
#' Calculate genetic distances.
#' calculates and assigns Ancestry Mapper Ids (AMids) in a more crude, but faster manner than calculateAMids
#' @param pedtxtFile Character vector giving path to PED file to be used. The PED file should include all 51 HGDP references and the individuals for which the user wishes to calculate the genetic distance.
#' @param fileReferences Character vector giving path to file File detailing the individuals in the ped file that correspond to the references, and the populations they refer to. A file that uses the 51 HGDP reference populations is provided with the package. 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(AncestryMapper)
#' HGDP_References <- system.file('extdata',
#'                                'HGDP_References.txt',
#'                                 package = 'AncestryMapper')
#' HGDP_500SNPs <- system.file('extdata',
#'                             'HGDP_500SNPs.ped',
#'                              package = 'AncestryMapper')
#' Corpheno <- system.file('extdata',
#'                         'CorPheno',
#'                          package = 'AncestryMapper')
#' genetic.distance <- calculateAMids(pedtxtFile = HGDP_500SNPs,
#'                                    fileReferences = HGDP_References)
#' plotAMids(AMids = genetic.distance, phenoFile = Corpheno, columnPlot = "I")
#' }
#' @rdname calculateAMids
#' @export
calculateAMids <- function(pedtxtFile, fileReferences){

    FUN.sumPedG <- function(row){
        row <- as.numeric(row)
        ## Treat 0s and NAs
        row.na <- which(is.na(row))
        row.0 <- which(row==0)
        row.change <- c(row.na, row.0)
        ## When row is NA or O - random substitution of 1 or 2
        row[row.change] <- sample(c(1,2), length(row.change), replace=T) 
        line.i <- matrix(unlist(row), length(row)/2, 2, byrow=T)
        line.i <- line.i[,1] + line.i[,2]
    ## function to calculate distances; euclidean divided by number of snps
    ## maximum of distance 2, minimum 0
    FUN.dist2Ref <- function(row){
        row <- as.numeric(row)
        distOut <- sqrt(as.vector(rowMeans(referencesMatrix^2) + mean(row^2) - 2 * referencesMatrix %*% row/ncol(referencesMatrix)))
        distOut <- round(distOut, 4)

    ## Check only 1,2 and NAs
    FUN.checkVectors <- function(row){
        pedUnique <- unique(row)
        if(!identical(setdiff(pedUnique, c(0,1,2,NA)), character(0)))
            stop("Input file can have 0, 1, 2 and NA values only.")
    ## Calculate sumPed from scratch, ped, map
    ## Import ped, faster with readLines so that it is faster
    ped <- readLines(pedtxtFile)
    ## strplit, each vector by ' '
    ped <- lapply(ped, function(row) unlist(strsplit(row, split=' ')))

    ## Individual names
    indNames <- unlist(lapply(ped, function(row) row[2])) ### row 2 because ped file is Id

    ##Check duplicates; only looks at the individual ids not fam ids
    if(sum(duplicated(indNames))!=0) stop("There are duplicate individuals in the input file.")

    ## Extract genotypes, remove pedigree informations
    ped <- lapply(ped, function(row) row[7:length(row)])
    ## Check each vector has only 0, 1, 2 and NAs
    checkRows <- lapply(ped, FUN.checkVectors)

    ##Sum each genotype per snp; add snps; convert 2 cols into one
    sumPed <- lapply(ped, FUN.sumPedG)
    print('Summation of genotypes complete.')
    sumPed <- as.data.frame(do.call('rbind', sumPed))
    row.names(sumPed) <- indNames
    ## Calculate indices: Assign 100 to most similar reference, 0 to least similar
    FUN.indexes <- function(vec) round(100 - ((vec - min(vec))/(max(vec) - min(vec)) * 100), 1)
    ## Load the references file
    references <- read.table(fileReferences, header=T, as.is=T)

    ## References matrix: 51 references
    ## Error if references not in ped file format
    referencesMatrix <- as.matrix(sumPed[references[,'Reference'],])
        warning(paste('Number of references is usually 51; you are using ',nrow(referencesMatrix)), immediate.=T)

    ## Distances of every individual to references
    count <- 0
    dist2Ref <- apply(sumPed, 1, FUN.dist2Ref)
    print('Distances of Samples to References Computed.')
    dist2Ref <- as.data.frame(t(dist2Ref))

    ## Names; same as references
    names(dist2Ref) <- paste('C_', references$Pop, sep='')

    ## Indices; min:0 max:100
    Indexes <- data.frame(t(apply(dist2Ref, 1, FUN.indexes)))
    names(Indexes) <- gsub('C_', 'I_', names(Indexes))
    distAll <- data.frame(dist2Ref, Indexes)
    distAll <- data.frame(Id=row.names(distAll), distAll) 

    ## Return Distances

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AncestryMapper documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:29 a.m.