BS <- r_behavior_stream(n = 5, mu = 3, lambda = 10,
#' F_event = F_exp(), F_interim = F_exp(), stream_length = 100)
#' continuous_duration_recording(BS)
continuous_duration_recording <- function(BS)
sapply(BS$b_streams, CDR_single, stream_length = BS$stream_length)
## momentary time recording ####
MTS_single <- function(b_stream, moments) {
obs_pos <- findInterval(moments, vec=b_stream$b_stream)
(obs_pos %% 2) != b_stream$start_state
#' @title Applies momentary time recording to a behavior stream
#' @description Evaluates the presence or absence of the behavior at fixed moments in time.
#' @param BS object of class behavior_stream
#' @param interval_length length of interval between moments.
#' @param summarize logical value indicating whether vector of moments should be summarized by taking their mean.
#' @export
#' @return If \code{summarize = FALSE}, a matrix with length \code{n_intervals + 1} and width equal to the number
#' of behavior streams in \code{BS}. If \code{summarize = TRUE}, a vector of proportions of length equal to the
#' number of behavior streams in \code{BS}. Note that if \code{summarize = TRUE}, the initial state of the
#' behavior stream is excluded when calculating the mean, so the proportion is based on \code{n_intervals} values.
#' @examples
#' BS <- r_behavior_stream(n = 5, mu = 3, lambda = 10,
#' F_event = F_exp(), F_interim = F_exp(), stream_length = 100)
#' momentary_time_recording(BS, interval_length = 20, FALSE)
#' momentary_time_recording(BS, interval_length = 20)
#' colMeans(momentary_time_recording(BS, 20, FALSE)[-1,])
momentary_time_recording <- function(BS, interval_length, summarize = TRUE) {
moments <- seq(interval_length * summarize, BS$stream_length, interval_length)
MTS <- sapply(BS$b_streams, MTS_single, moments = moments)
if (summarize) colMeans(MTS) else MTS
## event counting ####
#' @title Applies event counting to a behavior stream
#' @description
#' Calculates the number of behaviors that begin during the observation session.
#' @param BS object of class \code{behavior_stream}
#' @export
#' @return Vector of non-negative integers.
#' @examples
#' BS <- r_behavior_stream(n = 5, mu = 3, lambda = 10,
#' F_event = F_exp(), F_interim = F_exp(), stream_length = 100)
#' event_counting(BS)
event_counting <- function(BS)
sapply(BS$b_streams, function(x)
floor((length(x$b_stream) + 1 - x$start_state) / 2))
## interval recording ####
IntRec_single <- function(b_stream, start_time, end_time, partial = TRUE) {
start_event <- findInterval(start_time, vec=b_stream$b_stream)
end_event <- findInterval(end_time, vec=b_stream$b_stream)
WIR <- (start_event == end_event) * ((start_event + 1 - partial) %% 2 == b_stream$start_state)
if (partial) 1 - WIR else WIR
#' @title Applies interval recording to a behavior stream
#' @description Divides the observation session into a specified number of intervals. For partial interval recording,
#' each interval is scored according to whether the behavior is present at any point during the interval. For whole
#' interval recording, each interval is scored according to whether the behavior is present for the duration.
#' @param BS object of class behavior_stream
#' @param interval_length time length of each interval.
#' @param rest_length portion of each interval to exclude from observation. Default is zero. See details.
#' @param partial logical value indicating whether to use partial interval recording (\code{TRUE}) or
#' whole interval recording (\code{FALSE}).
#' @param summarize logical value indicating whether vector of moments should be summarized by taking their mean.
#' @details
#' Each behavior stream is divided into intervals of length \code{interval_length}.
#' The last \code{rest_length} of each interval is excluded from observation.
#' For example, for a stream length of 100, \code{interval_length = 20}, and
#' \code{rest_length = 5}, the first interval runs from [0,15), the second interval runs from [20,35), etc.
#' @export
#' @return If \code{summarize = FALSE}, a matrix with rows equal to the number of intervals per session and
#' columns equal to the number of behavior streams in \code{BS}.
#' If \code{summarize = TRUE}, a vector of proportions of length equal to the
#' number of behavior streams in \code{BS}.
#' @examples
#' BS <- r_behavior_stream(n = 5, mu = 3, lambda = 10,
#' F_event = F_exp(), F_interim = F_exp(), stream_length = 100)
#' interval_recording(BS, interval_length = 20, partial = TRUE, summarize = FALSE)
#' interval_recording(BS, interval_length = 20, partial = TRUE, summarize = TRUE)
#' colMeans(interval_recording(BS, 20, partial = TRUE, summarize = FALSE))
#' interval_recording(BS, interval_length = 20, rest_length = 5, partial = FALSE)
interval_recording <- function(BS, interval_length, rest_length = 0, partial = TRUE, summarize = TRUE) {
n_intervals <- floor(BS$stream_length / interval_length)
start_time <- interval_length * (0:(n_intervals - 1))
end_time <- start_time + interval_length - rest_length
IR <- sapply(BS$b_streams, IntRec_single, start_time = start_time, end_time = end_time, partial = partial)
if (summarize) colMeans(IR) else IR
## Process behavior stream using multiple procedures ####
#' @title Applies multiple recording procedures to a behavior stream
#' @description This is a convenience function that allows multiple recording procedures to be applied
#' to a single behavior stream. Results are reported either per behavior stream or as summary statistics, averaged
#' over multiple behavior streams.
#' @param BS object of class behavior_stream
#' @param data_types list of recording procedures to apply to the behavior stream. See details.
#' @param interval_length time length of each interval used to score momentary time recording and interval recording procedures.
#' @param rest_length portion of each interval to exclude from observation for interval recording.
#' See documentation for \code{\link{interval_recording}}.
#' @param n_aggregate number of observations over which to calculate summary statistics.
#' @details
#' The following recording procedures are currently implemented
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{C} - continuous duration recording
#' \item \code{M} - momentary time recording
#' \item \code{E} - event counting
#' \item \code{P} - partial interval recording
#' \item \code{W} - whole interval recording
#' }
#' @export
#' @return If \code{n_aggregate = 1}, a data frame with one column per procedure listed in \code{data_types} and length equal to the number
#' of behavior streams in \code{BS}. If \code{n_aggregate > 1}, a list containing two data frames: one with sample means
#' and one with sample variances, both taken across \code{n_aggregate} behavior streams.
#' @examples
#' BS <- r_behavior_stream(n = 50, mu = 3, lambda = 10,
#' F_event = F_exp(), F_interim = F_exp(), stream_length = 100)
#' reported_observations(BS, interval_length = 10)
#' reported_observations(BS, interval_length = 10, n_aggregate = 5)
reported_observations <- function(BS, data_types = c("C","M","E","P","W"),
interval_length = 1, rest_length = 0, n_aggregate = 1) {
n <- length(BS$b_streams)
recorded <- data.frame(matrix(NA, n, length(data_types)))
names(recorded) <- data_types
if ("C" %in% data_types)
recorded$C <- continuous_duration_recording(BS)
if ("M" %in% data_types)
recorded$M <- momentary_time_recording(BS, interval_length)
if ("E" %in% data_types)
recorded$E <- event_counting(BS)
if ("P" %in% data_types)
recorded$P <- interval_recording(BS, interval_length, rest_length, partial = TRUE)
if ("W" %in% data_types)
recorded$W <- interval_recording(BS, interval_length, rest_length, partial = FALSE)
if (n_aggregate == 1) return(recorded) else {
groups <- list(rep(1:(n / n_aggregate), each = n_aggregate))
recorded_mean <- stats::aggregate(recorded, groups, mean)
recorded_var <- stats::aggregate(recorded, groups, stats::var)
return(list(mean = recorded_mean[,-1], var = recorded_var[,-1]))
## augmented interval recording ####
augmented_recording_single <- function(b_stream, moments, start_time, end_time) {
MTS <- MTS_single(b_stream, moments)
PIR <- IntRec_single(b_stream, start_time, end_time, partial = TRUE)
WIR <- IntRec_single(b_stream, start_time, end_time, partial = FALSE)
cbind(MTS = MTS, PIR = c(NA, PIR), WIR = c(NA, WIR))
#' @title Applies augmented interval recording to a behavior stream
#' @description Divides the observation session into intervals.
#' Each interval is scored using partial interval recording, whole interval recording, and
#' momentary time sampling (at the beginning of the following interval).
#' @param BS object of class behavior_stream
#' @param interval_length time length of each interval.
#' @param rest_length portion of each interval to exclude from observation. Default is zero. See details.
#' @details
#' Each behavior stream is divided into intervals of length \code{interval_length}.
#' The last \code{rest_length} of each interval is excluded from observation.
#' For example, for a stream length of 100, \code{interval_length = 20}, and
#' \code{rest_length = 5}, the first interval runs from [0,15), the second interval runs from [20,35), etc.
#' @export
#' @return A matrix with rows equal to the number of intervals per session and
#' columns equal to the number of behavior streams in \code{BS}.
#' @examples
#' BS <- r_behavior_stream(n = 5, mu = 3, lambda = 10,
#' F_event = F_exp(), F_interim = F_exp(), stream_length = 100)
#' augmented_recording(BS, interval_length = 20)
augmented_recording <- function(BS, interval_length, rest_length = 0) {
moments <- seq(0, BS$stream_length, interval_length)
n_intervals <- floor(BS$stream_length / interval_length)
start_time <- interval_length * (0:(n_intervals - 1))
end_time <- start_time + interval_length - rest_length
AIR_dat <- sapply(BS$b_streams, augmented_recording_single,
moments = moments, start_time = start_time, end_time = end_time)
replicates <- length(BS$b_streams)
array(AIR_dat, dim = c(n_intervals + 1, 3, replicates),
dimnames = list(interval = 0:n_intervals, proc = c("MTS","PIR","WIR"), rep = 1:replicates))
# ## intermittent transition recording ####
# #' @title Applies intermittent transition recording to a behavior stream
# #'
# #' @description Divides the observation session into intervals.
# #'
# #' @param BS object of class behavior_stream
# #' @param interval_length time length of each interval.
# #' @param rest_length portion of each interval to exclude from observation. Default is zero. See details.
# #'
# #' @details
# #' Each behavior stream is divided into intervals of length \code{interval_length}.
# #' The last \code{rest_length} of each interval is excluded from observation.
# #' For example, for a stream length of 100, \code{interval_length = 20}, and
# #' \code{rest_length = 5}, the first interval runs from [0,15), the second interval runs from [20,35), etc.
# #'
# #' @export
# #'
# #' @return A matrix with length \code{n_intervals} and width equal to the number
# #' of behavior streams in \code{BS}.
# #'
# #' @examples
# #' BS <- r_behavior_stream(n = 5, mu = 3, lambda = 10,
# #' F_event = F_exp(), F_interim = F_exp(), stream_length = 100)
# #' augmented_recording(BS, 30)
# intermittent_transition_recording <- function(BS, n_intervals, rest_proportion = 0) {
# MTS <- momentary_time_recording(BS, n_intervals, summarize = FALSE)
# }
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