Boom-package: Boom

Boom-packageR Documentation



The Boom package provides access to the C++ BOOM library for Bayesian computation.


Installation note for Linux users

If you are installing Boom using install.packages on a Linux machine (and thus compiling yourself) you will almost certainly want to set the Ncpus argument to a large number. Windows and Mac users can ignore this advice.

The main purpose of the Boom package is not to be used directly, but to provide the BOOM C++ library for other packages to link against. The Boom package provides additional utility code for C++ authors to use when writing R packages with C++ internals. These are described in .../inst/include/r_interface/boom_r_tools.hpp among the package's include files.

Boom provides a collection of R functions and objects to help users format data in the manner expected by the underlying C++ code. Standard distributions that are commonly used as Bayesian priors can be specified using BetaPrior, GammaPrior, etc.

Boom provides a set of utilities helpful when writing unit tests for Bayesian models. See CheckMcmcMatrix and CheckMcmcVector for MCMC output, and functions like check.probability.distribution for checking function inputs

Boom provides a collection of useful plots (using base R graphics) that have proven useful for summarizing MCMC output. See PlotDynamicDistribution, PlotManyTs, BoxplotTrue, and other code in the index with Plot in the title.

See Also

Please see the following pacakges

  • bsts

  • CausalImpact

Boom documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:08 a.m.