
Defines functions compute_Ubar compute_p_best_interv compute_ceaf comp_names_from_ compute_EVI compute_ICER compute_IB compute_U rowMax compute_ol compute_vi compute_Ustar compute_EIB compute_CEAC compute_kstar

Documented in comp_names_from_ compute_CEAC compute_ceaf compute_EIB compute_EVI compute_IB compute_ICER compute_kstar compute_ol compute_p_best_interv compute_U compute_Ubar compute_Ustar compute_vi

# compute all bcea statistics ---------------------------------------------

#' Compute k^*
#' Find willingness-to-pay threshold when optimal decision changes.
#' \deqn{k^* := \min\{k : IB < 0 \}}
#' The value of the break-even point corresponds to the ICER and quantifies
#' the point at which the decision-maker is indifferent between the two options.
#' @param k Willingness-to-pay grid approximation of the budget willing to invest (vector)
#' @param best Best intervention for each `k` (int)
#' @param ref Reference intervention (int)
#' @return integer representing intervention
#' @seealso [ceac.plot()]
#' @export
compute_kstar <- function(k, best, ref) {
  if (all(best == ref)) {
  flip <- c(0, diff(best)) != 0 

#' Compute Cost-Effectiveness Acceptability Curve
#' @param ib Incremental benefit
#' @return Array with dimensions (interv x k)
#' @seealso [ceac.plot()]
#' @export
compute_CEAC <- function(ib) {
  apply(ib > 0, c(1,3), mean)

#' Compute Expected Incremental Benefit
#' A summary measure useful to assess the potential changes in the decision
#' under different scenarios.
#' When considering a pairwise comparison
#' (e.g. in the simple case of a reference intervention \eqn{t = 1} and a comparator,
#' such as the status quo, \eqn{t = 0}), it is defined as the difference between the
#' expected utilities of the two alternatives:
#' \deqn{eib := \mbox{E}[u(e,c;1)] - \mbox{E}[u(e,c;0)] = \mathcal{U}^1 - \mathcal{U}^0.}
#' Analysis of the expected incremental benefit describes how the decision changes
#' for different values of the threshold. The EIB marginalises out the uncertainty,
#' and does not incorporate and describe explicitly the uncertainty in the outcomes.
#' To overcome this problem the tool of choice is the CEAC.
#' @param ib Incremental benefit
#' @return Array with dimensions (interv x k)
#' @seealso [ceac.plot()], [compute_CEAC()], [compute_IB()]
#' @export
compute_EIB <- function(ib) {
  apply(ib, 3, function(x) apply(x, 1, mean))
  # apply(ib, 3, function(x) rowMeans(x))  ##TODO: test

#' Compute Ustar Statistic
#' The maximum utility value among the comparators, indicating which
#' intervention produced the most benefits at each simulation. 
#' @param U Net monetary benefit (sim x k x intervs)
#' @return Array with dimensions (sim x k)
#' @export
compute_Ustar <- function(U) {
  n_sim <- dim(U)[[1]]
  K <- dim(U)[[2]]
  Ustar <- matrix(NA, n_sim, K)
  for (i in seq_len(K)) {
    Ustar[, i] <- rowMax(U[, i, ])

#' Compute Value of Information
#' The difference between the maximum utility computed for the current
#' parameter configuration \eqn{U^*} and the utility of the intervention which
#' is associated with the maximum utility overall.
#' The value of obtaining additional information on the parameter \eqn{\theta}
#' to reduce the uncertainty in the decisional process.
#' It is defined as:
#' \deqn{\textrm{VI}(\theta) := U^*(\theta) - \mathcal{U}^*}
#' with \eqn{U^*(\theta)} the maximum utility value for the given simulation
#' among all comparators and \eqn{\mathcal{U}^*(\theta)} the expected utility
#' gained by the adoption of the cost-effective intervention.
#' @param Ustar Maximum utility value (sim x k)
#' @param U Net monetary benefit (sim x k x interv)
#' @return Array with dimensions (sim x k)
#' @seealso [compute_ol()]
#' @export
compute_vi <- function(Ustar, U) {
  if (any(dim(U)[1] != dim(Ustar)[1],
          dim(U)[2] != dim(Ustar)[2])) {
    stop("dimensions of inputs don't correspond", call. = FALSE)
  n_sim <- dim(U)[[1]]
  K <- dim(U)[[2]]
  vi <- matrix(NA, nrow = n_sim, ncol = K)
  for (i in seq_len(K)) {
    vi[, i] <- Ustar[, i] - max(apply(U[, i, ], 2, mean))

#' Compute Opportunity Loss
#' The difference between the maximum utility computed for the current
#' parameter configuration (e.g. at the current simulation) \eqn{U^*} and the current
#' utility of the intervention associated with the maximum utility overall.
#' In mathematical notation,
#' \deqn{\textrm{OL}(\theta) := U^*(\theta) - U(\theta^\tau)}
#' where \eqn{\tau} is the intervention associated with the overall maximum utility
#' and \eqn{U^*(\theta)} is the maximum utility value among the comparators in the given simulation.
#' The opportunity loss is a non-negative quantity, since \eqn{U(\theta^\tau)\leq U^*(\theta)}.
#' In all simulations where the intervention is more
#' cost-effective (i.e. when incremental benefit is positive), then \eqn{\textrm{OL}(\theta) = 0}
#' as there would be no opportunity loss, if the parameter configuration were the
#' one obtained in the current simulation.
#' @param Ustar Maximum utility value (sim x k)
#' @param U  Net monetary benefit (sim x k x interv)
#' @param best Best intervention for given willingness-to-pay (k)
#' @return Array with dimensions (sim x k)
#' @seealso [compute_vi()]
#' @export
compute_ol <- function(Ustar,
                       best) {
  if (any(dim(U)[1] != dim(Ustar)[1],
          dim(U)[2] != dim(Ustar)[2],
          dim(U)[2] != length(best))) {
    stop("dimensions of inputs don't correspond", call. = FALSE)
  n_sim <- dim(U)[[1]]
  K <- dim(U)[[2]]
  ol <- matrix(NA, nrow = n_sim, ncol = K) 
  for (i in seq_len(K)) {
    ol[, i] <- Ustar[, i] - U[, i, best[i]]

rowMax <- function(dat) do.call(pmax, as.data.frame(dat))

#' Compute U Statistic
#' Sample of net (monetary) benefit for each
#' willingness-to-pay threshold and intervention.
#' @param df_ce Cost-effectiveness dataframe
#' @param k Willingness to pay vector
#' @return Array with dimensions (sim x k x ints)
#' @export
compute_U <- function(df_ce, k) {
  sims <- sort(unique(df_ce$sim))
  ints <- sort(unique(df_ce$ints))
  interv_names <- unique(df_ce$interv_names)
  U_df <-
    data.frame(k = rep(k, each = nrow(df_ce)),
               df_ce) %>% 
    mutate(U = .data$k*.data$eff1 - .data$cost1) %>% 
    arrange(.data$ints, .data$k, .data$sim)
        dim = c(length(sims),
        dimnames = list(sims = NULL,
                        k = NULL,
                        ints = interv_names))

#' Compute Incremental Benefit
#' Sample of incremental net monetary benefit for each
#' willingness-to-pay threshold, \eqn{k}, and comparator.
#' Defined as:
#' \deqn{IB = u(e,c; 1) - u(e,c; 0).}
#' If the net benefit function is used as utility function,
#' the definition can be re-written as
#' \deqn{IB = k\cdot\Delta_e - \Delta_c.}
#' @param df_ce Dataframe of cost and effectiveness deltas
#' @param k Vector of willingness to pay values
#' @import dplyr
#' @return Array with dimensions (k x sim x ints)
#' @export
#' @seealso [compute_EIB()]
compute_IB <- function(df_ce, k) {
  sims <- unique(df_ce$sim)
  ints <- unique(df_ce$ints)
  comp_names <- comp_names_from_(df_ce)
  df_ce <-
    df_ce %>% 
    filter(ints != .data$ref) %>%
    rename(comps = "ints")
  ib_df <-
    data.frame(k = rep(k, each = nrow(df_ce)),
               df_ce) %>% 
    mutate(ib = .data$k*.data$delta_e - .data$delta_c) %>%
    arrange(.data$comps, .data$sim, .data$k)
        dim = c(length(k),
                length(ints) - 1),
        dimnames = list(k = NULL,
                        sims = NULL,
                        ints = comp_names))

#' Compute Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratio
#' Defined as
#' \deqn{ICER = \Delta_c/\Delta_e}
#' @param df_ce Cost-effectiveness dataframe 
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @return ICER for all comparisons
#' @export
compute_ICER <- function(df_ce) {
  comp_names <- comp_names_from_(df_ce)
  df_ce %>%
    filter(.data$ints != .data$ref) %>% 
    group_by(.data$ints) %>% 
      ICER = mean(.data$delta_c)/mean(.data$delta_e)) %>% 
    ungroup() %>% 
    select("ICER") %>%  # required to match current format 
    unlist() %>% 

#' Compute Expected Value of Information
#' @param ol Opportunity loss
#' @return EVI
#' @export
compute_EVI <- function(ol) {

#' Comparison Names From
#' @param df_ce Cost-effectiveness dataframe 
#' @keywords internal
comp_names_from_ <- function(df_ce) {
  df_ce[, c("ref", "ints", "interv_names")] %>%
    filter(.data$ref != .data$ints) %>%
    distinct() %>%
    arrange(.data$ints) %>% 
    select("interv_names") %>% 

#' Compute Cost-Effectiveness Acceptability Frontier
#' @param p_best_interv Probability of being best intervention
compute_ceaf <- function(p_best_interv) {
  apply(p_best_interv, 1, max)

#' Compute Probability Best Intervention
#' @template args-he
compute_p_best_interv <- function(he) {
  intervs <- c(he$comp, he$ref)
  p_best_interv <- array(NA,
  for (i in seq_along(intervs)) {
    for (k in seq_along(he$k)) {
      is_interv_best <- he$U[, k, ] <= he$U[, k, intervs[i]]
      rank <- apply(!is_interv_best, 1, sum)
      p_best_interv[k, i] <- mean(rank == 0)

#' Compute NB for mixture of interventions
#' @template args-he
#' @param value Mixture weights
compute_Ubar <- function(he, value) {
  qU <- array(NA,
              c(he$n_sim,length(he$k), he$n_comparators))
  for (j in seq_len(he$n_comparators)) {
    qU[, , j] <- value[j]*he$U[, , j]
  apply(qU, c(1, 2), sum)

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BCEA documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:08 a.m.