
Defines functions image_type images_to_bodies browse_images remove_images list_images add_images_internal add_images.object_detection_project add_images.classification_project add_images

Documented in add_images add_images.classification_project add_images.object_detection_project browse_images list_images remove_images

#' Add, list and remove images for a project
#' @param project A Custom Vision project.
#' @param images For `add_images`, the images to add (upload) to the project.
#' @param image_ids For `remove_images`, the IDs of the images to remove from the project.
#' @param tags Optional tags to add to the images. Only for classification projects.
#' @param regions Optional list of regions in the images that contain objects. Only for object detection projects.
#' @param include For `list_images`, which images to include in the list: untagged, tagged, or both (the default).
#' @param as For `list_images`, the return value: a vector of image IDs, a data frame of image metadata, or a list of metadata.
#' @param iteration For `list_images`, the iteration ID (roughly, which model generation to use). Defaults to the latest iteration.
#' @param confirm For `remove_images`, whether to ask for confirmation first.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to lower-level functions.
#' @details
#' The images to be uploaded can be specified as:
#' - A vector of local filenames. JPG, PNG and GIF file formats are supported.
#' - A vector of publicly accessible URLs.
#' - A raw vector, or a list of raw vectors, holding the binary contents of the image files.
#' Uploaded images can also have _tags_ added (for a classification project) or _regions_ (for an object detection project). Classification tags can be specified in the following ways:
#' - For a regular classification project (one tag per image), as a vector of strings. The tags will be applied to the images in order. If the length of the vector is 1, it will be recycled to the length of `image_ids`.
#' - For a multilabel classification project (multiple tags per image), as a _list_ of vectors of strings. Each vector in the list contains the tags to be assigned to the corresponding image. If the length of the list is 1, it will be recycled to the length of `image_ids`.
#' If the length of the vector is 1, it will be recycled to the length of `image_ids`.
#' Object detection projects also have tags, but they are specified as part of the `regions` argument. The regions to add should be specified as a list of data frames, with one data frame per image. Each data frame should have one row per region, and the following columns:
#' - `left`, `top`, `width`, `height`: the location and dimensions of the region bounding box, normalised to be between 0 and 1.
#' - `tag`: the name of the tag to associate with the region.
#' Any other columns in the data frame will be ignored. If the length of the list is 1, it will be recycled to the length of `image_ids`.
#' Note that once uploaded, images are identified only by their ID; there is no general link back to the source filename or URL. If you don't include tags or regions in the `add_images` call, be sure to save the returned IDs and then call [`add_image_tags`] or [`add_image_regions`] as appropriate.
#' @return
#' For `add_images`, the vector of IDs of the uploaded images.
#' For `list_images`, based on the value of the `as` argument. The default is a vector of image IDs; `as="list"` returns a (nested) list of image metadata with one component per image; and `as="dataframe"` returns the same metadata but reshaped into a data frame.
#' @seealso
#' [`add_image_tags`] and [`add_image_regions`] to add tags and regions to images, if not done at upload time
#' [`add_tags`], [`list_tags`], [`remove_tags`]
#' [`customvision_project`]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' endp <- customvision_training_endpoint(url="endpoint_url", key="key")
#' # classification
#' proj1 <- create_classification_project(endp, "myproject")
#' list_images(proj1)
#' imgs <- dir("path/to/images", full.names=TRUE)
#' # recycling: apply one tag to all images
#' add_images(proj1, imgs, tags="mytag")
#' list_images(proj1, include="tagged", as="dataframe")
#' # different tags per image
#' add_images(proj1, c("cat.jpg", "dog.jpg", tags=c("cat", "dog"))
#' # adding online images
#' host <- "https://mysite.example.com/"
#' img_urls <- paste0(host, c("img1.jpg", "img2.jpg", "img3.jpg"))
#' add_images(proj1, img_urls, tags="mytag")
#' # multiple label classification
#' proj2 <- create_classification_project(endp, "mymultilabelproject", multiple_tags=TRUE)
#' add_images(proj2, imgs, tags=list(c("tag1", "tag2")))
#' add_images(proj2, c("catanddog.jpg", "cat.jpg", "dog.jpg"),
#'     tags=list(
#'         c("cat", "dog"),
#'         "cat",
#'         "dog"
#'     )
#' )
#' # object detection
#' proj3 <- create_object_detection_project(endp, "myobjdetproj")
#' regions <- list(
#'     data.frame(
#'         tag=c("cat", "dog"),
#'         left=c(0.1, 0.5),
#'         top=c(0.25, 0.28),
#'         width=c(0.24, 0.21),
#'         height=c(0.7, 0.6)
#'     ),
#'     data.frame(
#'         tag="cat", left=0.5, top=0.35, width=0.25, height=0.62
#'     ),
#'     data.frame(
#'         tag="dog", left=0.07, top=0.12, width=0.79, height=0.5
#'     )
#' )
#' add_images(proj3, c("catanddog.jpg", "cat.jpg", "dog.jpg"), regions=regions)
#' }
#' @aliases customvision_images
#' @rdname customvision_images
#' @export
add_images <- function(project, ...)

#' @rdname customvision_images
#' @export
add_images.classification_project <- function(project, images, tags=NULL, ...)
    img_ids <- add_images_internal(project, images)
        add_image_tags(project, img_ids, tags)

#' @rdname customvision_images
#' @export
add_images.object_detection_project <- function(project, images, regions=NULL, ...)
    img_ids <- add_images_internal(project, images)
        add_image_regions(project, img_ids, regions)

add_images_internal <- function(project, images)
    bodies <- images_to_bodies(images)
    src_names <- names(bodies)
    op <- if(is.null(bodies[[1]]$contents)) "images/urls" else "images/files"

    lst <- list()
        idx <- seq_len(min(length(bodies), 64))
        res <- do_training_op(project, op, body=list(images=unname(bodies[idx])), http_verb="POST")
            stop("Not all images were successfully added", call.=FALSE)

        bodies <- bodies[-idx]
        lst <- c(lst, res$images)

    # need to reorder uploading result to match original image vector
    srcs <- sapply(lst, `[[`, "sourceUrl")
    lst <- lapply(lst[match(src_names, srcs)], `[[`, "image")

    img_ids <- sapply(lst, function(x) x$id)

#' @rdname customvision_images
#' @export
list_images <- function(project, include=c("all", "tagged", "untagged"), as=c("ids", "dataframe", "list"),
    get_paged_list <- function(op)
        skip <- 0
        lst <- list()
            opts <- list(iterationId=iteration, take=256, skip=skip)
            res <- do_training_op(project, op, options=opts, simplifyVector=simplify)

            skip <- skip + 256
            lst <- if(as == "ids")
                c(lst, res$id)
            else c(lst, list(res))
            dataframe=do.call(rbind, lst),

    include <- match.arg(include)
    as <- match.arg(as)
    simplify <- as != "list"

    tagged_imgs <- if(include != "untagged") get_paged_list("images/tagged") else NULL
    untagged_imgs <- if(include != "tagged") get_paged_list("images/untagged") else NULL

    if(as == "ids")
        as.character(c(tagged_imgs, untagged_imgs))
    else if(as == "dataframe")
        if(is.data.frame(untagged_imgs) && nrow(untagged_imgs) > 0)
            untagged_imgs$tags <- NA
                untagged_imgs$regions <- NA
        rbind.data.frame(tagged_imgs, untagged_imgs)
    else c(tagged_imgs, untagged_imgs)

#' @rdname customvision_images
#' @export
remove_images <- function(project, image_ids=list_images(project, "untagged", as="ids"), confirm=TRUE)
    if(!confirm_delete("Are you sure you want to remove images from the project?", confirm))

        idx <- seq_len(min(length(image_ids), 256))
        image_batch <- paste0(image_ids[idx], collapse=",")
        do_training_op(project, "images", options=list(imageIds=image_batch), http_verb="DELETE")
        image_ids <- image_ids[-idx]


#' View images uploaded to a Custom Vision project
#' @param project A Custom Vision project.
#' @param img_ids The IDs of the images to view. You can use [`list_images`] to get the image IDs for this project.
#' @param which Which image to view: the resized version used for training (the default), the original uploaded image, or the thumbnail.
#' @param max_images The maximum number of images to display.
#' @param iteration The iteration ID (roughly, which model generation to use). Defaults to the latest iteration.
#' @details
#' Images in a Custom Vision project are stored in Azure Storage. This function gets the URLs for the uploaded images and displays them in your browser.
#' @seealso
#' [`list_images`]
#' @export
browse_images <- function(project, img_ids, which=c("resized", "original", "thumbnail"), max_images=20,
    if(length(img_ids) > max_images)
        warning("Only the first ", max_images, " images displayed", call.=FALSE)
        img_ids <- img_ids[seq_len(max_images)]

    opts <- list(
        imageIds=paste0(img_ids, collapse=","),
    res <- do_training_op(project, "images/id", options=opts, simplifyDataFrame=TRUE)

    img_urls <- switch(match.arg(which),

    lapply(img_urls, httr::BROWSE)

# vectorised form of image_to_body, checks that all images are raw/filename/URL
images_to_bodies <- function(images)
    type <- image_type(images)
    if(type == "raw" && is.raw(images))
        images <- list(images)

    # returned list will be named
    names(images) <- if(type == "raw") seq_along(images) else images

            function(conts, name) list(name=name, contents=conts),

            function(f, size) list(name=f, contents=readBin(f, "raw", size)),

        urls=lapply(images, function(f) list(url=f))

image_type <- function(images)
    if(is.raw(images) || (is.list(images) && all(sapply(images, is.raw))))

    if(all(file.exists(images) & !dir.exists(images)))

    if(all(sapply(images, is_any_uri)))

    stop("All image inputs must be of the same type: filenames, URLs or raw vectors", call.=FALSE)

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AzureVision documentation built on Jan. 13, 2021, 5:05 a.m.