
Defines functions MSEbyC.fn

Documented in MSEbyC.fn

MSEbyC.fn <-
function(x, scaleMax=10, scaleStep=1, mMin=2, mMax=2, mStep=1, rMin=0.15, rMax=0.15,
# **********************************************************************************
# Function to call and run a C program to calculate multiscale entropy (MSE)
#     of an equally spaced time series.
#  x: A numeric vector, with data for a regularly spaced time series.
#     No missing value is allowed because the C program is not set up to
#     handle missing value.
#  scaleMax: maximal value of scale factors for coarse graining in the MSE algorithm.
#     The scale factors are a sequence from 1 to a value no more than 'scaleMax'
#     with equal space 'scaleStep'.  Scale factors are positive integers that specify
#     bin size for coarse graining: the number of consecutive observations
#     in 'x' that form a bin and are averaged in the first step of the algorithm.
#  scaleStep: see 'scaleMax' above.
#  mMin: A sequence from 'mMin' to 'mMax' with equal space of 'mStep' that defines
#     the vector of positive integers that give the window size for the entropy
#     calculations in the second step of the algorithm:  the number of
#     consecutive _bins_ over which similarity between subsequences is
#     of interest.  Typical values in the sequence are 1, 2, or 3.
#  mMax and mStep: See 'Min' above
#  rMin and rMax: A sequence from 'rMin' to 'rMax' with equal space of 0.05 that defines
#     coefficients for similarity thresholds. Typical values in the sequence are 0.15, 0.2.
#     r*sd(x) must be in the same units as 'x'. Averages in two bins are
#     defined to be similar if they differ by 'r*sd(x)' or less.
#  I: the maximal number of points to be used for calculating MSE
#  A data frame with with one row for each combination of 'Scale', 'm' and 'rSD'.
#  Columns are "Scale", "m", "rSD", and "SampEn" (the calculated sample entropy).
#  The data frame will also have an attribute "SD", the standard deviation
#  of 'x'. rSD = r*sd(x)

#  V1:  X.H.D. Zhang, July 3, 2017

  if ( anyNA(x) )  stop("'NA' values in 'x' are not allowed")
  N <- length(x)
  if ( scaleMax > N/10 )  stop( "'Scale' is too large compared to data length" )

  # Temporary files for input and output for running a C program
  tempin <- tempfile("tempin", tmpdir=getwd(), fileext=".txt")
  tempout <- tempfile("tempout", tmpdir=getwd(), fileext=".txt")
  write(x, file=tempin, ncolumns=1, sep="\t")

  # only for test
  # mMin <- 0
  # Construct command line arguments for running the C program.
  Args <- paste("-n", scaleMax, "-a", scaleStep, "-b", mStep, "-m", mMin, "-M", mMax,
               "-r", rMin, "-R", rMax, "-I", I)

  #Command <- paste0(cFolder, "/", cmdCore, ".e","xe")
  cmd <- paste("MSE.exe", Args, "-z", tempin, "-Z", tempout)
  on.exit(unlink(tempout), add=TRUE)
  #shell(cmd, wait=TRUE, intern=FALSE, invisible=TRUE)
  # Call the C function 'Mse' to calculate sample entropy
  .C(C_Mse, cmd)

  # Read calculated sample entropy back into R
  Text <- readLines(tempout)
  Text <- Text[-(1:4)]                		    # exclude 4 header lines
  Text <- Text[Text != ""]            			# exclude empty line
  blockStarts <- grep("^m =", Text)	            # identify block start line "m = ,  r = "
  blockEnds <- c(tail(blockStarts, -1) - 1, length(Text))
  result.lst <- vector("list", length(blockStarts))
  for (i in seq_along(blockStarts)) {
    blockLine1 <- Text[ blockStarts[i] ]
    mr.vec <- eval(parse(text=paste0("c(", blockLine1, ")")))
    con <- textConnection(Text[(blockStarts[i]+1):(blockEnds[i])])
    mseBlock.df <- read.table(con, header=FALSE, sep="\t", row.names=NULL,
							  col.names=c("Scale", "SampleEntropy", "endNA"),
							  colClasses="numeric", comment.char="")
    mseBlock.df$endNA <- NULL  # remove the last NA column generated by trailing "\t" in each line
    result.lst[[i]] <- data.frame("m"=rep(mr.vec["m"], nrow(mseBlock.df)),
                            "r"=rep(mr.vec["r"], nrow(mseBlock.df)), mseBlock.df)
  # Combine results in all block into a single data frame.
  result.df <- do.call("rbind", result.lst)

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CGManalyzer documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:29 p.m.