aa | Additive-by-additive epistatic deviations |
addSegSite | Add segregating site to MapPop |
AlphaSimR-package | AlphaSimR: Breeding Program Simulations |
attrition | Lose individuals at random |
bv | Breeding value |
calcGCA | Calculate GCA |
cChr | Combine MapPop chromosomes |
dd | Dominance deviations |
dot-newPop | Create new population (internal) |
doubleGenome | Double the ploidy of individuals |
ebv | Estimated breeding value |
editGenome | Edit genome |
editGenomeTopQtl | Edit genome - the top QTL |
fastRRBLUP | Fast RR-BLUP |
genicVarA | Additive genic variance |
genicVarAA | Additive-by-additive genic variance |
genicVarD | Dominance genic variance |
genicVarG | Total genic variance |
genParam | Sumarize genetic parameters |
getGenMap | Get genetic map |
getNumThreads | Number of available threads |
getPed | Get pedigree |
getQtlMap | Get QTL genetic map |
getSnpMap | Get SNP genetic map |
gv | Genetic value |
hybridCross | Hybrid crossing |
HybridPop-class | Hybrid population |
importGenMap | Import genetic map |
importHaplo | Import haplotypes |
importInbredGeno | Import inbred, diploid genotypes |
isFemale | Test if individuals of a population are female or male |
isPop | Test if object is of a Population class |
LociMap-class | Loci metadata |
makeCross | Make designed crosses |
makeCross2 | Make designed crosses |
makeDH | Generates DH lines |
mapLoci | Finds positions of loci by marker name |
MapPop-class | Raw population with genetic map |
meanEBV | Mean estimated breeding values |
meanG | Mean genetic values |
meanP | Mean phenotypic values |
mergeGenome | Combine genomes of individuals |
mergePops | Merge list of populations |
MultiPop-class | Multi-Population |
mutate | Add Random Mutations |
NamedMapPop-class | Raw population with genetic map and id |
newEmptyPop | Creates an empty population |
newMapPop | New MapPop |
newMultiPop | Create new Multi Population |
newPop | Create new population |
nInd | Number of individuals |
pedigreeCross | Pedigree cross |
pheno | Phenotype |
Pop-class | Population |
popVar | Population variance |
pullIbdHaplo | Pull IBD haplotypes |
pullMarkerGeno | Pull marker genotypes |
pullMarkerHaplo | Pull marker haplotypes |
pullQtlGeno | Pull QTL genotypes |
pullQtlHaplo | Pull QTL haplotypes |
pullSegSiteGeno | Pull segregating site genotypes |
pullSegSiteHaplo | Pull seg site haplotypes |
pullSnpGeno | Pull SNP genotypes |
pullSnpHaplo | Pull SNP haplotypes |
quickHaplo | Quick founder haplotype simulation |
randCross | Make random crosses |
randCross2 | Make random crosses |
RawPop-class | Raw Population |
reduceGenome | Create individuals with reduced ploidy |
resetPop | Reset population |
RRBLUP2 | RR-BLUP Model 2 |
RRBLUP_D | RR-BLUP Model with Dominance |
RRBLUP_D2 | RR-BLUP with Dominance Model 2 |
RRBLUPMemUse | RRBLUP Memory Usage |
RRsol-class | RR-BLUP Solution |
runMacs | Create founder haplotypes using MaCS |
runMacs2 | Alternative wrapper for MaCS |
sampleHaplo | Sample haplotypes from a MapPop |
selectCross | Select and randomly cross |
selectFam | Select families |
selectInd | Select individuals |
selectOP | Select open pollinating plants |
selectWithinFam | Select individuals within families |
self | Self individuals |
selIndex | Selection index |
selInt | Selection intensity |
setEBV | Set estimated breeding values (EBV) |
setMarkerHaplo | Set marker haplotypes |
setPheno | Set phenotypes |
setPhenoGCA | Set GCA as phenotype |
setPhenoProgTest | Set progeny test as phenotype |
SimParam | Simulation parameters |
smithHazel | Calculate Smith-Hazel weights |
solveMKM | Solve Multikernel Model |
solveMVM | Solve Multivariate Model |
solveRRBLUP | Solve RR-BLUP |
solveRRBLUP_EM | Solve RR-BLUP with EM |
solveRRBLUP_EM2 | Solve RR-BLUP with EM and 2 random effects |
solveRRBLUP_EM3 | Solve RR-BLUP with EM and 3 random effects |
solveRRBLUPMK | Solve Multikernel RR-BLUP |
solveRRBLUPMV | Solve Multivariate RR-BLUP |
solveUVM | Solve Univariate Model |
TraitA2-class | Sex specific additive trait |
TraitA2D-class | Sex specific additive and dominance trait |
TraitA-class | Additive trait |
TraitAD-class | Additive and dominance trait |
TraitADE-class | Additive, dominance, and epistatic trait |
TraitADEG-class | Additive, dominance, epistasis, and GxE trait |
TraitADG-class | Additive, dominance and GxE trait |
TraitAE-class | Additive and epistatic trait |
TraitAEG-class | Additive, epistasis and GxE trait |
TraitAG-class | Additive and GxE trait |
transMat | Linear transformation matrix |
usefulness | Usefulness criterion |
varA | Additive variance |
varAA | Additive-by-additive epistatic variance |
varD | Dominance variance |
varEBV | Variance of estimated breeding values |
varG | Total genetic variance |
varP | Phenotypic variance |
writePlink | Writes a Pop-class as PLINK files |
writeRecords | Write data records |
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