
plot.MSLT.S <-
function (x,e0,order,colours,title,area,xmin,xmax,...)
 {# ======== Plot state occupancies  =============    
    if (!inherits(x, "MSLT.S"))
        stop("'x' must be a 'MSLT.S' object")
    if (length (dim(x))==2) S <- array(x,dim=c(nrow(x),ncol(x),1),dimnames=list(Age=dimnames(x)[[1]],State=dimnames(x)[[2]],Origin="1")) else S <- x
 	if (missing(e0)) stop("Life expectancy (e0) is missing.")
 	if (missing (title)) title <- ""
 	if (missing (area)) area <- TRUE
 	if (missing (order)) order <- NULL
 	if (missing(xmin)) xmin <- min(as.numeric(unlist(unname(dimnames(x)[1]))))
 	if (missing(xmax)) xmax <- max(as.numeric(unlist(unname(dimnames(x)[1]))))
    namstates <- unlist(unname(dimnames(x)[2]))
    numstates <- length (namstates)
    if (missing(colours)) colours <- rainbow(numstates)
    if (length(colours) < numstates) 
        { print ("Number of colours is less than number of states. The states are: ")
          print (namstates)  }
  # Graph the state probabilities
   numstates.case = numstates # to plot occup: numstates+1 (censoring)
   namrates <- "Age-cohort rates"
   namst <- c(namstates,"Total")
   for (i in 1:numstates)
     { namst[i] <- paste(namstates[i]," (e0=",round(e0[i,1],2),")",sep="")
   namst[numstates+1] <- paste ("Total"," (e0=",round(sum(e0[,1]),2),")",sep="")
   title_sub <- paste("Life table (",namrates,")",sep="")
 #require (reshape)
 SSS <- x[,,1]
 z <- reshape::melt.array(SSS)  # function of reshape package
 age <- as.numeric(rownames(x[,,1]))
 count <- NULL
 zz <- data.frame(age=rep(age,numstates.case),state=z[,2],state_probability=z[,3],cov=z[,1])

# Changing the Default Order of Legend Labels and Stacking of data
#zz$state <- factor(zz$state, levels = rev(levels(zz$state)))
if (!is.null(order)) zz$state <- factor(zz$state,levels=order,labels=namst[1:numstates][match(order,namstates)])
levels (zz$state)
#zz$state <- factor(zz$state,levels=order)

state <- NULL
state_probability <- NULL
h5 <- ggplot (data=zz,aes(x=age,y=state_probability,fill=state)) +xlim(xmin,xmax)
# ========  to get bar: replace geom_area by geom_bar (also below)  =======
#colours3 <- c("red","blue","lightgrey") #  numstates.case (censoring)
#colours6 <- c("red","blue","yellow","brown","green","lightgrey") #  numstates.case (censoring)
#if (numstates==2) colours <- colours3 else colours<- colours6
colours.fill <- c("red",colours[2:numstates.case])
colours.outline <- rep("green",numstates)
if (area==TRUE)
p2 <- h5+geom_area(aes(fill=state))  else
#+ scale_colour_manual(values=colours.outline)+scale_fill_manual(values=colours.fill) else
p2 <- h5+geom_bar(aes(fill=state),binwidth=1,stat="identity")
# + scale_colour_manual(values=colours.outline)+scale_fill_manual(values=colours.fill)
# earlier: geom_area (,colour=state)

p3<- p2+ ggtitle(title)+theme(legend.position = "none") 
p4 <- p3+theme(plot.title=element_text(size=11))+theme(plot.background=element_rect(fill="lightskyblue1",colour=NA),
     #   +facet_grid(cov~.)

p5 <- p4 +theme(legend.position=c(0.80,0.78),legend.background = element_rect(colour = 1))
namst8 <- levels(zz$state)   #   namst[1:numstates]
# USE  scale_linetype_discrete(name = "Fancy Title")
 p6 <- p5 + scale_linetype(name="Life\nExpectancy",breaks=namst8,labels=namst8) +
    scale_colour_discrete (name="Life\nExpectancy",breaks=namst8,labels=namst8)
p7 <- p5 + scale_fill_manual(values=colours[1:length(namst8)],name="Life\nExpectancy",breaks=namst8,labels=namst8)
# 0 gets rid of border
#  StackGraph(x[,1:numstates,1],xlabel="Age",ylabel="State probability",xlegend="topright",
#  ylegend="topright",title,title_sub,namst)
#  abline(h=0.5,lty=2,colour="darkgrey")

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