
Defines functions acoustic_indices sox_spectro check_wave_length check_wave_path_out check_wave_path_in get_wav_length clip_wave clip_wave_single

Documented in acoustic_indices clip_wave clip_wave_single get_wav_length sox_spectro

#' Clip single wave file
#' Clip and copy a single wave files to a given length. See `clip_wave()` for
#' processing multiple files.
#' @param path_in Character. Path to the wave file to clip.
#' @param path_out Character. Path to copy the new clipped wave file to.
#' @param clip_length Numeric. Length of new clip in seconds.
#' @param start_time Numeric. Time in seconds where new clip should start.
#'   Default 0.
#' @param wave_length Numeric. Length of the clipped wave file in seconds (if
#'   `NULL`, default, will be the length of time from `start_time` to the end of
#'   the file).
#' @param overwrite Logical. Whether to overwrite existing files when creating
#'   new clipped wave files. Default (`FALSE`) will error if the file already
#'   exists.
#' @return TRUE if successful
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Create test wave file
#' f <- temp_wavs(1)
#' # Clip file and check it out
#' clip_wave_single(f, "new_file.wav", clip_length = 1)
#' tuneR::readWave("new_file.wav")
#' unlink("new_file.wav")
clip_wave_single <- function(path_in, path_out, clip_length, start_time = 0,
                             wave_length = NULL, overwrite = FALSE) {
  # Checks
  if (length(path_in) > 1) {
    abort(c("More than one file supplied",
      "x" = "`clip_wave_single` processes one file at a time",
      "i" = "See `clip_wave` to process multiple files."
  if (length(path_out) > 1) {
    abort("Can only have one output file")
  check_num(start_time, n = c(0, Inf))

  if (!overwrite && fs::file_exists(path_out)) {
      c("`overwrite` is FALSE but `path_out` already exists: ",
        "!" = path_out,
        "*" = "Either use `overwrite = TRUE` or move the file"
  } else if (overwrite) {

  # No clipping if clip length the same as the file
  if (is.null(wave_length)) wave_length <- get_wav_length(path_in, return_numeric = TRUE)

  if (clip_length >= wave_length && start_time == 0) {
    fs::file_copy(path = path_in, new_path = path_out)
  } else {
    wav_clipped <- tuneR::readWave(
      from = start_time,
      to = start_time + clip_length,
      units = "seconds"
    tuneR::writeWave(wav_clipped, path_out)


#' Clip multiple wave files and format names
#' Process multiple wave files by copying them with a new filename and
#' clipping to a given length.
#' @param waves Data frame. Details of file locations.
#' @param dir_in Character. Directory wave files are read from. Default is
#'   `NULL` meaning the current working directory.
#' @param col_path_in Column. Unquoted column containing the current file paths.
#'   Default `path`.
#'   **Note: file paths must be either relative to `dir_in` or absolute**.
#' @param col_subdir_out Column. Unquoted column containing the
#'   subdirectories in which to put output files. Default `subdir_out`.
#' @param col_filename_out Column. Unquoted column containing the output
#'   filenames. Default `filename_out`.
#' @param col_clip_length Column. Unquoted column containing the length of the
#'   new clip. Default `length`.
#' @param col_start_time Column. Unquoted column containing the start time of
#'   the new clip. Default `start_time`.
#' @param overwrite Logical. Overwrite pre-existing files when clipping and
#'   moving. Default `FALSE`.
#' @param create_dir Logical. Whether to create directory structure for newly
#'   formatted and clipped wave files.
#' @param diff_limit Numeric. How much longer in seconds clip lengths can be
#'   compared to file lengths before triggering an error. Default `30`.
#' @inheritParams common_docs
#' @return TRUE if successful and clipped wave files created
#' @export
#' @examplesIf dir.exists("test1")
#' w <- data.frame(
#'   path = temp_wavs(n = 4),
#'   subdir_out = c("test1/a", "test2/a", "test3/c", "test4/d"),
#'   subsub_dir_out = rep("zz", 4),
#'   filename_out = c("wave1_clean.wav", "wave2_clean.wav", "wave3_clean.wav", "wave4_clean.wav"),
#'   clip_length = c(1, 1, 1, 2),
#'   start_time = c(1.2, 0.5, 1, 0)
#' )
#' clip_wave(w, dir_out = "clean", col_subdir_out = c(subdir_out, subsub_dir_out))
#' unlink("clean", recursive = TRUE) # Remove this new 'clean' directory
clip_wave <- function(waves,
                      dir_in = NULL,
                      col_path_in = path,
                      col_subdir_out = subdir_out,
                      col_filename_out = filename_out,
                      col_clip_length = clip_length,
                      col_start_time = start_time,
                      overwrite = FALSE,
                      create_dir = TRUE,
                      diff_limit = 30) {
  # Checks
  if (missing(dir_out)) {
      "Require an output directory ",
  check_cols(waves, c(
    !!enquo(col_path_in), !!enquo(col_subdir_out),
    !!enquo(col_filename_out), !!enquo(col_clip_length),
  wv <- waves |>
      "path_out" = purrr::pmap_chr(dplyr::pick({{ col_subdir_out }}), fs::path)
    ) |>
      "path_in" = {{ col_path_in }},
      'filename_out' = {{ col_filename_out }},
      "clip_length" = {{ col_clip_length }},
      "start_time" = {{ col_start_time }}
    ) |>
      # Check and complete input paths
      path_in = check_wave_path_in(
      # Get output paths
      path_out = check_wave_path_out(
      # Check wave lengths
      wave_length = check_wave_length(
        clip_length = .data[["clip_length"]],
        start_time = .data[["start_time"]],
        diff_limit = diff_limit
      overwrite = .env$overwrite
    ) |>

    purrr::pmap(wv, clip_wave_single)


#' Get the length of a recording in seconds
#' @param path Character. Path to wave file.
#' @param return_numeric Logical. Return numeric or character?
#' @return Length of recording in seconds
#' @export
#' @examples
#'   f <- tempfile()
#'   w <- tuneR::sine(440, duration = 100000)
#'   tuneR::writeWave(w, f)
#'   get_wav_length(f)
get_wav_length <- function(path, return_numeric = FALSE) {
  audio <- tuneR::readWave(path, header = TRUE)
  l <- round(audio$samples / audio$sample.rate, 2)
  if (!return_numeric) l <- glue::glue("{l} seconds")

check_wave_path_in <- function(path_in, dir_in, call = caller_env()) {
  abs_path_in <- fs::is_absolute_path(path_in)
  if (length(unique(abs_path_in)) != 1) {
      "All wave file paths must be either absolute or ",
      "relative (not a mix of the two)"
    ), call = call)
  } else if (all(abs_path_in) && !is.null(dir_in)) {
    warn("All wave file paths are absolute, ignoring `dir_in`.", call = call)
  } else if (all(!abs_path_in)) {
    if (is.null(dir_in)) {
      path_in <- fs::path_wd(path_in)
    } else {
      path_in <- fs::path(dir_in, path_in)

  # Check that file paths exist
  if (any(missing <- !fs::file_exists(path_in))) {
          "Some wave files could not be found:\n"
        stats::setNames(names(missing[missing]), rep("*", sum(missing)))
      call = call

  # Check file types
  if (any(!fs::path_ext(path_in) %in% c("wav", "wave"))) {
    r <- path_in[!fs::path_ext(path_in) %in% c("wav", "wave")]
    if (length(r) > 5) r <- c(r[1:5], "...")
    r <- set_names(r, "*")

    abort(c("Non-wav file found in files.",
      "x" = "Only wav files are processed by `clip_wave()`",
      "i" = "Check file names are correct",
    ), call = call)

check_wave_path_out <- function(subdirs, filename_out, dir_out, create_dir, call = caller_env()) {
  dir_out <- fs::path(dir_out, purrr::pmap_chr(list(subdirs), fs::path))
  path_out <- fs::path(dir_out, fs::path_file(filename_out))

  if (create_dir) {
    # Create dirs if they do not exist
  } else if (!all(fs::dir_exists(dir_out))) {
    # Alert if missing dirs
    err <- dir_out[!fs::dir_exists(dir_out)]
      c("Not all output directories exist",
        "!" = "Either create them before hand or set `create_dir = TRUE`",
        stats::setNames(err, rep("x", length(err)))
      call = call

check_wave_length <- function(path_in, clip_length, start_time, diff_limit, call = caller_env()) {
  wave_length <- purrr::map_dbl(path_in, get_wav_length, return_numeric = T)
  clip_length <- clip_length + start_time

  # Check that starts before end of wave file
  if (any(start_time > wave_length)) {
    err <- path_in[start_time >= wave_length]
        "Some wave files have a clip start time greater than the length of the wave",
        stats::setNames(err, rep("x", length(err)))
      call = call

  # Check that requested clip length less than wave file length +/- wiggle room
  # (accounting for start time)
  if (any((clip_length - diff_limit) >= wave_length)) {
    err <- path_in[(clip_length - diff_limit) >= wave_length]
      c(glue::glue("Some wave files are >={diff_limit}s shorter than the requested clip length given the `start_time`."),
        "i" = "Check file lengths. You can adjust the discrepency limit with `diff_limit` (default 30s)",
        stats::setNames(err, rep("x", length(err)))
      call = call


#' Create spectrogram image from wave file
#' Using the external program `SoX` (the Swiss Army knife of sound processing
#' programs), create a spectrogram image file. Note that you must have `SoX`
#' installed to use this function. Spectrograms will be silently overwritten.
#' Most arguments are passed through to the `seewave::sox()` command.
#' - width and height correspond to the `-x` and `-y` options for the
#'   `spectrogram` effect.
#' - `start` and `end` are used by the `trim` effect
#' - `rate` is passed on to the `rate` effect
#' Based on code from Sam Hache.
#' @param prepend Character. Text to add to the start of the output file.
#'   Defaults to "spectro_".
#' @param width Numeric. Width of the spectrogram image in pixels.
#' @param height Numeric. Height of the spectrogram image in pixels.
#' @param start Numeric/Character. Start the spectrogram at this time (seconds
#'   or HH:MM:SS format).
#' @param end Numeric/Character. End time the spectrogram at this time (seconds
#'   or HH:MM:SS format).
#' @param rate Numeric. Audio sampling rate to display (used by the `rate`
#'   effect in `sox`). This effectively limits the upper frequency of the
#'   spectrogram to rate/2. The default (`"20k"`), limits the spectrogram to
#'   10kHz. Use `rate = NULL` for no limiting.
#' @param dry_run Logical. If `TRUE` show the sox command, but do not run (for
#'   debugging and understanding precise details).
#' @param sox_file_path Path to sox file if not installed at the system level,
#'         otherwise NULL.
#' @param skip_check Logical. Should the function skip check to ensure SoX is installed.
#'      This may allow speed ups if running across large numbers of files.
#' @inheritParams common_docs
#' @return Does not return anything, but creates a spectrogram image in
#'   `dir_out`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Prep sample file
#' w <- tuneR::sine(440, duration = 300000)
#' td <- tempdir()
#' temp_wave <- glue::glue("{td}/test_wave.wav")
#' tuneR::writeWave(w, temp_wave)
#' # Create spectrograms
#' try({sox_spectro(temp_wave)
#' sox_spectro(temp_wave, rate = NULL)
#' sox_spectro(temp_wave, start = 2, end = 3)
#' sox_spectro(temp_wave, start = "0:01", end = "0:04")
#' sox_spectro(temp_wave, prepend = "")
#' })
#' # Clean up
#' unlink(temp_wave)
#' unlink("Spectrograms", recursive = TRUE)
sox_spectro <- function(path, dir_out = "Spectrograms",
                        prepend = "spectro_",
                        width = NULL, height = NULL,
                        start = NULL, end = NULL,
                        rate = "20k", dry_run = FALSE,
                        quiet = FALSE, sox_file_path = NULL, skip_check = FALSE) {
  if (!fs::file_exists(path)) {
    abort(paste0("Cannot find wave file ", path))

  if(isFALSE(skip_check)) {
    test <- check_sox(sox_file_path)


  # Create output path
  path_out <- path |>
    fs::path_file() |>
  path_out <- fs::path(dir_out, glue::glue("{prepend}{path_out}"))

  # Trim if required
  if (!is.null(start) || !is.null(end)) {
    if (is.null(start)) start <- 0
    if (is.null(end)) end <- get_wav_length(path, TRUE)
    trim <- glue::glue("trim {start} ={end}")
  } else {
    trim <- ""

  # Get rate if required
  if (!is.null(rate)) rate <- glue::glue("rate {rate}") else rate <- ""

  # Create sox command
  cmd <- glue::glue("{path} -n {trim} {rate} spectrogram -o {path_out}")
  if (!is.null(width)) cmd <- glue::glue("{cmd} -x {width}")
  if (!is.null(height)) cmd <- glue::glue("{cmd} -y {height}")

  if (dry_run) {
  } else {
    if (!quiet) inform(glue::glue("Writing spectrogram to {path_out}"))
    output <- seewave::sox(cmd)
    if (output == 127) {
      abort(c("Sox failed to run",
        "i" = "Check SoX install or provide path to program file"

#' Get acoustic complexity values
#' Wrapper for 'soundecology' package to calculate acoustic complexity, the
#' bioacoustic index, and acoustic diversity. See Value for details about
#' these indices.
#' @param min_freq Numeric. Minimum frequency for acoustic complexity (see
#'   [soundecology::acoustic_complexity()])
#' @param max_freq Numeric. Maximum frequency for acoustic complexity (see
#'   [soundecology::acoustic_complexity()])
#' @param units Character. Wave file units for reading the file. Defaults to
#'   "samples" (see [tuneR::readWave()]).
#' @inheritParams common_docs
#' @return
#' Returns a data frame with acoustic indices. Those prefaced with
#' - `complx_` are from [soundecology::acoustic_complexity()]
#' - `bio_` are from [soundecology::bioacoustic_index()]
#' - `div_` are from [soundecology::acoustic_diversity()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' w <- tuneR::sine(440, duration = 300000) # > 5s
#' tuneR::writeWave(w, "test_wave.wav")
#' acoustic_indices("test_wave.wav")
#' acoustic_indices("test_wave.wav", quiet = TRUE)
#' unlink("test_wave.wav")
acoustic_indices <- function(path, min_freq = NA, max_freq = NA, units = "samples",
                             quiet = FALSE) {
 check_installed(c("soundecology","tuneR"), c(
        "Packages \"soundecology\" and \"tuneR\" must be installed to use `acoustic_indices()`",
        "Install with `install.packages(c(\"soundecology\", \"tuneR\"))`"

  file_name <- fs::path_file(path)
  if (!quiet) message(glue::glue("Calculating acoustic indices for {file_name}\n"))

  wave <- tuneR::readWave(path, units = units)

  complexity <- try(
    soundecology::acoustic_complexity(wave, min_freq = min_freq, max_freq = max_freq),
    silent = TRUE
  ) |>

  if (inherits(complexity, "try-error")) {
    if (get_wav_length(path, TRUE) < 5) {
        c("Error in `acoustic_complexity()` from the soundecology package",
          "i" = "Consider using a wave file >=5s long."
    } else {
          "Error in `acoustic_complexity()` from the soundecology package:",

  complexity <- dplyr::as_tibble(complexity[1:4]) |>
    dplyr::rename_with(\(x) paste0("complx_", x))
  bioindex <- soundecology::bioacoustic_index(wave) |>
    suppressCat(quiet) |>
    dplyr::as_tibble() |>
    dplyr::rename_with(\(x) paste0("bio_", x))
  diversity <- soundecology::acoustic_diversity(wave) |>
    suppressCat(quiet) |>
    dplyr::as_tibble() |>
    dplyr::rename_with(\(x) paste0("div_", x))

  dplyr::tibble(file = file_name) |>
    dplyr::bind_cols(complexity) |>
    dplyr::bind_cols(bioindex) |>

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