calcAmatrix: Calculate an additive relationship matrix

Description Usage Arguments Details Value

View source: R/calcAmatrix.R


pedigreeToAmatrix returns an additive relationship matrix from a pedigree specified in three columns. The first column has to be the row number and sire and dam columns refer directly to rows of the pedigree.


calcAmatrix(pedColumns, aMatIn = NULL)



A data.frame with four columns. The first column has to be the row number and sire and dam columns refer directly to rows of the pedigree. Parents of founders need to be set to 0 (ZERO). The row of a child has to be after (i.e. a higher row number) that of its parents. If an individual has one known and one unknown parent, set the unknown parent to 0. The fourth column indicates: If negative, the individual is a DH: the F1 is created, generates a gamete, which is then doubled. If positive, the number of generations an individual was self-pollinated after it's F1 ancestor was created (can be 0 if the individual is the F1).


A square matrix that contains the additive relationship matrix between individuals at the beginning of the pedigree. If given, the function saves time by starting calculations after those individuals This aMatIn functionality is NOT compatible with calculating A inverse


pedigreeToAmatrix has some functionality useful for plants. It can handle a pedigree of doubled haploid lines. Individuals can be self-pollinated for an arbitrary number of generations.


A matrix, aMat, the additive relationship matrix

BreedingSchemeLanguage documentation built on May 2, 2019, 10:17 a.m.