
Defines functions spatialVisits exploreVisits

Documented in exploreVisits spatialVisits

#' A function to explore the definition of field visits
#' A function to explore the definition of field visits. Visits are a central concept
#' in the approach to species observation data used by the BIRDS package. In order to assess if your
#' definition of visit aligns with your grid size, you must explore the spatial extent of visits.
#' @param x an object of class \sQuote{OrganizedBirds} (organised BIRDS Spatial data frame).
#' See \code{\link{organizeBirds}}.
#' @param visitCol name of the column for the visits UID.
#' @param sppCol name of the column for species names.
#' @return a \code{data.frame} with summarized data per visit:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \dQuote{day}
#'   \item \dQuote{month}
#'   \item \dQuote{year}
#'   \item \dQuote{nObs}: number of species observations
#'   \item \dQuote{SLL}: species list length (i.e. the number of observed species)
#'   \item \dQuote{effortDiam}: the 2 times the maximum of the distances between
#'   the centroid of all observation points and any individual observation.
#'   \item \dQuote{medianDist}: the median (Q2) of the distances between the
#'   centroid and the observations, in meters.
#'   \item \dQuote{iqrDist}: the interquartile range of the distances between the
#'    centroid the observations, in meters.
#'   \item \dQuote{nUniqueLoc}: the number of unique combination of coordinates (locations).
#'   \item \dQuote{nClusters}: the number of clusters defined by the DBSCAN algorithm,
#'   a minimum of 3 observations per cluster within the median distance between
#'   all observations. If the number of clusters is = 0 means that there are at
#'   least 3 unique locations but observations are too spread and no cluster was
#'   found. If the number of unique locations is less than 3, observations are
#'   considered as a single cluster without outliers.
#'   \item \dQuote{nOutliers}: the number of observations whose distance to any
#'   cluster is beyond the median distance between all observations.
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' # create a visit-based data object from the original observation-based data
#' OB <- organizeBirds(bombusObs)
#' visitStats <- exploreVisits(OB)
#' # esquisse::esquisser(visitStats)
#' # alternatively, plot the variable you want, e.g.:
#' # to see the distribution of distances covered on each visit
#' hist(visitStats$effortDiam)
#' # to see the distribution of species list lengths of each visit
#' hist(visitStats$SLL)
#' # to identify suspicious visits reported the first day of each month or year
#' hist(visitStats$day)
#' # to see correlations
#' plot(visitStats$nObs, visitStats$effortDiam)
#' plot(visitStats$SLL, visitStats$effortDiam)
#' # to see the ditributions of observations along the days of the month
#' plot(visitStats$day, visitStats$nObs)
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by summarise n n_distinct sym
#' @importFrom dbscan dbscan
#' @importFrom lubridate date day month year ymd
#' @importFrom geosphere distGeo distm
#' @seealso \code{\link{createVisits}}, \code{\link{organiseBirds}}
exploreVisits <- function(x,
                        visitCol=NULL, #visitCol=attr(x, "visitCol"),
  minPts <- 3 ## Minumin number of points required for clustering

  if (class(x) == "OrganizedBirds") {
    spdf<- x$spdf
    dat <- st_drop_geometry(spdf)
  } else {
    stop("The object 'x' must be of class OrganizedBirds. See the function 'organizedBirds()'.")
  if (is.null(visitCol)){
    visitCol <- attr(x, "visitCol")

  if (!(visitCol %in% colnames(dat))) stop(paste("There is no column called",visitCol, "in your organised dataset."))

  uniqueUID <- unique(dat[, visitCol])
  uniqueUID <- sort(uniqueUID)
  nUID <- length(uniqueUID)

  dat$date <- ymd(paste(dat$year, dat$month, dat$day, sep = "-"))

  visitStat <- data.frame("visitUID" = uniqueUID,
                          "day" = NA,
                          "month" = NA,
                          "Month" = NA,
                          "year" = NA,
                          "date" = NA,
                          "centroidX" = NA,
                          "centroidY" = NA,
                          "nObs"= NA, # number of records per visit, NOT species list length  #as.numeric(tbl),
                          "SLL" = NA, # species list length, i.e. number of observed species
                          "effortDiam" = NA, # the diameter of the minumum circle that covers all points, in meters
                          "medianDist" = NA, # the median (Q2) of the distances between the centroid and all points
                          "iqrDist" = NA, # the interquartile range of the distances between the centroid and all points
                          "nUniqueLoc" = NA, # number of unique locations
                          "nClusters" = NA, # Number of clusters
                          "nOutliers" = NA) # number of observations estimated to be outliers from the clusters

  message(paste("Analysing", nUID, "visits..."))
  datGBY <- group_by(dat, !! sym(visitCol))

  visitStat$nObs <- summarise(datGBY, nObs= n())$nObs
  visitStat$SLL  <- summarise(datGBY, SLL = n_distinct(.data$scientificName)  )$SLL
  dates <- summarise(datGBY, date = min(date)) ##If the visits are over multiple days, we take the first.
  visitStat$day  <- day(dates$date)
  visitStat$month<- month(dates$date)
  visitStat$year <- year(dates$date)

  ### TODO? can this lapply be done with dplyr?
  ctrList <- lapply(uniqueUID, FUN = function(x){
    wVis <- which(dat[, visitCol] == x)
    spdfTmp <- spdf[wVis, ]
    spdfTmpTr <- st_transform(spdfTmp,
                              crs = st_crs(3857) )

    coord <- st_coordinates(spdfTmp) # the unstransformed spdf
    # coord <- do.call(rbind, st_geometry(spdfTmp)) #coordinates(spdf)
    coordPaste <- apply(coord, 1, paste0, collapse = ",")
    coordUnique <- matrix(coord[!duplicated(coordPaste)], ncol = 2)
    nUniqueLoc <- nrow(coordUnique)

    ctr <- spdfTmpTr %>%
            st_union() %>%
            st_convex_hull() %>%
            st_centroid() %>%
            st_transform( 4326 ) %>%

    centroidX <- ctr[,"X"]
    centroidY <- ctr[,"Y"]

    if (nUniqueLoc > 1) {
      distances <- distGeo(ctr[, c("X", "Y")], coord)
      distM <- distm(coord, coord) ## the unstransformed spdf
      distMLT <- distM[lower.tri(distM)]
      distancesOut <- distMLT[which(distMLT>0)]

      # shotGroups::getMinCircle(coordUnique) # The minimum circle that covers all points
      # this function is very much dependent on the projection
      # issue #4 the function shotgun::minCircle() is not reliable for extreme
      # cases with few points or with outliers. We stick to max distance from centroid.

      effortDiam <- round(max(distances) * 2, 0)
      medianDist <- round(median(distances), 0)
      iqrDist    <- round(IQR(distances), 0)

      if(nUniqueLoc >= minPts ){
        clusters  <- dbscan(st_coordinates(spdfTmpTr),
                            eps = median(distancesOut),
                            minPts = minPts)
        nOutliers <- sum(clusters$cluster==0)
        nClusters  <- sum(unique(clusters$cluster)!=0)
      } else {
        nClusters  <- 1
        nOutliers  <- 0

    } else {
      effortDiam <- 1 # 1m
      medianDist <- 1
      iqrDist    <- 1
      nClusters  <- 1
      nOutliers  <- 0

    return(c(centroidX, centroidY, effortDiam, medianDist,
           iqrDist, nUniqueLoc, nClusters, nOutliers))
  } ) #end lapply

  varsCtr <- c("centroidX", "centroidY","effortDiam", "medianDist","iqrDist",
             "nUniqueLoc", "nClusters", "nOutliers")
  tmp <- matrix(unlist(ctrList),
                ncol = length(varsCtr),
                byrow = TRUE,
                dimnames = list(uniqueUID, varsCtr))

  visitStat[, match(varsCtr, colnames(visitStat))] <- tmp

  visitStat$date <- lubridate::ymd(paste(visitStat$year,
  visitStat$Month <- as.factor(months(visitStat$date, abbreviate = FALSE))
  levels(visitStat$Month) <- month.name

  message(paste("Finished analysing", nUID, "visits.\n"))

#' A function to convert visits into a spatial object
#' @param x an object of class \sQuote{data.frame} from exploreVisits.
#' @param xyCols a character vector with the column names for the coordinates.
#' Default to \code{c("centroidX","centroidY")}
#' @param dataCRS a character string or numeric with the original
#' coordinate reference system (CRS). Default to \code{4326}
#' @param radius either a character string with the name of the column
#' containing the radius of the visit circle, or a numeric vector with its value
#' in meters. Default to \code{"medianDist"}
#' @return a list with the centroids and a the effort circles. Note that when plotted
#' directly effort circles may not look like circles in the returned
#' (Pseudo-Mercator) projection.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # create a visit-based data object from the original observation-based data
#' library(sf)
#' OB <- organizeBirds(bombusObsShort)
#' visitStats<-exploreVisits(OB)
#' spV<-spatialVisits(visitStats)
#' plot(spV$effort$geometry)
#' }
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{exploreVisits}}, \code{\link{organiseBirds}}
spatialVisits <- function(x,
  crs <- st_crs(as.numeric(dataCRS))

  if (class(x) == "data.frame") {
    x <- st_as_sf(x, coords = xyCols)
    st_crs(x) <- st_crs(crs) ## because I know where it comes from
  } else {
    stop("The object 'x' must be of class data.frame (after exploreVisits). See the function 'exploreVisits()'.")

  if(radius=="" | is.na(radius) | is.null(radius)){
    radiusVal <- rep(1, nrow(x))
  } else if(radius %in% colnames(x)){
    radiusVal <- st_drop_geometry(x[,radius])
    ## convert meters to degrees?
  } else if(is.numeric(radius) & length(radius) == nrow(x)){
    radiusVal <- radius
  } else {
    stop("The parameter 'radius' needs to be one od the column names or a numeric
         vector of length equal to the number of visits")

  utmCRS <- st_crs(getUTMproj(x))
  xTrans <- st_transform(x,
                         crs = utmCRS)

  buff <- st_buffer(xTrans,
                    dist = as.integer(unlist(radiusVal)))

  buff <- st_transform(buff,
                       crs = crs)

  return(list("points" = x, "effort"= buff))


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BIRDS documentation built on June 27, 2021, 1:06 a.m.