
Defines functions .create_background .mut2signt .seq2signt ADWGS_test .get_obs_exp .make_mut_signatures

Documented in ADWGS_test .get_obs_exp .make_mut_signatures

#' Makes mutational signatures
#' @return a dataframe with mutational signatures
.make_mut_signatures = function() {
  nucs = c("A", "C", "G", "T")

  signatures_dfr = data.frame(as.matrix(expand.grid(left=nucs, mid=nucs, right=nucs, alt=nucs)), stringsAsFactors=F)
  signatures_dfr = signatures_dfr[signatures_dfr$mid!=signatures_dfr$alt,]
  signatures_dfr = signatures_dfr[signatures_dfr$mid %in% c("C", "T"),]
  signatures_dfr$tri = paste0(signatures_dfr$left, signatures_dfr$mid, signatures_dfr$right)
  signatures_dfr$signt = paste0(signatures_dfr$tri, ">", signatures_dfr$alt)

#' Calculates the number of expected mutations based
#' @param hyp hypothesis to be tested
#' @param select_positions boolean column which indicates which positions are in the element of interest
#' @param dfr a dataframe containing the data to be tested
#' @param colname name of the column which indicates the count of mutations in the positions of interest
#' @return a list of observed mutations and expected mutations
.get_obs_exp = function(hyp, select_positions, dfr, colname) {
  obs_mut = sum(dfr[select_positions, colname])

  exp_probs = hyp$fitted.values[select_positions] 
  # derive a fractional estimate of expected mutations as a sum of per-nucleotide probabilties
  exp_mut = sum(exp_probs)

  list(obs_mut, exp_mut)

# @import GenomicRanges
# @import GenomeInfoDb
# @import BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19
# @import IRanges
# @import BSgenome
# @import S4Vectors

#' ADWGS_test executes the statistical test for ActiveDriverWGS
#' @param id A string used to identify the element of interest. \code{id}
#' corresponds to an element in the id column of the elements file
#' @param gr_element_coords A GenomicRanges object that describes the elements of interest containing the
#' chromosome, start and end coordinates, and an mcols column corresponding to id
#' @param gr_site_coords  A GenomicRanges object that describes the sites of interest which reside
#' in the elements of interest containing the chromosome, start and end coordinates,
#' and an mcols column corresponding to id. Examples of sites include transcription factor binding
#' sites in promoter regions or phosphosites in exons of protein coding genes. An empty GenomicRanges object
#' nullifies the requirement for sites to exist.
#' @param gr_maf A GenomicRanges object that describes the mutations in the dataset containing the chromosome,
#' start and end coordinates, patient id, and trinucleotide context
#' @param win_size An integer indicating the size of the background window in base pairs that is used to establish
#' the expected mutation rate and respective null model. The default is 50000bps
#' @param this_genome The reference genome object of BSgenome, for example BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19::Hsapiens
#' @param detect_depleted_mutations if TRUE, detect elements with significantly fewer than expected mutations. FALSE by default
#' @return A data frame containing the following columns
#' \describe{
#'     \item{id}{A string identifying the element of interest}
#'     \item{pp_element}{The p-value of the element}
#'     \item{element_muts_obs}{The number of patients with a mutation in the element}
#'     \item{element_muts_exp}{The expected number of patients with a mutation in the element with respect to background}
#'     \item{element_enriched}{A boolean indicating whether the element is enriched in mutations}
#'     \item{pp_site}{The p-value of the site}
#'     \item{site_muts_obs}{The number of patients with a mutation in the site}
#'     \item{site_muts_exp}{The expected number of patients with a mutation in the site with respect to element}
#'     \item{site_enriched}{A boolean indicating whether the site is enriched in mutations}
#'     \item{result_number}{A numeric indicator denoting the order in which the results were calculated}
#'     \item{fdr_element}{The FDR corrected p-value of the element}
#'     \item{fdr_site}{The FDR corrected p-value of the site}
#'     \item{has_site_mutations}{A V indicates the presence of site mutations}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' # Regions
#' data(cancer_genes)
#' gr_element_coords = GRanges(seqnames = cancer_genes$chr,
#' IRanges(start = cancer_genes$start, end = cancer_genes$end),
#' mcols = cancer_genes$id)
#' # Sites (NULL)
#' gr_site_coords = GRanges(c(seqnames=NULL,ranges=NULL,strand=NULL))
#' # Reference genome
#' this_genome = BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19::Hsapiens
#' # Mutations
#' data(cll_mutations)
#' cll_mutations = format_muts(cll_mutations, this_genome = this_genome)
#' gr_maf = GRanges(cll_mutations$chr,
#' IRanges(cll_mutations$pos1, cll_mutations$pos2),
#' mcols=cll_mutations[,c("patient", "tag")])
#' # ADWGS_test
#' id = "ATM"
#' result = ADWGS_test(id, gr_element_coords, gr_site_coords, gr_maf, 
#'		win_size = 50000, this_genome = this_genome)
ADWGS_test = function(id, gr_element_coords, gr_site_coords, gr_maf, win_size, this_genome, detect_depleted_mutations = FALSE) {
	null_res = data.frame(id,
			pp_element = NA, element_muts_obs = NA, element_muts_exp = NA, element_enriched = NA,
			pp_site = NA, site_muts_obs = NA, site_muts_exp = NA, site_enriched = NA,
			stringsAsFactors = F)
	## genome element arithmethics
	gr_elements = gr_element_coords[GenomicRanges::mcols(gr_element_coords)[,1]==id]
	# sites can be missing
	if (length(gr_site_coords) == 0) {
		gr_sites = GenomicRanges::GRanges()
	} else {
		gr_sites = gr_site_coords[GenomicRanges::mcols(gr_site_coords)[,1]==id]
	# return empty result if no mutations found
	if (length(GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(gr_elements, gr_maf)) == 0) {
	# take whole sequence around element and account for chromosome ends
	gr_background = .create_background(gr_elements, win_size, this_genome)

	# take all mutations needed for this analysis (both element and background)
	gr_mutations = gr_maf[S4Vectors::queryHits(GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(gr_maf, gr_background))]
	# separate indels and SNVs for distinct rules
	gr_indel = gr_mutations[GenomicRanges::mcols(gr_mutations)[,2] == "indel>X"]
	gr_snv = gr_mutations[GenomicRanges::mcols(gr_mutations)[,2] != "indel>X"]

	# remove element components from background
	gr_background = GenomicRanges::setdiff(gr_background, gr_elements)

	# make sure sites capture only the element and not the background	
	# there is an unexplained err here with chromosomes/levels:
	# when intersect(elements, sites), then err is thrown: seqlevels(seqinfo(x))' and 'levels(seqnames(x))' are not identical
	# if order switched, then err no longer
	gr_sites = GenomicRanges::intersect(gr_elements, gr_sites)
	# remove sites from elements to avoid double counting
	gr_elements = GenomicRanges::setdiff(gr_elements, gr_sites)

	# create set of all mutation signatures (trinucleotide ref + alt nucleotide); AG mapped to CG
	signt_template = .make_mut_signatures()
	# get trinucleotide content of sequences	
	trinuc_elements = .seq2signt(gr_elements, this_genome, signt_template)
	trinuc_sites = .seq2signt(gr_sites, this_genome, signt_template)
	trinuc_background = .seq2signt(gr_background, this_genome, signt_template)

	# separate indels and SNVs for distinct analyses	
	dfr_snv = NULL; patients_with_SNV_in_element = NULL
	if(length(gr_snv) > 0) {
		# count the mutations of every signt class
		snv_elements = .mut2signt(gr_elements, gr_snv, signt_template, 
				remove_dup_mut_per_patient = TRUE)
		snv_background = .mut2signt(gr_background, gr_snv, signt_template)
		# merge mutation counts and trinucleotide counts
		snv_elements = merge(snv_elements, trinuc_elements, by = "signt")
		snv_background = merge(snv_background, trinuc_background, by = "signt")
		snv_elements$region = "elements"
		snv_background$region = "background"

		# sites are optional - sometimes not provided and 
		# sometimes not available for given region
		snv_sites = NULL
		if (length(gr_sites) > 0) {
			snv_sites = .mut2signt(gr_sites, gr_snv, signt_template,
					remove_dup_mut_per_patient = TRUE)
			snv_sites = merge(snv_sites, trinuc_sites, by = "signt")
			snv_sites$region = "sites"
		# keep track of patients with SNVs, to remove indels later
		gr_snv_el_site = gr_snv[unique(S4Vectors::queryHits(
				GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(gr_snv, c(gr_elements, gr_sites))))]
		patients_with_SNV_in_element = 

		dfr_snv = rbind(snv_sites, snv_elements, snv_background)
	# separate indels for distinct analyses	
	dfr_indel = NULL
	if(length(gr_indel) > 0) {

		# remove multiple indels per patient if these affect the same element/site
		gr_indel_fg = gr_indel[S4Vectors::queryHits(
				GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(gr_indel, c(gr_sites, gr_elements)))]
		gr_indel_fg = gr_indel_fg[!duplicated(
		gr_indel_bg = gr_indel[S4Vectors::queryHits(
				GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(gr_indel, gr_background))]
		gr_indel = c(gr_indel_fg, gr_indel_bg)

		# unique indel tag, remove multiple instances		
		indel_tag = apply(data.frame(gr_indel)[,c("seqnames", "start", "end", "mcols.patient")], 
				1, paste, collapse = "::")
		gr_indel = gr_indel[!duplicated(indel_tag)]
		# count all indels in regions
		indel_index_sites = unique(S4Vectors::queryHits(
				GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(gr_indel, gr_sites)))
		indel_index_elements = unique(S4Vectors::queryHits(
				GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(gr_indel, gr_elements)))
		indel_index_background = unique(S4Vectors::queryHits(
				GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(gr_indel, gr_background)))
		# to avoid double counting, create hierarchy: sites affected first, then elements, bgrd
		indel_index_elements = setdiff(indel_index_elements, indel_index_sites)
		indel_index_background = setdiff(indel_index_background, 
				c(indel_index_elements, indel_index_sites))
		# discard element indels that occur in a patient previously seen with SNV there
		which_indel_index_element_dup = 
						%in% patients_with_SNV_in_element)
		if (length(which_indel_index_element_dup) > 0) {
			indel_index_elements = indel_index_elements[ - which_indel_index_element_dup]
		# discard site indels that occur in a patient previously seen with SNV there
		which_indel_index_sites_dup = 
						%in% patients_with_SNV_in_element)
		if (length(which_indel_index_sites_dup) > 0) {
			indel_index_sites = indel_index_sites[ - which_indel_index_sites_dup]

		# initiate data frame
		indel_sites = indel_elements = indel_background = data.frame(
					signt = "indel>X", n_mut = NA, tri_nucleotide = "indel", 
					n_pos = NA, region = NA, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
		# set number of mutations in the regions, as defined above hierarchically
		indel_elements$n_mut = length(indel_index_elements)
		indel_background$n_mut = length(indel_index_background)
		# set number of positions as all positions in the regions 
		# since indel assumed to affect any site
		indel_elements$n_pos = sum(GenomicRanges::width(gr_elements))
		indel_background$n_pos = sum(GenomicRanges::width(gr_background))

		indel_elements$region = "elements"
		indel_background$region = "background"
		if (length(gr_sites) > 0) {
			indel_sites$n_mut = length(indel_index_sites)
			indel_sites$n_pos = sum(GenomicRanges::width(gr_sites))
			indel_sites$region = "sites"
		} else {
			indel_sites = NULL

		dfr_indel = rbind(indel_sites, indel_elements, indel_background)

	# merge mutations and annotate per region type
	dfr_mut = rbind(dfr_indel, dfr_snv)
	dfr_mut$is_site = 0 + (dfr_mut$region == "sites")
	dfr_mut$is_element = 0 + dfr_mut$region %in% c("sites", "elements")
	# remove nucleotide contexts that are never mutated
	signt_with_muts = names(which(c(by(dfr_mut$n_mut, dfr_mut$signt, sum)) > 0))
	dfr_mut = dfr_mut[dfr_mut$signt %in% signt_with_muts,, drop = FALSE]
	# remove nucleotide contexts that have no positions
	dfr_mut = dfr_mut[dfr_mut$n_pos > 0,, drop = FALSE]

	# apply a simpler formula if only one trinucleotide signature is mutated			
	formula_h0 = ifelse(length(signt_with_muts) > 1, "n_mut ~ signt", "n_mut ~ 1")

	# Poisson model testing
	h0 = stats::glm(stats::as.formula(formula_h0), offset = log(dfr_mut$n_pos), 
			family = stats::poisson, data = dfr_mut)
	h1 = stats::update(h0, . ~ . + is_element)
	pp_element = pp_element_2way = stats::anova(h0, h1, test="Chisq")[2,5]
	# coefficient determines enrichment or depletion
	# if significant depletion flip p-value direction
	# this is the default option. 
	# if user defines 'allow_negative_selection' then both positively and negatively selected sites will be shown
	coef_element = stats::coef(h1)[['is_element']]
	element_enriched = coef_element > 0
	if (!detect_depleted_mutations & !element_enriched & !is.na(pp_element) & pp_element < 0.5) {
		pp_element = 1 - pp_element_2way
	if (detect_depleted_mutations & element_enriched & !is.na(pp_element) & pp_element < 0.5) {
		pp_element = 1 - pp_element_2way
	# observed and expected values from sampling
	element_stats = .get_obs_exp(h0, dfr_mut$is_element == 1, dfr_mut, "n_mut")
	element_muts_obs = element_stats[[1]]
	element_muts_exp = element_stats[[2]]

	# if region has sites, test second hypothesis on regions
	pp_site = site_muts_obs = site_muts_exp = site_enriched = site_depleted = NA
	if (length(gr_sites) > 0) {
		h2 = stats::update(h1, . ~ . + is_site)
		pp_site = pp_site_2way = stats::anova(h1, h2, test="Chisq")[2,5]
		# coefficient determines enrichment or depletion
		coef_site = stats::coef(h2)[['is_site']]
		site_enriched = coef_site > 0
		if (!detect_depleted_mutations & !site_enriched & !is.na(pp_site) & pp_site < 0.5) {
			pp_site = 1 - pp_site_2way
		if (detect_depleted_mutations & site_enriched & !is.na(pp_site) & pp_site < 0.5) {
			pp_site = 1 - pp_site_2way
	    site_stats = .get_obs_exp(h1, dfr_mut$is_site == 1, dfr_mut, "n_mut")
	    site_muts_obs = site_stats[[1]]
	    site_muts_exp = site_stats[[2]]

		pp_element, element_muts_obs, element_muts_exp, element_enriched,
		pp_site, site_muts_obs, site_muts_exp, site_enriched,
		stringsAsFactors = F)

# gr_seq = gr_elements;
# gr_seq = gr_sites
.seq2signt = function(gr_seq, this_genome, signt_template) {
	if (length(gr_seq) == 0) {
	# add one bp on either side to capture flanking nucs for trinucleotide
	gr_seq1 = GenomicRanges::GRanges(GenomicRanges::seqnames(gr_seq), 
					GenomicRanges::start(gr_seq) - 1, 
					GenomicRanges::end(gr_seq) + 1))
	# get sequence trinucleotide
	this_seq = strsplit(as.character(BSgenome::getSeq(this_genome, gr_seq1)), '')

	# extract trinucleotides from sequence
	get_sq_trinucs = function(x) sapply(1:(length(x)-2), function(i) paste0(x[i:(i+2)], collapse=""))
	tri_nucleotide = unlist(lapply(this_seq, get_sq_trinucs))
	# complement trinucleotides for A/G nucleotides
	where_reverse = substr(tri_nucleotide, 2, 2) %in% c("A", "G")
	tri_nucleotide[where_reverse] = 
	tri_nucleotide = data.frame(table(tri_nucleotide), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
	tri_nucleotide[,1] = as.character(tri_nucleotide[,1])
	quad_nucl =  merge(tri_nucleotide, signt_template[,c("tri", "signt")], 
			by.x = "tri_nucleotide", by.y = "tri", all = TRUE)

	# make sure non-represented nucleotides are counted as zeroes
	quad_nucl$Freq[is.na(quad_nucl$Freq)] = 0
	# update column name of frequency
	colnames(quad_nucl)[colnames(quad_nucl) == "Freq"] = "n_pos"

# gr_seq = gr_elements
# gr_seq = gr_sites
# gr_seq = gr_background
.mut2signt = function(gr_seq, gr_snv, signt_template, remove_dup_mut_per_patient = FALSE) {
	if (length(gr_seq) == 0) {

	gr_snv_here = 
			gr_snv[S4Vectors::queryHits(GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(gr_snv, gr_seq))]
	# for elements and sites, we need to remove duplicate mutations per patient
	# false positives such as local hypermutation rates
	if (remove_dup_mut_per_patient) {
		gr_snv_here = 
	# if there are no mutations, return signts with all zeroes as counts
	if (length(gr_snv_here) == 0 ) {
		return(data.frame(signt = signt_template$signt, n_mut = 0, 
				stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

	dfr_snv = data.frame(table(GenomicRanges::mcols(gr_snv_here)[,"mcols.tag"]), 
			stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
	quad_nucl =  merge(signt_template[,c("signt"), drop = FALSE], dfr_snv, 
			by.x = "signt", by.y = "Var1", all = TRUE)

	# make sure non-represented nucleotides are counted as zeroes
	quad_nucl$Freq[is.na(quad_nucl$Freq)] = 0
	# update column name of frequency
	colnames(quad_nucl)[colnames(quad_nucl) == "Freq"] = "n_mut"


.create_background = function(gr_elements, win_size, this_genome) {
	# background is plus/minus window around every component of element
	# make sure flanking coordinates stay within chromosomal boundaries
	# add one extra nucleotide of slack on both ends - trinuc tabulation needs that
	bg_starts = GenomicRanges::start(gr_elements) - win_size
	bg_ends = GenomicRanges::end(gr_elements) + win_size
	# max pos is end of chromosome minus one
	max_chr_pos = GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(this_genome)[as.character(GenomicRanges::seqnames(gr_elements))]
	max_chr_pos = max_chr_pos - 1
	# min pos is 2nd pos of chromosome
	bg_starts[bg_starts < 2] = 2
	bg_ends[bg_ends > max_chr_pos] = max_chr_pos[bg_ends > max_chr_pos]
	gr_background = GenomicRanges::GRanges(GenomicRanges::seqnames(gr_elements), 
			IRanges::IRanges(bg_starts, bg_ends))
	# take one joined background set to avoid duplicates
	gr_background = GenomicRanges::union(gr_background, gr_background)

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ActiveDriverWGS documentation built on Sept. 3, 2022, 5:05 p.m.