pairs.density: Pairs plot for posterior distributions.

pairs.densityR Documentation

Pairs plot for posterior distributions.


A pairs plot showing the posterior distribution of the given list of Monte Carlo draws. Plots above the diagonal show the posterior distribution on a scale just wide enough to fit the plots. The diagonal shows a marginal density plot, and the subdiagonal shows the distribution with all plots on a common scale.


             nlevels = 20,
             lty = NULL,
             color = NULL,
             subset = NULL,
             legend.location = "top",
             legend.cex = 1,
             label.cex = 1,



Either a matrix or a list of matrices. If a list is provided then each list element is plotted as a separate set of contours, and all matrices must have the same number of columns (though the number of rows can differ).


The number of contour levels to plot.


The line types to use for the different elements in draws.


The color to use for different elements in draws.


If draws is a list, then this can be a numerical vector. If draws has names, then subset can be a character vector naming which elements to include. If NULL then all elements of draws are plotted.


If labels is missing and the first element of draws has non-NULL colnames then these will be used to label the pairs plot. If a character vector of length ncol(draws[[1]]) then this character vector will be used in place of the colnames. If NULL then no labels will be used.


Either "top", or "right" specifying the location for the legend, or NULL, indicating that no legend is desired. if draws is a matrix or a singleton list then no legend is produced.


Scale factor to use for the legend labels.


Scale factor to use for the row and column labels.


Extra arguments (graphical parameters), passed to plot, PlotDensityContours, axis, and AddExternalLegend.


Steven L. Scott

See Also

pairs, CompareDensities, CompareManyDensities


## You can see the pairs plot for a single set of draws.
y <- matrix(rnorm(5000, mean = 1:5), ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE)

## You can also compare two or more sets of draws.
z <- matrix(rnorm(2500, mean = 2:6), ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE)
PairsDensity(list("first set" = y, "second set" = z))

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