
Defines functions computeCorrelationMatrix modelKrigingInternalPredictor simulate.modelKriging predict.modelKriging

Documented in computeCorrelationMatrix modelKrigingInternalPredictor predict.modelKriging simulate.modelKriging

#' Kriging Prediction
#' Predict with a model fit resulting from \code{\link{modelKriging}}.
#' @param object fit of the Kriging model (settings and parameters), of class \code{modelKriging}.
#' @param x list of samples to be predicted
#' @param ... further arguments, not used
#' @return Returned value depends on the setting of \code{object$predAll}\cr
#' TRUE: list with function value (mean) \code{object$y} and uncertainty estimate \code{object$s} (standard deviation)\cr
#' FALSE:\code{object$y}only
#' @seealso \code{\link{modelKriging}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{simulate.modelKriging}}
#' @export
predict.modelKriging <- function(object,x,...){ 
	ret <- modelKrigingInternalPredictor(object,x)
	psi <- ret$psi
	## return value:
	res <- list(y=ret$y)
	if (object$predAll){
		Psinv <- object$Psinv 
		lambda <- object$lambda
		SigmaSqr <- object$SSQ	
		if(object$indefiniteType=="PSD" & any(object$indefiniteMethod==c("clip","flip","square","diffusion"))){ 
					Psinv <- object$PsinvA
		if(object$reinterpolate & lambda > 0){
			SigmaSqr <- object$SSQReint	
			Psinv <- object$PsinvReint 
			lambda <- 0
		# Psinv / PsinvReint has t(A)%*%Psi%*%A included already, if necessary. else, transformation has already been done performed for psi
		SSqr <- SigmaSqr*(1+lambda-diag(psi%*%Psinv%*%t(psi))) 
		s <- sqrt(abs(SSqr))
		res$s <- as.numeric(s) #return value

#' Kriging Simulation
#' (Conditional) Simulate at given locations, with a model fit resulting from \code{\link{modelKriging}}.
#' In contrast to prediction or estimation, the goal is to reproduce the covariance 
#' structure, rather than the data itself. Note, that the conditional simulation 
#' also reproduces the training data, but
#' has a two times larger error than the Kriging predictor.
#' @param object fit of the Kriging model (settings and parameters), of class \code{modelKriging}.
#' @param nsim number of simulations
#' @param seed random number generator seed. Defaults to NA, in which case no seed is set
#' @param xsim list of samples in input space, to be simulated
#' @param conditionalSimulation  logical, if set to TRUE (default), the simulation is conditioned with the training data of the Kriging model.
#' Else, the simulation is non-conditional.
#' @param returnAll if set to TRUE, a list with the simulated values (y) and the corresponding covariance matrix (covar)
#' of the simulated samples is returned. 
#' @param ... further arguments, not used
#' @return Returned value depends on the setting of \code{object$simulationReturnAll}
#' @references N. A. Cressie. Statistics for Spatial Data. JOHN WILEY & SONS INC, 1993.
#' @references C. Lantuejoul. Geostatistical Simulation - Models and Algorithms. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2002.
#' @seealso \code{\link{modelKriging}}, \code{\link{predict.modelKriging}}
#' @export
simulate.modelKriging <- function(object,nsim=1,seed=NA,xsim,conditionalSimulation=TRUE,returnAll=FALSE,...){
  if (!is.na(seed)){
	  if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)) 
    R.seed <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
    on.exit(assign(".Random.seed", R.seed, envir = .GlobalEnv))
  len <- length(xsim) #number of simulated samples (points  
  noise <- matrix(rnorm(len*nsim),len, nsim)
	res <- computeCorrelationMatrix(object,xsim)
	covar <- res$psi
		ret <- modelKrigingInternalPredictor(object,xsim)
		y <- ret$y
		psi <- ret$psi
    covarDifference <- covar - psi %*% object$Psinv %*% t(psi)
    eigv <- eigen(object$SSQ *covarDifference,symmetric=T) #eigen decomposition
    covarDecomposed <- eigv$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(abs(eigv$values))) %*% eigv$vectors
    ysim <- covarDecomposed %*% noise
    #and the following adds the simulation part to the predictor
    y <- matrix(y,len,nsim) + ysim	
    eigv <- eigen(object$SSQ *covar,symmetric=T) #eigen decomposition
    covarDecomposed <- eigv$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(abs(eigv$values))) %*% eigv$vectors
    y <- object$mu + covarDecomposed %*% noise
	res$y <- y

#' Kriging Prediction (internal)
#' Predict with a model fit resulting from \code{\link{modelKriging}}.
#' @param object fit of the Kriging model (settings and parameters), of class \code{modelKriging}.
#' @param x list of samples to be predicted
#' @return returns a list with:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{y}}{predicted values}
#' \item{\code{psi}}{correlations between x and training data}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{simulate.modelKriging}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{predict.modelKriging}}
#' @keywords internal
modelKrigingInternalPredictor <- function(object,x){
	xo <- object$x
	Psinv <- object$Psinv 
	n <- length(xo)
	#one <- rep(1,n)
	mu <- object$mu
	yMu <- object$yMu	
	psi <- matrix(1,length(x),n)
	fundist <- object$distanceFunction

	if(is.list(fundist)){ # multiple distance functions to be combined
		psi <- replicate(length(fundist),psi,simplify=FALSE)
			indices <- rep(1:length(fundist),sapply(object$distanceParametersLower,length)) #indices assigning each parameter to a distances function
		for(j in 1:length(fundist)){
			for (i in 1:n){
					psi[[j]][,i] <- distanceVector(xo[[i]],x,fundist[[j]])				
					psi[[j]][,i] <- distanceVector(xo[[i]],x,fundist[[j]],object$distanceParameters[indices==j])			
				psi[[j]] <- psi[[j]]/object$maximumDistance[[j]]
		psi <-  Reduce("+",mapply("*",psi,object$distanceWeights,SIMPLIFY=FALSE)) #combine result by weighted sum
	}else{ #only one distance function
		for (i in 1:n){			
				psi[,i] <- distanceVector(xo[[i]],x,fundist)	
				psi[,i] <- distanceVector(xo[[i]],x,fundist,object$distanceParameters)			
			psi <- psi/object$maximumDistance
	if(object$indefiniteRepair == 3){ #Required distance data for Weighted Sum Repair.
		rd <- 1/psi #reciprocal distances
	}else if(object$indefiniteRepair == 4){ #required indices of nearest neighbours for NN repair
		rd1 <- apply(psi,1,function(x) which(x==min(x))) #which are the nearest neighbors to the predicted points
  if(any(object$indefiniteMethod==c("clip","flip","near","square","diffusion"))){ #Distance matrix was not CNSD, and a suitable correction method was chosen.
		if(object$indefiniteType=="NSD" & !object$indefiniteRepair){ #no repair, NSD-correction: transformation can be used directly 		
				psi <- psi %*% t(object$A)
		if(object$indefiniteType=="CNSD" | (object$indefiniteType=="NSD" & object$indefiniteRepair)){ 
				if(object$indefiniteRepair == 1 | object$indefiniteType=="CNSD"){ #1 is augmented repair
					if(object$indefiniteMethod!="near") #this could be removed, but is currently computationally too expensive
					psi <- correctionAugmentedDistanceVector(psi,object,x) #in case of repair, CNSD-correction: retransform with augmented distance matrix
				}else if(object$indefiniteRepair == 2){#nystroem. will not work for CNSD, lacks linear transform.
					#nystroem approximation instead of correctionAugmented* 
					#so: first compute transformed (not repaired) psi, then inverse of the actual, transformed (but not repaired) Psi matrix, 
					# (this may require saving that matrix separately, because A may already be in it.)
					#then use product to get self-similarities. use as divider for transformed psi.
					psi <- psi %*% t(object$A)
					add <- diag(psi %*% ginv(object$matNoRep) %*% t(psi)) #nystroem. only diagonal needed as divider
					add <- matrix(add,nrow(psi),nrow(object$matNoRep))
					add2 <- matrix(diag(object$matNoRep),nrow(psi),nrow(object$matNoRep),byrow=T)
					psi <- 2*psi - add - add2 #repair		
					#correct lower bound add by 
					rdif <- rowSums(psi<0)>0 # rows with at least one negative value
						psi[rdif,] <- psi[rdif,,drop=FALSE] - apply(psi[rdif,,drop=FALSE],1,min) 
				}else if(object$indefiniteRepair == 3){ #weighted sum repair. will not work for CNSD, lacks linear transform.
					rd1 <- rd / rowSums(rd) #scale by row sum, such that rows sum to 1
					if(any(is.na(rd1))){ #inf values produce NAs that should be 1
						nas <- is.na(rd1)
						naIndex <- which(nas)
						rd1[naIndex] <- (nas / rowSums(nas))[naIndex]
					psi <- psi %*% t(object$A)
					#rd is a weight vecor. need weighted sum of diagonal of unrepaired distance matrix (after correction, before repair.)
					add <- rd1 %*% diag(object$matNoRep)
					add <- matrix(add,nrow(psi),nrow(object$matNoRep))
					add2 <- matrix(diag(object$matNoRep),nrow(psi),nrow(object$matNoRep),byrow=T)
					#lower bound for add (the estimated repair factor): 2*psi - add2 (add2 is the known repair factor of the observations)
					psi <- 2*psi - add2 - add #repair	procedure
					#correct lower bound add by 
					rdif <- rowSums(psi<0)>0 # rows with at least one negative value
						psi[rdif,] <- psi[rdif,,drop=FALSE] - apply(psi[rdif,,drop=FALSE],1,min) 
				}else if(object$indefiniteRepair == 4){ #nearest neighbour repair. will not work for CNSD, lacks linear transform.
					psi <- psi %*% t(object$A) #transform psi
					#need mean of diagonal values indexed by rd1, of unrepaired distance matrix (after correction, before repair.)
					diagNN <- diag(object$matNoRep)
					meanidx <- function(x){
					meanDiagNN <- sapply(rd1,meanidx) #get the mean diagonal elements of nearest neighbors
					add <- matrix(meanDiagNN,nrow(psi),nrow(object$matNoRep)) #the NN elements are the first added factor
					add2 <- matrix(diag(object$matNoRep),nrow(psi),nrow(object$matNoRep),byrow=T) #the elements of the matNoRep are the second element.
					psi <- 2*psi - add2 - add #repair	procedure
					#lower bound for add (the estimated repair factor): 2*psi - add2 (add2 is the known repair factor of the observations)
					#correct lower bound add by 
					rdif <- rowSums(psi<0)>0 # rows with at least one negative value
						psi[rdif,] <- psi[rdif,,drop=FALSE] - apply(psi[rdif,,drop=FALSE],1,min) 
	if((object$indefiniteType=="CNSD" | object$indefiniteType=="NSD") & object$indefiniteMethod=="feature"){ #distances as features
			tempx <- split(psi,seq(nrow(psi)))
			for (i in 1:n)
				psi[,i] <- distanceVector(object$origD[i,],tempx,distanceRealEuclidean) #todo choice of distance
	if(is.null(object$theta)) #corr function has no parameters
		psi <- object$corr(psi)
		psi <- object$corr(psi,object$theta)
	if(object$indefiniteType=="PSD" & any(object$indefiniteMethod==c("clip","flip","near","square","diffusion"))){ 
				#psi <- psi %*% t(object$A)  #This is already included in Psinv. do nothing. 
				if(object$indefiniteRepair == 1){
					psi <- correctionAugmentedKernelVector(psi,object,x)
					if(object$indefiniteRepair == 2){ # Nystroem repair.
						#todo: note: this case is not working. zero variances.
						#psi <- psi %*% t(object$A) #not needed, contained in unrepairedAPsinvA / unrepairedADivier
						div <- diag(psi %*% object$unrepairedAPsinvA %*% t(psi)) #nystroem. only diagonal needed as divider
						div <- diag(1/sqrt(div),nrow(psi))
						psi <- div %*% psi %*% object$ADividedSqrtDiagPsi #repair						
					}else if(object$indefiniteRepair == 3){ #Weighted Sum Repair.
						rd1 <- rd / rowSums(rd) #scale by row sum, such that rows sum to 1
						if(any(is.na(rd1))){ #inf values produce NAs that should be 1
							nas <- is.na(rd1)
							naIndex <- which(nas)
							rd1[naIndex] <- (nas / rowSums(nas))[naIndex]
						#rd is a weight vecor. need weighted sum of diagonal of unrepaired Psi (after correction, before repair.)
						rd2 <- rd1 %*% object$diagUnrepairedPsi
						div <- diag(1/sqrt(as.numeric(rd2)),nrow(psi))
						psi <- div %*% psi %*% object$ADividedSqrtDiagPsi #repair									
					}else if(object$indefiniteRepair == 4){ #nearest neighbour repair. will not work for CNSD, lacks linear transform.
						#need mean of diagonal values indexed by rd1, of unrepaired distance matrix (after correction, before repair.)
						diagNN <- object$diagUnrepairedPsi
						meanidx <- function(x){
						meanDiagNN <- sapply(rd1,meanidx) #get the mean diagonal elements of nearest neighbors
						div <- diag(1/sqrt(as.numeric(meanDiagNN)),nrow(psi))
						psi <- div %*% psi %*% object$ADividedSqrtDiagPsi #repair	
					psi[psi >  1] <-  1 #make sure that psi stays in bounds. to avoid numerical issues. see "NOTE" above for distance case.
					psi[psi < -1] <- -1 #no guarantees that approximated repair keeps bounds intact for new data?
  y <- as.numeric(psi%*%Psinv%*%yMu)+mu  #todo: Psinv%*%yMu can be precomputed for speedup

#' Compute Correlation Matrix
#' Compute the correlation matrix of samples x, given the model object.
#' @param object fit of the Kriging model (settings and parameters), of class \code{modelKriging}.
#' @param x list of samples / data
#' @return the correlation matrix
#' @seealso \code{\link{simulate.modelKriging}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{predict.modelKriging}}
#' @keywords internal
computeCorrelationMatrix <- function(object,x){
		object$distanceParameters <- NA
	ret <- modelKrigingDistanceCalculation(x,object$distanceFunction,parameters=object$distanceParameters,
	psi <- ret$D
	if(is.null(object$theta)) #corr function has no parameters
		psi <- object$corr(psi)
		psi <- object$corr(psi,object$theta)
	ret$U <- NA
	ret$a <- NA
	ret$isIndefinite <- NA
	ret$origPsi <- NA
	if(object$indefiniteType=="PSD" & any(object$indefiniteMethod==c("clip","flip","near","square","diffusion"))){ 
    #psi <- correctionKernelMatrix(psi,object$indefiniteMethod,object$indefiniteRepair)$mat
		ret$origPsi <- psi
		ret2 <- correctionKernelMatrix(psi,object$indefiniteMethod,object$indefiniteRepair)
		ret$a <- ret2$a
		ret$U <- ret2$U
		ret$A <- ret2$A
		ret$isIndefinite <- !ret2$isPSD
		psi <- ret2$mat			
		psi <- psi + diag(object$lambda,length(x)) 
  ret$psi <- psi

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