
Compare.Cs <-
function (ts, n = 7, w = 7, D1 = 0, D2 = 0, Cs = NULL, type = "Abbasov-Mamedova", 
    complete = NULL) 
    is.wholenumber <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) abs(x - 
        round(x)) < tol
    if (!is.numeric(ts)) 
        stop("Error in 'ts'!")
    if (sum(is.na(ts) * 1) > 1) 
        stop("Time series contain 'NA value'!")
    if (length(n) > 1 | is.na(n) | !is.numeric(n) | n < 1 | !is.wholenumber(n)) 
        stop("Error in 'n'!")
    if (length(w) > 1 | is.null(w) | is.na(w) | !is.numeric(w) | 
        w < 2 | !is.wholenumber(w) | w > length(ts)) 
        stop("Error in 'w'!")
    if (length(D1) > 1 | is.na(D1) | !is.numeric(D1)) 
        stop("Error in 'D1'!")
    if (length(D2) > 1 | is.na(D2) | !is.numeric(D2)) 
        stop("Error in 'D2'!")
    if (sum(!is.numeric(Cs)) * 1 > 0) 
        stop("Error in 'Cs'!")
    if (type != "Abbasov-Mamedova" & type != "NFTS") 
        stop("Error in 'type'!")
    if (type == "Abbasov-Mamedova") {
        if (!is.null(complete)) {
            if (complete[1] == 0) {
                time.tt <- "Calculating..."
        computeVt <- function(matrixVt, fuzzyset, w) {
            n <- (dim(matrixVt)[1] - w)
            cot <- dim(matrixVt)[2]
            Vt <- 1:dim(matrixVt)[1]
            Vt[1:w] <- NA
            for (i in 1:n) {
                O <- matrixVt[i:(w - 1 + (i - 1)), ]
                if (w == 2) 
                  O <- t(as.matrix(O))
                K <- matrixVt[w + (i - 1), ]
                R <- O
                for (i1 in 1:cot) for (j1 in 1:(w - 1)) if (O[j1, 
                  i1] > K[i1]) 
                  R[j1, i1] <- K[i1]
                F <- 1:cot
                for (i2 in 1:cot) F[i2] <- max(R[, i2])
                Vt[w + i] <- sum(F * fuzzyset$Bw)/sum(F)
        ts1 <- as.vector(diff(ts))
        min.x = min(ts1) - D1
        max.x = max(ts1) + D2
        h = (max.x - min.x)/n
        k <- 1:(n + 1)
        U <- 1:n
        for (i in 1:(n + 1)) {
            if (i == 1) 
                k[i] = min.x
            else {
                k[i] = min.x + (i - 1) * h
                U[i - 1] = paste("u", i - 1, sep = "")
        D <- data.frame(U, low = k[1:n], up = k[2:(n + 1)])
        D$Bw <- (1/2) * (D$low + D$up)
        table1 <- D
        ME <- 1:length(Cs)
        MAE <- 1:length(Cs)
        MPE <- 1:length(Cs)
        MAPE <- 1:length(Cs)
        MSE <- 1:length(Cs)
        RMSE <- 1:length(Cs)
        if (!is.null(complete)) {
            if (complete[1] == 0) {
                dev.new(width = 7, height = 3)
                barplot(0, horiz = 1, xlim = c(0, 100), col = "lightblue", 
                  main = c("Complete: 0%", paste("Time remaining:", 
                    time.tt)), xlab = "Computing speed: Calculating...", 
                  cex.main = 0.8)
            dong <- "ok"
        time1 <- Sys.time()
        for (t in 1:length(Cs)) {
            if (t == 2) {
                time2 <- Sys.time()
                time <- time2 - time1
                time <- substr(time, 1, nchar(time))
                time <- as.numeric(time)
                if (time == 0) 
                  time <- 0.02
            if (!is.null(complete)) {
                if (t > 1) {
                  time.re <- time * c(complete[2] - complete[1])
                  giay <- time.re
                  phut <- time.re/60
                  gio <- time.re/3600
                  if (as.numeric(gio) > 1) 
                    time.tt <- paste("About", round2str(gio, 
                      2), "hours")
                  else if (as.numeric(phut) > 1) 
                    time.tt <- paste("About", round2str(phut, 
                      2), "minutes")
                  else if (as.numeric(giay) > 0) 
                    time.tt <- paste("About", round2str(giay, 
                      2), "seconds")
            if (!is.null(complete) & t > 1) {
                if ((100 * (complete[1]/complete[2])) < 99) {
                  complete[1] <- complete[1] + 1
                  barplot(100 * (complete[1]/complete[2]), horiz = 1, 
                    xlim = c(0, 100), col = "lightblue", main = c(paste("Complete: ", 
                      round2str(100 * (complete[1]/complete[2]), 
                        2), "%", sep = ""), paste("Time remaining:", 
                      time.tt)), xlab = paste("Computing speed:", 
                      round(1/time), "loops/second"), cex.main = 0.8)
                if (((100 * (complete[1]/complete[2])) >= 99) & 
                  dong == "ok") {
                  dong <- "no"
            C <- Cs[t]
            MATRIX <- matrix(1:(length(ts1) * n), ncol = n)
            for (i in 1:length(ts1)) {
                for (j in 1:n) {
                  my.At <- 1/(1 + (C * (ts1[i] - table1$Bw[j]))^2)
                  MATRIX[i, j] <- my.At
            V <- computeVt(MATRIX, table1, w)
            N <- c(NA, ts[-length(ts)] + V)
            danso <- N
            et <- na.omit(ts - danso)
            ne <- length(et)
            Yt <- ts[(length(ts) - ne + 1):length(ts)]
            ME[t] = sum(et)/ne
            MAE[t] = sum(abs(et))/ne
            MPE[t] = sum((et/Yt) * 100)/ne
            MAPE[t] = sum((abs(et)/Yt) * 100)/ne
            MSE[t] = sum(et * et)/ne
            RMSE[t] = sqrt(sum(et * et)/ne)
        accuracy <- data.frame(ME = ME, MAE = MAE, MPE = MPE, 
            MAPE = MAPE, MSE = MSE, RMSE = RMSE)
        sort.accuracy <- accuracy
        for (xieploai in 1:6) {
            saiso <- accuracy[, xieploai]
            xl <- 1:length(saiso)
            saisoxl <- sort(saiso)
            for (k in 1:length(saiso)) {
                for (l in 1:length(xl)) {
                  if (saiso[k] == saisoxl[l]) {
                    xl[k] <- l
            sort.accuracy[, xieploai] <- xl
        table2 <- data.frame(Cs, accuracy, sort.accuracy)
        names(table2) <- c("C values", "ME", "MAE", "MPE", "MAPE", 
            "MSE", "RMSE", "MExl", "MAExl", "MPExl", "MAPExl", 
            "MSExl", "RMSExl")
        answer <- table2
    if (type == "NFTS") {
        if (!is.null(complete)) {
            if (complete[1] == 0) {
                time.tt <- "Calculating..."
        is.wholenumber <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) abs(x - 
            round(x)) < tol
        computeVt <- function(matrixVt, fuzzyset, w) {
            n <- (dim(matrixVt)[1] - w)
            cot <- dim(matrixVt)[2]
            Vt <- 1:dim(matrixVt)[1]
            Vt[1:w] <- NA
            for (i in 1:n) {
                O <- matrixVt[i:(w - 1 + (i - 1)), ]
                if (w == 2) 
                  O <- t(as.matrix(O))
                K <- matrixVt[w + (i - 1), ]
                R <- O
                for (i1 in 1:cot) for (j1 in 1:(w - 1)) if (O[j1, 
                  i1] > K[i1]) 
                  R[j1, i1] <- K[i1]
                F <- 1:cot
                for (i2 in 1:cot) F[i2] <- mean(R[, i2])
                Vt[w + i] <- sum(F * fuzzyset$Bw)/sum(F)
        computeVt2 <- function(matrixVt2, fuzzyset, w) {
            cot <- dim(matrixVt2)[2]
            dong <- (dim(matrixVt2)[1] - 1)
            O <- matrixVt2[1:dong, ]
            if (w == 2) 
                O <- t(as.matrix(O))
            K <- matrixVt2[(dong + 1), ]
            R <- O
            for (i1 in 1:cot) for (j1 in 1:(w - 1)) if (O[j1, 
                i1] > K[i1]) 
                R[j1, i1] <- K[i1]
            F <- 1:cot
            for (i2 in 1:cot) F[i2] <- mean(R[, i2])
            Vt2 <- sum(F * fuzzyset$Bw)/sum(F)
        ts1 <- as.vector(diff(ts))
        min.x = min(ts1) - D1
        max.x = max(ts1) + D2
        h = (max.x - min.x)/n
        k <- 1:(n + 1)
        U <- 1:n
        for (i in 1:(n + 1)) {
            if (i == 1) 
                k[i] = min.x
            else {
                k[i] = min.x + (i - 1) * h
                U[i - 1] = paste("u", i - 1, sep = "")
        D <- data.frame(U, low = k[1:n], up = k[2:(n + 1)])
        D$Bw <- (1/2) * (D$low + D$up)
        table1 <- D
        ME <- 1:length(Cs)
        MAE <- 1:length(Cs)
        MPE <- 1:length(Cs)
        MAPE <- 1:length(Cs)
        MSE <- 1:length(Cs)
        RMSE <- 1:length(Cs)
        if (!is.null(complete)) {
            if (complete[1] == 0) {
                dev.new(width = 7, height = 3)
                barplot(0, horiz = 1, xlim = c(0, 100), col = "lightblue", 
                  main = c("Complete: 0%", paste("Time remaining:", 
                    time.tt)), xlab = "Computing speed: Calculating...", 
                  cex.main = 0.8)
            dong <- "ok"
        time1 <- Sys.time()
        for (t in 1:length(Cs)) {
            if (t == 2) {
                time2 <- Sys.time()
                time <- time2 - time1
                time <- substr(time, 1, nchar(time))
                time <- as.numeric(time)
                if (time == 0) 
                  time <- 0.02
            if (!is.null(complete)) {
                if (t > 1) {
                  time.re <- time * c(complete[2] - complete[1])
                  giay <- time.re
                  phut <- time.re/60
                  gio <- time.re/3600
                  if (as.numeric(gio) > 1) 
                    time.tt <- paste("About", round2str(gio, 
                      2), "hours")
                  else if (as.numeric(phut) > 1) 
                    time.tt <- paste("About", round2str(phut, 
                      2), "minutes")
                  else if (as.numeric(giay) > 0) 
                    time.tt <- paste("About", round2str(giay, 
                      2), "seconds")
            if (!is.null(complete) & t > 1) {
                if ((100 * (complete[1]/complete[2])) < 99) {
                  complete[1] <- complete[1] + 1
                  barplot(100 * (complete[1]/complete[2]), horiz = 1, 
                    xlim = c(0, 100), col = "lightblue", main = c(paste("Complete: ", 
                      round2str(100 * (complete[1]/complete[2]), 
                        2), "%", sep = ""), paste("Time remaining:", 
                      time.tt)), xlab = paste("Computing speed:", 
                      round(1/time), "loops/second"), cex.main = 0.8)
                if (((100 * (complete[1]/complete[2])) >= 99) & 
                  dong == "ok") {
                  dong <- "no"
            C <- Cs[t]
            MATRIX <- matrix(1:(length(ts1) * n), ncol = n)
            for (i in 1:length(ts1)) {
                for (j in 1:n) {
                  my.At <- 1/(1 + (C * (ts1[i] - table1$Bw[j]))^2)
                  MATRIX[i, j] <- my.At
            V <- computeVt(MATRIX, table1, w)
            N <- ts[-length(ts)] + V
            MATRIX1 <- MATRIX[(dim(MATRIX)[1] - w + 1):dim(MATRIX)[1], 
            V1 <- computeVt2(MATRIX1, table1, w)
            N1 <- ts[length(ts)] + V1
            danso <- c(N, N1)
            et <- na.omit(ts - danso)
            ne <- length(et)
            Yt <- ts[(length(ts) - ne + 1):length(ts)]
            ME[t] = sum(et)/ne
            MAE[t] = sum(abs(et))/ne
            MPE[t] = sum((et/Yt) * 100)/ne
            MAPE[t] = sum((abs(et)/Yt) * 100)/ne
            MSE[t] = sum(et * et)/ne
            RMSE[t] = sqrt(sum(et * et)/ne)
        accuracy <- data.frame(ME = ME, MAE = MAE, MPE = MPE, 
            MAPE = MAPE, MSE = MSE, RMSE = RMSE)
        sort.accuracy <- accuracy
        for (xieploai in 1:6) {
            saiso <- accuracy[, xieploai]
            xl <- 1:length(saiso)
            saisoxl <- sort(saiso)
            for (k in 1:length(saiso)) {
                for (l in 1:length(xl)) {
                  if (saiso[k] == saisoxl[l]) {
                    xl[k] <- l
            sort.accuracy[, xieploai] <- xl
        table2 <- data.frame(Cs, accuracy, sort.accuracy)
        names(table2) <- c("C values", "ME", "MAE", "MPE", "MAPE", 
            "MSE", "RMSE", "MExl", "MAExl", "MPExl", "MAPExl", 
            "MSExl", "RMSExl")
        answer <- table2

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AnalyzeTS documentation built on Dec. 9, 2019, 1:07 a.m.