boxplot.mcmc.matrix: Plot the distribution of a matrix

boxplot.mcmc.matrixR Documentation

Plot the distribution of a matrix


Plot the marginal distribution of each element in the Monte Carlo distribution of a matrix (e.g. a variance matrix or transition probability matrix). Rows and columns in the boxplots correspond to rows and columns in the matrix being plotted.


  BoxplotMcmcMatrix(X, ylim = range(X), col.names,
                    row.names, truth, colors = NULL,
                    las = 0, ...)



3 dimensional array. The first dimension is the Monte Carlo index (e.g. MCMC iteration). The second and third dimensions are the row and column of the matrix being plotted. E.g. X[i,j,k] is Monte Carlo draw i of matrix element j,k.


2-vector giving the lower and upper limits of the vertical axis.


(optional) character vector giving the names of matrix columns (third dimension of X).


(optional) character vector giving the names of matrix rows (second dimension of X).


(optional) scalar or matrix giving the values of reference lines to be plotted on each boxplot. If a scalar then the same value will be used for each boxplot. If a matrix then the rows and columns of the matrix correspond to the second and third dimension of X.


A vector of colors to use for the boxplots. Each row uses the same color scheme.


Controls the orientation of axis labels. See the las section in the help page for par.


Extra arguments passed to boxplot


Called for its side effect, which is to draw a set of side-by-side boxplots on the current graphics device.


Steven L. Scott

See Also

boxplot.true, boxplot


  X <- array(rnorm(1000 * 3 * 4), dim=c(1000, 3, 4))
  dimnames(X)[[2]] <- paste("row", 1:3)
  dimnames(X)[[3]] <- paste("col", 1:4)

  truth <- 0
  BoxplotMcmcMatrix(X, truth=truth)

  truth <- matrix(rnorm(12), ncol=4)
  BoxplotMcmcMatrix(X, truth=truth)

Boom documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:08 a.m.