
Defines functions pcor_to_cor

Documented in pcor_to_cor

#' @title  Compute Correlations from the Partial Correlations
#' @description Convert the partial correlation matrices into correlation matrices. To our knowledge,
#' this is the only Bayesian
#' implementation in \code{R} that can estiamte Pearson's,  tetrachoric (binary), polychoric
#' (ordinal with more than two cateogries), and rank based correlation coefficients.
#' @name pcor_to_cor
#' @param object An object of class \code{estimate} or \code{explore}
#' @param iter numeric. How many iterations (i.e., posterior samples) should be used ?
#'             The default uses all of the samples, but note that this can take a long
#'             time with large matrices.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{R} An array including the correlation matrices
#'               (of dimensions \emph{p} by \emph{p} by \emph{iter})
#' \item \code{R_mean} Posterior mean of the correlations (of dimensions \emph{p} by \emph{p})
#' }
#' @note
#' The 'default' prior distributions are specified for partial correlations in particular. This
#' means that the implied prior distribution will not be the same for the correlations.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # note: iter = 250 for demonstrative purposes
#' # data
#' Y <- BGGM::ptsd
#' #########################
#' ###### continuous #######
#' #########################
#' # estimate the model
#' fit <- estimate(Y, iter = 250,
#'                 progress = FALSE)
#' # compute correlations
#' cors <- pcor_to_cor(fit)
#' #########################
#' ###### ordinal  #########
#' #########################
#' # first level must be 1 !
#' Y <- Y + 1
#' # estimate the model
#' fit <- estimate(Y, type =  "ordinal",
#'                 iter = 250,
#'                 progress = FALSE)
#' # compute correlations
#' cors <- pcor_to_cor(fit)
#' #########################
#' #######   mixed    ######
#' #########################
#' # rank based correlations
#' # estimate the model
#' fit <- estimate(Y, type =  "mixed",
#'                 iter = 250,
#'                 progress = FALSE)
#' # compute correlations
#' cors <- pcor_to_cor(fit)
#' @export
pcor_to_cor <- function(object, iter = NULL){

  if(!is(object, "default")){

    stop("class not supported. Must but an 'estimate' or 'explore' object.")


  post_samps <- -object$post_samp$pcors

  dims <- dim(post_samps)


    if((dims[3] - 50) < iter){

    warning("Iterations do not exist (too large). Using all iterations in the object.")

    iter <- dims[3] - 50

  } else {

    iter <- dims[3] - 50


  p <- dims[1]

  object <- post_samps[, , -c(1:50)]

  # call c ++ for speed
  returned_object <- .Call(
    x = object,
    p = p



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BGGM documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:19 p.m.