
Defines functions optimInterface

Documented in optimInterface

#' Optimization Interface (continuous, bounded)
#' This function is an interface fashioned like the \code{\link{optim}} function.
#' Unlike optim, it collects a set of bound-constrained optimization algorithms
#' with local as well as global approaches. It is, e.g., used in the CEGO package
#' to solve the optimization problem that occurs during parameter estimation
#' in the Kriging model (based on Maximum Likelihood Estimation).
#' Note that this function is NOT applicable to combinatorial optimization problems. 
#' The control list contains:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{funEvals}}{ stopping criterion, number of evaluations allowed for \code{fun}  (defaults to 100)}
#'   \item{\code{reltol}}{ stopping criterion, relative tolerance  (default: 1e-6)}
#'   \item{\code{factr}}{ stopping criterion, specifying relative tolerance parameter factr for the L-BFGS-B method in the optim function (default: 1e10) }
#'   \item{\code{popsize}}{ population size or number of particles  (default: \code{10*dimension}, where \code{dimension} is derived from the length of the vector \code{lower}). }
#'   \item{\code{restarts}}{ whether to perform restarts (Default: TRUE). Restarts will only be performed if some of the evaluation budget is left once the algorithm stopped due to some stopping criterion (e.g., reltol).}
#'   \item{\code{method}}{ will be used to choose the optimization method from the following list:
#'   "L-BFGS-B" - BFGS quasi-Newton: \code{stats} Package \code{optim} function\cr
#'   "nlminb" - box-constrained optimization using PORT routines: \code{stats} Package \code{nlminb} function\cr
#'   "DEoptim" - Differential Evolution implementation: \code{DEoptim} Package\cr
#'   Additionally to the above methods, several methods from the package \code{nloptr} can be chosen. 
#'   The complete list of suitable nlopt methods (non-gradient, bound constraints) is: \cr
#'   All of the above methods use bound constraints.
#'   For references and details on the specific methods, please check the documentation of the packages that provide them.}
#' }
#' @param x is a point (vector) in the decision space of \code{fun}
#' @param fun is the target function of type \code{y = f(x, ...)}
#' @param lower is a vector that defines the lower boundary of search space
#' @param upper is a vector that defines the upper boundary of search space
#' @param control is a list of additional settings. See details.
#' @param ... additional parameters to be passed on to \code{fun}
#' @return This function returns a list with:
#' \describe{
#'	  \item{\code{xbest}}{ parameters of the found solution}
#'	  \item{\code{ybest}}{ target function value of the found solution}
#'	  \item{\code{count}}{ number of evaluations of \code{fun}}
#' }
#' @export
	con<-list(funEvals=100 #CON: Internal List with defaults for control
	con[names(control)] <- control;
	dim <- length(lower)
		control$popsize <- dim * 10
	budget <- control$funEvals 
	sumevals <- 0	
	ymin <- Inf
	run <- TRUE
	method <- control$method
	if(!is.null(control$ineq_constr) &  !(method=="NLOPT_GN_ORIG_DIRECT" | method=="NLOPT_LN_COBYLA" ))
		warning("Constraint function passed to optimInterface. This is not supported with the chosen method.")
	if(length(x)==0) x <- runif(length(lower))*(upper-lower)+lower
		if (method=="L-BFGS-B"){
			res <- optim(par=x, fn=fun, method=method,lower=lower,upper=upper,control=list(maxit=budget,trace=control$verbosity,factr=control$factr),...)
			resval <- res$value
			respar <- res$par
			resevals <- res$counts[[1]] +res$counts[[2]] * 2 * dim
		}else if (method=="nlminb"){
			res <- nlminb(start=x, objective=fun, gradient=NULL, hessian=NULL, control=list(eval.max=budget,iter.max=budget,rel.tol=control$reltol,trace=control$verbosity),lower=lower,upper=upper,...)
			resval <- res$objective
			respar <- res$par
			resevals <- sum(res$evaluations)
		}else if (method=="DEoptim"){
			res <- DEoptim::DEoptim(fn=fun ,lower=lower,upper=upper,control=DEoptim.control(NP=control$popsize,itermax=floor((budget-control$popsize)/control$popsize),reltol=control$reltol,trace=FALSE),...)
			resval <- res$optim$bestval
			respar <- res$optim$bestmem
			resevals <- budget # TODO: this is not correct if reltol hits
			opts=list(algorithm=method,maxeval=budget, ftol_rel=control$reltol, xtol_rel=-Inf, print_level=control$verbosity)	
			res <- nloptr::nloptr(x,fun,lb = lower,ub = upper, eval_g_ineq=control$ineq_constr,opts = opts,...)
			resval <- res$objective
			respar <- res$solution	
			resevals <- res$iterations
			stop("The chosen optimization method used in optimInterface does not exist.")
		sumevals <- sumevals+resevals
		if(resval < ymin){
			resultpar <- respar
			ymin <- resval
		x <- lower+(upper-lower)*runif(dim)
		#Stop while loop when limit reached
		if(sumevals>=control$funEvals | !control$restarts){
	result <- list()
	result$xbest <- resultpar
	result$ybest <- ymin
	result$count <- sumevals


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CEGO documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:35 a.m.