sample_data_ordinal: Simulated ED data with ordinal outcome

sample_data_ordinalR Documentation

Simulated ED data with ordinal outcome


Simulated data for 20,000 inpatient visits with demographic information, healthcare resource utilisation and associated laboratory tests and vital signs measured in the emergency department (ED). Data were simulated based on the dataset analysed in the AutoScore-Ordinal paper, and only includes a subset of variables (with masked variable names) for the purpose of demonstrating the AutoScore framework for ordinal outcomes.




An object of class data.frame with 20000 rows and 21 columns.


  • Saffari SE, Ning Y, Feng X, Chakraborty B, Volovici V, Vaughan R, Ong ME, Liu N, AutoScore-Ordinal: An interpretable machine learning framework for generating scoring models for ordinal outcomes, arXiv:2202.08407

AutoScore documentation built on Oct. 16, 2022, 1:06 a.m.