#'@title Prepare input data for subsequent BayLum Analysis
#'@description The function pre-processes input data from BIN/BINX file, XSYG files
#'or [RLum.Analysis-class] objects for `'BayLum'`. The parameters for
#'the modelling are controlled by a to be supplied YAML configuration file
#'(please read package vignette).
#'The function uses a single configuration file based on the YAML format and operates
#'in two modes:
#'(1) The YAML file contains the path to the files and the function
#'attempts to import them. In such a case, all files must be thoroughly prepared
#'(e.g., strictly follow the SAR protocol etc.).
#'(2) Alternatively, the YAML file contains no file paths but the data
#'were imported and processed before `create_DataFile()` was called (recommended).
#'Then the function is searching for objects with the sample name in the global environment.
#'Example: `samp1 <- Luminescence::read_BIN2R(...)` with `samp1` the sample name as specified
#'in the YAML file.
#'For more details, please see the package vignette.
#'@param config_file [character] (**required**): path to YAML configuration file; alternatively
#'the config_file can be a [list] similar to the R representation of the imported YAML file.
#'This enables on-the fly modifications
#'@param verbose [logical] (*with default*): enable/disable terminal feedback
#'@section Function version: 0.1.0
#'@author Sebastian Kreutzer, Institute of Geography, Ruprecht-Karl University of Heidelberg (Germany), in parts based on code by Claire Christophe
#'@returns Returns a [list] that can be processed by the modelling functions of 'BayLum'
#' \itemize{
#' \item \bold{LT} (one list per sample); each list contains all L/T values for the corresponding sample;
#' \item \bold{sLT} (one list per sample); each list contains all uncertainties on L/T values for the corresponding sample;
#' \item \bold{ITimes} (one list per sample); each list contains irradiation time values for the corresponding sample;
#' \item \bold{dLab}, a matrix containing in line \code{i}, the laboratory dose rate and its variance for sample \code{i};
#' \item \bold{ddot_env}, a matrix containing in line \code{i}, the environmental dose rate and its variance (excluding the common error terms) for sample \code{i};
#' \item \bold{regDose} (one list per sample); each list contains all regenerated doses;
#' \item \bold{J}, a vector giving, for each BIN file, the number of aliquots selected for the analysis;
#' \item \bold{K}, a vector giving, for each BIN file, the number of regenerative doses in the SAR protocol;
#' \item \bold{Nb_measurement}, a vector giving, for each BIN file, the number of measurements;
#' \item \bold{SampleNames}, a character vector with the sample names;
#' \item \bold{Nb_sample}, the number of samples in the dataset
#' }
#'@seealso [write_YAMLConfigFile], [yaml::read_yaml], [Luminescence::read_BIN2R], [Luminescence::read_XSYG2R], [Luminescence::subset_SingleGrainData]
#'##set path to YAML file
#' yaml_file <- system.file("extdata/example.yml", package = "BayLum")
## BIN/BINX files
#' samp1_file <- system.file("extdata/samp1/bin.bin", package = "BayLum")
#' samp2_file <- system.file("extdata/samp2/bin.bin", package = "BayLum")
#' ## import BIN files
#' samp1 <- Luminescence::read_BIN2R(samp1_file, verbose = FALSE) |>
#' subset(POSITION == 2 & GRAIN == 32)
#' samp2 <- Luminescence::read_BIN2R(samp2_file, verbose = FALSE) |>
#' subset(POSITION == 2 & GRAIN == 32)
#' ## create file
#' create_DataFile(yaml_file)
create_DataFile <- function(
verbose = TRUE
# Import data -------------------------------------------------------------
## This function has two modes:
## (1) if no file names are provided, the function treats sample names as
## objects names that should be available on in the working environment
## (2) if file names are present, the function tries to import those files
## However, little treatment is done and the files should be correct
if (verbose) cli::cli_rule("BayLum - [create_DataFile()]")
## read YAML file
if (verbose) cli::cli_progress_step("Load YAML configuration file ... ", spinner = TRUE)
## try list
if(inherits(config_file, "list"))
config <- config_file
config <- yaml::read_yaml(file = config_file, readLines.warn = FALSE)
## make sure config is always a list
if(!inherits(config[[1]], "list"))
config <- list(config)
## check structure and names of the YAML file
for(i in seq_along(config)) {
## top level
t <- names(config[[i]]) %in% c("sample", "files","settings")
"[create_DataFile()] Missing or wrong paramter in YAML file on top level!\n\t-> YAML entry: ", i, "\n\t-> Parameter: ",
paste(names(config[[i]])[!t], collapse = ", ")),
call. = FALSE)
## settings level
t <- names(config[[i]]$settings) %in% c("dose_points", "dose_source", "dose_env", "rules")
"[create_DataFile()] Missing or wrong paramter in YAML file on settings level!\n\t-> YAML entry: ", i, "\n\t-> Parameter: ",
paste(names(config[[i]]$settings)[!t], collapse = ", ")),
call. = FALSE)
## rules level
t <- names(config[[i]]$settings$rules) %in% c(
"beginSignal", "endSignal", "beginBackground", "endBackground",
"beginTest", "endTest", "beginTestBackground", "endTestBackground",
"inflatePercent", "nbOfLastCycleToRemove")
"[create_DataFile()] Missing or wrong paramter in YAML file on rules level!\n\t-> YAML entry: ", i, "\n\t-> Parameter: ",
paste(names(config[[i]]$settings$rules)[!t], collapse = ", ")),
call. = FALSE)
## determine number of samples
n_samples <- length(config)
## fix sample names ... better safe than a weird error messages
## this way the sample names are safe to use (more or less)
if (verbose) cli::cli_progress_step("Sanitize sample names ... ", spinner = TRUE)
for (i in seq_len(n_samples)) {
## replace all whitespace with "_"
config[[i]]$sample <- gsub(
x = config[[i]]$sample,
pattern = " ",
replacement = "_",
fixed = TRUE)
## replace all odd characters with nothing
x = config[[i]]$sample,
regexpr(pattern = "[a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\-]+", text = config[[i]]$sample, perl = TRUE),
invert = TRUE) <- ""
## make list of objects; depending on the entry case
if (verbose) cli::cli_progress_step("Generate object list ... ", spinner = TRUE)
object_list <- lapply(seq_len(n_samples), function(x) {
## use objects -------
if (is.null(config[[x]]$files)) {
## assign sample name if it exists in the working environment
if (inherits(try(out <- get(x = config[[x]]$sample), silent = TRUE), "try-error"))
paste0("[create_DataFile()] <", config[[x]]$sample,
"> is not a valid object in the working environment!"),
call. = FALSE)
} else {
## import files as specified -------
out <- lapply(suppressWarnings(normalizePath(config[[x]]$files)), function(x) {
if (!file.exists(x))
stop(paste0("[create_DataFile()] file <", x, "> does not exist!"), call. = FALSE)
## select function based on file
tolower(rev(strsplit(basename(x), split = ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]])[1]),
bin = Luminescence::read_BIN2R(x, fastForward = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, zero_data.rm = TRUE),
xsyg = Luminescence::read_XSYG2R(x, fastForward = TRUE, verbose = FALSE),
stop("[create_DateFile()] Unsupported input file. Supported are BIN/BINX and XSYG files!", call. = FALSE)
) |> Luminescence::get_RLum(recordType = c("OSL", "IRSL"), drop = FALSE)
}) |> unlist()
## account for the output object nature, which might be a double list (or not)
if (!inherits(out, "list"))
out <- list(out)
## check the nature of the files
## if Risoe.BINfileData convert automatically
if (any(vapply(out, function(x) inherits(x, "Risoe.BINfileData"), logical(1)))) {
if (verbose) cli::cli_alert_warning(paste0("... ", config[[x]]$sample,": Risoe.BINfileData instead of RLum.Analysis detected ... "))
if (verbose) cli::cli_progress_step(paste0("... ", config[[x]]$sample,": Convert Risoe.BINfileData to RLum.Analysis ... ", spinner = TRUE))
out <- lapply(out, function(x) {
if (inherits(x,"Risoe.BINfileData"))
Luminescence::Risoe.BINfileData2RLum.Analysis(x, txtProgressBar = FALSE)
}) |> unlist(recursive = FALSE)
## now everything must be of type RLum.Analysis ... crash if not
if ((any(vapply(out, function(x) !inherits(x, "RLum.Analysis"), logical(1)))))
stop("[create_DataFile()] Wrong object type. All input data must be of type RLum.Analysis!]",
call. = FALSE)
## sometimes datasets are empty due to previous selections
## by the user ... remove such datasets
if (any(vapply(out, length, numeric(1)) == 0)) {
warning("[create_DataFile()] Empty RLum.Analysis records found and removed ... ",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = FALSE)
out[sapply(out, length) == 0] <- NULL
## remove dose points according to the config
if(!is.null(config[[x]]$settings$rules$nbOfLastCycleToRemove) &&
config[[x]]$settings$rules$nbOfLastCycleToRemove > 0) {
## how many records?
rm <- config[[x]]$settings$rules$nbOfLastCycleToRemove * 2
## remove the records
if(verbose) cli::cli_progress_step(paste0(
"... ", config[[x]]$sample, ": Remove ", rm, " dose points ... "),
spinner = TRUE)
out <- lapply(out, function(o) {
o@records <- o@records[1:(length(o@records) - rm)]
# Additional checks -------------------------------------------------------
if (verbose) cli::cli_progress_step("Run additional checks ... ", spinner = TRUE)
## sample names must be unique
chk_samples <- vapply(config, function(x) x$sample, character(1))
if (any(duplicated(chk_samples)))
paste0("[create_DataFile()] Sample names must be unique, found the follwing duplicated entries: ",
paste(chk_samples[duplicated(chk_samples)], collapse = ", ")),
call. = FALSE)
## check that all curves have the same length
for (i in seq_along(object_list)) {
tmp_n_channels <-
vapply(unlist(Luminescence::get_RLum(object_list[[i]])), function(x) nrow(x@data), numeric(1))
if (length(unique(tmp_n_channels)) > 1)
"[create_DataFile()] All curves within one sample must have the same number of channels/data points!\n",
"\t-> Please check sample <", config[[i]]$sample, "> were I found the following number of channels: ",
paste(unique(tmp_n_channels), collapse = ", ")),
call. = FALSE)
## check integration limits against the number of channels
if (max(unlist(config[[i]]$settings$rules[1:4])) > tmp_n_channels[1])
stop(paste0("[create_DataFile()] Check your integration limit settings for sample <",
config[[i]]$sample, ">. Your curves do not have more than ",
tmp_n_channels[1], " channels!"),
call. = FALSE)
# Extract information -----------------------------------------------------
## we have to mimic the original format by Claire otherwise everything
## else subsequent needs to be modified
if (verbose) cli::cli_progress_step("Extract information and calculate values ... ", spinner = TRUE)
## K -------
## get number of regeneration points for all datasets
K <- vapply(seq_along(object_list), function(x){
## get the number of all records in each dataset
tmp_K <- vapply(object_list[[x]], length, numeric(1))
## remove the specified number of last points
tmp_K <- tmp_K
## three integrity checks
## (1) less than four? (two records)
if (any(tmp_K < 4))
stop("[create_DataFile()] All records must have at least two dose points!", call. = FALSE)
## (2) all must be of same length
if (length(unique(tmp_K)) > 1)
stop("[create_DataFile()] For one sample all records must have the same number of curves!",
call. = FALSE)
## (3) they must be a multiple of two
if (any(tmp_K %% 2 > 0))
stop("[create_DataFile()] Curves must be multiple of two!", call. = FALSE)
}, numeric(1))
## Nb_measurement --------------
## from K we can derive the number of curves (which should be similar for each sample)
Nb_measurement <- K * 2
## J ---------
## number of aliquots for each sample
J <- vapply(object_list, length, numeric(1))
## dLab --------
## the source dose rate of the lab
dLab <- vapply(config, function(x) unlist(x$settings$dose_source), numeric(2))
## ddot_env -------
## the environmental dose rate
ddot_env <- vapply(config, function(x) unlist(x$settings$dose_env), numeric(2))
## LT and sLT --------
## calculate the LT and sLT values
LxTx_list <- lapply(seq_along(object_list), function(x){
## we use Claire's approach otherwise the risk of mistakes is too high
rule <- as.numeric(config[[x]]$settings$rules)
## calculate multiple of background signal
prop_Lx <- length(c(rule[3]:rule[4]))/length(c(rule[1]:rule[2]))
prop_Tx <- length(c(rule[7]:rule[8]))/length(c(rule[5]:rule[6]))
## calculate the Lx related value
## Signal Lx integral
Lx <- t(vapply(object_list[[x]], function(y) {
vapply(seq(1,length(y),2), function(z) sum(y@records[[z]]@data[rule[1]:rule[2],2]), numeric(1))
}, numeric(K[x])))
## Background Lx integral
Bx <- t(vapply(object_list[[x]], function(y) {
vapply(seq(1,length(y),2), function(z) sum(y@records[[z]]@data[rule[3]:rule[4],2])/prop_Lx, numeric(1))
}, numeric(K[x])))
## net Lx
net_Lx <- Lx - Bx
## calculate the Tx related value
## Tx signal
Tx <- t(vapply(object_list[[x]], function(y) {
vapply(seq(2,length(y),2), function(z) sum(y@records[[z]]@data[rule[5]:rule[6],2]), numeric(1))
}, numeric(K[x])))
## Tx background
BTx <- t(vapply(object_list[[x]], function(y) {
vapply(seq(2,length(y),2), function(z) sum(y@records[[z]]@data[rule[7]:rule[8],2])/prop_Tx, numeric(1))
}, numeric(K[x])))
## net Tx
net_Tx <- Tx - BTx
## calculate Lx/Tx
LxTx <- net_Lx/net_Tx
# calculate error of LxTx which will become sLT
LxTx_err <- LxTx[,1:ncol(LxTx)] * sqrt(
((Lx * (1 + rule[9]^2 * Lx) + Bx * ( 1 + rule[9]^2 * Bx)) /
(Lx - Bx)^2) + ((Tx * (1 + rule[9]^2 * Tx) + BTx * (1 + rule[9]^2 * BTx))/(Tx - BTx)^2))
## returned combined list
return(list(LT = LxTx, sLT = LxTx_err))
}) |> unlist(recursive = FALSE)
## ITimes -------
ITimes <- lapply(seq_along(object_list), function(x) {
if(!is.null(config[[x]]$settings$dose_points)) {
IRR_TIME <- config[[x]]$settings$dose_points
## trigger warning if the settings were wrong
if(length(IRR_TIME) < K[x]-1)
"[create_DataFile()] Not enough regeneration dose points specified.
\t -> Please check in config file '$settings$dose_points' in sample <" ,config[[x]]$sample, ">!"),
call. = FALSE)
## the IRR_TIME is silently shortened to K otherwise it
## becomes to complicated if the users mix up settings
IRR_TIME <- IRR_TIME[seq_len(K[x]-1)]
} else {
## extract irradiation times
IRR_TIME <- Luminescence::merge_RLum(
## remove natural (0 dose)
IRR_TIME <- IRR_TIME[c(1, seq(3,length(IRR_TIME),2))]
IRR_TIME <- IRR_TIME[-seq(1,length(IRR_TIME), K[x])]
## create matrix with irradiation
matrix(IRR_TIME, nrow = J[x], ncol = K[x]-1, byrow = TRUE)
## regDose -------
regDose <- lapply(seq_along(ITimes), function(x) ITimes[[x]] * dLab[1,x])
# Construct final list ----------------------------------------------------
if (verbose) cli::cli_progress_step("Combine list ... ", spinner = TRUE)
l <- list(
LT = LxTx_list[names(LxTx_list) == "LT"],
sLT = LxTx_list[names(LxTx_list) == "sLT"],
ITimes = ITimes,
dLab = dLab,
ddot_env = ddot_env,
regDose = regDose,
J = J,
K = K - 1,
Nb_measurement = Nb_measurement,
SampleNames = chk_samples,
Nb_sample = n_samples
## add attribute originator
attr(l, "originator") <- "create_DataFile"
## return
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