
Defines functions simcdnet

Documented in simcdnet

#' @title Simulate data from Count Data Model with Social Interactions
#' @param formula an object of class \link[stats]{formula}: a symbolic description of the model. The `formula` should be as for example \code{y ~ x1 + x2 | x1 + x2}
#' where `y` is the endogenous vector, the listed variables before the pipe, `x1`, `x2` are the individual exogenous variables and
#' the listed variables after the pipe, `x1`, `x2` are the contextual observable variables. Other formulas may be
#' \code{y ~ x1 + x2} for the model without contextual effects, \code{y ~ -1 + x1 + x2 | x1 + x2} for the model
#' without intercept or \code{y ~ x1 + x2 | x2 + x3} to allow the contextual variable to be different from the individual variables.
#' @param  contextual (optional) logical; if true, this means that all individual variables will be set as contextual variables. Set the
#' `formula` as `y ~ x1 + x2` and `contextual` as `TRUE` is equivalent to set the formula as `y ~ x1 + x2 | x1 + x2`.
#' @param Glist the adjacency matrix or list sub-adjacency matrix.
#' @param theta the true value of the vector \eqn{\theta = (\lambda, \beta', \gamma')'}. The parameter \eqn{\gamma} should be removed if the model
#' does not contain contextual effects (see details).
#' @param deltabar the true value of \eqn{\bar{\delta}}{deltabar}.
#' @param delta the true value of the vector \eqn{\delta = (\delta_2, ..., \delta_{\bar{R}})}{\delta = (\delta_2, ..., \delta_{Rbar})}. If `NULL`, then \eqn{\bar{R}}{Rbar} is set to one and `delta` is empty.
#' @param rho the true value of \eqn{\rho}.
#' @param tol the tolerance value used in the Fixed Point Iteration Method to compute the expectancy of `y`. The process stops if the \eqn{L_1}{L1} distance 
#' between two consecutive values of the expectancy of `y` is less than `tol`.
#' @param maxit the maximal number of iterations in the Fixed Point Iteration Method.
#' @param data an optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by \link[base]{as.data.frame} to a data frame) containing the variables
#' in the model. If not found in data, the variables are taken from \code{environment(formula)}, typically the environment from which `mcmcARD` is called.
#' @description
#' `simcdnet` is used simulate counting data with rational expectations (see details). The model is presented in Houndetoungan (2022). 
#' @details 
#' Following Houndetoungan (2022), the count data \eqn{\mathbf{y}}{y} is generated from a latent variable \eqn{\mathbf{y}^*}{ys}. 
#' The latent variable is given for all i as
#' \deqn{y_i^* = \lambda \mathbf{g}_i \mathbf{E}(\bar{\mathbf{y}}|\mathbf{X},\mathbf{G})  + \mathbf{x}_i'\beta + \mathbf{g}_i\mathbf{X}\gamma + \epsilon_i,}{ys_i = \lambda g_i*E(ybar|X, G) + x_i'\beta + g_i*X\gamma + \epsilon_i,}
#' where \eqn{\epsilon_i \sim N(0, 1)}{\epsilon_i --> N(0, 1)}.\cr
#' Then, \eqn{y_i = r} iff \eqn{a_r \leq y_i^* \leq a_{r+1}}{a_r \le ys_i \le a_{r + 1}}, where
#' \eqn{a_0 = -\inf}{a_0 = -Inf}, \eqn{a_1 = 0}, \eqn{a_r = \sum_{k = 1}^r\delta_k}{a_r = \delta_1 + ... + \delta_r}. 
#' The parameter are subject to the constraints \eqn{\delta_r \geq \lambda}{\delta_r \ge \lambda} if \eqn{1 \leq r \leq \bar{R}}{1 \le r \le Rbar},  and
#' \eqn{\delta_r = (r - \bar{R})^{\rho}\bar{\delta} + \lambda}{a_r = deltabar*(r - Rbar)^{\rho} + \lambda} if \eqn{r \geq \bar{R} + 1}{r \ge Rbar + 1}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{cdnet}}, \code{\link{simsart}}, \code{\link{simsar}}.
#' @return A list consisting of:
#'     \item{yst}{ys (see details), the latent variable.}
#'     \item{y}{the observed count data.}
#'     \item{yb}{ybar (see details), the expectation of y.}
#'     \item{Gyb}{the average of the expectation of y among friends.}
#'     \item{marg.effects}{the marginal effects.}
#'     \item{rho}{the return value of rho.}
#'     \item{Rmax}{infinite sums in the marginal effects are approximated by sums up to Rmax.}
#'     \item{iteration}{number of iterations performed by sub-network in the Fixed Point Iteration Method.}
#' @references 
#' Houndetoungan, E. A. (2022). Count Data Models with Social Interactions under Rational Expectations. Available at SSRN 3721250, \doi{10.2139/ssrn.3721250}.
#' @examples 
#' \donttest{
#' # Groups' size
#' M      <- 5 # Number of sub-groups
#' nvec   <- round(runif(M, 100, 1000))
#' n      <- sum(nvec)
#' # Parameters
#' lambda <- 0.4
#' beta   <- c(1.5, 2.2, -0.9)
#' gamma  <- c(1.5, -1.2)
#' delta  <- c(1, 0.87, 0.75, 0.6)
#' delbar <- 0.05
#' theta  <- c(lambda, beta, gamma)
#' # X
#' X      <- cbind(rnorm(n, 1, 1), rexp(n, 0.4))
#' # Network
#' Glist  <- list()
#' for (m in 1:M) {
#'   nm           <- nvec[m]
#'   Gm           <- matrix(0, nm, nm)
#'   max_d        <- 30
#'   for (i in 1:nm) {
#'     tmp        <- sample((1:nm)[-i], sample(0:max_d, 1))
#'     Gm[i, tmp] <- 1
#'   }
#'   rs           <- rowSums(Gm); rs[rs == 0] <- 1
#'   Gm           <- Gm/rs
#'   Glist[[m]]   <- Gm
#' }
#' # data
#' data    <- data.frame(x1 = X[,1], x2 =  X[,2])
#' rm(list = ls()[!(ls() %in% c("Glist", "data", "theta", "delta", "delbar"))])
#' ytmp    <- simcdnet(formula = ~ x1 + x2 | x1 + x2, Glist = Glist, theta = theta, 
#'                     deltabar = delbar, delta = delta, rho = 0, data = data)
#' y       <- ytmp$y
#' # plot histogram
#' hist(y, breaks = max(y))}
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @export
simcdnet   <- function(formula,
                       delta = NULL,
                       rho   = 0,
                       tol   = 1e-10,
                       maxit = 500,
                       data) {
  stopifnot(rho >= 0)
  stopifnot(deltabar > 0)
  if (missing(contextual)) {
    contextual <- FALSE
  if (!is.list(Glist)) {
    Glist  <- list(Glist)
  M        <- length(Glist)
  nvec     <- unlist(lapply(Glist, nrow))
  n        <- sum(nvec)
  igr      <- matrix(c(cumsum(c(0, nvec[-M])), cumsum(nvec) - 1), ncol = 2)
  Rbar     <- length(delta) + 1
  lambda   <- theta[1]
  if(length(delta) != 0){
    stopifnot(all(delta > 0))
    if(any(delta < abs(lambda))){
      warning("Potential multiple equilibrium issue: abs(lambda) > delta")
  # if((Rbar^rho + deltabar) < abs(lambda)) warning("Potential multiple equilibrium issue: (Rbar^rho + deltabar) < abs(lambda)")
  f.t.data  <- formula.to.data(formula = formula, contextual = contextual, Glist = Glist, M = M, igr = igr, 
                               data = data, type = "sim", theta0  = 0)
  X         <- f.t.data$X
  K         <- length(theta)
  if(K != (ncol(X) + 1)) {
    stop("Length of theta is not suited.")
  b         <- theta[2:K]
  xb        <- c(X %*% b)
  eps       <- rnorm(n, 0, 1)
  yb        <- rep(0, n)
  Gyb       <- rep(0, n)
  coln      <- c("lambda", colnames(X))
  thetaWI   <- theta
  if("(Intercept)" %in% coln) {
    thetaWI <- theta[-2]
    coln    <- coln[-2]
  t         <- NULL
  yst       <- NULL
  meffects  <- NULL
  Rmax      <- NULL
  if(rho == 0){
    delta    <- c(delta, deltabar + lambda) #deltabar + lambda is put in delta when rho = 0
    t        <- fyb(yb, Gyb, Glist, igr, M, xb, lambda, delta, n, Rbar, tol, maxit)
    Ztlamda  <- lambda*Gyb + xb
    yst      <- Ztlamda + eps
    y        <- c(fy(yst, max(yst), delta, n, Rbar))
    meffects <- fmeffects(n, delta, Rbar, Ztlamda, thetaWI)
  } else{
    t        <- fyb2(yb, Gyb, Glist, igr, M, xb, lambda, delta, deltabar, rho, n, Rbar, tol, maxit)
    Ztlamda  <- lambda*Gyb + xb
    yst      <- Ztlamda + eps
    y        <- c(fy2(yst, max(yst), lambda, delta, deltabar, rho, n, Rbar))
    meffects <- fmeffects2(n, lambda, delta, deltabar, rho, Rbar, Ztlamda, thetaWI)
  Rmax            <- meffects$Rmax
  meffects        <- c(meffects$meffects)
  names(meffects) <- coln
  list("yst"          = yst,
       "y"            = y,
       "yb"           = yb,
       "Gyb"          = Gyb,
       "marg.effects" = meffects,
       "rho"          = rho,
       "Rmax"         = Rmax,
       "iteration"    = c(t))

# # Marginal effet
# fmeffects <- function(Ztlamda, theta, delta) {
#   # marginal effect
#   maxZTl       <- max(Ztlamda) + 10
#   avec         <- c(0, cumsum(delta))
#   deltaRB      <- tail(delta, 1)
#   cont         <- TRUE
#   Rmax         <- length(avec)
#   while (cont) {
#     Rmax       <- Rmax + 1
#     avec[Rmax] <- tail(avec, 1) + deltaRB
#     cont       <- tail(avec, 1) < maxZTl
#   }
#   fir          <- sum(apply(dnorm(kronecker(Ztlamda, t(avec), "-")), 2, mean))
#   theta*fir
# }

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