makeProblem = function(id, static, dynamic) {
setClasses(list(id = id, static = static, dynamic = dynamic), "Problem")
#FIXME the seed mechansim is described slighlty wrong! fix! random seed!
#' @title Add a problem to registry.
#' @description
#' Add a algorithm to problem and stores it on disk.
#' @param reg [\code{\link{ExperimentRegistry}}]\cr
#' Registry.
#' @param id [\code{character(1)}]\cr
#' Name of problem.
#' @param static [any]\cr
#' Static part of problem that never changes and is not dependent on parameters.
#' Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param dynamic [\code{function(job, static, ...)}]\cr
#' R generator function that creates dynamic / stochastic part of problem instance, which might be dependent on parameters.
#' First parameter \code{job} is a \code{\link[BatchJobs]{Job}} object, second is static problem part \code{static}.
#' Further parameters from design are passed to ... argument on instance creation time.
#' The arguments \code{job} and \code{static} may be omitted.
#' To retrieve job informations from the \code{job} object
#' see the documentation on \link{ExperimentJob}.
#' Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param seed [\code{integer(1)}]\cr
#' Start seed for this problem. This allows the \dQuote{synchronization} of a stochastic
#' problem across algorithms, so that different algorithms are evaluated on the same stochastic instance.
#' The seeding mechanism works as follows, if a problem seed is defined:
#' (1) Before the dynamic part of a problem is instantiated,
#' the seed of the problem + replication - 1 is set, so for the first
#' replication the exact problem seed is used. (2) The stochastic part of the problem is
#' instantiated (3) From now on the usual experiment seed of the registry is used,
#' see \code{\link{ExperimentRegistry}}.
#' If \code{seed} is set to \code{NULL} this extra problem seeding is switched off, meaning
#' different algorithms see different stochastic versions of the same problem.
#' Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param overwrite [\code{logical(1)}]\cr
#' Overwrite the problem file if it already exists?
#' Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @return [\code{character(1)}]. Invisibly returns the id.
#' @aliases Problem
#' @family add
#' @export
addProblem = function(reg, id, static = NULL, dynamic = NULL, seed = NULL, overwrite = FALSE) {
checkExperimentRegistry(reg, strict = TRUE, writeable = TRUE)
if (!is.null(seed))
seed = asInt(seed)
if (is.null(static) && is.null(dynamic))
stop("One of args 'static' or 'dynamic' must not be NULL!")
if (id %in% dbGetAllAlgorithmIds(reg))
stopf("Algorithm with same id as your problem already exists: %s", id)
if (!overwrite && id %in% dbGetAllProblemIds(reg))
stopf("Problem with same id already exists and overwrite = FALSE: %s", id)
fn = getProblemFilePaths(reg$file.dir, id)
info("Writing problem files: %s", collapse(fn, sep = ", "))
save(file = fn["static"], static)
save(file = fn["dynamic"], dynamic)
dbAddProblem(reg, id, seed)
#' @export
print.Problem = function(x, ...) {
cat("Problem:", x$id, "\n")
loadProblem = function(reg, id, seed = TRUE) {
parts = getProblemFilePaths(reg$file.dir, id)
prob = makeProblem(id = id,
static = load2(parts["static"], "static", impute = NULL),
dynamic = load2(parts["dynamic"], "dynamic", impute = NULL))
if (seed) {
query = sprintf("SELECT pseed FROM %s_prob_def WHERE prob_id = '%s'", reg$id, id)
prob$seed = batchQuery(reg, query)$pseed
calcDynamic = function(reg, job, static, {
if (is.null(
prob.use = c("job", "static")
prob.use = setNames(prob.use %in% names(formals(, prob.use)
f = switch(sum(c(1L, 2L)[prob.use]) + 1L,
function(...) = job, ...),
function(...) = static, ...),
function(...) = job, static = static, ...))
info("Generating problem %s ...", job$
seed = seeder(reg, job$prob.seed)
on.exit(seed$reset()), job$
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