diff.double.model: DiffDoubleModel

diff.double.modelR Documentation



A 'DiffDoubleModel' is tag given to a probability distribution that measures a real-valued scalar outcome, and whose log density is twice differentiable with respect to the random variable. The tag is a signal to underlying C++ code that the object being passed is one of a subset of understood distributions. Presently that subset includes the following distributions.

  • SdPrior

  • NormalPrior

  • BetaPrior

  • UniformPrior

  • GammaPrior

  • TruncatedGammaPrior

  • LognormalPrior

Clearly this list is non-exhaustive, and other distributions may be added in the future.


Steven L. Scott steve.the.bayesian@gmail.com

Boom documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:08 a.m.