plot.many.ts: Multiple time series plots

plot.many.tsR Documentation

Multiple time series plots


Plots many time series plots on the same graphical device. Each plot gets its own frame. Scales can be adjusted to see variation in each plot (each plot gets its own scale), or variation between plots (common scale).


PlotManyTs(x, type = "l", gap = 0, boxes = TRUE, truth = NULL,
           thin = 1, labs, same.scale = TRUE, ylim = NULL,
           refline = NULL, color = NULL, ...)



Matrix, data frame, list, or 3-dimensional array to be plotted.


type of line plots to produce. See plot.default for other options.


Number of lines of space to put between plots.


Logical indicating whether boxes should be drawn around each plot.


A vector or matrix of reference values to be added to each plot as a horizontal line. The dimension should match dim(x)[-1]


Frequency of observations to plot. E.g. thin=10 means plot every 10'th observation. Thinning can speed things up when plotting large amounts MCMC output.


Optional character vector giving the title (e.g. variable name) for each plot. If labs is missing then column names or dimnames will be used to label the plots. If labs is NULL then no labels will be used.


Logical indicating whether plots should be drawn with a common vertical axis, which is displayed on alternating rows of the plot. If FALSE then the vertical axis of each plot is scaled to the range of data in that plot, but no tick marks are displayed.


Scale of the vertical axis. If non-NULL then same.scale is set to TRUE and the supplied scale is used for all plots.


a vector or scalar value to use as a reference line. This is a supplement to the truth argument. It can be useful when comparing true values (used in a simulation), estimated values (e.g. point estimates of parameters) and MCMC output.


Vector of colors to use in the plots.


Extra arguments passed to plot and axis.


Steven L. Scott

See Also

plot.ts (for plotting a small number of time series) plot.macf


x <- matrix(rnorm(1000), ncol = 10)
PlotManyTs(x, same = FALSE)

Boom documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:08 a.m.