
Defines functions .density.prior_transformation_functions .density.prior_transformation_y .density.prior_transformation_inv_x .density.prior_transformation_x .range.prior_quantile_default .density.prior_type .density.prior_need_samples range.prior .density.prior.spike_and_slab .density.prior.orthonormal_or_meandif .density.prior.PETPEESE .density.prior.weightfunction .density.prior.point .density.prior.simple density.prior

Documented in density.prior range.prior

#' @title Prior density
#' @description Computes density of a prior
#' distribution across a range of values.
#' @param x a prior
#' @param x_seq sequence of x coordinates
#' @param x_range vector of length two with
#' lower and upper range for the support
#' (used if \code{x_seq} is unspecified)
#' @param x_range_quant quantile used for
#' automatically obtaining \code{x_range}
#' if both \code{x_range} and \code{x_seq}
#' are unspecified. Defaults to \code{0.005}
#' for all but Cauchy, Student-t, Gamma, and
#' Inverse-gamme distributions that use
#' \code{0.010}.
#' @param n_points number of equally spaced points
#' in the \code{x_range} if \code{x_seq} is unspecified
#' @param n_samples number of samples from the prior
#' distribution if the density cannot be obtained
#' analytically (or if samples are forced with
#' \code{force_samples = TRUE})
#' @param force_samples should prior be sampled instead
#' of obtaining analytic solution whenever possible
#' @param individual should individual densities be returned
#' (e.g., in case of weightfunction)
#' @param transformation transformation to be applied
#' to the prior distribution. Either a character
#' specifying one of the prepared transformations:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{lin}{linear transformation in form of \code{a + b*x}}
#'   \item{tanh}{also known as Fisher's z transformation}
#'   \item{exp}{exponential transformation}
#' }, or a list containing the transformation function \code{fun},
#' inverse transformation function \code{inv}, and the Jacobian of
#' the transformation \code{jac}. See examples for details.
#' @param transformation_arguments a list with named arguments for
#' the \code{transformation}
#' @param transformation_settings boolean indicating whether the
#' settings the \code{x_seq} or \code{x_range} was specified on
#' the transformed support
#' @param truncate_end whether the density should be set to zero in
#' for the endpoints of truncated distributions
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @return \code{density.prior} returns an object of class 'density'.
#' @importFrom stats density
#' @seealso [prior()]
#' @rdname density.prior
#' @export
density.prior <- function(x,
                          x_seq = NULL, x_range = NULL, x_range_quant = NULL, n_points = 1000,
                          n_samples = 10000, force_samples = FALSE, individual = FALSE,
                          transformation = NULL, transformation_arguments = NULL, transformation_settings = FALSE, truncate_end = TRUE, ...){

  # input check
  .check_prior(x, "x")
  check_real(x_seq, "x_seq", check_length = 0, allow_NULL = TRUE)
  check_real(x_range, "x_range", check_length = 2, allow_NULL = TRUE)
  if(!is.null(x_range) && x_range[1] > x_range[2])
    stop("The lower range limit must be lower than the upper range limit.")
  check_real(x_range_quant, "x_range_quant", lower = 0, upper = 1, allow_NULL = TRUE)
  check_int(n_points, "n_points",  lower = 2)
  check_int(n_samples, "n_samples", lower = 1)
  check_bool(force_samples, "force_samples")
  check_bool(individual, "individual")
  .check_transformation_input(transformation, transformation_arguments, transformation_settings)
  check_bool(truncate_end, "truncate_end")

  ### setting the range
  # get plotting range if not specified
      x_range <- range(x_seq)
      if(!individual & (is.prior.PET(x) | is.prior.PEESE(x))){
        x_range <- c(0, 1)
      }else if(!individual & is.prior.weightfunction(x)){
        x_range <- c(0, 1)
      }else if(is.prior.spike_and_slab(x)){
        x_range <- range(x[["variable"]][["truncation"]]["lower"], x[["variable"]][["truncation"]]["upper"], 0)
      }else if(is.prior.discrete(x)){
        x_range <- c(x[["truncation"]]["lower"], x[["truncation"]]["upper"])
        x_range <- range(x, if(is.null(x_range_quant)) .range.prior_quantile_default(x) else x_range_quant)

  # get the x_seq for plotting
      x_seq <- seq(x_range[1], x_range[2], by = 1)
      x_seq <- seq(x_range[1], x_range[2], length.out = n_points)

  # specify it on the transformed range if requested
  if(transformation_settings & !is.null(transformation)){
    x_seq   <- .density.prior_transformation_inv_x(x_seq,   transformation, transformation_arguments)
    x_range <- .density.prior_transformation_inv_x(x_range, transformation, transformation_arguments)

  # use the corresponding density subfunction
    out <- .density.prior.weightfunction(x, x_seq, x_range, n_points, n_samples, force_samples, individual)
  }else if(is.prior.PET(x) | is.prior.PEESE(x)){
    out <- .density.prior.PETPEESE(x, x_seq, x_range, n_points, n_samples, force_samples, individual, transformation, transformation_arguments, truncate_end)
  }else if(is.prior.spike_and_slab(x)){
    out <- .density.prior.spike_and_slab(x, x_seq, x_range, n_points, n_samples, force_samples, transformation, transformation_arguments, truncate_end)
  }else if(is.prior.point(x)){
    out <- .density.prior.point(x, x_seq, x_range, n_points, n_samples, force_samples, transformation, transformation_arguments)
  }else if(is.prior.orthonormal(x) | is.prior.meandif(x)){
    out <- .density.prior.orthonormal_or_meandif(x, x_seq, x_range, n_points, n_samples, force_samples, transformation, transformation_arguments, truncate_end)
  }else if(is.prior.simple(x)){
    out <- .density.prior.simple(x, x_seq, x_range, n_points, n_samples, force_samples, transformation, transformation_arguments, truncate_end)


.density.prior.simple                 <- function(x, x_seq, x_range, n_points, n_samples, force_samples, transformation, transformation_arguments, truncate_end){

  # get the samples to estimate density / obtain the density directly
  if(force_samples | .density.prior_need_samples(x)){
    x_sam <- rng(x, n_samples)
    x_den <- stats::density(x_sam, n = n_points, from = x_range[1], to = x_range[2])$y

      x_seq <- unique(round(x_seq))

    x_den <- mpdf(x, x_seq)
    x_sam <- NULL

  # set the endpoints to zero if they correspond to truncation
    if(isTRUE(all.equal(x$truncation[["lower"]], x_seq[1])) | x$truncation[["lower"]] >= x_seq[1]){
      x_den <- c(0, x_den)
      x_seq <- c(x_seq[1], x_seq)
    if(isTRUE(all.equal(x$truncation[["upper"]], x_seq[length(x_seq)])) | x$truncation[["upper"]] <= x_seq[length(x_seq)]){
      x_den <- c(x_den, 0)
      x_seq <- c(x_seq, x_seq[length(x_seq)])

  # transform the output, if requested
    x_seq   <- .density.prior_transformation_x(x_seq,   transformation, transformation_arguments)
    x_range <- .density.prior_transformation_x(x_range, transformation, transformation_arguments)
      x_sam <- .density.prior_transformation_x(x_sam,   transformation, transformation_arguments)
    x_den   <- .density.prior_transformation_y(x_seq, x_den, transformation, transformation_arguments)

  # create the output object
  out <- list(
    call    = call("density", print(x, silent = TRUE)),
    bw      = NULL,
    n       = n_points,
    x       = x_seq,
    y       = x_den,
    samples = x_sam

  class(out) <- c("density", "density.prior", "density.prior.simple")
  attr(out, "x_range") <- x_range
  attr(out, "y_range") <- c(0, max(x_den))

.density.prior.point                  <- function(x, x_seq, x_range, n_points, n_samples, force_samples, transformation, transformation_arguments){

  # return the samples if requested
    x_sam <- rng(x, n_samples)
    x_sam <- NULL

  x_seq <- x$parameters[["location"]]
  x_den <- 1

  # transform the output, if requested
    x_seq   <- .density.prior_transformation_x(x_seq,   transformation, transformation_arguments)
    x_range <- .density.prior_transformation_x(x_range, transformation, transformation_arguments)
      x_sam <- .density.prior_transformation_x(x_sam,   transformation, transformation_arguments)

  # create the output object
  out <- list(
    call    = call("density", print(x, silent = TRUE)),
    bw      = NULL,
    n       = n_points,
    x       = x_seq,
    y       = x_den,
    samples = x_sam

  class(out) <- c("density", "density.prior", "density.prior.point", if(is.prior.orthonormal(x)) "density.prior.orthonormal" else if(is.prior.meandif(x)) "density.prior.meandif")
  attr(out, "x_range") <- x_range
  attr(out, "y_range") <- c(0, max(x_den))

.density.prior.weightfunction         <- function(x, x_seq, x_range, n_points, n_samples, force_samples, individual){

  # create either distribution for the individual weights or the whole weightfunction

    if(force_samples | .density.prior_need_samples(x)){
      x_sam <- rng(x, n_samples)
      x_den <- do.call(cbind, lapply(1:ncol(x_sam), function(i)stats::density(x_sam[,i], n = n_points, from = x_range[1], to = x_range[2])$y))
      x_den <- mpdf(x, x_seq)
      x_sam <- NULL

    # set the endpoints to zero if they correspond to truncation
    if(isTRUE(all.equal(x$truncation[["lower"]], x_seq[1])) | x$truncation[["lower"]] >= x_seq[1]){
      x_den <- rbind(0, x_den)
      x_seq <- c(x_seq[1], x_seq)
    if(isTRUE(all.equal(x$truncation[["upper"]], x_seq[length(x_seq)])) | x$truncation[["upper"]] <= x_seq[length(x_seq)]){
      x_den <- rbind(x_den, 0)
      x_seq <- c(x_seq, x_seq[length(x_seq)])

    out <- list()
    out_types <- .density.prior_type(x)

    for(i in 1:ncol(x_den)){

      # create the output object
      if(out_types[i] == "point"){
        temp_out <- list(
          call    = call("density", print(x, silent = TRUE)),
          bw      = NULL,
          n       = n_points,
          x       = 1,
          y       = 1,
          samples = x_sam[,i]
        temp_out <- list(
          call    = call("density", print(x, silent = TRUE)),
          bw      = NULL,
          n       = n_points,
          x       = x_seq,
          y       = x_den[,i],
          samples = x_sam[,i]

      class(temp_out) <- c("density", "density.prior", paste0("density.prior.",out_types[i]))
      attr(temp_out, "x_range") <- c(0, 1)
      attr(temp_out, "y_range") <- c(0, max(x_den[,i]))
      attr(temp_out, "steps")   <- c(1, x$parameters[["steps"]], 0)[c(i+1, i)]

      out[[i]] <- temp_out


    # weightfunction specific stuff
    x_seq     <- c(0, rev(x$parameters[["steps"]]), 1)
    x_seq_rep <- c(1, sort(rep(2:(length(x_seq)-1), 2)) ,length(x_seq))
    x_val_rep <- sort(rep(1:(length(x_seq)-1), 2))
    if(force_samples | .density.prior_need_samples(x)){
      x_sam  <- rng(x, n_samples)
      x_lCI  <- rev(apply(x_sam, 2, stats::quantile, probs = .025))
      x_uCI  <- rev(apply(x_sam, 2, stats::quantile, probs = .975))
      x_mean <- rev(apply(x_sam, 2, mean))
      x_sam  <- NULL
      x_lCI  <- rev(mquant(x, .025))
      x_uCI  <- rev(mquant(x, .975))
      x_mean <- rev(mean(x))

    out <- list(
      call    = call("density", print(x, silent = TRUE)),
      bw      = NULL,
      n       = n_points,
      x       = x_seq[x_seq_rep],
      y       = x_mean[x_val_rep],
      y_lCI   = x_lCI[x_val_rep],
      y_uCI   = x_uCI[x_val_rep],
      samples = x_sam

    class(out) <- c("density", "density.prior", "density.prior.weightfunction")
    attr(out, "x_range") <- c(0, 1)
    attr(out, "y_range") <- c(0, 1)

.density.prior.PETPEESE               <- function(x, x_seq, x_range, n_points, n_samples, force_samples, individual, transformation, transformation_arguments, truncate_end){

  # create either distribution for the parameter or the PET/PEESE function

      out <- .density.prior.point(x, x_seq, x_range, n_points, n_samples, force_samples, transformation, transformation_arguments)
    }else if(is.prior.simple(x)){
      out <- .density.prior.simple(x, x_seq, x_range, n_points, n_samples, force_samples, transformation, transformation_arguments, truncate_end)


    # get the samples to estimate density / obtain the density directly
    if(force_samples | .density.prior_need_samples(x)){
      x_sam  <- rng(x, n_samples)
      x_med  <- stats::quantile(x_sam, .500)
      x_lCI  <- stats::quantile(x_sam, .025)
      x_uCI  <- stats::quantile(x_sam, .975)
      x_med  <- quant(x, .500)
      x_lCI  <- quant(x, .025)
      x_uCI  <- quant(x, .975)
      x_sam  <- NULL

    # transform the output, if requested
      x_med   <- .density.prior_transformation_x(x_med,   transformation, transformation_arguments)
      x_lCI   <- .density.prior_transformation_x(x_lCI,   transformation, transformation_arguments)
      x_uCI   <- .density.prior_transformation_x(x_uCI,   transformation, transformation_arguments)
      x_range <- .density.prior_transformation_x(x_range, transformation, transformation_arguments)
        x_sam <- .density.prior_transformation_x(x_sam,   transformation, transformation_arguments)

    # compute the PET/PEESE
      y_med   = x_med  * x_seq
      y_lCI   = x_lCI  * x_seq
      y_uCI   = x_uCI  * x_seq
    }else if(is.prior.PEESE(x)){
      y_med   = x_med  * x_seq^2
      y_lCI   = x_lCI  * x_seq^2
      y_uCI   = x_uCI  * x_seq^2

    out <- list(
      call    = call("density", print(x, silent = TRUE)),
      bw      = NULL,
      n       = n_points,
      x       = x_seq,
      y       = y_med,
      y_lCI   = y_lCI,
      y_uCI   = y_uCI,
      samples = x_sam

    class(out) <- c("density", "density.prior", if(is.prior.PET(x)) "density.prior.PET" else if(is.prior.PEESE(x)) "density.prior.PEESE")
    attr(out, "x_range") <- range(x_seq)
    attr(out, "y_range") <- range(y_med)

.density.prior.orthonormal_or_meandif <- function(x, x_seq, x_range, n_points, n_samples, force_samples, transformation, transformation_arguments, truncate_end){

  # get the samples to estimate density / obtain the density directly
  if(force_samples | .density.prior_need_samples(x)){

    if(is.na(x$parameters[["K"]]) && !is.null(attr(x, "levels"))){
      x$parameters[["K"]] <- .get_prior_factor_levels(prior)
    }else if(is.na(x$parameters[["K"]])){
      x$parameters[["K"]] <- 1
      warning("number of factor levels / dimensionality of the prior distribution was not specified -- assuming two factor levels")

    x_sam <- rng(x, n_samples)
    x_sam <- as.vector(x_sam)
    x_den <- stats::density(x_sam, n = n_points, from = x_range[1], to = x_range[2])$y

    x_den <- mpdf(x, x_seq)
    x_sam <- NULL

  # set the endpoints to zero if they correspond to truncation
    if(isTRUE(all.equal(x$truncation[["lower"]], x_seq[1])) | x$truncation[["lower"]] >= x_seq[1]){
      x_den <- c(0, x_den)
      x_seq <- c(x_seq[1], x_seq)
    if(isTRUE(all.equal(x$truncation[["upper"]], x_seq[length(x_seq)])) | x$truncation[["upper"]] <= x_seq[length(x_seq)]){
      x_den <- c(x_den, 0)
      x_seq <- c(x_seq, x_seq[length(x_seq)])

  # transform the output, if requested
    message("The transformation was applied to the differences from the mean. Note that non-linear transformations do not map from the orthonormal/meandif contrasts to the differences from the mean.")
    x_seq   <- .density.prior_transformation_x(x_seq,   transformation, transformation_arguments)
    x_range <- .density.prior_transformation_x(x_range, transformation, transformation_arguments)
      x_sam <- .density.prior_transformation_x(x_sam,   transformation, transformation_arguments)
    x_den   <- .density.prior_transformation_y(x_seq, x_den, transformation, transformation_arguments)

  # create the output object
  out <- list(
    call    = call("density", print(x, silent = TRUE)),
    bw      = NULL,
    n       = n_points,
    x       = x_seq,
    y       = x_den,
    samples = x_sam

  class(out) <- c("density", "density.prior", if(is.prior.orthonormal(x)) "density.prior.orthonormal" else if(is.prior.meandif(x)) "density.prior.meandif")
  attr(out, "x_range") <- x_range
  attr(out, "y_range") <- c(0, max(x_den))

.density.prior.spike_and_slab         <- function(x, x_seq, x_range, n_points, n_samples, force_samples, transformation, transformation_arguments, truncate_end){

  density_variable  <- .density.prior.simple(x[["variable"]], x_seq, x_range, n_points, n_samples, force_samples, transformation, transformation_arguments, truncate_end)
  density_inclusion <- .density.prior.point(prior(distribution = "spike", parameters = list(location = 0)), x_seq, x_range, n_points, n_samples, force_samples, transformation, transformation_arguments)

  density_variable$y  <- density_variable[["y"]]  * mean(x[["inclusion"]])
  density_inclusion$y <- density_inclusion[["y"]] * (1 - mean(x[["inclusion"]]))

  attr(density_variable,  "y_range") <- attr(density_variable, "y_range")  * mean(x[["inclusion"]])
  attr(density_inclusion, "y_range") <- attr(density_inclusion, "y_range") * (1 - mean(x[["inclusion"]]))

  # create the output object
  out <- list(
    call      = call("density", print(x, silent = TRUE)),
    variable  = density_variable,
    inclusion = density_inclusion

  class(out) <- c("density", "density.prior.spike_and_slab")
  attr(out, "x_range") <- x_range
  attr(out, "y_range_variable")  <- attr(density_variable,  "y_range")
  attr(out, "y_range_inclusion") <- attr(density_inclusion, "y_range")


#' @title Prior range
#' @description Computes range of a prior
#' distribution (if the prior distribution is
#' unbounded range from \code{quantiles} to
#' \code{1 -quantiles}) is returned.
#' @param x a prior
#' @param quantiles quantile to be returned in
#' case of unbounded distribution.
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @param na.rm unused
#' @return \code{range.prior} returns a numeric vector of
#' length with a plotting range of a prior distribution.
#' @seealso [prior()]
#' @rdname range.prior
#' @export
range.prior  <- function(x, quantiles = NULL, ..., na.rm = FALSE){

    check_real(quantiles, "quantiles", upper = 0.5, allow_bound = FALSE)
    quantiles <- .range.prior_quantile_default(x)

  x_range <- c(NA, NA)

    x_range[1] <- mquant(x, quantiles)
    x_range[1] <- x[["truncation"]][["lower"]]

    x_range[2] <- mquant(x, 1 - quantiles)
    x_range[2] <- x[["truncation"]][["upper"]]


# helper functions
.density.prior_need_samples   <- function(prior){

    if(all(names(prior$parameters) %in% c("alpha1", "alpha2", "steps"))){

.density.prior_type           <- function(prior){
  }else if(is.prior.simple(prior)){
  }else if(is.prior.weightfunction(prior)){
    if(prior[["distribution"]] %in% c("one.sided.fixed", "two.sided.fixed")){
      return(rep("point", length(prior[["parameters"]][["steps"]]) + 1))
      return(c(rep("simple", length(prior[["parameters"]][["steps"]])), "point"))
  }else if(is.prior.orthonormal(prior)){
  }else if(is.prior.meandif(prior)){
.range.prior_quantile_default <- function(prior){

    "normal"    = .005,
    "lognormal" = .005,
    "t"         = .010,
    "gamma"     = .010,
    "invgamma"  = .010,
    "beta"      = .005,
    "exp"       = .005,
    "uniform"   = .005,
    "point"     = .005,
    "one.sided" = .005,
    "one.sided" = .005,
    "two.sided.fixed" = .005,
    "two.sided.fixed" = .005,
    "mnormal"    = .005,
    "mt"         = .010


# transformation functions
.density.prior_transformation_x         <- function(x, transformation, transformation_arguments = NULL){

  arg <- list(x = x)
  for(i in seq_along(transformation_arguments)){
    arg[[names(transformation_arguments)[i]]] <- transformation_arguments[[i]]

  do.call(.density.prior_transformation_functions(transformation)$fun, arg)
.density.prior_transformation_inv_x     <- function(x, transformation, transformation_arguments = NULL){

  arg <- list(x = x)
  for(i in seq_along(transformation_arguments)){
    arg[[names(transformation_arguments)[i]]] <- transformation_arguments[[i]]

  do.call(.density.prior_transformation_functions(transformation)$inv, arg)
.density.prior_transformation_y         <- function(x, y, transformation, transformation_arguments = NULL){

  arg <- list(x = x)
  for(i in seq_along(transformation_arguments)){
    arg[[names(transformation_arguments)[i]]] <- transformation_arguments[[i]]

  y * do.call(.density.prior_transformation_functions(transformation)$jac, arg)
.density.prior_transformation_functions <- function(transformation){

  if(is.character(transformation) & length(transformation) == 1){

      "lin" = list(
        fun = function(x, a = 0, b = 1)a + b * x,
        inv = function(x, a = 0, b = 1)(x - a) / b,
        jac = function(x, a = 0, b = 1)1 / b
      "tanh" = list(
        fun = tanh,
        inv = atanh,
        jac = function(x)1/(1-x^2)
      "exp"  = list(
        fun = exp,
        inv = log,
        jac = function(x)1/x

  }else if(is.list(transformation) & length(transformation) == 3 & all(names(transformation) %in% c("fun", "inv", "jac"))){



    stop("Transformation must be either a character vector of length 1 corresponding to one of known transformations ('lin' = linear, 'tanh' = Fisher's z, 'exp' = exponential) or a list of three functions (fun = transformation function, inv = inverse transformation, jac = jacobian adjustment).")



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