
Defines functions iid.BuyseTestBrier confint.BuyseTestBrier coef.BuyseTestBrier print.BuyseTestBrier brier

Documented in brier coef.BuyseTestBrier confint.BuyseTestBrier iid.BuyseTestBrier

### brier.R --- 
## Author: Brice Ozenne
## Created: aug  5 2021 (13:44) 
## Version: 
## Last-Updated: jun 27 2023 (10:04) 
##           By: Brice Ozenne
##     Update #: 192
### Commentary: 
### Change Log:
### Code:

## * brier (documentation)
#' @title Estimation of the Brier Score (EXPERIMENTAL)
#' @name brier
#' @description Estimation of the brier score, possibly after cross validation,
#' to assess the discriminant ability and calibration of a biomarker regarding a disease status.
#' @param labels [integer/character vector] the disease status (should only take two different values).
#' @param predictions [numeric vector] A vector with the same length as \code{labels} containing the biomarker values.
#' @param iid [array, optional] influence function of the prediction. For cross validation (CV) should be a 3 dimensional array (one slice per CV fold).
#' Otherwise a matrix with as many column as observations and rows as predictions.
#' @param fold [character/integer vector] If using cross validation, the index of the fold. 
#' Should have the same length as \code{labels}.
#' @param observation [integer vector] If using cross validation, the index of the corresponding observation in the original dataset.
#' Necessary to compute the standard error when using cross validation.
#' @param null [numeric, 0-1] the value against which the AUC should be compared when computing the p-value.
#' @param conf.level [numeric, 0-1] the confidence level of the confidence intervals.
#' @param transformation [logical] should a log-log transformation be used when computing the confidence intervals and the p-value.
#' @keywords models
#' @return An S3 object of class \code{BuyseTestBrier} that inherits from data.frame.

## * brier (code)
#' @export
brier <- function(labels, predictions, iid = NULL, fold = NULL, observation = NULL,
                  null = NA, conf.level = 0.95, transformation = TRUE){

    ## ** normalize user input
        stop("Argument \'labels\' must have exactly two different values. \n")
        labels.num <- labels
        labels.factor <- as.factor(labels)
    }else if(is.factor(labels)){
        labels.num <- as.numeric(labels)-1
        labels.factor <- labels
        stop("Argument \'labels\' must a numeric or factor vector. \n")
    n.obs <- length(labels)
    if(identical(fold,0)){fold  <- NULL}
    if(!is.null(iid) && is.null(fold)){
        if(NCOL(iid) != n.obs){
            stop("Argument \'iid\' must have one column per observation. \n")
        Ufold <- unique(fold)
        n.fold <- length(Ufold)
        nFold.obs <- table(fold)
            stop("When not NULL, argument \'fold\' must have the same length as argument \'predictions\' \n")
            stop("When argument \'fold\' is not NULL, argument \'observation\' must have the same length as argument \'predictions\' \n")
        if(!is.null(observation) && any(observation %in% 1:n.obs == FALSE)){
            stop("When not NULL, argument \'observation\' must take integer values between 1 and ",n.obs,"\n", sep = "")
            stop("Cannot quantify uncertainty when the same observation appear several times in the same fold. \n")
                stop("The third dimension of argument \'iid\' should equal the number of folds. \n")
            UnFold.obs <- unique(nFold.obs)
                stop("The number of observations should be the same in each fold. \n")
                stop("The second dimension of argument \'iid\' should equal the number of observations per fold. \n")
        external <- FALSE
            stop("Argument \'labels\' and \'predictions\' must have the same length. \n")
            observation <- NULL
            external <- TRUE
        }else if(!is.null(observation)){
            stop("Argument \'observation\' is only useful when argument \'fold\' is specified \n")
        observation <- 1:n.obs
        stop("Argument \'transformation\' must be TRUE or FALSE \n")
        se <- FALSE
        se <- TRUE
    ## ** prepare export
        name.fold <- as.character(sort(unique(fold)))
        n.fold <- length(name.fold)
        out <- data.frame(fold = c(name.fold,"global"),
                          estimate = as.numeric(NA),
                          se = as.numeric(NA),
                          lower = as.numeric(NA),
                          upper = as.numeric(NA),
                          p.value = as.numeric(NA))
        out <- data.frame(fold = "global",
                          estimate = as.numeric(NA),
                          se = as.numeric(NA),
                          lower = as.numeric(NA),
                          upper = as.numeric(NA),
                          p.value = as.numeric(NA))

    ## ** compute brier score
        iBrier <- (predictions - labels.num)^2
        out$estimate <- mean(iBrier)
            iidAverage <- (iBrier-out$estimate)/(sqrt(n.obs)*sqrt(n.obs-1))
                attr(out,"iid") <- iidAverage
                ## se: stats::sd(iBrier)/sqrt(n.obs)
                ## sqrt(crossprod(iidAverage)) - stats::sd(iBrier)/sqrt(n.obs)
                iidNuisance <-  rowMeans(.rowMultiply_cpp(iid, 2*predictions - labels.num))
                    attr(out,"iid") <- c(iidNuisance, iidAverage)
                    attr(out,"iid") <- iidAverage + iidNuisance
            out$se <- sqrt(crossprod(attr(out,"iid")))

    ## ** compute brier score (CV)
        Uobservation <- unique(sort(observation))
        n.Uobservation <- length(Uobservation)
        iBrier <- rep(0, length = n.obs)
        iFactor <- vector(mode = "list", length = n.obs)
        for(iObs in 1:n.obs){ ## iObs <- 1

                iFactor[[iObs]] <- setNames(n.Uobservation/(nFold.obs[as.character(fold[observation==iObs])]*n.fold),fold[observation==iObs])
                iBrier[iObs] <- sum((predictions[observation==iObs] - labels.num[iObs])^2*iFactor[[iObs]])

        out$estimate[match(name.fold,out$fold)] <- tapply((predictions-labels.num[observation])^2, fold, mean)[name.fold]
        out$estimate[out$fold=="global"] <- mean(iBrier[Uobservation])
        ## mean(iBrier[Uobservation]) - mean(out$estimate[1:10])
                out$se[match(name.fold,out$fold)] <- tapply((predictions-labels.num[observation])^2, fold, function(iDiff){sqrt(stats::var(iDiff)/length(iDiff))})[name.fold]
                out$se[out$fold=="global"] <- stats::sd(iBrier[Uobservation])/sqrt(n.Uobservation)
                ## out$se - mean(tapply((predictions-labels[observation])^2,fold,sd)) ## no need to be equal
                attr(out,"iid") <- rep(0, length = n.obs)
                attr(out,"iid")[Uobservation] <- (iBrier[Uobservation]-out$estimate[out$fold=="global"])/(sqrt(n.Uobservation)*sqrt(n.Uobservation-1))
                ## out$se[out$fold=="global"] - sqrt(crossprod(attr(out,"iid")))
                iidAverage <- rep(0, length = n.obs)
                iidNuisance <- rep(0, length = n.obs)
                iidAverage[Uobservation] <- (iBrier[Uobservation]-out$estimate[out$fold=="global"])/(sqrt(n.Uobservation)*sqrt(n.Uobservation-1))
                ## stats::sd(iBrier[Uobservation])/sqrt(n.Uobservation) - sqrt(crossprod(iidAverage)) ## should be equal
                for(iFold in 1:n.fold){ ## iFold <- 1
                    iiFactor <- sapply(iFactor[observation[fold==name.fold[iFold]]],function(iVec){iVec[name.fold[iFold]]})
                    iStat <- 2*(predictions[fold==name.fold[iFold]] - labels.num[observation[fold==name.fold[iFold]]])
                    iidNuisance  <- iidNuisance + rowMeans(.rowMultiply_cpp(iid[,,iFold], iStat*iiFactor))

                    ## in each fold because of CV the training and test set are separate so the uncertainties are independent
                    term1 <- stats::sd((predictions[fold==name.fold[iFold]] - labels.num[observation[fold==name.fold[iFold]]])^2)
                    term2 <- sqrt(crossprod(rowMeans(.rowMultiply_cpp(iid[,,iFold], iStat)))/sum(fold==name.fold[iFold]))
                    out[out$fold==name.fold[iFold],"se"] <- term1 + term2
                attr(out,"iid") <- iidAverage + iidNuisance/sqrt(n.obs)
                out$se[out$fold=="global"] <- sqrt(crossprod(attr(out,"iid")))

    ## ** P-value and confidence interval
        alpha <- 1-conf.level
        qinf <- stats::qnorm(alpha/2)
        qsup <- stats::qnorm(1-alpha/2)
            newse <- out$se / out$estimate
            out$lower <- as.double(out$estimate * exp(qinf * newse))
            out$upper <- as.double(out$estimate * exp(qsup * newse))

                z.stat <- (log(out$estimate) - log(null))/newse
                out$p.value <- 2*(1-stats::pnorm(abs(z.stat)))
            out$lower <- as.double(out[,"estimate"] + qinf * out[,"se"])
            out$upper <- as.double(out[,"estimate"] + qsup * out[,"se"])

                z.stat <- as.double((out[,"estimate"]-null)/out[,"se"])
                out$p.value <- 2*(1-stats::pnorm(abs(z.stat)))

    ## ** Export
    class(out) <- append("BuyseTestBrier",class(out))
    attr(out, "contrast") <- levels(labels.factor)
    ## attr(out, "n.fold") <- n.fold

## * Utilitites
## ** print.BuyseTestBrier
##' @exportMethod print
print.BuyseTestBrier <- function(x, ...){
## ** coef.BuyseTestBrier
##' @title Extract the Brier Score
##' @description Extract the Brier score.
##' @param object object of class \code{BuyseTestBrier} (output of the \code{brier} function).
##' @param ... not used. For compatibility with the generic function.
##' @return Estimated value for Brier score (numeric).  
##' @method coef BuyseTestBrier
##' @keywords methods
##' @export
coef.BuyseTestBrier <- function(object,...){
## ** confint.BuyseTestBrier
##' @title Extract the Brier Score with its Confidence Interval
##' @description Extract the Brier score with its Confidence Interval and possibly a p-value.
##' @param object object of class \code{BuyseTestBrier} (output of the \code{brier} function).
##' @param ... not used. For compatibility with the generic function.
##' @return Estimated value for the brier score, its standard error, the lower and upper bound of the confidence interval and the p-value.
##' @method confint BuyseTestBrier
##' @keywords methods
##' @export
confint.BuyseTestBrier <- function(object,...){
    out <- object[object$fold=="global",c("estimate","se","lower","upper","p.value")]
    rownames(out) <- NULL
## ** iid.BuyseTestBrier
##' @title Extract the idd Decomposition for the Brier Score
##' @description Extract the iid decompotion relative to Brier score estimate.
##' @param x object of class \code{BuyseTestBrier} (output of the \code{brier} function).
##' @param ... not used. For compatibility with the generic function.
##' @return A column vector.
##' @method iid BuyseTestBrier
##' @keywords methods
##' @export
iid.BuyseTestBrier <- function(x,...){
    object <- x

### brier.R ends here

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