
Defines functions iid.BuyseTestAuc confint.BuyseTestAuc coef.BuyseTestAuc print.BuyseTestAuc auc

Documented in auc coef.BuyseTestAuc confint.BuyseTestAuc iid.BuyseTestAuc

### auc.R --- 
## Author: Brice Ozenne
## Created: dec  2 2019 (16:29) 
## Version: 
## Last-Updated: jun 19 2024 (12:22) 
##           By: Brice Ozenne
##     Update #: 471
### Commentary: 
### Change Log:
### Code:

## * auc (documentation)
#' @title Estimation of the Area Under the ROC Curve (EXPERIMENTAL)
#' @name auc
#' @description Estimation of the Area Under the ROC curve, possibly after cross validation,
#' to assess the discriminant ability of a biomarker regarding a disease status.
#' @param labels [integer/character vector] the disease status (should only take two different values).
#' @param predictions [numeric vector] A vector with the same length as \code{labels} containing the biomarker values.
#' @param fold [character/integer vector] If using cross validation, the index of the fold. 
#' Should have the same length as \code{labels}.
#' @param observation [integer vector] If using cross validation, the index of the corresponding observation in the original dataset.
#' Necessary to compute the standard error when using cross validation.
#' @param direction [character] \code{">"} lead to estimate P[Y>X],
#' \code{"<"} to estimate P[Y<X],
#' and \code{"auto"} to estimate max(P[Y>X],P[Y<X]).
#' @param add.halfNeutral [logical] should half of the neutral score be added to the favorable and unfavorable scores?
#' Useful to match the usual definition of the AUC in presence of ties.
#' @param pooling [character] method used to compute the global AUC from the fold-specific AUC: either an empirical average \code{"mean"}
#' or a weighted average with weights proportional to the number of pairs of observations in each fold \code{"pairs"}.
#' @param null [numeric, 0-1] the value against which the AUC should be compared when computing the p-value.
#' @param conf.level [numeric, 0-1] the confidence level of the confidence intervals.
#' @param transformation [logical] should a log-log transformation be used when computing the confidence intervals and the p-value.
#' @param order.Hprojection [1,2] the order of the H-projection used to linear the statistic when computing the standard error.
#' 2 is involves more calculations but is more accurate in small samples. Only active when the \code{fold} argument is \code{NULL}.
#' @details The iid decomposition of the AUC is based on a first order decomposition.
#' So its squared value will not exactly match the square of the standard error estimated with a second order H-projection.
#' @return An S3 object of class \code{BuyseTestAUC} that inherits from data.frame.
#' The last line of the object contains the global AUC value with its standard error.
#' @references Erin LeDell, Maya Petersen, and Mark van der Laan (2015). \bold{Computationally efficient confidence intervals for cross-validated area under the ROC curve estimates}. \emph{Electron J Stat.} 9(1):1583–1607. \cr
#' @keywords models

## * auc (example)
#' @rdname auc
#' @examples
#' library(data.table)
#' n <- 200
#' set.seed(10)
#' X <- rnorm(n)
#' dt <- data.table(Y = as.factor(rbinom(n, size = 1, prob = 1/(1+exp(1/2-X)))),
#'                  X = X,
#'                  fold = unlist(lapply(1:10,function(iL){rep(iL,n/10)})))
#' ## compute auc
#' auc(labels = dt$Y, predictions = dt$X, direction = ">")
#' ## compute auc after 10-fold cross-validation
#' auc(labels = dt$Y, prediction = dt$X, fold = dt$fold, observation = 1:NROW(dt))

## * auc (code)
#' @export
auc <- function(labels, predictions, fold = NULL, observation = NULL,
                direction = ">", add.halfNeutral = TRUE,
                null = 0.5, conf.level = 0.95, transformation = TRUE, order.Hprojection = 2, pooling = "mean"){

    ## ** Normalize user imput
        stop("Argument \'labels\' must have exactly two different values \n")
        warning("Missing values in argument \'predictions'. \n")
            stop("When not NULL, argument \'fold\' must have the same length as argument \'predictions\' \n")
            stop("When argument \'fold\' is not NULL, argument \'observation\' must have the same length as argument \'predictions\' \n")
        if(length(labels)!=length(predictions)){ ##  either the user provides the outcome for each observation
            n.obs <- length(labels)
            if(!is.null(observation) && any(observation %in% 1:n.obs == FALSE)){
                stop("When not NULL, argument \'observation\' must take integer values between 1 and ",n.obs,"\n", sep = "")
        }else{ ## or the user provides the outcome for each prediction (i.e. several times the same value as some predictions correspond to the same obs)
            n.obs <- length(unique(observation))
            observation <- as.numeric(as.factor(observation))

        if(any(tapply(observation,fold, function(iObs){any(duplicated(iObs))}))){
            stop("The same observation cannot appear twice in the same fold. \n")
        n.obs <- length(labels)    
            stop("Argument \'labels\' and \'predictions\' must have the same length \n")
            stop("Argument \'observation\' is only useful when argument \'fold\' is specified \n")
        observation <- 1:n.obs
    direction <- match.arg(direction, c(">","<","auto"), several.ok = TRUE)
    pooling <- match.arg(pooling, c("pairs","mean"), several.ok = TRUE)
        stop("Argument \'transformation\' must be TRUE or FALSE \n")
        df <- data.frame(Y = labels,
                         X = predictions,
                         observation = observation,
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        df <- data.frame(Y = labels[observation],
                         X = predictions,
                         observation = observation,
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    formula0 <- Y ~ cont(X)

        df$fold <- fold
        formula <- stats::update(formula0,.~.+fold)
        name.fold <- sort(unique(df$fold))
        n.fold <- length(name.fold)
        df$fold <- 1
        formula <- formula0
        name.fold <- NULL
        n.fold <- 0

    if(!identical(direction,"auto") && (length(direction) %in% c(1,max(n.fold,1)) == FALSE)){
        stop("Argument \'direction\' must have length 1 or the number of folds (here ",n.fold,"). \n")

        method.inference <- "none"
        method.inference <- "u statistic"
    ## ** Prepare 
    ## *** Make sure that all prediction are in the increasing means outcome direction
    direction.save <- direction
    if(direction == "auto"){
        e0.BT <- BuyseTest(formula, method.inference = "none", data = df, trace = 0, add.halfNeutral = add.halfNeutral)
            direction <- rep(">",max(n.fold,1))
            direction <- rep("<",max(n.fold,1))
            df$X <- -df$X
        Udirection <- as.character(NA)
    }else if(length(direction)==1){
            df$X <- -df$X
        direction <- rep(direction, max(n.fold,1))
        Udirection <- direction.save
        for(iFold in 1:n.fold){
                df[df$fold==name.fold[iFold],"X"] <- -df[df$fold==name.fold[iFold],"X"]
        Udirection <- as.character(NA)

        out <- data.frame(fold = "global",
                          direction = direction,
                          estimate = 0,
                          se = 0,
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        out <- data.frame(fold = c(name.fold,"global"),
                          direction = c(direction,Udirection),
                          estimate = 0,
                          se = 0,
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        attr(out,"iid") <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.obs, ncol = n.fold+1, dimnames = list(NULL,c(name.fold,"global")))
        out$se <- NA
    ## ** Global AUC
    order.save <- BuyseTest.options()$order.Hprojection
        BuyseTest.options(order.Hprojection = order.Hprojection)
        on.exit(BuyseTest.options(order.Hprojection = order.save))
    e.BT <- BuyseTest(formula, method.inference = method.inference, data = df, trace = 0, add.halfNeutral = add.halfNeutral)

    ## store
        out[out$fold=="global","estimate"] <- as.double(coef(e.BT, statistic = "favorable"))
            out[out$fold=="global","se"] <- as.double(confint(e.BT, statistic = "favorable")[,"se"])  ## may differ from iid when second order H-decomposition
            attr(out,"iid")[sort(unique(observation)),out$fold=="global"] <- getIid(e.BT, scale = TRUE, center = TRUE, statistic = "favorable") ## no need for cluster argument when fold=NULL
    }else if(pooling == "mean"){ ## Here: strata have the same weigth
        ## WARNING: cannot use the "global" results as if there is not the same number of pairs in all strata
        ##          it will weight differently the strata-specific AUCs
            attr(out,"iid")[] <- 0
    }else if(pooling  == "pairs"){ ## Here: strata are weigthed according to the number of pairs
        out[out$fold=="global","estimate"] <- as.double(coef(e.BT, statistic = "favorable"))
            out[out$fold=="global","se"] <- as.double(confint(e.BT, cluster = observation, statistic = "favorable")[,"se"])
            attr(out,"iid")[sort(unique(observation)),out$fold=="global"] <- getIid(e.BT, cluster = observation, scale = TRUE, center = TRUE, statistic = "favorable") 
            ## sqrt(as.double(crossprod(attr(out,"iid")[,out$fold=="global"])))
    ## ** Fold-specific AUC
            ePOINT.BT <- coef(e.BT, statistic = "favorable", strata = TRUE)[,1]

            normWithinStrata <- FALSE
            attr(normWithinStrata, "skipScaleCenter") <- TRUE

            out[match(name.fold,out$fold),"estimate"] <- as.double(ePOINT.BT)

                iIID.BT <- getIid(e.BT, scale = normWithinStrata, center = normWithinStrata, statistic = "favorable")[,1]
                out[match(name.fold,out$fold),"se"] <- sqrt(as.double(tapply(iIID.BT, fold, crossprod)))
                ## iE.BT <- BuyseTest(formula0, method.inference = "u statistic", data = df[df$fold==name.fold[2],,drop=FALSE], trace = 0, add.halfNeutral = add.halfNeutral)
                ## confint(iE.BT, statistic = "favorable")

                for(iFold in 1:n.fold){
                    attr(out,"iid")[observation[fold==name.fold[iFold]],iFold] <- iIID.BT[fold==name.fold[iFold]]
            for(iFold in 1:n.fold){ ## iFold <- 1
                iData <- df[df$fold==name.fold[iFold],,drop=FALSE]
                iE.BT <- BuyseTest(formula0, method.inference = method.inference, data = iData,
                                   trace = 0, add.halfNeutral = add.halfNeutral)
                iConfint <- confint(iE.BT, statistic = "favorable")
                out[match(name.fold[iFold],out$fold),"estimate"] <- as.double(iConfint$estimate)
                    out[match(name.fold[iFold],out$fold),"se"] <- as.double(iConfint$se)
                    attr(out,"iid")[iData$observation,iFold] <- getIid(iE.BT, scale = TRUE, center = TRUE, statistic = "favorable")

        if(pooling == "mean"){ ## same weight to each fold
            out[out$fold=="global","estimate"] <- mean(out[out$fold!="global","estimate"]) 

                attr(out,"iid")[,"global"] <- rowMeans(attr(out,"iid")[,1:n.fold,drop=FALSE])
                out[out$fold=="global","se"] <- sqrt(as.double(crossprod(attr(out,"iid")[,"global"]))) ## may not match sum(out[out$fold!="global","se"]^2)/n.fold^2 with non-independent folds
                ## also does not have 2nd order term


    ## ** P-value and confidence interval
        alpha <- 1-conf.level
        qinf <- stats::qnorm(alpha/2)
        qsup <- stats::qnorm(1-alpha/2)

        ## riskRegression:::transformCIBP(estimate = cbind(out$estimate), se = cbind(out$se), null = 1/2, conf.level =  0.95, type = "none",
        ## ci = TRUE, band = FALSE, p.value = TRUE,
        ## min.value = 0, max.value = 1)
        ## riskRegression:::transformCIBP(estimate = cbind(out$estimate), se = cbind(out$se), null = 1/2, conf.level =  0.95, type = "loglog",
        ## ci = TRUE, band = FALSE, p.value = TRUE,
        ## min.value = 0, max.value = 1)
            out$lower <- 1
            out$upper <- 1
            out$p.value <- as.numeric(null==1)
        }else if(all(out$estimate==0)){
            out$lower <- 0
            out$upper <- 0
            out$p.value <- as.numeric(null==0)
        }else if(transformation){
            newse <- out$se / (- out$estimate * log(out$estimate))
            z.stat <- (log(-log(out$estimate)) - log(-log(null)))/newse
            out$lower <- as.double(out$estimate ^ exp(qsup * newse))
            out$upper <- as.double(out$estimate ^ exp(qinf * newse))
            out$p.value <- 2*(1-stats::pnorm(abs(z.stat)))
            z.stat <- as.double((out[,"estimate"]-null)/out[,"se"])

            out$lower <- as.double(out[,"estimate"] + qinf * out[,"se"])
            out$upper <- as.double(out[,"estimate"] + qsup * out[,"se"])
            out$p.value <- 2*(1-stats::pnorm(abs(z.stat)))
        out$lower <- NA
        out$upper <- NA
        out$p.value <- NA

    ## ** Export
    attr(out, "n.fold") <- n.fold
    class(out) <- append("BuyseTestAuc",class(out))
    attr(out, "contrast") <- e.BT@level.treatment

## * Utilitites
## ** print.auc
#' @exportMethod print
print.BuyseTestAuc <- function(x, ...){
    ##    if(attr(x,"n.fold")==0){
        print.data.frame(x, ...)
    ## }else{
    ##     label.upper <- paste0(attr(x,"contrast")[2],">",attr(x,"contrast")[1])
    ##     label.lower <- paste0(attr(x,"contrast")[1],">",attr(x,"contrast")[2])
    ##     x$direction <- sapply(x$direction, function(iD){
    ##         if(iD==">"){return(label.upper)}else if(iD=="<"){return(label.lower)}else{return(iD)}
    ##     })
    ##     print.data.frame(x[x$fold == "global",c("direction","estimate","se","lower","upper","p.value")], row.names = FALSE)
    ## }

## ** coef.auc
#' @title Extract the AUC Value
#' @description Extract the AUC value.
#' @param object object of class \code{BuyseTestAUC} (output of the \code{auc} function).
#' @param ... not used. For compatibility with the generic function.
#' @return Estimated value for the AUC (numeric).  
#' @method coef BuyseTestAuc
#' @export
coef.BuyseTestAuc <- function(object,...){
## ** confint.auc
#' @title Extract the AUC value with its Confidence Interval
#' @description Extract the AUC value with its Confidence Interval and p-value testing whether the AUC equals 0.5.
#' @param object object of class \code{BuyseTestAUC} (output of the \code{auc} function).
#' @param ... not used. For compatibility with the generic function.
#' @return Estimated value for the AUC, its standard error, the lower and upper bound of the confidence interval and the p-value.
#' @method confint BuyseTestAuc
#' @export
confint.BuyseTestAuc <- function(object,...){
    out <- object[object$fold=="global",c("estimate","se","lower","upper","p.value")]
    rownames(out) <- NULL
## ** iid.auc
#' @title Extract the idd Decomposition for the AUC
#' @description Extract the iid decompotion relative to AUC estimate.
#' @param x object of class \code{BuyseTestAUC} (output of the \code{auc} function).
#' @param ... not used. For compatibility with the generic function.
#' @return A column vector.
#' @method iid BuyseTestAuc
#' @export
iid.BuyseTestAuc <- function(x,...){
    object <- x

### auc.R ends here

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