
Defines functions .plot.prior.point plot.prior

Documented in plot.prior

#' @title Plots a prior object
#' @param x a prior
#' @param plot_type whether to use a base plot \code{"base"}
#' or ggplot2 \code{"ggplot"} for plotting.
#' @param xlim x plotting range
#' @param par_name a type of parameter for which the prior is
#' specified. Only relevant if the prior corresponds to a mu
#' parameter that needs to be transformed.
#' @param rescale_x allows to rescale x-axis in case a
#' weightfunction is plotted.
#' @param show_figures which figures should be returned in case of
#' multiple plots are generated. Useful when priors for the omega
#' parameter are plotted and \code{individual = TRUE}.
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @inheritParams density.prior
#' @examples
#' # create some prior distributions
#' p0 <- prior(distribution = "point",  parameters = list(location = 0))
#' p1 <- prior(distribution = "normal", parameters = list(mean = 0, sd = 1))
#' p2 <- prior(distribution = "normal", parameters = list(mean = 0, sd = 1), truncation = list(0, Inf))
#' # a default plot
#' plot(p0)
#' # manipulate line thickness and color, change the parameter name
#' plot(p1, lwd = 2, col = "blue", par_name = bquote(mu))
#' # use ggplot
#' plot(p2, plot_type = "ggplot")
#' # utilize the ggplot prior geom
#' plot(p2, plot_type = "ggplot", xlim = c(-2, 2)) + geom_prior(p1, col = "red", lty = 2)
#' # apply transformation
#' plot(p1, transformation = "exp")
#' @return \code{plot.prior} returns either \code{NULL} or
#' an object of class 'ggplot' if plot_type is \code{plot_type = "ggplot"}.
#' @seealso [prior()] [lines.prior()]  [geom_prior()]
#' @rdname plot.prior
#' @export
plot.prior <- function(x, plot_type = "base",
                       x_seq = NULL, xlim = NULL, x_range_quant = NULL, n_points = 1000,
                       n_samples = 10000, force_samples = FALSE,
                       transformation = NULL, transformation_arguments = NULL, transformation_settings = FALSE,
                       show_figures = if(individual) -1 else NULL, individual = FALSE, rescale_x = FALSE, par_name = NULL, ...){

  # check input (most arguments are checked within density)
  check_char(plot_type, "plot_type", allow_values = c("base", "ggplot"))
  check_bool(individual, "individual")
  check_bool(rescale_x, "rescale_x")
  check_int(show_figures, "show_figures", allow_NULL = TRUE)

  # get the plotting data
  if(is.null(xlim) & is.null(x_seq)){
    if((is.prior.PET(x) | is.prior.PEESE(x) | is.prior.weightfunction(x)) & !individual){
      xlim   <- c(0, 1)
    }else if(is.prior.spike_and_slab(x)){
      xlim   <- range(c(0,range(x[["variable"]], quantiles = x_range_quant)))
      xlim   <- range(pretty(xlim))
      xlim   <- range(x, quantiles = x_range_quant)
      xlim   <- range(pretty(xlim))
  plot_data <- density(x = x, x_seq = x_seq, x_range = xlim, x_range_quant = x_range_quant,
                       n_points = n_points, n_samples = n_samples, force_samples = force_samples,
                       transformation = transformation, transformation_arguments = transformation_arguments,
                       transformation_settings = transformation_settings, individual = individual)

  # plot a weightfunction

      plot <- .plot.prior.weightfunction(x = x, plot_type = plot_type, plot_data = plot_data, rescale_x = rescale_x, par_name = par_name, ...)
      if(plot_type == "ggplot"){

    # plot individual weights
      # deal with the multiple figures
        plots_ind <- c(1:length(plot_data))
        plots_ind <- c(1:length(plot_data))[show_figures]

      # reverse the order
      plot_data <- plot_data[length(plot_data):1]

      plots <- list()
      for(figure in plots_ind){
        if(inherits(plot_data[[figure]], "density.prior.simple")){
          plots[[figure]] <- .plot.prior.simple(x = x, plot_type = plot_type, plot_data = plot_data[[figure]], par_name = par_name, ...)
        }else if(inherits(plot_data[[figure]], "density.prior.point")){
          plots[[figure]] <- .plot.prior.point( x = x, plot_type = plot_type, plot_data = plot_data[[figure]], par_name = par_name, ...)
      if(plot_type == "ggplot"){
        if(length(plots_ind) == 1){
          plots <- plots[[plots_ind]]

      if(plot_type == "ggplot"){


  # plot PET-PEESE
  if((is.prior.PET(x) | is.prior.PEESE(x)) & !individual){
    plots <- .plot.prior.PETPEESE(x = x, plot_type = plot_type, plot_data = plot_data, par_name = par_name, ...)
    if(plot_type == "ggplot"){

  # spike and slab prior plots
    plots <- .plot.prior.spike_and_slab(x = x, plot_type = plot_type, plot_data = plot_data, par_name = par_name, ...)
    if(plot_type == "ggplot"){

  # point prior plots
    plots <- .plot.prior.point( x = x, plot_type = plot_type, plot_data = plot_data, par_name = par_name, ...)
    if(plot_type == "ggplot"){

  # plot orthonormal and meandif priors
  if(is.prior.orthonormal(x) | is.prior.meandif(x)){
    plots <- .plot.prior.orthonormal_or_meandif(x = x, plot_type = plot_type, plot_data = plot_data, par_name = par_name, ...)
    if(plot_type == "ggplot"){

  # discrete prior plots
    plots <- .plot.prior.discrete(x = x, plot_type = plot_type, plot_data = plot_data, par_name = par_name, ...)
    if(plot_type == "ggplot"){

  # default prior plots
    plots <- .plot.prior.simple(x = x, plot_type = plot_type, plot_data = plot_data, par_name = par_name, ...)
    if(plot_type == "ggplot"){

.plot.prior.point          <- function(x, plot_type, plot_data, par_name = NULL, ...){

  # get default plot settings
  dots      <- list(...)

  xlim      <- attr(plot_data, "x_range")
  ylim      <- c(0, 1)

  short_name      <- if(is.null(dots[["short_name"]]))      FALSE else dots[["short_name"]]
  parameter_names <- if(is.null(dots[["parameter_names"]])) FALSE else dots[["parameter_names"]]

  main      <- if(!is.null(attr(plot_data, "steps"))) print(x, plot = TRUE, short_name = short_name, parameter_names = parameter_names) else ""
  xlab      <- if(!is.null(attr(plot_data, "steps"))) bquote(omega["["*.(attr(plot_data, "steps")[1])*","~.(attr(plot_data, "steps")[2])*"]"]) else bquote(.(if(is.prior.orthonormal(x) | is.prior.meandif(x))"dif")*.(if(!is.null(par_name)){bquote(.(par_name)~"~")})~.(print(x, plot = TRUE, short_name = short_name, parameter_names = parameter_names)))
  ylab      <- if(!is.null(dots[["ylab"]])) dots[["ylab"]] else "Probability"

  # add it to the user input if desired
  if(is.null(dots[["main"]])) dots$main <-  main
  if(is.null(dots[["xlab"]])) dots$xlab <-  xlab
  if(is.null(dots[["ylab"]])) dots$ylab <-  ylab
  if(is.null(dots[["xlim"]])) dots$xlim <-  xlim
  if(is.null(dots[["ylim"]])) dots$ylim <-  ylim

  if(plot_type == "base"){

    .plot.prior_empty("point", dots)
    .lines.prior.point(plot_data, ...)

    plot <- NULL

  }else if(plot_type == "ggplot"){

    plot <- .ggplot.prior_empty("point", dots)
    plot <- plot + .geom_prior.point(plot_data, ...)


  # return the plots
  if(plot_type == "base"){
  }else if(plot_type == "ggplot"){
.plot.prior.simple         <- function(x, plot_type, plot_data, par_name = NULL, ...){

  # get default plot settings
  dots      <- list(...)

  xlim      <- attr(plot_data, "x_range")
  ylim      <- attr(plot_data, "y_range")

  short_name      <- if(is.null(dots[["short_name"]]))      FALSE else dots[["short_name"]]
  parameter_names <- if(is.null(dots[["parameter_names"]])) FALSE else dots[["parameter_names"]]

  main      <- if(!is.null(attr(plot_data, "steps"))) print(x, plot = TRUE, short_name = short_name, parameter_names = parameter_names) else ""
  xlab      <- if(!is.null(attr(plot_data, "steps"))) bquote(omega["["*.(attr(plot_data, "steps")[1])*","~.(attr(plot_data, "steps")[2])*"]"])  else bquote(.(if(!is.null(par_name)){bquote(.(par_name)~"~")})~.(print(x, plot = TRUE, short_name = short_name, parameter_names = parameter_names)))
  ylab      <- "Density"

  # add it to the user input if desired
  if(is.null(dots[["main"]])) dots$main <-  main
  if(is.null(dots[["xlab"]])) dots$xlab <-  xlab
  if(is.null(dots[["ylab"]])) dots$ylab <-  ylab
  if(is.null(dots[["xlim"]])) dots$xlim <-  xlim
  if(is.null(dots[["ylim"]])) dots$ylim <-  ylim

  if(plot_type == "base"){

    .plot.prior_empty("simple", dots)
    .lines.prior.simple(plot_data, ...)
    plot <- NULL

  }else if(plot_type == "ggplot"){

    plot <- .ggplot.prior_empty("simple", dots)
    plot <- plot + .geom_prior.simple(plot_data, ...)


  # return the plots
  if(plot_type == "base"){
  }else if(plot_type == "ggplot"){
.plot.prior.discrete       <- function(x, plot_type, plot_data, par_name = NULL, ...){

  # get default plot settings
  dots      <- list(...)

  xlim      <- attr(plot_data, "x_range")
  ylim      <- attr(plot_data, "y_range")

  short_name      <- if(is.null(dots[["short_name"]]))      FALSE else dots[["short_name"]]
  parameter_names <- if(is.null(dots[["parameter_names"]])) FALSE else dots[["parameter_names"]]

  main      <- if(!is.null(attr(plot_data, "steps"))) print(x, plot = TRUE, short_name = short_name, parameter_names = parameter_names) else ""
  xlab      <- if(!is.null(attr(plot_data, "steps"))) bquote(omega["["*.(attr(plot_data, "steps")[1])*","~.(attr(plot_data, "steps")[2])*"]"])  else bquote(.(if(!is.null(par_name)){bquote(.(par_name)~"~")})~.(print(x, plot = TRUE, short_name = short_name, parameter_names = parameter_names)))
  ylab      <- "Probability"

  # add it to the user input if desired
  if(is.null(dots[["main"]])) dots$main <-  main
  if(is.null(dots[["xlab"]])) dots$xlab <-  xlab
  if(is.null(dots[["ylab"]])) dots$ylab <-  ylab
  if(is.null(dots[["xlim"]])) dots$xlim <-  xlim
  if(is.null(dots[["ylim"]])) dots$ylim <-  ylim

  if(plot_type == "base"){

    .plot.prior_empty("simple", dots)
    .lines.prior.discrete(plot_data, ...)
    plot <- NULL

  }else if(plot_type == "ggplot"){

    plot <- .ggplot.prior_empty("simple", dots)
    plot <- plot + .geom_prior.discrete(plot_data, ...)


  # return the plots
  if(plot_type == "base"){
  }else if(plot_type == "ggplot"){
.plot.prior.weightfunction <- function(x, plot_type, plot_data, rescale_x, par_name = NULL, ...){

  # get default plot settings
  dots      <- list(...)

  short_name      <- if(is.null(dots[["short_name"]]))      FALSE else dots[["short_name"]]
  parameter_names <- if(is.null(dots[["parameter_names"]])) FALSE else dots[["parameter_names"]]

  xlab      <- if(!is.null(dots[["xlab"]])) dots[["xlab"]] else bquote(italic(p)*"-value")
  main      <- if(!is.null(dots[["main"]])) dots[["main"]] else if(is.prior(x)) bquote(.(if(!is.null(par_name)){bquote(.(par_name)~"~")})~.(print(x, plot = TRUE, short_name = short_name, parameter_names = parameter_names))) else if(!is.null(par_name)) bquote(.(par_name)) else "Selection Models"
  ylab      <- if(!is.null(dots[["ylab"]])) dots[["ylab"]] else "Probability"

  xlim      <- attr(plot_data, "x_range")
  ylim      <- if(!is.null(dots[["ylim"]])) dots[["ylim"]] else c(0, 1)

  # weightfunction specific stuff (required for axes)
  x_cuts <- plot_data$x

    x_at <- seq(0, 1, length.out = length(unique(plot_data$x)))
    x_at <- x_at[c(1, sort(rep(2:(length(x_at)-1), 2)), length(x_at))]
    x_at <- x_cuts

  # add it to the user input if desired
  if(is.null(dots[["main"]])) dots$main <-  main
  if(is.null(dots[["xlab"]])) dots$xlab <-  xlab
  if(is.null(dots[["ylab"]])) dots$ylab <-  ylab
  if(is.null(dots[["xlim"]])) dots$xlim <-  xlim
  if(is.null(dots[["ylim"]])) dots$ylim <-  ylim
  dots$x_at     <- unique(x_at)
  dots$x_labels <- unique(x_cuts)

  if(plot_type == "base"){

    .plot.prior_empty("weightfunction", dots)
    .lines.prior.weightfunction(plot_data, rescale_x, ...)

    plot <- NULL

  }else if(plot_type == "ggplot"){

    plot <- .ggplot.prior_empty("weightfunction", dots)
    plot <- plot + .geom_prior.weightfunction(plot_data, rescale_x, ...)


  # return the plots
  if(plot_type == "base"){
  }else if(plot_type == "ggplot"){
.plot.prior.PETPEESE       <- function(x, plot_type, plot_data, par_name = NULL, ...){

  # get default plot settings
  dots      <- list(...)

  short_name      <- if(is.null(dots[["short_name"]]))      FALSE else dots[["short_name"]]
  parameter_names <- if(is.null(dots[["parameter_names"]])) FALSE else dots[["parameter_names"]]

  xlab      <- if(!is.null(dots[["xlab"]])) dots[["xlab"]] else "Standard error"
  main      <- if(!is.null(dots[["main"]])) dots[["main"]] else if(is.prior(x)) bquote(.(if(!is.null(par_name)){bquote(.(par_name)~"~")})~.(print(x, plot = TRUE, short_name = short_name, parameter_names = parameter_names))) else if(!is.null(par_name)) bquote(.(par_name)) else "PET-PEESE"
  ylab      <- if(!is.null(dots[["ylab"]])) dots[["ylab"]] else "Effect size"

  xlim      <- attr(plot_data, "x_range")
  ylim      <- if(!is.null(dots[["ylim"]])) dots[["ylim"]] else attr(plot_data, "y_range")

  # add it to the user input if desired
  if(is.null(dots[["main"]])) dots$main <-  main
  if(is.null(dots[["xlab"]])) dots$xlab <-  xlab
  if(is.null(dots[["ylab"]])) dots$ylab <-  ylab
  if(is.null(dots[["xlim"]])) dots$xlim <-  xlim
  if(is.null(dots[["ylim"]])) dots$ylim <-  ylim

  if(plot_type == "base"){

    .plot.prior_empty("PETPEESE", dots)
    .lines.prior.PETPEESE(plot_data, ...)

    plot <- NULL

  }else if(plot_type == "ggplot"){

    plot <- .ggplot.prior_empty("PETPEESE", dots)
    plot <- plot + .geom_prior.PETPEESE(plot_data, ...)


  # return the plots
  if(plot_type == "base"){
  }else if(plot_type == "ggplot"){
.plot.prior.orthonormal_or_meandif <- function(x, plot_type, plot_data, par_name = NULL, ...){

  # get default plot settings
  dots      <- list(...)

  xlim      <- attr(plot_data, "x_range")
  ylim      <- attr(plot_data, "y_range")

  short_name      <- if(is.null(dots[["short_name"]]))      FALSE else dots[["short_name"]]
  parameter_names <- if(is.null(dots[["parameter_names"]])) FALSE else dots[["parameter_names"]]

  main      <- if(!is.null(attr(plot_data, "steps"))) print(x, plot = TRUE, short_name = short_name, parameter_names = parameter_names) else ""
  xlab      <- if(!is.null(attr(plot_data, "steps"))) bquote(omega["["*.(attr(plot_data, "steps")[1])*","~.(attr(plot_data, "steps")[2])*"]"])  else bquote("dif"*.(if(!is.null(par_name)){" "*bquote(.(par_name)~"~")})~.(print(x, plot = TRUE, short_name = short_name, parameter_names = parameter_names)))
  ylab      <- "Density"

  # add it to the user input if desired
  if(is.null(dots[["main"]])) dots$main <-  main
  if(is.null(dots[["xlab"]])) dots$xlab <-  xlab
  if(is.null(dots[["ylab"]])) dots$ylab <-  ylab
  if(is.null(dots[["xlim"]])) dots$xlim <-  xlim
  if(is.null(dots[["ylim"]])) dots$ylim <-  ylim

  if(plot_type == "base"){

    .plot.prior_empty("simple", dots)
    .lines.prior.orthonormal_or_meandif(plot_data, ...)
    plot <- NULL

  }else if(plot_type == "ggplot"){

    plot <- .ggplot.prior_empty("simple", dots)
    plot <- plot + .geom_prior.orthonormal_or_meandif(plot_data, ...)


  # return the plots
  if(plot_type == "base"){
  }else if(plot_type == "ggplot"){
.plot.prior.spike_and_slab <- function(x, plot_type, plot_data, par_name = NULL, ...){

  # get default plot settings
  dots      <- list(...)

  xlim      <- attr(plot_data, "x_range")
  ylim      <- attr(plot_data, "y_range")

  short_name      <- if(is.null(dots[["short_name"]]))      FALSE else dots[["short_name"]]
  parameter_names <- if(is.null(dots[["parameter_names"]])) FALSE else dots[["parameter_names"]]

  main      <- if(!is.null(attr(plot_data, "steps"))) print(x, plot = TRUE, short_name = short_name, parameter_names = parameter_names) else ""
  xlab      <- if(!is.null(attr(plot_data, "steps"))) bquote(omega["["*.(attr(plot_data, "steps")[1])*","~.(attr(plot_data, "steps")[2])*"]"])  else bquote(.(if(!is.null(par_name)){bquote(.(par_name)~"~")})~.(print(x, plot = TRUE, short_name = short_name, parameter_names = parameter_names)))
  ylab      <- "Density"

  # add it to the user input if desired
  if(is.null(dots[["main"]])) dots$main <-  main
  if(is.null(dots[["xlab"]])) dots$xlab <-  xlab
  if(is.null(dots[["ylab"]])) dots$ylab <-  ylab
  if(is.null(dots[["xlim"]])) dots$xlim <-  xlim
  if(is.null(dots[["ylim"]])) dots$ylim <-  ylim

  args_prior           <- dots
  args_prior$plot_data <- plot_data
  args_prior$plot_type <- plot_type

  plot <- do.call(.plot_prior_list.both, args_prior)

  # return the plots
  if(plot_type == "base"){
  }else if(plot_type == "ggplot"){

.plot.prior_empty    <- function(type, dots = list(), ...){

  dots      <- c(dots, list(...))

  main      <- if(!is.null(dots[["main"]]))     dots[["main"]]     else ""
  xlab      <- if(!is.null(dots[["xlab"]]))     dots[["xlab"]]     else ""
  ylab      <- if(!is.null(dots[["ylab"]]))     dots[["ylab"]]     else ""
  xlim      <- if(!is.null(dots[["xlim"]]))     dots[["xlim"]]     else c(0, 1)
  ylim      <- if(!is.null(dots[["ylim"]]))     dots[["ylim"]]     else c(0, 1)
  col.main  <- if(!is.null(dots[["col.main"]])) dots[["col.main"]] else .plot.prior_settings()[["col.main"]]
  cex.axis  <- if(!is.null(dots[["cex.axis"]])) dots[["cex.axis"]] else .plot.prior_settings()[["cex.axis"]]
  cex.lab   <- if(!is.null(dots[["cex.lab"]]))  dots[["cex.lab"]]  else .plot.prior_settings()[["cex.lab"]]
  cex.main  <- if(!is.null(dots[["cex.main"]])) dots[["cex.main"]] else .plot.prior_settings()[["cex.main"]]
  col.axis  <- if(!is.null(dots[["col.axis"]])) dots[["col.axis"]] else .plot.prior_settings()[["col.axis"]]
  col.lab   <- if(!is.null(dots[["col.lab"]]))  dots[["col.lab"]]  else .plot.prior_settings()[["col.lab"]]
  x_at      <- if(!is.null(dots[["x_at"]]))     dots[["x_at"]]     else NULL
  x_labels  <- if(!is.null(dots[["x_labels"]])) dots[["x_labels"]] else NULL

  if(type == "point"){

    graphics::plot(NA, type = "n", bty  = "n", las = 1, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main,
                   xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, axes = FALSE,
                   cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main,
                   col.axis = col.axis, col.lab = col.lab, col.main = col.main)
    graphics::axis(1, col = col.axis, cex = cex.axis)
    graphics::axis(2, at = ylim, labels = ylim, col = col.axis, cex = cex.axis, las = 1)

  }else if(type == "simple"){

    graphics::plot(NA, type = "n", bty  = "n", las = 1, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main,
                   xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
                   cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main,
                   col.axis = col.axis, col.lab = col.lab, col.main = col.main)

  }else if(type == "weightfunction"){

    graphics::plot(NA, type = "n", bty  = "n", las = 1, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main,
                   xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, axes = FALSE,
                   cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main,
                   col.axis = col.axis, col.lab = col.lab, col.main = col.main)
    graphics::axis(1, at = x_at, labels = x_labels, col = col.axis, cex = cex.axis)
    graphics::axis(2, at = pretty(ylim), col = col.axis, cex = cex.axis, las = 1)

  }else if(type == "PETPEESE"){

    graphics::plot(NA, type = "n", bty  = "n", las = 1, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main,
                   xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
                   cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main,
                   col.axis = col.axis, col.lab = col.lab, col.main = col.main)

  }else if(type == "both"){

    ylim2    <- if(!is.null(dots[["ylim2"]]))     dots[["ylim2"]]     else ylim
    ylab2    <- if(!is.null(dots[["ylab2"]]))     dots[["ylab2"]]     else ""
    scale_y2 <- if(!is.null(dots[["scale_y2"]]))  dots[["scale_y2"]]  else .plot.prior_settings()[["scale_y2"]]
    scale_y2 <- scale_y2 * max(pretty(ylim)) / max(pretty(ylim2))

    graphics::plot(NA, type = "n", bty  = "n", las = 1, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main,
                   xlim = xlim, ylim = range(c(pretty(ylim), pretty(ylim2) * scale_y2)), axes = FALSE,
                   cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.main = cex.main,
                   col.axis = col.axis, col.lab = col.lab, col.main = col.main)
    graphics::axis(1, at = x_at, labels = x_labels, col = col.axis, cex = cex.axis)
    graphics::axis(2, at = pretty(ylim),             labels = pretty(ylim),  col = col.axis, cex = cex.axis, las = 1)
    graphics::axis(4, at = pretty(ylim2) * scale_y2, labels = pretty(ylim2), col = col.axis, cex = cex.axis, las = 1)
    graphics::mtext(ylab2, side = 4, line = 3)

    return(invisible(list(scale_y2 = scale_y2)))

.ggplot.prior_empty  <- function(type, dots = list(), ...){

  dots      <- c(dots, list(...))

  main      <- if(!is.null(dots[["main"]]))     dots[["main"]]     else ""
  xlab      <- if(!is.null(dots[["xlab"]]))     dots[["xlab"]]     else ""
  ylab      <- if(!is.null(dots[["ylab"]]))     dots[["ylab"]]     else ""
  xlim      <- if(!is.null(dots[["xlim"]]))     dots[["xlim"]]     else c(0, 1)
  ylim      <- if(!is.null(dots[["ylim"]]))     dots[["ylim"]]     else c(0, 1)
  col.main  <- if(!is.null(dots[["col.main"]])) dots[["col.main"]] else .plot.prior_settings()[["col.main"]]
  cex.axis  <- if(!is.null(dots[["cex.axis"]])) dots[["cex.axis"]] else .plot.prior_settings()[["cex.axis"]]
  cex.lab   <- if(!is.null(dots[["cex.lab"]]))  dots[["cex.lab"]]  else .plot.prior_settings()[["cex.lab"]]
  cex.main  <- if(!is.null(dots[["cex.main"]])) dots[["cex.main"]] else .plot.prior_settings()[["cex.main"]]
  col.axis  <- if(!is.null(dots[["col.axis"]])) dots[["col.axis"]] else .plot.prior_settings()[["col.axis"]]
  col.lab   <- if(!is.null(dots[["col.lab"]]))  dots[["col.lab"]]  else .plot.prior_settings()[["col.lab"]]
  x_at      <- if(!is.null(dots[["x_at"]]))     dots[["x_at"]]     else NULL
  x_labels  <- if(!is.null(dots[["x_labels"]])) dots[["x_labels"]] else NULL

  if(type == "point"){

    plot <- ggplot2::ggplot()
    plot <- plot + ggplot2::ggtitle(main)
    plot <- plot + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(name = xlab, breaks = pretty(xlim), limits = range(pretty(xlim)), oob = scales::oob_keep)
    plot <- plot + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(name = ylab, breaks = pretty(ylim), limits = range(pretty(ylim)), oob = scales::oob_keep)

    attr(plot, "sec_axis") <- FALSE

  }else if(type == "simple"){

    plot <- ggplot2::ggplot()
    plot <- plot + ggplot2::ggtitle(main)
    plot <- plot + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(name = xlab, breaks = pretty(xlim), limits = range(pretty(xlim)), oob = scales::oob_keep)
    plot <- plot + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(name = ylab, breaks = pretty(ylim), limits = range(pretty(ylim)), oob = scales::oob_keep)

    attr(plot, "sec_axis") <- FALSE

  }else if(type == "weightfunction"){

    plot <- ggplot2::ggplot()
    plot <- plot + ggplot2::ggtitle(main)
    plot <- plot + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(name = xlab, breaks = x_at, labels = x_labels, limits = xlim, oob = scales::oob_keep)
    plot <- plot + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(name = ylab, breaks = pretty(ylim), limits = ylim,            oob = scales::oob_keep)

    attr(plot, "sec_axis") <- FALSE

  }else if(type == "PETPEESE"){

    plot <- ggplot2::ggplot()
    plot <- plot + ggplot2::ggtitle(main)
    plot <- plot + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(name = xlab, breaks = pretty(xlim), limits = range(pretty(xlim)), oob = scales::oob_keep)
    plot <- plot + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(name = ylab, breaks = pretty(ylim), limits = range(pretty(ylim)), oob = scales::oob_keep)

    attr(plot, "sec_axis") <- FALSE

  }else if(type == "both"){

    ylim2    <- if(!is.null(dots[["ylim2"]]))     dots[["ylim2"]]     else ylim
    ylab2    <- if(!is.null(dots[["ylab2"]]))     dots[["ylab2"]]     else ""
    scale_y2 <- if(!is.null(dots[["scale_y2"]]))  dots[["scale_y2"]]  else .plot.prior_settings()[["scale_y2"]]
    scale_y2 <- scale_y2 * max(pretty(ylim)) / max(pretty(ylim2))

    plot <- ggplot2::ggplot()
    plot <- plot + ggplot2::ggtitle(main)
    plot <- plot + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(name = xlab, breaks = pretty(xlim), limits = range(pretty(xlim)), oob = scales::oob_keep)
    plot <- plot + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(name = ylab, breaks = pretty(ylim), limits = range(c(pretty(ylim), pretty(ylim2) * scale_y2)), oob = scales::oob_keep, sec.axis = ggplot2::sec_axis(~ ., name = ylab2, breaks = pretty(ylim2) * scale_y2, labels = pretty(ylim2)))

    attr(plot, "scale_y2") <- scale_y2
    attr(plot, "sec_axis") <- TRUE


  plot <- plot + ggplot2::theme(
    axis.text  = ggplot2::element_text(size = 10 * cex.axis, color = col.axis),
    axis.title = ggplot2::element_text(size = 10 * cex.lab,  color = col.lab),
    title      = ggplot2::element_text(size = 10 * cex.main, color = col.main))


.plot.prior_settings <- function(){
  cex       = 1,
  cex.axis  = 1,
  cex.lab   = 1,
  cex.main  = 1,
  col       = "black",
  col.axis  = "black",
  col.lab   = "black",
  col.main  = "black",
  col.fill  = "grey80",
  lwd       = 1,
  lty       = 1,
  scale_y2  = 1.10,
  width     = 0.20
.get_scale_y2        <- function(plot_data, ...){

  dots      <- list(...)

  if(any(sapply(plot_data, inherits, what = "density.prior.simple")) & any(sapply(plot_data, inherits, what = "density.prior.point"))){

    ylim  <- range(as.vector(sapply(plot_data[sapply(plot_data, inherits, what = "density.prior.simple")], attr, which = "y_range")))
    ylim2 <- range(as.vector(sapply(plot_data[sapply(plot_data, inherits, what = "density.prior.point")],  attr, which = "y_range")))

    scale_y2 <- if(!is.null(dots[["scale_y2"]]))  dots[["scale_y2"]]  else .plot.prior_settings()[["scale_y2"]]
    scale_y2 <- scale_y2 * max(pretty(ylim)) / max(pretty(ylim2))


    scale_y2 <- 1


.transfer_dots       <- function(dots, ...){

  dots_main <- list(...)

  dots$main      <- if(!is.null(dots_main[["main"]]))     dots_main[["main"]]
  dots$xlab      <- if(!is.null(dots_main[["xlab"]]))     dots_main[["xlab"]]
  dots$ylab      <- if(!is.null(dots_main[["ylab"]]))     dots_main[["ylab"]]
  dots$xlim      <- if(!is.null(dots_main[["xlim"]]))     dots_main[["xlim"]]
  dots$ylim      <- if(!is.null(dots_main[["ylim"]]))     dots_main[["ylim"]]
  dots$col.main  <- if(!is.null(dots_main[["col.main"]])) dots_main[["col.main"]]
  dots$cex.axis  <- if(!is.null(dots_main[["cex.axis"]])) dots_main[["cex.axis"]]
  dots$cex.lab   <- if(!is.null(dots_main[["cex.lab"]]))  dots_main[["cex.lab"]]
  dots$cex.main  <- if(!is.null(dots_main[["cex.main"]])) dots_main[["cex.main"]]
  dots$col.axis  <- if(!is.null(dots_main[["col.axis"]])) dots_main[["col.axis"]]
  dots$col.lab   <- if(!is.null(dots_main[["col.lab"]]))  dots_main[["col.lab"]]
  dots$x_at      <- if(!is.null(dots_main[["x_at"]]))     dots_main[["x_at"]]
  dots$x_labels  <- if(!is.null(dots_main[["x_labels"]])) dots_main[["x_labels"]]


#' @title Add prior object to a plot
#' @param x a prior
#' @param xlim plotting range of the prior
#' @param rescale_x allows to rescale x-axis in case a
#' weightfunction is plotted.
#' @param show_parameter which parameter should be returned in case of
#' multiple parameters per prior. Useful when priors for the omega
#' parameter are plotted and \code{individual = TRUE}.
#' @param scale_y2 scaling factor for a secondary axis
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @inheritParams density.prior
#' @return \code{lines.prior} returns \code{NULL}.
#' @seealso [plot.prior()] [geom_prior()]
#' @rdname lines.prior
#' @export
lines.prior <- function(x, xlim = NULL, x_seq = NULL, x_range_quant = NULL, n_points = 1000,
                        n_samples = 10000, force_samples = FALSE,
                        transformation = NULL, transformation_arguments = NULL, transformation_settings = FALSE,
                        show_parameter = if(individual) 1 else NULL, individual = FALSE, rescale_x = FALSE, scale_y2 = 1, ...){

  # check input (most arguments are checked within density)
  check_bool(individual, "individual")
  check_bool(rescale_x, "rescale_x")
  check_int(show_parameter, "show_parameter", allow_NULL = TRUE)
  check_real(scale_y2, "scale_y2", lower = 0)

  # get the plotting data
  if(is.null(xlim) & is.null(x_seq)){
    if((is.prior.PET(x) | is.prior.PEESE(x) | is.prior.weightfunction(x)) & !individual){
      xlim   <- c(0, 1)
    }else if(is.prior.spike_and_slab(x)){
      xlim   <- range(c(0,range(x[["variable"]], quantiles = x_range_quant)))
      xlim   <- range(pretty(xlim))
      xlim   <- range(x, quantiles = x_range_quant)
      xlim   <- range(pretty(xlim))
  plot_data <- density(x = x, x_seq = x_seq, x_range = xlim, x_range_quant = x_range_quant,
                       n_points = n_points, n_samples = n_samples, force_samples = force_samples,
                       transformation = transformation, transformation_arguments = transformation_arguments,
                       transformation_settings = transformation_settings, individual = individual)

  # plot a weightfunction
  if(is.prior.weightfunction(x) & !individual){
    .lines.prior.weightfunction(plot_data = plot_data, rescale_x = rescale_x, ...)
  }else if(is.prior.weightfunction(x) & individual){
    if(inherits(plot_data[[show_parameter]], "density.prior.simple")){
      .lines.prior.simple(plot_data, ...)
    }else if(inherits(plot_data[[show_parameter]], "density.prior.point")){
      .lines.prior.point(plot_data, scale_y2 = scale_y2, ...)

  # plot PET-PEESE
  if((is.prior.PET(x) | is.prior.PEESE(x))){
      .lines.prior.PETPEESE(plot_data, ...)
    }else if(inherits(plot_data, "density.prior.simple")){
      .lines.prior.simple(plot_data, ...)
    }else if(inherits(plot_data, "density.prior.point")){
      .lines.prior.point(plot_data, scale_y2 = scale_y2, ...)

  # point prior plots
    .lines.prior.point(plot_data, scale_y2 = scale_y2, ...)

  # plot orthonormal and meandif plots
  if(is.prior.orthonormal(x) | is.prior.meandif(x)){
    .lines.prior.orthonormal_or_meandif(plot_data, ...)

  # plot discrete prior
    .lines.prior.discrete(plot_data, ...)

  # plot spike and slab prior
    .lines.prior.spike_and_slab(plot_data, ...)

  # default prior plots
    .lines.prior.simple(plot_data, ...)


#' @title Add prior object to a ggplot
#' @inheritParams lines.prior
#' @inheritParams density.prior
#' @return \code{geom_prior_list} returns an object of class 'ggplot'.
#' @seealso [plot.prior()] [lines.prior()]
#' @rdname geom_prior
#' @export
geom_prior  <- function(x, xlim = NULL, x_seq = NULL, x_range_quant = NULL, n_points = 1000,
                        n_samples = 10000, force_samples = FALSE,
                        transformation = NULL, transformation_arguments = NULL, transformation_settings = FALSE,
                        show_parameter = if(individual) 1 else NULL, individual = FALSE, rescale_x = FALSE, scale_y2 = 1, ...){

  # check input (most arguments are checked within density)
  check_bool(individual, "individual")
  check_bool(rescale_x, "rescale_x")
  check_int(show_parameter, "show_parameter", allow_NULL = TRUE)
  check_real(scale_y2, "scale_y2", lower = 0)

  # get the plotting data
  if(is.null(xlim) & is.null(x_seq)){
    if((is.prior.PET(x) | is.prior.PEESE(x) | is.prior.weightfunction(x)) & !individual){
      xlim   <- c(0, 1)
      xlim   <- range(x, quantiles = x_range_quant)
      xlim   <- range(pretty(xlim))
  plot_data <- density(x = x, x_seq = x_seq, x_range = xlim, x_range_quant = x_range_quant,
                       n_points = n_points, n_samples = n_samples, force_samples = force_samples,
                       transformation = transformation, transformation_arguments = transformation_arguments,
                       transformation_settings = transformation_settings, individual = individual)

  # plot a weightfunction
      geom <- .geom_prior.weightfunction(plot_data = plot_data, rescale_x = rescale_x, ...)
    }else if(inherits(plot_data[[show_parameter]], "density.prior.simple")){
      geom <- .geom_prior.simple(plot_data, ...)
    }else if(inherits(plot_data[[show_parameter]], "density.prior.point")){
      geom <- .geom_prior.point(plot_data, ...)

  # plot PET-PEESE
  if((is.prior.PET(x) | is.prior.PEESE(x))){
      geom <- .geom_prior.PETPEESE(plot_data, ...)
    }else if(inherits(plot_data, "density.prior.simple")){
      .geom_prior.simple(plot_data, ...)
    }else if(inherits(plot_data, "density.prior.point")){
      geom <- .geom_prior.point(plot_data, ...)

  # plot point prior
    geom <- .geom_prior.point(plot_data, ...)

  # plot orthonormal and meandif prior
  if(is.prior.orthonormal(x) | is.prior.meandif(x)){
    geom <- .geom_prior.orthonormal_or_meandif(plot_data, ...)

  # plot discrete prior
    geom <- .geom_prior.discrete(plot_data, ...)

  # plot spike and slab prior
    geom <- .geom_prior.spike_and_slab(plot_data, ...)

  # default prior plots
    geom <- .geom_prior.simple(plot_data, ...)


# base plot prior plot elements
.lines.prior.simple          <- function(plot_data, ...){

  dots      <- list(...)
  col       <- if(!is.null(dots[["col"]]))      dots[["col"]]      else .plot.prior_settings()[["col"]]
  lwd       <- if(!is.null(dots[["lwd"]]))      dots[["lwd"]]      else .plot.prior_settings()[["lwd"]]
  lty       <- if(!is.null(dots[["lty"]]))      dots[["lty"]]      else .plot.prior_settings()[["lty"]]

  graphics::lines(x = plot_data$x, y = plot_data$y, type = "l", lwd = lwd, lty = lty, col = col)

.lines.prior.discrete        <- function(plot_data, ...){

  dots      <- list(...)
  col       <- if(!is.null(dots[["col"]]))   dots[["col"]]   else .plot.prior_settings()[["col"]]
  width     <- if(!is.null(dots[["width"]])) dots[["width"]] else .plot.prior_settings()[["width"]]
  lwd       <- if(!is.null(dots[["lwd"]]))   dots[["lwd"]]   else .plot.prior_settings()[["lwd"]]
  lty       <- if(!is.null(dots[["lty"]]))   dots[["lty"]]   else .plot.prior_settings()[["lty"]]

    xleft   = plot_data$x - width/2,
    ybottom = 0,
    xright  = plot_data$x + width/2,
    ytop    = plot_data$y,
    lwd = lwd, lty = lty, col = col)

.lines.prior.point           <- function(plot_data, scale_y2 = 1, ...){

  dots      <- list(...)
  col       <- if(!is.null(dots[["col"]]))      dots[["col"]]      else .plot.prior_settings()[["col"]]
  lwd       <- if(!is.null(dots[["lwd"]]))      dots[["lwd"]]      else .plot.prior_settings()[["lwd"]]
  lty       <- if(!is.null(dots[["lty"]]))      dots[["lty"]]      else .plot.prior_settings()[["lty"]]

  if(!all(plot_data$y == 0)){
      x0 = plot_data$x[plot_data$y != 0],
      y0 = 0,
      y1 = plot_data$y[plot_data$y != 0] * scale_y2,
      lwd = 2*lwd, lty = lty, col = col)

.lines.prior.weightfunction  <- function(plot_data, rescale_x, ...){

  dots      <- list(...)
  col       <- if(!is.null(dots[["col"]]))      dots[["col"]]      else .plot.prior_settings()[["col"]]
  col.fill  <- if(!is.null(dots[["col.fill"]])) dots[["col.fill"]] else .plot.prior_settings()[["col.fill"]]
  lwd       <- if(!is.null(dots[["lwd"]]))      dots[["lwd"]]      else .plot.prior_settings()[["lwd"]]
  lty       <- if(!is.null(dots[["lty"]]))      dots[["lty"]]      else .plot.prior_settings()[["lty"]]

  # weightfunction specific stuff
  x_cuts <- plot_data$x
  x_mean <- plot_data$y
  x_lCI  <- plot_data$y_lCI
  x_uCI  <- plot_data$y_uCI

    x_at <- seq(0, 1, length.out = length(unique(plot_data$x)))
    x_at <- x_at[c(1, sort(rep(2:(length(x_at)-1), 2)), length(x_at))]
    x_at <- x_cuts

    x   = c(x_at,  rev(x_at)),
    y   = c(x_lCI, rev(x_uCI)),
    col = col.fill, border = NA
  graphics::lines(x_at, x_mean, lwd = lwd, lty = lty, col = col)

.lines.prior.PETPEESE        <- function(plot_data, ...){

  dots      <- list(...)
  col       <- if(!is.null(dots[["col"]]))      dots[["col"]]      else .plot.prior_settings()[["col"]]
  col.fill  <- if(!is.null(dots[["col.fill"]])) dots[["col.fill"]] else .plot.prior_settings()[["col.fill"]]
  lwd       <- if(!is.null(dots[["lwd"]]))      dots[["lwd"]]      else .plot.prior_settings()[["lwd"]]
  lty       <- if(!is.null(dots[["lty"]]))      dots[["lty"]]      else .plot.prior_settings()[["lty"]]

    x   = c(plot_data$x,     rev(plot_data$x)),
    y   = c(plot_data$y_lCI, rev(plot_data$y_uCI)),
    col = col.fill, border = NA
  graphics::lines(plot_data$x, plot_data$y, lwd = lwd, lty = lty, col = col)

.lines.prior.orthonormal_or_meandif <- function(plot_data, ...){

  dots      <- list(...)
  col       <- if(!is.null(dots[["col"]]))      dots[["col"]]      else .plot.prior_settings()[["col"]]
  lwd       <- if(!is.null(dots[["lwd"]]))      dots[["lwd"]]      else .plot.prior_settings()[["lwd"]]
  lty       <- if(!is.null(dots[["lty"]]))      dots[["lty"]]      else .plot.prior_settings()[["lty"]]

  graphics::lines(x = plot_data$x, y = plot_data$y, type = "l", lwd = lwd, lty = lty, col = col)

.lines.prior.factor          <- function(plot_data, ...){

  dots <- list(...)
  col  <- if(!is.null(dots[["col"]][dots[["level"]]])) dots[["col"]][dots[["level"]]] else .plot.prior_settings()[["col"]]
  lty  <- if(!is.null(dots[["lty"]][dots[["level"]]])) dots[["lty"]][dots[["level"]]] else .plot.prior_settings()[["lty"]]
  lwd  <- if(!is.null(dots[["lwd"]]))                  dots[["lwd"]]                  else .plot.prior_settings()[["lwd"]]

  graphics::lines(x = plot_data$x, y = plot_data$y, type = "l", lwd = lwd, lty = lty, col = col)

.lines.prior.spike_and_slab  <- function(plot_data, ...){

  .lines.prior.simple(plot_data[["variable"]], ...)
  .lines.prior.point(plot_data[["inclusion"]], ...)


# ggplot prior plot elements
.geom_prior.simple           <- function(plot_data, ...){

  dots      <- list(...)
  col       <- if(!is.null(dots[["col"]]))      dots[["col"]]      else .plot.prior_settings()[["col"]]
  lwd       <- if(!is.null(dots[["size"]]))     dots[["size"]]     else  if(!is.null(dots[["lwd"]])) dots[["lwd"]] else .plot.prior_settings()[["lwd"]]
  lty       <- if(!is.null(dots[["linetype"]])) dots[["linetype"]] else  if(!is.null(dots[["lty"]])) dots[["lty"]] else .plot.prior_settings()[["lty"]]

  geom <- ggplot2::geom_line(
    data    = data.frame(
      x = plot_data$x,
      y = plot_data$y),
    mapping = ggplot2::aes(
      x = .data[["x"]],
      y = .data[["y"]]),
    linewidth = lwd, linetype = lty, color = col)

.geom_prior.discrete         <- function(plot_data, ...){

  dots      <- list(...)
  col       <- if(!is.null(dots[["col"]]))   dots[["col"]]   else .plot.prior_settings()[["col"]]
  width     <- if(!is.null(dots[["width"]])) dots[["width"]] else .plot.prior_settings()[["width"]]
  lwd       <- if(!is.null(dots[["lwd"]]))   dots[["lwd"]]   else .plot.prior_settings()[["lwd"]]
  lty       <- if(!is.null(dots[["lty"]]))   dots[["lty"]]   else .plot.prior_settings()[["lty"]]

  geom <-   geom <- ggplot2::geom_bar(
    data    = data.frame(
      x = plot_data$x,
      y = plot_data$y),
    mapping = ggplot2::aes(
      x      = .data[["x"]],
      weight = .data[["y"]]),
    linewidth = lwd, linetype = lty, color = col, fill = col, width = width)

.geom_prior.point            <- function(plot_data, scale_y2 = 1, ...){

  dots      <- list(...)
  col       <- if(!is.null(dots[["col"]]))      dots[["col"]]      else .plot.prior_settings()[["col"]]
  lwd       <- if(!is.null(dots[["size"]]))     dots[["size"]]     else  if(!is.null(dots[["lwd"]])) dots[["lwd"]] else .plot.prior_settings()[["lwd"]]
  lty       <- if(!is.null(dots[["linetype"]])) dots[["linetype"]] else  if(!is.null(dots[["lty"]])) dots[["lty"]] else .plot.prior_settings()[["lty"]]

  if(!all(plot_data$y == 0)){
    geom <- ggplot2::geom_segment(
      data    = data.frame(
        x    = unique(plot_data$x[plot_data$y != 0]),
        xend = unique(plot_data$x[plot_data$y != 0]),
        y    = 0,
        yend = plot_data$y[plot_data$y != 0] * scale_y2),
      mapping = ggplot2::aes(
        x    = .data[["x"]],
        xend = .data[["xend"]],
        y    = .data[["y"]],
        yend = .data[["yend"]]),
      arrow     = ggplot2::arrow(length = ggplot2::unit(0.5, "cm")),
      linewidth = 2*lwd, linetype = lty, color = col)
    geom <- NULL

.geom_prior.weightfunction   <- function(plot_data, rescale_x, ...){

  dots      <- list(...)
  col       <- if(!is.null(dots[["col"]]))      dots[["col"]]      else .plot.prior_settings()[["col"]]
  col.fill  <- if(!is.null(dots[["col.fill"]])) dots[["col.fill"]] else .plot.prior_settings()[["col.fill"]]
  lwd       <- if(!is.null(dots[["size"]]))     dots[["size"]]     else  if(!is.null(dots[["lwd"]])) dots[["lwd"]] else .plot.prior_settings()[["lwd"]]
  lty       <- if(!is.null(dots[["linetype"]])) dots[["linetype"]] else  if(!is.null(dots[["lty"]])) dots[["lty"]] else .plot.prior_settings()[["lty"]]

  # weightfunction specific stuff
  x_cuts <- plot_data$x
  x_mean <- plot_data$y
  x_lCI  <- plot_data$y_lCI
  x_uCI  <- plot_data$y_uCI

    x_at <- seq(0, 1, length.out = length(unique(plot_data$x)))
    x_at <- x_at[c(1, sort(rep(2:(length(x_at)-1), 2)), length(x_at))]
    x_at <- x_cuts

  geom <- list(
      data    = data.frame(
        x = c(x_at,  rev(x_at)),
        y = c(x_lCI, rev(x_uCI))),
      mapping = ggplot2::aes(
        x = .data[["x"]],
        y = .data[["y"]]),
      fill    = col.fill
      data    = data.frame(
        x = x_at,
        y = x_mean),
      mapping = ggplot2::aes(
        x = .data[["x"]],
        y = .data[["y"]]),
      linewidth = lwd, linetype = lty, color = col)

.geom_prior.PETPEESE         <- function(plot_data, ...){

  dots      <- list(...)
  col       <- if(!is.null(dots[["col"]]))      dots[["col"]]      else .plot.prior_settings()[["col"]]
  col.fill  <- if(!is.null(dots[["col.fill"]])) dots[["col.fill"]] else .plot.prior_settings()[["col.fill"]]
  lwd       <- if(!is.null(dots[["size"]]))     dots[["size"]]     else  if(!is.null(dots[["lwd"]])) dots[["lwd"]] else .plot.prior_settings()[["lwd"]]
  lty       <- if(!is.null(dots[["linetype"]])) dots[["linetype"]] else  if(!is.null(dots[["lty"]])) dots[["lty"]] else .plot.prior_settings()[["lty"]]

  geom <-  list(
      data    = data.frame(
        x = c(plot_data$x,  rev(plot_data$x)),
        y = c(plot_data$y_lCI, rev(plot_data$y_uCI))),
      mapping = ggplot2::aes(
        x = .data[["x"]],
        y = .data[["y"]]),
      fill    = col.fill
      data    = data.frame(
        x = plot_data$x,
        y = plot_data$y),
      mapping = ggplot2::aes(
        x = .data[["x"]],
        y = .data[["y"]]),
      linewidth = lwd, linetype = lty, color = col)

.geom_prior.orthonormal_or_meandif <- function(plot_data, ...){

  dots      <- list(...)
  col       <- if(!is.null(dots[["col"]]))      dots[["col"]]      else .plot.prior_settings()[["col"]]
  lwd       <- if(!is.null(dots[["size"]]))     dots[["size"]]     else  if(!is.null(dots[["lwd"]])) dots[["lwd"]] else .plot.prior_settings()[["lwd"]]
  lty       <- if(!is.null(dots[["linetype"]])) dots[["linetype"]] else  if(!is.null(dots[["lty"]])) dots[["lty"]] else .plot.prior_settings()[["lty"]]

  geom <- ggplot2::geom_line(
    data    = data.frame(
      x = plot_data$x,
      y = plot_data$y),
    mapping = ggplot2::aes(
      x = .data[["x"]],
      y = .data[["y"]]),
    linewidth = lwd, linetype = lty, color = col)

.geom_prior.factors          <- function(plot_data, ...){

  # this function notably differs from the .line_prior.factor counterpart
  # - it's so much more difficult to draw custom legend in ggplot2 ... :(

  dots <- list(...)
  col  <- if(!is.null(dots[["col"]]))      dots[["col"]]      else rep(.plot.prior_settings()[["col"]], length(dots[["level_names"]]))
  lty  <- if(!is.null(dots[["linetype"]])) dots[["linetype"]]
  else  if(!is.null(dots[["lty"]]))        dots[["lty"]]      else rep(.plot.prior_settings()[["lty"]], length(dots[["level_names"]]))
  lwd  <- if(!is.null(dots[["size"]]))     dots[["size"]]
  else  if(!is.null(dots[["lwd"]]))        dots[["lwd"]]      else .plot.prior_settings()[["lwd"]]

  names(col) <- dots[["level_names"]]
  names(lty) <- dots[["level_names"]]

  if(!is.null(dots[["hardcode"]]) && dots[["hardcode"]]){
    geom <- lapply(unique(plot_data$level), function(lvl){
        data    = plot_data[plot_data$level == lvl,],
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(
          x        = .data[["x"]],
          y        = .data[["y"]]),
        linewidth = 1, show.legend = dots[["legend"]], color = col[lvl], linetype = lty[lvl])
    geom <- list(
        data    = plot_data,
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(
          x        = .data[["x"]],
          y        = .data[["y"]],
          color    = .data[["level"]],
          linetype = .data[["level"]],
          group    = .data[["level"]]),
        linewidth = 1, show.legend = dots[["legend"]]),
      ggplot2::scale_linetype_manual(name = "level", values = lty),
      ggplot2::scale_color_manual(name = "level", values = col))

.geom_prior.spike_and_slab   <- function(plot_data, ...){

  geom <- list(
    .geom_prior.simple(plot_data[["variable"]], ...),
    .geom_prior.point(plot_data[["inclusion"]], ...)


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BayesTools documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:37 p.m.